Yoongi struggled to break free, but it was in no avail. The bonds were masterly made, the rope tied perfectly around his wrists. He was forced to stand, stretched like a star. He stopped when he heard Jackson entering his cabin again, closing the door behind him. The ship was moving, Yoongi could feel that much, but he had no idea where. He didn't know what Namjoon knew, or what happened or if Jungkook and Jin were still alive. His heart wept for Jimin, he wondered if he suffered too much or if they killed him fast. Their enemies were stronger, ruthless and Yoongi lost all will to live. He knew what awaits for him, Jackson told him and he knew it was true because Jackson didn't lie.
-''Ah, my little Suga...'' – Jackson cooed wickedly as he approached. – ''You are still sweet as a kitten.'' – He said, his fingers cupping Yoongi's cheek, while his thumb digs on the other one painfully. He turned his head, so he could nuzzle his nose into the curve of Yoongi's throat and shoulder to take a deep breath of Yoongi's skin. He exhales loudly through his mouth and inhaled it again, positively shanking from the scent. Yoongi closed his eyes disgusted, as he felt an open mouth kiss on his neck, licking at his skin and sucking harshly. The pain shot through him, but he clenched his teeth, not wanting to give the blond man the satisfaction of crying out.
-''You are a beautiful kitten, even more than I remember.'' – Jackson leaned back to stare at Yoongi's closed eyes and then slapped his cheek when he saw that they were closed. Yoongi's cheek stung as Jackson's eyes dig dip into his own. There wasn't any familiarity in them, only blunt and sadistic rage. Namjoon's magic affected them all, it was like a virus. If Yoongi had stayed on that ship all those years ago he would be just like Jackson.
Jackson's other hand gripped at Yoongi's hair, while he allowed the other to slide from Yoongi's cheek and onto his shirt. He struggled as he unbuttoned first two buttons to reveal more of pale flesh underneath. He tugged Yoongi's hair, arching his neck even more and then latched his lips on the exposed skin. Yoongi closed his eyes again from the sharp pain as Jackson bit down hard but managed not to whimper, simply hiss.
-''I want to see you.'' – Jackson said, letting go off him. He pulled out his knife and grab a fist full of Yoongi's clothes. He placed the blade inside the cloth and with one swift move he rips through the fabric, buttons flying everywhere. He tugged at the shirt and starred at Yoongi. He placed one of his hands on his chest, his palm burning Yoongi's skin and then slid down from his nipple towards the pale stomach and pants. He sunk his fingers inside the leather, pulling enough to slide the knife as well and then sliced through. Yoongi's breath hitched from panic as the blade went too near. He could almost feel the steel on his cock before it moved from it. He let the gasp of air as his pants were ripped open. But Jackson didn't stop there. He slid the knife in one of the pants legs, slicing it down straight through and then repeating the same on the other leg. The knife cut deeper this time, slicing through the flesh as well. Yoongi hissed.
-''Oh, did I cut you? I'm sorry.'' – Jackson did not sound sorry at all. He worked carefully until every bit of Yoongi clothes was cut from him, leaving him bare and pale, aside of one small bleeding cut on his right thigh. Jackson's eyes gleamed. – ''Damn, you exceed my expectations Sugar. You are absolutely stunning. I could eat you up.''
He tossed the knife and started circling tied man, watching him up and down, stroking himself through the pants, obviously hard by the mere sight.
-''What? No feisty remarks? No savage insults?'' – Jackson laughed, taking off his shirt. His chest was perfectly formed, nicely toned and filled with muscles. He was handsome man, but so vile now that Yoongi dreaded of what will happen next.
-''Where are your little claws now kitten, hmm? Will you hiss at me? Will you shoot me again?'' – He purred, untying his pants and pushing his hand inside to grip at his cock. He went behind him and Yoongi waited. He knew what was coming, he knew it would be painful, so he gritted his teeth, staring in front of himself a little lost.
-''You will never run away from me again Sugar.'' – Jackson nuzzled his nose at the nape of Yoongi's neck while gripping at his hips, one hand sliding to push his back forward, arching them.
-''Do you know what happens to a kitten when it falls under dog's teeth?'' – Yoongi only had a second warning when a wet spit touched his rim. – ''It gets ripped apart.'' – With one precise movement, Jackson buried his cock inside and Yoongi screamed.
In another story below Jungkook tensed at the screams. They lasted for a while now. Utterly blood-freezing, filled with horror and pain. He couldn't tell which of his Hyungs endures such pain. He didn't know them well enough, but he knew that they were important to Tae and his brother, so he shook from rage, tugging at the chains on his wrists, growling until spit came from his mouth, his pretty face contorted in rage. He tugged harshly once and the pain shot down his hand. He paid no heed to it but did it again and again, until he felt one of the hinge slightly move. He stopped, glanced toward Heechul, but the pirate was unconscious yet again. He squinted his eyes at the hinge that held one of the rings on which the chain was fastened, it got slightly loose. Only slightly but that's a start. He had to get out, and now he just might know-how.
The first sense of his surroundings told Jin that he was on the soft bed, on the ship that was sailing. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw Namjoon. He sat at the table, looking at the artifact from all sides. Jin moved his fingers slightly, surprised that he could move at all. His hand brushed at his hip where he usually held his knife, but it was not there. No surprise there. He tried not to make a sudden movement and draw Namjoon's attention to himself, when Namjoon spoke, not raising his eyes from the artifact.
-''The only reason why you are not spellbound is that you are powerless Jinnie.'' – His amber eyes found Jin's and at that moment Jin knew it was pointless to fight.
-''I was just surprised that I'm not in a cage, you love putting me there.'' – Jin answered calmly and Namjoon chuckled.
-''You always acting like a raging beast... this time, however, I want to take my time with you.''
-''To torture me again Joon, aren't we pass that?''
Namjoon smiled. – ''There is no need of that Jinnie.'' – His eyes were gentle, which was strange, but then again, there wasn't flaming amber in them. They were more subtle, dimmer, like before.
-''Joonie, is... is that really you now?'' – Jin asked eyes grew hopeful.
-''I don't know what you are saying Jinnie, it was always me.''
-''No... no, it wasn't.''
Namjoon stood up from his chair and sat on the bed next to Jin. One of his hands lies gently at Jin's chest, right above the heart.
-''I'm always the same Jinnie.'' – He said gently, hand sliding up to cup Jin's cheek, thumb brushing at his lower lip. – ''I always loved you Jinnie, I never stopped.''
-''Joon...'' – Jin began but was cut by the flash of amber in Namjoon's eyes. Namjoon's hand gripping at Jin's throat and squeezed.
-''But then you betrayed me Jinnie. You ran away, you left me.... You left me in my pain. You killed my only family and you left me to suffer.'' – Namjoon jumped and straddle Jin's hips in one swift movement. Jin couldn't move his hands and legs again. He could just watch as Namjoon leaned forward, eyes swallowing him in their fury as the lack of air made him dizzy.
-''For almost two decades I've been looking for you, wondering where you are. Wondering why you'd left me. I refused to see the truth in front of my very own eyes, even though Jackson had told me so many times. It was all because of you...only you Jin. I didn't want to accept that you, from all people, from all of my enemies would do such a thing.'' – He loosens his grip and Jin inhaled loudly, but was cut short by another even stronger grip.
-''Even though I saw the reason of why my grandfather was killed....'' – Namjoon licked his lips and caress Jin's face with one hand, as he choked him with another. – ''...you never showed me why you left me!? Why did you bring Sugar with you?! Did he touch you? Who else touched you Jin!?'' – His voice was maniacal now, completely insane. Jin's lips were parted as he struggled to breathe, when Namjoon kissed him, licking inside his mouth.
Suddenly he moved, nuzzling his nose into Jin's neck, close to his ear and let go of his neck so he could bury his fingers in Jin's hair. Jin gasped and coughed, but that didn't stop Namjoon to murmur into his ear.
-''No one can touch you Jinnie... no one but me... you are mine Jin. You were always mine!'' – He kissed him again, pushing his tongue inside to lick his. Jin's eyes were teary as he stared at the man he once loved. Namjoon felt his tears under his fingertips and moved back to stare at Jin's face. Seeing his tears, Namjoon's eyes went wide, the fire died down and the worried panic-filled them instead.
-''Jinnie, why are you crying? Did I hurt you? Jinnie, talk to me, please.''
But Seokjin only sobbed. Deep down he hoped that Namjoon could be saved, that he could be reached from the magic madness in his head, but it was too late. The magic had him in his clutches and there was no escape. Namjoon was forever lost to him and Jin wept for the man he once loved. Everyone told him there's no hope. Everyone warned him that he needs to be killed, but Jin hoped than maybe, just maybe the twins could reach him and bring him to light. That without the artifacts his magic would grow weaker. Too late...too bloody late...
-''Jinnie...Jinnie tells me what's wrong... tell me.'' – Namjoon kissed his cheeks, hands roaming on his body. – ''Tell me, love, why are you crying?''
-''Fucking hell Namjoon, can't you see?!'' – Jin cried out. Namjoon was taken aback. – ''Can't you see!? You attack the people I care the most, you killed so many others, and you let our Sugar fall in Jackson's hands, knowing pretty well what he will do to him! You let your vile men at Jimin. I have known that kid for fourteen yearsi!!! I've watched him grow!!''
Namjoon growled viciously, amber returning to his eyes completely. – ''It is all yours doing Jin, not mine! All of that was your fault! If you didn't....''
-''If your grandfather didn't kill my family and slaughter my entire village, none of this would have happened!'' – Jin flashed back.
Namjoon hissed dangerously.
-''My grandfather did what needed to be done. If you, Assassins don't meddle everywhere there might be no need in so many deaths!''
Jin hissed back in equal measure. – ''Do you hear yourself?! Do you hear how insane you sound?!''
Namjoon gritted his teeth, but Jin went on. – ''You are madman Namjoon! And a coward who has to paralyze his victims so he can torture and kill them because he is nothing without his power. You are a coward!''
-''I am not a coward!'' – Namjoon snarled.
-''Yes you are! Look what you do! I can't move my legs and arms because you are holding them by magic! Be a man Namjoon and fight me like a man!''
Namjoon growled and punch Jin's jaw. It was painful and Jin felt the blood in his mouth, but he also felt that he can – move!
He punched him back, pushing him with all the force he had.
-''Let see how can you beat me without your magic Namjoon!''
Namjoon snarled again, eyes blazing with amber fire. They attacked at each other like raging dogs. Jin was perfectly trained Assassin, but Namjoon had too many bloody fights in his pirate life to put up a great fight. Their flesh was bruised and bloodied, but neither of them stopped. All the fury and pain went in those punches, until the realization dawn in Jin's mind. ''This will never stop'' Jin thought. He knew the creature inside Namjoon will never rest until it finds it all. The artifacts. He mustn't find the last one.
Spotting one of Namjoon's swords on the table Jin reacted quickly. He kicked Namjoon hard across his chest, sending him sprawling on the floor and then quickly reached for the blade. He placed the tip over his own heart and pushed in. His eyes went wide as the blade slid inside his chest. The pain was severe, every nerve in his body screamed. He froze, unable to move as his brain stopped sending the signal to his arms and legs, but kept flashing the warning for danger over and over again, together with pain. He fell to the floor and heard Namjoon scream.
-''Jinnie, what have you done?!'' – His eyes were dim and alarmed. He gripped at Jin's hand and push them off the sword. – ''Jinnie!''
Jin breathed weakly, watching him as he slowly began losing consciousness. – ''It's over...''
Then, the amber light blazed back and the alarm disappeared from Namjoon's eyes, replacing it with the victory. His lips pulled into a smirk as he leaned forward.
-''Oh, did you really think I would let you kill yourself without my permission?'' – He said and Jin's eyes went wide. – ''Did you really think that I would allow you to take your knowledge away from me?'' – Namjoon asked and yanked the blade out. Jin let a blood-freezing scream when Namjoon placed his flaming palm on his skin, burning the flesh.
-''Did you really think that I would allow you to slip through my fingers? He might be weak for you, but I am not. You can't beat me Jin.'' – He laughed maniacally and at that moment Jin knew that he was face to face with Namjoon's magic itself. The mage sneered at him. – ''Not you and not your precious witch twins!''
Jin screamed still, tears slipping from his eyes as the mage healed him, but to Jin, it felt like he was burning him alive. When the pain finally stopped, Jin was breathless. Namjoon kept his palms on Jin's chest, observing the new scar that was formed.
-''So many scars Jinnie...I must say, it looks sexy as hell.'' – Namjoon said, eyes roaming his now naked chest, shirt long time ripped into shreds. He met Jin's gaze and grew wide and dim again. His voice was gentle once more.
-''Never do that again Jinnie... I can't lose you, it hurts too much.'' – He said softly, bending down to kiss Jin's lips again. – ''Let me show you how much I love you Jinnie...'' – He straddles Jin's hips again. – ''Let me show you what you do to me.'' – He started rolling his hips on Jin's. Jin was weak as a beaten dog, he couldn't move, he could just let Namjoon have his way with him. As if sensing his weakness, Namjoon trailed his kisses down Jin's chest, not trying to restrain him in any way. He quickly gets rid of Jin's pants and took his relaxed cock into his mouth.
The unwilling pleasure shot through Jin's body. He didn't want this, not now, not with him, not again, but at the same time it felt familiar, almost too good. He felt growing hard.
-''That's right...'' – Namjoon murmured. – ''Let me show you... let me love you...''
He bobbed his head faster, swirling his tongue around the tip, fondling Jin's balls with his hand and brushing at his rim. Jin let go a whimper when Namjoon took him whole, hollowing his cheeks as he sucked him. He let go with a pop, still jerking him with one hand, while raising one of Jin's leg up. He licked down his balls all the way to his hole, where he buried his tongue in the rings of muscles, sucking at it and lapping, before pushing in again and again. Jin was moaning now. His hands were twitching weakly next to his body, aching to grab Namjoon's hair and pull him closer. He might be too weak to fight him at this stage, but he didn't want to give him the satisfaction of how much desperate he was for his touch. How much he missed him.
The fingers slid inside, making Jin gasp, arching his back and exposing his neck sensually. Namjoon leaned back to observe him appreciatively. – ''Jinnie you look absolutely stunning. So beautiful.''
-''Namjoon...'' – Jin whimpered, embarrassment completely forgotten. There was only the need. The pure and raw need for Namjoon. – ''Ah, Joon...'' – He moaned when Namjoon curved his fingers to brush at his sweet spot.
-''Fuck, you sound so good calling my name like that.'' – Namjoon breathed heavily, his pants were on his knees right now and he was stroking his cock in the same rhythm as his fingers slid in and out of Jin's hole. – ''I want you so bad love, damn... I want you so fucking bad Jin.''
-''T-take m-me...'' – Jin croaked, arching his neck more invitingly. Namjoon bends down to bite on the flesh, making Jin mewl in pain and pleasure and then continue sliding his tongue to ease the pain a little. He pulled up again, taking off of his pants completely as well as his tunic. Jin saw him naked for the first time after all those years. He was magnificent. Tall, broad chest, scars and tattoos everywhere. His body proportions were perfect, he was one extremely handsome man. Jin had forgotten just how much breathtaking Namjoon is. Namjoon spits in his hand and coated his cock with saliva and there was something primal and raw in it. Jin could see the monster just underneath his skin, but still not there... still not in control.
When Namjoon sinks inside him, Jin let a moan, using his legs to pull him closer until Namjoon was buried completely inside Jin's heat. The man's eyes were closed as he breathed heavily, trying to stay still for a moment or two.
-''Jinnie...fuck...'' – He breathed out, groping Jin's hips tight, digging his fingers in his flesh, which helped Jin taking his mind of severe pain in his ass muscles, still not used to the intrusion. He felt Namjoon's hand on his throat again, squeezing slightly as he started to move, eyes still closed. Jin observed him, clenching his jaw as he fought the pain. The movements became faster, more forceful.
-''Slow down... please...'' – Jin said weekly, his hands were on Namjoon's and then on Namjoon's face, caressing his cheeks. Namjoon's moves became even stronger, pushing deep with each thrust.
– ''Joon...it hurts... slow down...'' – Jin said, gripping Namjoon face more deliberately. The man's eyes opened and Jin's heart sunk. They were amber again. In one quick movement, Namjoon had Jin's hands pinned on each side of his head as he quickens his thrust, droving his cock faster and deeper into Jin, ripping him from inside. Jin knew the danger of those eyes, so he tried the only thing he had.
-''Joon...Joon...you told me that...aaah...that you will s-show me...that you....love me...
The amber flashed. – ''And I do Jinnie...oh, I do...'' – He slammed his hips into Jin, causing him to cry out. – ''Can't you feel it Jinnie...it's all for you.''
-''That's...not love Namjoon...that's a pain!'' – Jin said through gritted teeth, Namjoon's weight was pressing on, while he could feel the blood oozing from his abused hole. Namjoon didn't care....or at least, the creature didn't care at all.
He laughed, snapping his hips more fervently than before. – ''This weak fool would make love to you if I let him...'' – The mage said. – ''He is too weak...he loves you still you know...''- He bucked his hips viciously and Jin scrunched his eyes in pain. In meanwhile the mage continued like he didn't notice.
-''I could feel him struggling to keep you alive....oh...to gain control... and I let him...sometimes...aaaah... just because it's fun to see...oh fuck...to see him struggling...aaaah your ass is Hellheaven itself Jin, fucking 10.''
-''You sick fucking son of a bitch!'' – Jin spits those words in one quick breath before growling deeply. That just made the mage laugh more. Jin felt his limbs grew paralyzed again, he couldn't move a muscle. That, however, didn't stop the pain in his lower region, nor it lessens it.
He felt Namjoon pulled out, spreading his legs wider, almost folding him in half, his ass presented in the air. The mage let the string of saliva drip from his mouth and into the hole before straddling Jin's thighs, almost sitting at him and pushing his cock inside Jin again. This different angle brought new spots for him to abuse. He watched him in horror as the mage placed his fingers on Jin's temples.
-''Now let see what's in that mind of yours. Let me show you the complete domination.'' - The mage said acidly as he slammed his hips mercilessly. – ''Let me rape your mind as I rape your ass, shall I?'' – He started laughing...amber...amber burning and Jin was screaming...the pain, the pain was too much.
Tae found V chopping firewood. Even though he seemed calm, he was furious. The waiting was killing both of them, but until Seunghyun discover where Namjoon took them they couldn't do a thing. Namjoon's men that were captured were interrogated. They knew nothing of Namjoon's whereabouts since they were left on this island with no clue what's so ever. That didn't stop V and Jiyong to torture them for everything they did to Jimin until they died in brutal pain. They were merciless.
V still didn't have enough control for mind reading, since his and Tae's powers were new and raw, but considering who those men were, they didn't care much if they inflict too much pain. In their minds, if it hurts, all the better. So they dug into the men's memories together, trying to find one thing that could point them into the right direction, but the only thing they've found was the raw stuff... pillaging, stealing, gambling, killing, raping... the last one was the hardest for V, who saw Jimin's image over and over again. He shook from fury. Their prisoners didn't stand a chance to say anything more before V would set their blood on fire and let them burn from inside, melting their flesh and their skin until they died.
There was nothing Tae could do to calm his brother's fury, because he felt it the same, especially when they found out that Donghae was the one betraying them and not Heechul. Yes, he knew everything, he made sure to stay behind and hear the plans. They should have taken better care of Namjoon, but who knew that Donghae was the one. Taeyang and Seunghyun trusted Donghae, he was a respected brother of the Brotherhood. What flipped in his head at the moment he decided to join Namjoon, neither he nor Tae had the answer.
What shook Tae the most was the fact that Namjoon took Jungkook, together with Yoongi Hyung and Jin Hyung. It was precisely what was he afraid off and now Namjoon had a weapon against him. Donghae told him everything he needed to know.
After he found out about Jungkook, it was V that had to stop Tae not to kill all of them before they find out more. Tae was livid, his powers were leaving him in waves, making the earth shake and waves to grow tall. It was a terrible time for either of twins to calm the other when they felt the rage themselves.
Jiyong had to use all of his power of convincing to stop the twins to just sail off into the open sea right away, without any clue as to where to go. It took him even long enough to convince them to be patient until their ship arrives.
-''Our Hyungs and Jungkook could be dead by then!!!'' – Tae roared.
-''If you take the wrong way you would never be able to catch up with them. The sea is huge.'' – Jiyong said calmly.
-''It's better to seek the needle in the haystack than to sit idly!'' – V hissed through gritted teeth.
-''It's better to wait until I hook you up with the powerful ship and a crew!'' – Jiyong hissed this time and a puff of smoke came through his mouth. He reacted that way only with danger and twins, well...they were dangerous. – ''Don't be fools! You don't go attacking ''The Sea Monster'' with mere gunboat... you have to have the power and speed and I could help you there. ''The Dragon'' is on its way. It should be here any day.''
-''Any day!'' – Shouted the twins together.
-''That's too fucking long!''- Added Tae.
-''It is what it is, now go and be useful. Your brothers and sisters need you, half of them were killed, and another half is wounded. This was a serious blow to the brotherhood. Help them, until I can help you!''
With those words, the Count turned and left towards the huts, where Hoseok and Jimin were still recovering. That was two days ago.
Now watching his twin hacking through the wood like it was butter gave him a certain sense of determination. Noticing his twin, V glance at him shortly before returning to his task.
-''Any news?'' – He asked.
-''No. Nothing yet.''
-''Dammit.'' – He murmured and drove his ax in such force that he almost cut through the thick log underneath the one he was actually hacking. He straightens up, leaving the ax lodged deeply into the wood. He exhaled loudly and went to take a sip of water. – ''How are Hoseok and Jiminie?'' – He asked.
He didn't go inside the hut for two days, unable to control himself. Tae was always calmer and was the one that Jiyong would let in without preamble, while V, well... they had several arguments in the past two days.
-''Jimin is better. He started walking again for a bit. Hobi Hyung claims that he is good now, but I see how he grimace every time he moves, so Jiyong Hyung forbids him to leave the bed.''
V gritted his teeth at that. – ''Jiyong give himself a lot of liberty to tell people what they should do.'' – He said calmly arching one of his eyebrows. Tae instantly mimics his twin, but from an entirely different reason.
-''I don't know why are you so keen on disliking Jiyong Hyung, he did nothing but help us every step of the way V.''
V scoffed. – ''He did it only because he could profit from it. He hates Namjoon just like we do, if not even more. He needs us to get rid of him.''
-''Don't be like that V. I know he has different motives than us, but we are still on the same side.''
V looked at his brother gently. – ''Are we?''
-''Yes we are. I can't deny that Jiyong Hyung is strange and then he loves to collect valuable things, but all he ever did is help Jin Hyung. He even looks after Hoseok ever since he was a little boy. I was never more shocked when I found out.''
V grimaced at those words. He hated the fact that Jiyong is so involved with people that V loves. He didn't trust him. Even less since he found out that he came from the ancient line of Draconis. They were more like mutants. Mixed breed of dragons and humans. Gods only know how that happened. Jiyong could not turn into the dragon, as well as he can't be a complete human. His senses were sharp, sensing the fears and lies in spiritual dragon form. He could sniff out his prey in close vicinity and their reptile eyes could see in the dark and read people. The fire within makes them resilient to the cold and the heat, but they can't breathe fire. The fire itself can't harm them, but they can still die. Those creatures were feared around the World. They are always attracted to treasure, whether it was in the way of metal, gem or magical talent or skill.
V growled silently.
-''V, don't start again.'' – Tae said, taking a deep exasperated breath.
-''I don't like the way he orders everyone around. Everyone listens to him.''
-''Of course, they do.'' – Tae chuckled. – ''He is the Dragon.''
-''I don't care what he is. I want to rip his hands and legs for stopping me to see Jimin.''
V was angry at Jiyong. The older man couldn't possibly stop V from seeing Hoseok. They were lovers after all, but he could stop him from seeing Jimin as long as the latter wished and Jimin didn't want to be seen yet. He allowed only Jiyong and Tae to visit him now.
Tae looked at him with his dark calm eyes and patted the space next to him on the log. – ''Sit with me brother.''
V sighed, walking closer and then sat next to his twin.
-''V...'' – He began, struggling to find the right words, so he could calm his brother and still keep Jimin's secret. – ''...what happened to Jimin was terrible, but there is a reason why he didn't want you to see him like that, all broken and wounded.''
V was staring at him now, waiting.
-''You two were always close, tell me, did he ever let his guard down?'' – Tae asked carefully. V's brows furrowed.
-''What do you mean?''
Tae licked his lips and tried again. – ''Did he ever cried in your presence or show fear?''
V was scowling now, looking at the distance, trying to remember any occasion like that, but he couldn't. He shook his head and Tae nodded.
-''I think you were always his pillar of strength V.'' – Tae said and then continued quickly when he saw that his brother was utterly confused. – ''He told me once that with you he felt powerful like he could take over the world. I think that he loved the strength you gave him. He loved the way you made him feel. He loved the person he is with you, all-powerful and relaxed at the same time.''
Tae took a breath, licking his lips again as V starred at him, trying to read more between the lines.
-''Seeing the person you care about hurt and broken, changes something in us. We never look at them in the same way after. Our brain remembers the look of pain and suffering. When we see someone dear to us struggling, we want to help.''
V nodded at that. – ''Of course.''
-''We want to protect it, like it's fragile, like it's weak, right?'' – Tae tried again, waiting for his brother to understand. It soon dawns on V. The realization shot him like a gun. Suddenly Jiyong's words came back to his mind. ''He doesn't want you to see him like this.''
-''He doesn't want me to see him like that.'' – V whispered, looking at the distance. Tae smiled slightly, glad that he understood. V's brows furrowed again.
-''But why would he react this way now? He was in shock, but to me, it felt like this fear was long-lasting. Why was he having that fear in the first place Tae?''
Tae took another deep breath, holding it in his lungs and watching the sky before he let it go slowly.
-''I don't know brother.''
-''You are lying to me.'' – V said, watching Tae's blank face. – ''Don't try to deny it. I know you better than myself TaeTae. You know why, you know... but you will not tell me. Is it... is it because of Jimin? Did he ask you to keep it a secret from me?'' – There was a pain in V's voice and Tae heart clench painfully. He hated hiding things from his twin, but this wasn't his secret to tell. What's worse, he wasn't told either, he stumbled upon the memory by accident, without Jimin's consent. He couldn't possibly share it, even to his twin. He hoped that V would understand. Seeing the discomfort in his brother's eyes, V expression grew softer and he leaned his head on Tae's shoulder.
-''It's ok. If... if he ever decides to tell me, I would be there. You are a good friend to him TaeTae and I'm ok with it as long as he doesn't suffer.''
Tae leaned his head on V's and they sat like that for a while in silence.
-''Make sure you don't look at him with pity and pain and he will be fine.'' – Tae spoke after a while and V inhaled and exhaled loudly. – ''I won't.''
Just then Jimin came into a view. He tried to conceal it, but he was still limping slightly, jaw clenched in pain. His face was bruised and his eyes were empty as he walked slowly. His expression didn't change until he saw them watching him and then it quickly regain the image of composure and strength.
-''Do you see what I mean?'' – Tae whispered and V nodded, eyeing his friend up and down, trying to assess the level of his injuries before he approached. V was calm again when Jimin stopped in front of them. His icy blue eyes looked calmly at Jimin without any trace of sorrow.
-''Feeling better Chim?''- He asked. Jimin nodded, eyeing him carefully.
-''Yeah, never better.''
-''Good. I need you to help me find Hyungs and Jungkook.''
Jimin's eyes harden and he nodded determinately. – ''Count on me.''
-''I always do brother.'' – He raised his hand in the air, palm open, waiting. Jimin looks at the hand and then at his friend. His eyes crinkle as a smile tugged his lips. He gripped V's hand in a strong grip. Tae observed this in complete silence and then stood up, brushing at his pants.
-''I'm going to check if the bloody Frigate has finally come.''
Both Jimin and V nodded and Tae left them behind. He came to the huts to check on Hoseok but was met with Jiyong.
-''Ah, you are here. Good.'' – He said, grabbing Tae's hands and leading him towards the headquarters.
-''Namjoon ship was spotted near Cypher's web, heading towards Dionysus islands most likely. I don't know for sure if that's the exact place, but I have a good feeling about it. The ship also has arrived. I ordered fresh supplies and ammunition to be loaded. You should be able to set sail in three hours max.''
Tae's eyes went wide and he nodded. – ''I'm going to fetch V and I'll meet you in the plan room.''
Jiyong's eyes were hesitant. – ''Maybe you should listen first and then tell everything to your brother...''
-''Oh c' mon now, not you too. V needs to hear this from you and you both need to stop lunging at each other's throats.''
Jiyong huffed annoyingly. – ''I do not do that.''
-''Yes you do. You are not behaving any better, but that's beside the point. The point is that we are on the same side and we should learn how to work together.''
-''You better tell that to your brother.'' – Jiyong said seriously, crossing his arms. Tae smiled.
-''Oh, I did, don't worry. I'll go get him.'' – He said and ran. Jiyong watched him almost fly across the ground towards two small figures sitting in the distance. Jiyong was pretty sure that those are Jimin and V. He sighed and turned only to be stopped by a pair of piercing eyes.
-''Precious, what's wrong?'' – He asked alarmed.
Seunghyun's brows furrow. – ''You know that he has Jungkook right?''
Jiyong huffed exasperatedly. -''I know.''
-''Then you also know that he will use the boy against Tae.''
-''He will.''
-''What should we do?'' – Seunghyun asked worryingly.
-''We do nothing.'' – Jiyong said tiredly and went towards the plan room.
-''What?'' – Seunghyun asked incredulously following him.
-''There is nothing we can do precious. They need to do that by themselves. Namjoon is not only holding Jungkook but Yoongi and Jin as well.''
Seunghyun gritted his teeth. – ''So what, we do nothing? Nothing at all?''
-''We wait precious. We wait and hope for the best.''
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