-''Didn't we supposed to set him the trap and not vice versa?'' – V asked, eyes wide as the cave they've previously chosen was now flooded by Namjoon's men. The cave was old, filled with crystals and light. In ancient days it was used for the magical rituals. Their plan was to get to the cave, set the trap with runes and lure Namjoon in. The runes filled with the energy of this place would be so powerful, that Namjoon would be powerless against them. What they didn't expect, however, was Namjoon's men instead. They were already waiting for them inside when they came in. Namjoon was nowhere to be seen.
-''Yes we did, but apparently, he found out.'' – Seunghyun spat angrily.
-''For fuck sake, how? I mean, he was supposed to follow us, not wait for us. How did he even know where to go?'' – Tae asked his crossbow in hand, pointing left and right, aiming for men that were slowly approaching.
-''He knew.'' – Jiyong said calmly, completely composed.
Tae could felt his brother next to him, alerted with his sword and dagger out. Even with the magic, they can't beat them all, not yet anywhere. It was the number of the men, and even though they've learned how to target with their magic, they didn't know how to divide it to several attacks at the same time. Magic required patience and a lot of practice and the twins had no time for any.
Jiyong's eyes followed as more men started appearing from their hideouts, surrounding them slowly. There were around 20 of them, all armed and angry.
-''There is an exit behind that pillar. Go.'' – Jiyong said calmly, facing their enemies.
-''Hyung there are too many, you can't...'' – Tae began, but Seunghyun grabbed him at the nape of his neck together with V and pushed them through the stone crack.
-''Trust me, he can handle them.'' – Seunghyun said pulling the twins with him. As soon as they turned the corner, they heard multiply blood-freezing screams of horror and sheer panic. The twins faltered in their steps, looking back.
-''What the actual fuck?'' – Tae murmured, but Seunghyun pulled them forward. – ''Never piss off the Dragon.'' – He said seriously. The twins didn't know what to make of it. They hurried out through the darkness until they've reached the fresh air. – ''We are close.''- Seunghyun whispered and rushed even faster towards the dim light.
Pretty soon they reached the rainforest. Its greenery and wilderness were overwhelming. You could easily get lost in the natural maze, but it seemed that Seunghyun knew where he was going.
-''Have you been here before?'' – V asked and the older man nodded. – ''With Jiyong. Now hush, we need to be very quiet. We don't know who else is out there, waiting.''
They sneaked through the foliage and high trees, making almost no noise. For a human sense, they were invisible as only well-trained Assassins could be, but for other creatures, they were loud as elephant in the room full of hanging bells.
Suddenly, the deadly and gorgeous feline stepped in front of them, hissing dangerously. It was bigger than her regular kind, with long fangs and claws that could cut through their flesh like butter. The jaguar stared at them coldly. They were on his territory, they were the intruders.
-''Are they supposed to be this big?'' – V asked, flipping his dagger in his hand so the point of the blade was between his fingertips, raising his hand in the air, ready to throw it in the slightest movement. Seunghyun moved as well, holding a pistol, pointed at the animal. The jaguar hissed warningly, crouching as if to jump, when Tae came into view, shielding the animal. -''Put your weapons down.'' – He said quietly.
-''Move Tae.'' – V hissed and Seunghyun started shifting, aiming at the animal again. The feline growled angrily.
-''I said put... the fucking... weapons... down.'' – Tae said it again slowly, dragging each word, his voice still calm and even. His eyes never left the creature.
-''Trust me.'' – Tae said again, both of his hands in the air, showing the animal that it has nothing to fear from them. He started murmuring calmly to the animal, slowly sliding towards her. The animal's eyes kept shifting between them, hissing in one moment at the ones behind and making the strange growling sounds at Tae.
-''If you don't put your weapons down right now I'll hurt you myself before this cat could ever reach you.'' – Tae's voice didn't waver, it was still calm but firm. Slowly, V put down his dagger and moved back, reaching to place a hand on Seunghyun's arm. The older man eyed the jaguar carefully and then did the same.
The jaguar finally stopped growling and hissing and was now carefully observing Tae, who kept murmuring things that apparently only the animal understood. He reached his hand, palm open towards the creature, who sniffed his skin and licked his palm. In the matter of the seconds, Tae digs his fingers gently in the animal's gorgeous fur, caressing it and speaking softly. Two men behind them starred incredulously as the wild beast started purring in satisfaction. Tae leaned to brush jaguar's head with his forehead before leaning back to plant a kiss there. The animal observed him calmly, huffing once and then ran deeper into the jungle.
Tae stood up and turn to the other two. – ''Let's go.''
-''What did you told the creature?'' – V asked, not really surprised by his brother's gift. He never saw him taming such a dangerous beast before, but it seemed even felines cannot refuse his charm. Seunghyun turned to look at him and then Tae again, not saying the word. Clearly, this information was new to him.
-''I sent her to clear the way for us. If there is any trouble, they will scream.'' – Tae said and went forward.
-''Her?'' – Seunghyun asked and Tae nodded.
-''Yes, her...and her cubs are near, so she was extra protective of her territory. She was big though. I never saw them quite as big before. It probably had something to do with this ancient place and the cave.
-''You think they were affected by old traces of magic?'' – V wondered.
-''It could be.'' – Tae answered. – ''Let's just hope she is the last thing we will encounter on our way to the ship. Who knows who else was affected by the magic.''
They all agreed and hurried back to the ship. As soon as they reached the shore and their boats, Seunghyun started barking the orders to his men. – ''Get ready, we need to hurry.'' – He grabbed one of his men by the hand. – ''The Count, have you seen him?''
-''N-no my Lord. He went with you.'' – The man said confused.
-''Did you see anyone else here?'' – The Marquise wanted to know. His men shook their head.
-''No, my Lord, it's just us here.''
-''Fuck...'' – Seunghyun cursed under his breath, so only the twins could hear. – ''That means Namjoon knew about this long before, maybe even three days ago.''
-''But that would mean that someone from our circle rattled?'' – Tae said, brows furrowing.
-''Maybe we had two of Namjoon's spies in our midst beside Heechul.'' – Seunghyun said, glaring towards the cave. He was very close to go back running, to find Jiyong.
-''Hurry up! We need to move quickly!''- Seunghyun shouted again, jaw clenching. His men hurried to obey. He felt the twins standing next to him, one on each side, eyes glued at the old place, waiting. Jiyong was still nowhere to be seen.
-''Namjoon knew we would be here, that's why he sent his men to wait for us, but he didn't come. Why?'' – Tae asked, breathing fast.
-''Because he sensed the trap.'' – V said.
Tae turned towards him. – ''You think he is here watching?''
-''No, I don't feel him around.'' – V answered. He cast a glance to his twin. – ''Do you?''
Tae shook his head, but then his eyes went wide with panic. – ''The others...he must be there then. They are in danger.''
-''We are heading there as soon as we are ready and that's any moment now.'' – Seunghyun said and Tae looked at him.
-''But Jiyong Hyung...'' – Tea begins but stopped when Seunghyun nodded towards the cave, a sigh of relief left his lips. The Count was strolling out calmly, fixing the ruffles on his sleeves. His vibrant red hair was slightly out of place, clothes were bloody as was his hands. He, however, seemed unharmed.
-''Hyung are you alright?'' – Tae asked as soon as the man approached them. The Count smiled shortly, nodding. – ''Oh never better my darling. It was a while since I was in a good fight.''
-''Are they all dead?'' – V asked arching an eyebrow when Jiyong met his gaze.
-''Well of course.''- He said, smiling wickedly.
Seunghyun approached him then and brushed the bloody smudge from Jiyong's chin. – ''You are always messy my love.''
Jiyong smiled wide, casting his eyes down in shyness. – ''That I am.'' - His eyes darkened and he ran them across Seunghyun face and the twins. – ''It seems we were betrayed, again. Namjoon is not here.'' – He said.
-''We know. We must hurry.'' - Seunghyun said and all four of them hurried towards the boats.
Jungkook awoke with splitting headache and sore muscles everywhere. He tried to move but soon discovered that he was chained to the wall. He blinked a few times, trying to see through the darkness and dizziness he still felt. The blow to the head was hard and he remembers falling down, with Jimin's panics screams echoing in the back.
-Jimin! – His mind screamed. – Where is Jimin? – He looked around the dimly lighted room, noticing another figure on the floor, with his hands chained on the wall as well and his dark hair falling down his bowed hair.
-''J-Jimin...Jimin Hyung.'' – He rasped, but the figure who rose his head wasn't Jimin's. It was very much tortured and weak Heechul.
-''You...'' – Jungkook's eyes went wide. – ''But how? Why are you here?''
Heechul chuckled weekly, lips parched and dry, eyes feverish. – ''Knowledge.'' – He managed to croak, voice raspy.
-''We thought you betrayed us. That you released Namjoon.'' – Jungkook said and Heechul chuckled again, the air in his lungs hissing as he laughed silently.
-''Of...of c-course you...d-did...''
-''Hyung, have you been locked here all this time?'' – Jungkook asked, feeling worst for believing the lie when Heechul slowly nodded. – ''Donghae.'' – He said and Jungkook let the harsh breath.
-''Of course... you were the perfect suspect. The pirate spy, who wouldn't suspect you first. Damn it. We were so blind.''
-''You were....not....the only o-ones t-tricked. I....was... too...'' – His head fell down, gasping. He was so weak. Jungkook observed him better, his eyes were accustomed to the dimness now. He nearly groaned loudly at what he saw. Heechul's fingers on both of his hands were twisted in the unnatural angle.
-''Oh, Hyung what did they did to you?'' – He asked quietly, but Heechul didn't answer again.
It was some hours later than Jungkook was jerked by a sudden sound of footsteps and creaking of the floorboards. The door opened with screeching sound and the man came in carrying the lantern. Blinking and scrunching his eyes at the sudden brighter light, Jungkook could only see the figure of the man. It was only when the man crouched down in front of him did he saw that it was Namjoon. His blood froze when the amber eyes pierced him. Jungkook's heart thumped badly and he nearly choked when he tried to swallow. His throat was so dry that the spit went the wrong way, straight to his lungs pipe, making him cough.
-''So...'' – Namjoon said, tilting his head to observe the knight. – ''You are the dark twin's slut.'' – He chuckled. – ''I didn't know his taste was so cliché. Muscled body and innocent face...but then again, who I'm I to judge.'' – Namjoon chuckled, enjoying his own joke, his voice full of menace. Jungkook wondered if the others were still alive.
-''What happened to Tae?'' – He asked seriously.
Namjoon chuckled. – ''I don't know. Nothing yet, but soon... yes...soon something will happen...soon he would scream when he realizes that I have you.'' – Namjoon said, smiling, his dimples visible. Jungkook thought he would look cute if he wasn't so evil.
-''Do you think he would give me what I need, for you in return?'' – He asked, teasingly. Jungkook hissed at the question.
-''He will not give you want you to want, even if you kill me!''
-''Oh, but I think he will. He cares about you a lot as I was informed...and you are in love with him... yes...I can see that in your defiant face, wanting desperately to protect your lover.'' – Namjoon's expression was serious as he studied the young man. – ''Young love...hmmm...so short and sweet, until you realize that is fake.'' – Namjoon said, clicking with his tongue in mock compassion.
-''Oh, yeah? Like your love towards Jin Hyung?'' – Jungkook asked, chin high. There was a challenge in Jungkook's eyes... bravery, yes...foolishness too. Namjoon chuckled, amber flashing.
-''I could use the fearless man like you in my crew. Too bad you could never have the sense to see reason. I know the lot like you, you are foolishly loyal and proud, like dogs.''
Namjoon stood, taking the light with him, turning to look at Heechul. He grasped his locks harshly and jerked his head back. Heechul's feverish eyes met his amber ones and the man gulped, twitching slightly.
-''He, however, is not a dog.'' – Namjoon told Jungkook, still looking at the third man. – ''The dogs you can train, the cats you can scare away, but the foxes....the foxes you could only use and you could kill. Use them to cause a commotion in the chicken coop and steal the eggs, and kill them when there is no use for them anymore.'' – Namjoon bent down to look at Heechul's eyes. There is a disgusting grimace on Heechul's face. He knows better, however, than to provoke Namjoon now. If he is obedient, Namjoon might just kill him and be done with him. Otherwise, he would torture him for weeks.
As if reading his mind, Namjoon cackled. – ''Oh, no...it's not that simple Crow. You are alive because I might need your body yet. That doesn't mean that I need you in good health.'' – And with that words he let Heechul's head fall down. He glanced at Jungkook again before he turned and left.
Junkook didn't realize that his wrists were bleeding from all the pulling at his chains until he gasped for his breath. He had to escape or at least to stop Namjoon using him against Tae, even if that kills him.
They reached the Temple too late. The half of the people laid on the ground dead, some of Namjoon's and Count's men, others the Assassin's brothers and sisters. Twins almost ran frantically in search of their friends. They saw the Assassin, Taeyang, wounded badly in the stomach, the healers trying to attend to his wound the best as they can. He was too lost in pain to speak.
Seunghyun's eyes were filled with sorrow and rage. He breathed hard and fast through his nose, jaw clenching as he walked through the corpses of the people he knew. How could this happen? How Namjoon knew their plans so quickly, he wondered silently.
-''The artifact was taken.'' – He was informed by one of his brothers. Bloody Hell, where was Jin? He asked, but no one could answer him until one of the healers spoke softly.
-''Maybe the red-head stranger knows.''
Seunghyun perked his ears at that. Jiyong moving to stand next to him. – ''Hope?''
-''I don't know his name sir, but he is in one of the eastern huts. He was badly wounded.''
Seunghyun looked at Jiyong and then rushed to find the twins, who were still searching through the wounded and dead bodies on the ground.
-''V! Tae! Over here!'' – Seunghyun boomed, making both brothers jerk their heads and swiftly ran towards him.
-''Hoseok.'' – It was all Seunghyun said as he and Jiyong rushed towards the eastern huts, with twins at their heels.
When they reached the huts, they looked for the right one and were lucky enough that their search was short. In one of the first few, there were two people lying on the improvised beds and V quickly recognized Hoseok.
-''Oh, no!'' – He almost shouted and fell on his knees in front of Hoseok's makeshift bed. Hoseok had a fever, his brow was sweaty and face white. He lost a lot of blood, even with Yoongi's ministrations. If it wasn't for him, he would most definitely die.
-''Hobi...'' – V whispered, holding his hand and brushing the hair from his sweaty brow. Hoseok heard his voice and turned his eyes to look at him. He smiled weakly. V was dying to know what happened, but he knew that he would not get any answers from Hoseok right now. Not in this state. He kissed the back of his hand, watching him with worry when Tae's voice spoke.
V jerked his head to see Tae crouching next to the other bed, where the man laid curled in a tight ball.
-''Jimin, look at me.'' – Tae said again, placing his hand on Jimin's shoulder, but the man jerked and shouted. – ''No! Get away from me!''
-''Jimin, it's me, Tae! V is here too!'' – Tae tried to reason with him, but Jimin didn't listen.
V looked at Hoseok again, squeezing his hand in a silent promise that he would come back soon before raising up to go to trembling Jimin.
-''Jiminah...'' – He tried carefully, moving closer, while Tae stepped back, eyes glued to the shaking figure.
-''Jiminie it's me, its V...look at me...please, look at me.'' – Recognizing V's voice, Jimin raised his head a little, eyes still wide. V could see a sheer panic in them, filled with fear and pain.
-''Oh, sweetheart what happened to you?'' – V's chin trembled sadly and his cold eyes filled with tears and sorrow at his best friend in that state. Jimin watched him for a moment, but then his eyes went hard and he growled at him, jumping from his bed straight to tackle V, gripping at his collar.
-''Not you! You will not pity me like that! Not you V! Not you!'' – He was screaming from the top of his lungs at V's face. Tae reacted instantly, gripping at Jimin from behind and pulling him off his brother, which caused Jimin to fight even stronger. -''No!!! Let me go!! Let me go!''
-''Jimin I don't want to hurt you! Stop it!'' – Tae yelled as V grabbed Jimin's hands, but the sudden adrenaline coursed through Jimin and he broke free. – ''You will not pity me V!! Not you! Not you!''
Suddenly he was gripped by the throat and pinned on the ground by Jiyong. His body hovered above the tossing man and he growled dangerously in Jimin's face. A deep rumbling sound came from his chest, his eyes blazing as the deep raspy voice, so uncharacteristic for Jiyong, spoke.
-''Enough!'' – The command worked instantly on Jimin, whose eyes widened in shock and his body stopped fighting. The reptile looking irises starred at Jimin's soul, reading him effortlessly. He spoke again. – ''You are safe now young one.'' – The puff of smoke came from Jiyong's nostrils and he leaned in to take a whiff of Jimin's skin. – ''No one will ever touch you like that ever again. Do you understand?''
Jimin stared at him trembling sharply, he nodded lightly and then his face contort in pain and he started crying. The rest of them watched in shock at this interchange. V wanted to come near, but Jiyong turned his head towards him and the blonde twin froze. The Count's eyes were orange now, blazing menacingly. The puff of smoke came from his nostrils again and V was certain now that Jiyong wasn't human at all. He wasn't sure what he was exactly.
V tried again, but Jiyong's words stopped him. – ''He doesn't want you to see him like this. Not you.''
-''He needs me.'' – V said, both of his hands raised in mute surrender as he stepped closer. The deep rumbling sound came from Jiyong again.
-''He doesn't want you to see him like this.'' – The Dragon repeated, less patiently this time. V thought if Jiyong had a tail, it would be swishing angrily right now. Jimin still sobbed under him, his eyes covered by his hands.
-''Move aside.'' – V gritted and stepped forward. Jiyong hissed, eyes flashing. V was ready to fight, he was already gathering his magic when he felt a hand on his shoulder. His head turned to see Seunghyun.
-''Don't! It's never wise to provoke the Dragon, boy. Trust me.'' – He spoke, eyes not leaving Jiyong.
V narrowed his eyes. – ''Are you serious? You really mean the dragon, like the Dragon.''
-''Exactly so.'' – Seunghyun spoke, eyes still glued at Jiyong.
What the fuck, the Dragon... those are creatures of fairy tales, V thought. He didn't care, he turned his attention to Jiyong, preparing to take his best friend away from his clutches. Sensing the attack approaching, Jiyong hissed, becoming even bigger. – ''Precious take him away!'' – The Counts usually soft voice was unnaturally raspy and deep.
-''I'm not going anywhere!'' – V growled, his magic crackling in the air and was about to lunge on him when Tae's face came into view.
-''Move Tae.'' – V hissed, trying to push his brother away.
-''No. Calm down.'' – Tae said, gripping at his brother's outstretched hands.
-''He has my Jimin Tae! He can't have him! Jimin needs me! He needs me Tae!''
-''He doesn't want you to see him like this!'' – Jiyong hissed again, hiding Jimin from their eyes. And Tae suddenly understood.
-''Go outside or stay next to Hoseok, I'll look after Jimin.''
-''Tae what the fuck! Can't you see...?''
-''Yes I can...can you?'' – Tae asked starring at his twin and V froze yet again, starring back in equal measure. – ''Trust me, please.'' – Tae said again. – '' Go and find Jungkook and Hyungs.''
V's eyes grew wide at that and he relaxed only slightly. He glanced towards his best friend again and then back at his twin, nodding slightly and licking his lips. – ''Okay.'' – He moved away towards the door. – ''Okay.'' – He said it again. – ''Take care of them Tae please...they...they mean so much to me.''
Tae nodded. – ''With my life brother. Go and find my Kookie.'' – He said and V nodded again, gazing once more towards Jimin, then Hoseok and finally his brother's eyes before leaving the hut.
-''Go with him Hyung.'' – Tae said to Seunghyun. – ''Help him find the others.''
-''I can't leave you alone with Jiyong in this state Tae.'' – Seunghyun protested, but Tae raised his hand to stop him from talking. – ''I know my way with beasts Hyung. Besides Jiyong Hyung would never hurt me.''
Seunghyun's eyes flew towards Jiyong, who observed them carefully. Tae turned and went slowly towards the Dragon, sinking on his knees.
-''Hyung, let us take care of Jiminie and Hoseokie Hyung together, shall we?'' – He said, fingers brushing gently at Jiyong's jaw. The Dragon closed his eyes and purred. Seunghyun stared transfixed. He never saw Dragon so pliant before.
-''J-Jiyong...'' – He called softly.
The Count hummed in pleasure, but when he spoke, his voice was his own again, soft and light. – ''Go and help him find them, Precious. He needs your guidance now.''
Seunghyun let go of his breath and chuckled lightly. – ''Don't burn the hut, my love, they are made from straw.''
Jiyong eyes were still closed, but at that, he smiled and opening them. The reptile irises were gone and human eyes glanced at Seunghyun again. – ''I won't.'' – He said and Seunghyun bowed slightly before leaving.
Jiyong shifted his eyes on Tae gently, nuzzling his cheek in Tae's hand. - ''Take care of your friend, darling, he needs you now. I'll go check Hoseokie.'' – He said standing up and moving towards Hoseok. Tae could hear him murmuring softly. – ''Hush now darling, everything will be fine...'' – As he cradled Hoseok in his arms.
Jimin still shook and sniffled on the floor when Tae approached him. – ''Jiminie.'' – He whispered and the smaller man gasped, moving his hands slightly to peer through his fingers.
-''V isn't here Jiminie, he will not see you like this. I won't let him.'' – Jimin couldn't see pity in Tae's eyes, only gentleness, and calmness. Jimin sniffed again. – ''Tae?''
-''Hmmm?'' – Tae hummed in response.
-''Hold me...p-please.'' – Jimin said, face scrunching in pain again and Tae moved to hold him in his arms. He hugged him tightly, allowing the other man to wrap himself completely around him as he sobbed again. Tae somehow managed to carry him to the bed and lay him down, but the iron grip Jimin had forced him to lay beside him, hugging and murmuring calming words in the latter's ear. JImin was like a scared wounded animal and Tae, even though sick with worry for Jungkook, couldn't leave Jimin in this state, especially since he made a promise to his brother and he knew that V would do everything to find his Kook if he is still on this island. Tae looked at Jimin, wondered if he could try and calm him just like he does with his fury friends.
-''Jiminie, can I try something? I want to help you.'' – He asked gently. Jimin looked at him for a while, sniffling. He stopped crying by now, but his nose was runny and his cheeks were covered with dried tears. He nodded and Tae placed his lips on Jimin's forehead, kissing him. They stayed like that for a while before Tae moved back to find Jimin soundly asleep.
All that time they were observed carefully by Jiyong, who had his arms protectively around sleepy Hoseok. The Count's eyes shined with warm expression towards Tae.
-''They raped him, you know...I can smell their scent all over him... several of them before the others came and rescued him.'' – Jiyong said quietly, the sorrow was deeply tied with his voice now. Tae took a deep sign. – ''Yes... yes, I know.'' - He whispered. - ''I've seen his thoughts....j-just now...and.... It wasn't the first time...'' – Tae said, tears spilling on his cheeks. – ''I never knew... I always thought he was spoiled...but...all this time he....he was... fuck...'' – Tae bit his lip, unable to speak as he choked a sob down his throat, afraid that he would wake the sleeping man in his arms.
-''Bloody hell...if V knew... if he only knew, he... he would have killed him back then... fuck...I would do the same...I'm so furious Hyung...I want to make those men suffer in the cruelest way.''
Jiyong nodded approvingly from the other side of the hut. – ''They will pay my little darling, I'll make sure of that.'' – He said dangerously.
After a moment of silence, Jiyong asked. – ''Have you read anything else from his mind?''
Tae shook his head. – ''No, only this, his panic. The images in his head were so loud, almost screaming at me, but I haven't seen anything else. I didn't want to violate his privacy by using my magic on him more than I already did.''
-''That is very nice of you.'' – Jiyong said. He watched Tae slowly slipping from Jimin's now weak embrace, before standing up and covering his friend with the blanket.
-''I'll go find V.'' – Tae said and moved towards the door, but was stopped by Jiyong's voice.
-''Your brother mustn't know what you know.'' – He spoke sternly. – ''He...'' - He nodded towards sleeping Jimin. – ''...don't want him to know.''
Tae took a deep breath, hating the fact that he needs to hide things from his twin, but in some weird way, he understood why. V was always overprotective of the people he loves and he would do who know what to avenge them.
-''I will not tell him.'' – He held the Count's gaze calmly before adding. – ''Look after them please.''
Jiyong nodded and Tae walked through the door.
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