-''They will not get out from this island. – ''The Count said calmly, arms crossed across his chest, while one long finger touched his lower lip gently to and fro, still watching through the window. – ''All the ways out are blocked. I have my men everywhere.''
-''What makes you think they are still on the island Jiyong Hyung? Namjoon's magic would break through any defense.'' – Yoongi said.
-''And that's exactly how I know he is on this island still. There were no casualties yet.'' – Jiyong said and bit the tip of his fingertip.
-''You send your men there knowing that they might die, just so you know where Namjoon went?'' – Taeyang, the dark-haired, tattooed Assassin, who was executing one of the missions for the Order when Namjoon's escaped, asked incredulously. He was extremely furious that they let him ran away. He hated Namjoon with all of his beings, as the man was responsible for the deaths of many people of his tribe and the Assassin's Order.
The Count, tired of his constant tirade ever since that happened, just looked at him boringly.
-''You cold motherfucker.'' – Taeyang hissed through his clenched teeth.
-''Are you sure that's enough?'' – Tae cuts in before Seunghyun could react with his retort and Jiyong raised one of his eyebrows, turning slightly to look at him, but saying nothing. The response came, however, from Taeyang.
-''Our assassins are there as well. Better hidden and careful.'' – He said crudely, still eyeing the Count. – ''Just in case his defenses fail. Our men are trained to deal with his lot.''
The corners of Jiyong's mouth twitched for a moment, but he quickly willed his muscles to stay calm.
Tae blinked, his eyes falling to the ground as he nodded slightly. -''It's just...'' – He said. – ''Namjoon does seem like someone who could find the way out from your webs and through your fingers. Plus...'' – He added looking at each one of them with an air of calmness. – ''...wasn't Heechul involved with everything here before?'' – He asked, looking at the Count, who failed to control his irritation now, his jaw tightened almost unnoticeable. Twins saw it though. Tae even titled his head and continue speaking. - ''He was one of yours main spies, hasn't he? We all thought he was just a pirate and you made it sure that everything looks like it's exactly the case, but he was one of yours and now he betrayed you. What's worse, he has the information of one of the artifacts you hid already, which is now, technically in Namjoon's hands.''
There was silence when these words were uttered. The truth was difficult to bear. Namjoon escaped last night, with the help of Heechul, causing a huge blow to Jiyong, right below the belt. They found Hoseok unconscious in the cellars. Some of the Count's men that stood guard were killed. Their throats were slit, probably by Heechul himself. They trusted him, he was one of them. They never saw it coming. Hoseok and Donghae were strangely spared, which made them think that Heechul, maybe, still had some grain of mercifulness in him. They did spend weeks talking and drinking together, Hoseokd more than others. Heechul was always soft for the minstrel or at least that's what he wanted them to think. He played his role so perfectly, that even Hoseok's sharp eyes haven't seen through his mirage.
V shook with rage at the thought of losing Hoseok. He held him close that night. They didn't speak about it, just held each other tight as they never did before.
It seems that Heechul was even more talented than the Count previously thought, playing carefully on two sides and selling his services to the highest bidder, just like a real pirate would do. It seems that Namjoon's way of convincing was more powerful than Jiyong's seductive words.
-''Heechul was the one procuring one of the artifacts for you, wasn't he?'' – V asked nonchalantly leaning on the wall next to the window. – ''Which is why you thought him loyal, I guess. I wonder what else did he did to get you to trust him so much, Count?''
Seunghyung's body tensed. His eyes flashing in jealousy, but he didn't comment nor move. Jiyong, however, was calm. – ''Heechul was useful in his way, but now he has chosen the side and will be dealt with accordingly. The pressing matter now is to secure the other two artifacts. One of which is in the protection of the Assassins.'' – He looked at Seunghyun, who nodded.
-''The other, however, is hidden someplace safe.'' – The Count finished, his arms folded on his chest as he touched his chin with his long fingers.
-''The question is whether or not Namjoon knows the location of the other one, since, in all probability, Heechul told him about the first one.'' – Tae said, but Jiyong shook his head. – ''No, I don't think he knows where the other one is. I agree that the location of the first one has been compromised, but Seunghyun made sure to send a warning immediately.''
Seunghyun nodded. – ''I've informed our brothers right away.''
Taeyang snorted and Seunghyun's eyes darkened. – ''Careful now Taeyang, don't push my buttons too much. Even I could lose my patience.'' – His eyes stared deep into Taeyang soul. The latter gritted his teeth, but before he could answer, Donghae spoke, his palm calmingly spread against Taeyang's chest.
-''Do not quarrel, my brothers, there's no need nor time for this now. We must think and act quickly.'' – He said and V nodded, speaking lazily.
-''I must say, planting a spy in the pirate's ship, earning their trust and all was a bold move. You needed just the right man for the job. Smart, charismatic, someone who can think for himself, not so threatening as to provoke the leaders, great actor, pretty and sly as a fox.'' – V nodded in approval. – ''I must say, Heechul proved his talent for sure. He is a man of your cove Dragon. It's too bad you overlooked his ambition and underestimate Namjoon's inspiring words. ''
-''Yes, and now Namjoon has one of the spies who knows the secrets of both, the Order and us, which is a powerful combination.'' – Tae said, agreeing with his brother. -'' The same goes with the Marquise right here.'' – He nodded towards Seunghyung, whose eyes flashed dangerously on his stern face, but Tae wasn't intimidated. – ''Jiyong Hyung you truly got your grounds covered. Heechul on one side, Seunghyung Hyung on the other to the Assassins.''
Taeyang flashed the shocked eyes first on Seunghyung, but then on the Count itself, eyes going darker with disapprovement. Tae clicked his tongue.
-''Oh, come on now brother, don't act so surprised. Haven't you be the one, Taeyang, who told me just the other night that you doubted Seungyung's loyalty lies more with the Dragon, then with the Order? – V said, arching his eyebrow at the two assassins. Taeyang scrunched his face in disgust.
-''Hearing it for the truth is different from suspecting it.'' – He said, his hand gripped the hilt of a dagger on his hip.
-''Don't be foolish Taeyang.'' – Jin said, speaking for the first time that night. – ''We don't need more blood now and besides, you would be dead before you pull out your blade.
-''This snake here planted his spies in our midst and now Namjoon escaped with Heechul, so tell me I exaggerate!''
-''Taeyang! That's enough!'' – Seunghyung bellowed, stepping in front of the enraged assassin, who was now waiting for him with his dagger out. Donghae gripped Taeyang wrist, hissing. – ''Calm the fuck down Taeyang. We are all on the same side here.''
Seunghyun didn't pay attention at the hostility the other man had towards him. – ''I had never been a spy! I've always done what's best for the Order, and you and your insolence and doubt had cost me many troubles in the past!''
-''You were always lizard's bitch! Doing whatever he says! You have no shame!'' – Taeyang spat back and Seunghyun had enough, he was about to attack him, when Donghae pulled Taeyang back, raising hands to calm Seunghyun down, but was pushed unceremoniously by Taeyang who jumped to confront the Marquise. Just then the touch of someone's hand on their chests had them flying backward several meters before they fell on their backs.
There was shock on everyone's faces except for the twins. V stood in the middle of the room where the two men were fighting a few seconds ago, arms stretched, palms open to each of his sides. His magic was still crackling in the room as the air vibrated around them all. His eyes flashed icy blue as his tensed body prepared for another magic outburst. Tae put a hand on his shoulder, calming him down, grounding his magic with his own and V closed his eyes and bowed his head, inhaling deeply.
-''That is indeed enough.'' – Tae said as it seems at first, to his brother, but it became clear that this was not the case, since his eyes turned towards the two men on the ground. Ever since Tae got his powers unlocked, the duo was in the state of inner calmness. Their powers balancing each other in the perfect yin and yang.
They expected him to say more, but another voice spoke instead, causing everyone to jerk his head in his direction.
-''Seunghyun was never sent to the Order as a spy Taeyang.'' – Jin spoke calmly, walking slowly towards them. – ''He became one unintentionally later on.'' – He added, offering his hand to Taeyang, who accepted it and allowed Jin to pull him from the ground. Jin watched his Assassin brother. He had his dark hair shaved on the sides, while the longer part on the top of his head was pushed back. His eyes were shaped like almonds and his strong nose and jaw gave his pretty face strength and dignity. His honey skin, filled with black tattoos were perfect addition to his strong, almost chiseled muscles underneath his white robes. Taeyang was exotic, just like the rest of the tribe he came from, powerful and unique, truly handsome. His sense of justice and loyalty was strong and he took betrayal with the utmost hate. Jin observed his tensed form, his strong chest heaving from fury.
-''Calm down my brother.'' – Donghae said, putting his hand on Taeyang shoulder in a calming manner when Jin continued. – ''Seunghyun was sent to the aristocrat society by us. To spy for us.'' – He said looking at Taeyang's eyes. – ''He replaced the old Marquise in secret and established himself well here so he can follow and observe what we needed. And he did an excellent job.''
Jin then turned towards the other man on the ground and offer his hand to him as well. – ''His only crime was that he fell in love with his informant. And there is nothing he could do. The heart chooses whom he wants.'' - Jin said gently, eyes brimming with sad understanding and Seunghyun gulped, looking at him wide-eyed for a few heartbeats before accepting Jin's help to stand up. Seunghyun kept looking at Jin.
-''You knew who I was?'' – He asked, eyes growing wide and almost innocent. The complete contrast from his usual stare. – ''Back then...you knew?''
Jin smiled, knowing what Seunghyun meant. – ''No, I didn't know who you were back then.'' – Jin said, raising his eyebrow slightly. – ''But it was easy to put two and two together when I received the note from the Mentor, asking him for guidance. He told me that I can turn to our brother in the aristocrat circle, here on Stigma of a name of Top, together with some physical description. The rest came naturally.'' – Jin finished, his arms folded behind his back, standing graciously dressed all in black.
His hair was washed and combed, beard shaved. He would look good, almost healthy if there weren't for dark circles under his eyes. He was tired even though he ''slept'' for weeks. It wasn't a restful sleep, but more of an ongoing nightmare. He woke up exhausted, shaking with Namjoon's name on his lips, and the first thing he saw was his boys, looking beautiful and mysterious. Something was different with them though. Something was way different. Jin could sense the calm vibration of something powerful underneath their skin. It was familiar like he was acquainted with it by mere seconds ago. It took him a few seconds until he realized what was and then his eyes went wide, remembering the prophecy and Namjoon's fear. Jin was never so glad and terrified in his entire life as he was then.
-''Namjoon knows too much right now. He knows the location of one of the artifacts that Heechul provided.''
-''We should have never trusted that snake.'' – Taeyang hissed and Donghae took a quick breath, shaking his head.
-''It's too late for that.'' – Jin said, mirroring Donghae's exasperated feelings. – ''The important thing is to stop Namjoon finding the last two artifacts. Now, I know that you might not believe in the magic of the artifacts Taeyang, but I assure you they are real and strong. My family had protected one for generations. My uncle died protecting it. He passed down to me and I am his Guardian now.''
Tae's eyebrows furrowed. – ''Your family was one of the protectors? Why have you never told us?''
-''It wasn't important for you to know until now.''
-''But I thought we didn't have secrets among us.''
-''As it seems, we do Tae.'' – V spoke slowly, putting his palm on Tae's shoulder. – ''Some secrets are for our sakes. We all have secrets.'' – His eyes ran across Jimin, who stood quietly in the corner, together with Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook. The latter tensed when blue eyes pierced his, but managed to stay calm.
Tae looked a bit hurt, head bowed and a slight pout on his mouth. Jin came and placed a hand on his other shoulder. – ''It wasn't the time nor place TaeTae. I wasn't ready to divulge some things from my past, I hope you understand that?''
Tae narrowed his brows more but nodded.
-''Alright now, enough with that.'' – The Count said. – ''Namjoon is hiding somewhere on the island and we have to catch him before he sails off.''
-''I just don't know what do you expect us to do against his magic.''- Jin asked.
-''We have the twins.'' – Jiyong said.
Jin bristled angrily. -''They are not your pawns for you to send them whenever you chose Jiyong. Namjoon is powerful and I don't want them hurt. They need time to grow stronger.''
-''We are not weak as you think Hyung.'' – V said and Tae nodded in agreement. -''Yes, we are balanced perfectly now.''
Jin shook his head in dismissal. – ''You are still no match for Namjoon. I've seen his magic on the spot. I felt it. He is strong and powerful.''
-''We've been practicing a lot since then.'' – Tae insisted. – ''Do you think we would dare to experiment on you if we weren't sure in our control? It's like you don't know us at all.''
Jin's features softened at his words. He sighs deeply and squeezed Tae's shoulder tighter. Tae was always his favorite. Always the one who needed him the most and the one who reminded him of the innocence of youth he also possessed before it was snatched from him.
-''I know TaeTae, I know you.''– His eyes went to find V's. – ''I know neither of you wouldn't risk anything happening to me. Thank you.''
V just nodded and Tae covered Jin's hand with his own and nodded slightly.
-''We need to take the last two artifacts and hide it somewhere Namjoon could never find them.''- Jin said.
-''But where?'' – Donghae asked anxiously.
-''Near us.'' – V said. We will hide them with us until we settle this thing once and for all.''
-''You mean until you kill him?'' – Jiyong said arms crossed over his chest, looking at blonde twin.
-''If there isn't any other way, then yes.'' – Tae answered instead.
There was the silence for a few moments, but then V spoke again. – ''Alright, now we need to act quickly. One of the artifacts is hidden with the Assassins, right?'' – He asked and both Seungyung and Jin nodded. – ''Alright, then he will most definitely send his men there. Luckily the brotherhood has been warned?'' – Seungrhyun nodded again and V continued, looking at Jin. – ''Hyung you are the only one who knows the location of the last artifact, that's why Namjoon needed you alive. He will suspect that you would want to stop him and that you will go and secure it.''
Jin's heart wanted to argue that there is more reason as to why Namjoon didn't kill him when he had the chance, but he held his tongue.
-''But he doesn't know the location of the last one, doesn't he? No one does except you Jin, is that correct?'' – Jiyong asked this time. He came closer to the table where the huge maps were spread across it. They all silently drew closer, ready to hear the plan and their assignments. Jin nodded.
-''That's true, but he will try to catch Hyung again.'' – Tae added. – ''That's why he is still on Stigma. He lingers so he could attack Hyung and finish what he started. He needs the location.''
-''He will not come close enough to get him.'' – Taeyang stepped in.
-''Yes, we will not allow anything to happen to Hyung.'' – Jimin chimed in from his corner, while the other two quietly agreed.
Yoongi shook his head. -''You will not be able to do anything against his magic.'' – He said, coming closer as well, feeling all eyes on him. He wanted to run in the shadows and hide.
-''Tae took him down once.'' – Jungkook said defiantly.
-''That was more luck than skill.'' – Yoongi said, huffing. He rushed to continue when he saw that Jungkook was preparing to argue. – ''He was vulnerable. His magic was weak after torturing Hyung for days, he was in the middle of the information extraction which is why his defenses haven't sensed the danger. The poison on Tae's blade helped to weaken him even more, but that was just luck. He is much more prepared now.''
-''Yoongi is right.'' – Jin said. – ''Namjoon was strong back then all those years ago, but he was more human then, more compassionate and good.''
-''You talk as he is not human anymore.'' – Jimin noticed.
-''In a way, he isn't.'' – It was Jiyong who spoke. – ''The magic of mages is raw and strong. That's why they were feared and killed the most. Mage's magic, if controlled extra carefully, could be a great asset, if not, great catastrophe, especially if they are in contact with another powerful magic. The combination of the two always leaves a drastic trace in history.''
Everyone perked their ears at Jiyong's words, the magic was taboo nowadays and was not spoke off.
-''Namjoon, who's been around the artifacts almost the entire time since his magic revealed itself was bound to change. Magic artifacts amplify the magic, it's their main job. They don't contain the core of the magic within them, but just a small portion. Think of them as chargers. The mages and witches that created them back in the days, used their magic to power up the artifacts for their use later on. Especially in the old days, the magic creatures fought one another. They would be often completely drained from their magic after the battle, but if you had the artifact, it would always recharge you.''
Jiyong leaned on the table, holding his audience in outmost silence as he told the tale.
-''It takes magic to use the artifacts properly, but even without it they would still give extra strength or sharpen your senses. All humans have the capacity for the supernatural, and even though it's not the magic itself, there is still gut feelings and premonitions dreams. You might believe it or you might not, but the old ''Sea Monster'' Captain did. He might have even stumbled upon one while pillaging and only then heard the legend.''
-''Yes especially if he sees that people are ready to die to protect it, he would think it's worth a lot of gold.'' – Yoongi chimed in.
Jiyong nodded slightly. -''Yes, I think he came upon one quite by accident and then heard the story when he went to ask around for the right price.''
-''Yes, and he probably felt the power of the artifact and decided to keep it for a while.'' – Yoongi added. -''I am pretty certain that was the way how everything started. His obsession to collect them all.''
-''But one thing I don't understand...'' – Jungkook spoke again. – ''...is that how did he know which artifacts to collect? I mean, how did he know which ones and how many? Those are not the only artifacts that exist. It could even be only one, but yet he kept chasing them all over the World.''
Everyone turned to look at him now, making him gulping slightly, but holding his head high. Jiyong's eyes shined appreciatively.
-''That, my dear Jungkookie, is a very good question.'' – He said, tearing his eyes from a young man to look at the others. – ''The old scrolls tells about the time when magic was on its peak. The mages thought that they were invincible, better than anyone. They wanted to rule. The witches were not of that ambitious, but they were the part of that world never the less. Ordinary people were afraid of it. They didn't trust magic and the war began. The mages and witches were hunted and killed because even though they had the magic, the non-magic people were too many. So they did one thing anyone would do to survive, they created an alliance between witches and mages, each coming with their artifact to bound magic and create the weapon that could help them win that war. Nine strong magical beings, nine artifacts. Nine was always the number for perfection. What they created though, was a monster. Millions of lives were lost on both sides. In the end, the witches ended it. Mages saw that as the utmost betrayal, but witches did what it has to be done. They brought back the balance.''
Jiyong's eyes rested on twins, who stood calmly next to one another, listening carefully.
-''The mages wanted to conquer people, but witches were against that. They just wanted their freedom and balance back, so they made a deal with humans, for the revoking the witch hunt in return for their lives. They stole the artifacts and killed the mage leaders. The war was over and the casualties were grand. The remaining mages went into hiding or were killed, unable to be trusted with their magic anymore. They never forgot the treachery and the hate among the witches and mages remain. It was all written down as a reminder of the horrors that occurred and so that we could avoid the same mistake in the future, as they did.''
-''Not wanting to destroy such power, they separated the artifacts all over the world, assigning a few special humans to guard it with their life. They became the Guardians.'' – Jiyong voice was calm. He knew how to tell a story and keep his audience captivated. Even Taeyang didn't say a word but listened intently.
-''Seokjin's family...'' – Jiyong then nodded towards Jin. – ''...were the Guardians and with few others that I know off. My family included.'' – He added and all of them stared at him, except for Seunghyun. He already knew that story. The others silently wondered just how vast Jiyong's knowledge was.
-''My family too was responsible for the protection of one of the artifacts, but my great grandfather was killed decades ago and the artifact was stolen before it could be passed to next in line. Whoever took it probably didn't realize the danger of it at the time. The artifact was lost for years, but seeming that Namjoon only lacks two now, I guess that he has it.''
-''The artifacts gave each Guardian certain....traits...as the time pass by. It enhances their abilities in a way, whether in senses or mind.'' – Jiyong added.
-''So that's why the Old Sea Wolf wanted to collect them. He felt enhancing his character and gave him a false sense of power.'' – Yoongi said, face concentrating hard as he tried to remember the man.
-''And was ready to kill a lot of our brothers and sisters to get his hands on them.'' – Taeyang hissed.
-''But why if the artifacts were hidden by humans? What's the brotherhood had to do with it?'' – Jimin spoke. It was Seunghyun who answered.
-''The Brotherhood protects the innocent and maintain the balance. I don't know what you've heard of the Order Jiminie, but we are not just ruthless killers. We don't want to rule, we don't want to be ruled either. We observe and collect knowledge and act only when there isn't any other way.''
-''My uncle was an Assassin, as was his father before him. You would be surprised by just how many Guardians were Assassins.'' – Jin added and Seunghyun nodded adding. –''The Assassins are everywhere. We work in the shadows to serve the light. To us, nothing is true and everything is permitted.''
-''Well that sounds like you see yourself as obstinate from the law and rules.'' – Hoseok spoke. Seunghyun shifted his gaze on him, one corner of his mouth turns upwards in a smile.
-''We follow our Creed for thousands of years and it serves us good.'' – He reached to stand next to Hoseok, who shifted slightly to face him. -''Just because your family chose not to get themselves involved with the Order, that doesn't mean that the Creed is evil Hoseokie.''
Hoseok could feel V's eyes on him. Not wanting to look his way, Hoseok chose to stare at Seunghyun's eyes instead, who continued to speak to him.
-''Your family was the rightful Guardian of one of the artifacts which, sadly, fell into the Captain's hands.'' – Seunghyun said softly and Hoseok grimaced.
-''My father was a drunken idiot...'' – He said quietly, his face serious. –''...he never saw it as anything else, but an old trinket, who he got in an heirloom. He never believed in the stories, thinking my grandparents were silly folks who believed in fairy tales. I did believe them. I loved them dearly, but hey died and everything went to my father before I was old enough to be trusted with the truth. I was six when my father lost the artifact in the game of cards, together with me.''
Hoseok saw V tensing in the corner of his vision, but it didn't matter anymore. His father first lost the artifact, and then two nights later, when his cronies came to collect his debt, he offered his only son to settle it, so he could keep the estate and his title. They did take all the valuables thought. That is the ones his father he didn't manage to sell beforehand. Let's just say Hoseok learned how to play many roles in his life from that moment on.
-''We never blamed you for that Hoseokie.'' – Jiyong said, coming closer, his long fingers touching the back of Hoseok's neck in comfort. – ''You are not guilty of what you father did. That blame is entirely on him.''
Jiyong cupped Hoseok's face and tilted it to look at him in the eyes. – ''But I am eternally grateful that it was me he offered you to and not someone else.''
Hoseok chuckled. – ''They said you were the worst of them all, but ironically I never felt that.''
V felt internal rage. He could feel Tae tensing the hand around his, sensing his brother distress, calming him down. V tilted his head and moved away from his brother's grip, strolling towards the Count and his lover. Hoseok's eyes shot to his.
V hasn't said the word. He just raised his hand slightly, palms up in mute calling. Hoseok reacted instantly, removing Jiyong's hands from himself and moving to grab V instead, pressing his body closer to his. Jiyong observed it with slight annoyance but otherwise didn't react. Hoseok was his, fist. He won him, he cared for him and then he let him go to find his destiny.
He was amazed by V, that's true, but also completely irritated at the same time. The twins were the ones, beside Seokjin, in all of his life, he never managed to tame. And as a collector of talent and beauty, he felt extremely annoyed. Hoseok was his little singing bird and this challenging claim the blonde twin had upon him was filling Jiyong with rage. He knew better than to react. He needed him. Namjoon was out there and had to be stopped. The twins were the only one who could do it and Jiyong wanted to be in good terms with them.
He was thinking what to say to turn the subject in a more pressing matter, when Tae spoke.
-''Namjoon would send his men to the Temple to fight the Assassins.'' – He said. – ''While he personally attack us.''
-''Why would he attack you?'' – Taeyang asked. – ''He doesn't know where the other artifact is.''
-''No he doesn't, but we might send a bait. Namjoon would believe that we are creating a diversion in the Temple, while in truth we would go to the other side, to collect the other artifact before him.'' – Tae finished.
-''Will you collect other artifact?'' – Donghae asked.
-''No.'' – Tae said. – ''I just want him to think that we will. That's what I would do. Make a trap and diversion at the same time.''
-''That's all good, but what makes you think that he would bite the bait?'' – Taeyang asked.
-''Because I will be there.'' – Jin said slowly, eyes gazing somewhere on the map. – ''I'm the only one who knows where the other artifact is.''
-''It will not work.'' – Yoongi said quietly.
-''Why not?'' – Tae asked.
-''Because you are forgetting something. Namjoon knows Jin Hyung...he knows him very well. That is exactly something Hyung would have done.'' – Yoongi said matter-o-fact and turned towards Jin. –''Hyung you almost died protecting that secret.''
Jin shifted slightly. – ''Not really. I allowed him to see where the one artifact is.''
-''You did what?'' – It was Seunghyun this time, but Jin raised his hand, stopping him from saying anything else.
-''I thought if I show him one he would kill me and he would never find out the other one.'' – Jin explained.
-''Which one did you show?'' – Jiyong asked curious now.
-''Mine. I showed him mine.''
Seunghyun gasped incredulously. – ''But you showed him everything then. If we don't protect the one in the Temple, he will know that it's not the one he saw.''
-''Precisely.'' – Jin said calmly, eyes still on the map. – ''He might kill me or be trapped before he discovers the truth and then he would have nothing. I showed him the reason why I killed his grandfather and why I was willing to die for the artifact. He saw the one I am protecting. He thinks mine is with the Assassins, but what he doesn't know that the Assassins were in possession of the two artifacts at the time. When I came back, Mentor allowed me to resume my family guardianship. So I took it and hid it away in a secured place. No one else knows where, even Mentor himself.'' – Jin said, rising his eyes to look at them finally.
-''He will send his men to the Temple, because Heechul confirmed it as well, but yes, Namjoon himself would suspect of the trap if I'm there. You're right.'' – He said, looking at Yoongi.
-''Yes, he would know that you are trying to trick him.'' – Yoongi agreed.
-''So what do you suggest we do?'' – V asked.
-''To send you of course.'' – The Count said and everyone starred at him. – ''Namjoon would know that the only persons Jin trusts are his dongsaengs, the ones with magic in their blood.'' – Jiyong said satisfied. – ''If you move twins to another location, to ''guard'' the place, he would know that something of infinite value is there...like artifact.''
Everyone stopped to think it through.
-''That might actually work.'' – V said. Jiyong smiled. – ''That would definitely work. He will expect of the trap, but just not the one he thinks.''
-''I like it. We must prepare the runes to entrap him again.'' – V said.
-''And kill him.'' – The Count said, arching his eyebrow.
-''Why are you so determent to see him dead?'' – Donghae asked. – ''I mean not that I'm complain, the man kill so many of us, but I'm just curious.'' – He added.
-''His magic is dangerous. He is unstable. He is not Namjoon you all knew eighteen years ago. He is more than monster now and needs to be stopped.'' – Jiyong said, eyes blazing.
-''But if we can reason with him.'' - Tae said.
-''There is no reasoning with him! We tried, you all saw it!'' – Jiyong raised his voice only a bit, but it was enough to stop any further discussion on that subject.
-''Very well. Who will go with you and Tae?'' – Jin asked looking at V. Before V could answer, Jungkook stepped in. – ''I will.''
-''And so will I.'' – Jimin nodded. He then look at Jungkook smiling and the knight smiled back at him.
-''Count me in.'' – Hoseok said with strong determination.
-''No.'' – The twins answered in unison. The smiles fell from their faces.
-''What do you mean no?'' – Jimin asked.
-''No, he is right.'' – The Count said. – ''If we put too many men with twins and less men in the Temple, Namjoon would know that it's orchestrated.''
-''But it is orchestrated already.'' – Hoseok said, brows furrowing.
-''Yes, it is, but he doesn't know that we suspect him of knowing that.''
-''That's stupid. You can't expect me to let Tae and V Hyung to go there unprotected.'' – Jungkook raised his voice, the anger evident on his face.
-''They fought more that you ever will young one.'' – Seunghyun spoke. – ''They know how to take care of themselves. Jin was their mentor and they are better off without you.''
-''What do you mean by that?'' – Jungkook was ready for a fight, but Taeyang stepped in.
-''He means that you will be a distraction. If they don't have anyone to worry about, they would actually do their job.''
-''I can take care of myself! I don't need them to worry about me! Tae, tell them!''
Tae looked at him gently. – ''You know its true Kook.'' – He said and Jungkook's face harden.
-''You can look after yourself, but I will still worry. Namjoon knows this, Heechul surely told him. He saw us together many times to know something is going on between us. He would use you to his advantage. I might have to choose between you and the right thing and I might fail. Don't ask that from me.''
-''But Tae, that won't...'' – Jungkook started, but Jimin stepped in.
-''He is right Kook.''
-''I can't just let him go like that...unprotected!'' – Jungkook said through gritted teeth, turning his head to glare at shorter man.
-''He won't be unprotected. I will go with them.'' – The Count said and Jungkook raised an eyebrow at him, when Seunghyun stepped in. – ''Trust me little one, it's quite sufficient.''
Jungkook wanted to argue more, but Tae came closer to him them, cupping his cheeks in his palms and look at his eyes with such love and depth, that others turned their heads, sensing they are glancing at something far more intimate.
-''I would feel much better if I know you are with Jin Hyung protecting him. He is everything to me, just like V and you are.''
-''But what about you.'' - Jungkook asked, gnawing at his lower inner lip. Tae smiled and brushed his thumb across it.
-''I have my brother with me...'' – Tae glanced quickly at the Count and then back at Jungkook. – ''...and Jiyong Hyung.'' – Jungkook's eyes ran across the Count and then bore at V's cold ones searching a confirmation of Tae's words. Something in them told Jungkook that it would be alright, which made the knight nod and whisper. – ''Don't leave without saying goodbye.'' – He said, bowing towards his lover and Tae smiled. – ''I would never.''
-''Alright that's enough, let's get back to the business, shall we?'' – Yoongi sad, tapping the table with his knuckle. That did made the couple let go of one another, but they remained close.
-''I will go with Seokjin and Donghae to help our brothers in the Temple.'' – Taeyang said. – ''We could use a good fighters.'' – He turned his eyes towards Jimin and Jungkook.
-''They are coming with us.'' – Jin said, deciding for them. Neither of the men objected.
-''Jiyong and the twins...'' – Jin continued but Taeyang cut him. – ''And why is that?''- He asked grimacing, starring daggers at the Count. – ''Why is that you are going with them?''
But before Jiyong or Seunghyun could say anything V answered. -''Because Dragon always go where there's gold or a prize.'' – V said, smirking a bit and glancing at Jiyong. – ''Isn't that right Hyung?''
The Count smiled slyly. – ''That's right. Namjoon would know that there is something more precious there than the artifact in the Temple.''
-''I'll go with you too.'' – Seunghyun said and Taeyang spat through gritted teeth. – ''We need you with us Seunghyun. The Assassins, your brothers and sisters need you.''
-''And I will be with them Taeyang.'' – Seunghyun said, glaring at the man across the table. – ''I will be there to protect our brothers.'' – He pointed towards twins.
-''More likely you will protecting your....''
-''Don't continue that Taeyang or I will kill you I swear to Gods.'' – Seunghyun hissed dangerously. The aura emanating from him was lethal and Taehyng huffed furiously, not finishing that sentence.
-''Besides...'' – V spoke lazily. – ''Hyung knows about the runes and how to place them properly, don't you Hyung?''
-''Yes I do.'' – Seunghyun answered, still glaring at the other Assassin.
-''Ok, so we have that settled.'' – Hoseok chimed in with lighter tone, trying to ease the mood in the room. Everyone were so tensed and serious. – ''Jin Hyung will go with me, Jimin, Jungkook and his Assassin's brothers to the Temple, while V, Tae, Jiyong Hyung and Seunghyun Hyung set the trap elsewhere. Now that leaves Yoongi, where is he going?''
-''I will go with Tae. If Namjoon see that I'm with you, he...''
-''He will not believe it.'' – Jin said. – ''He knows you will follow me wherever I am.''
Yoongi looked at Jin for a few seconds, searching his eyes. He gulped and nodded, casting his eyes down on the table.
The twins watched this strange moment and couldn't help but wonder what happened between the two in the past and just how much more they don't know about.
-''Now that that's settled, let's make plans.'' – Donghae said and bend over the map.
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