-''Hello Seokjin. Long time no see.'' – Namjoon said, holding Jin completely paralyzed with a simple spell. It was almost too easy, Namjoon thought. He came closer to the unmoving man sitting in the chair, his eyes were the only thing that was moving. They didn't show fear, nor hatred, but a simple acceptance of his fate. Namjoon stared at Jin, the entire play of emotions danced on his face. He was always naked in front of him, he could never hide his emotions in front of Jin. Not like Jin could.
-''After all these years you haven't lost a grain of your beauty, what's more, you are even more mesmerizing than before.'' – Namjoon observed Jin's face, it was perfect. Skin gentle, beardless, sharp jaw and big plump lips. The slight wrinkles around his eyes and mouth showed character and gave even more beauty to his face. His eyes are the only thing that changed since Namjoon last saw them. Those were the eyes of a man who saw too much, survived and learned so many things. Those were the eyes of a grown man, filled with wisdom and harshness of life, much like Namjoon's were.
His body was tighter, more masculine, more defined. His hands only seemed gentle, but Namjoon knew they spilled blood so many times. One thing hasn't changed and that's Jin's ability to shake Namjoon to the core with his presence and Namjoon hated it.
-''You aged so gracefully I must say.'' – He walked around Jin, who followed him with his eyes, observing his every move as much as he could.
-''You know I spent years planning what to say and do to a man who killed my grandfather. All those ideas. I wanted him to suffer pain, then to extract every bit of information to chase the ones who order it. I wanted to hunt them one by one and murdering them slowly. I must admit to you that I've killed a handful of man who had nothing to do with it by mistake, but they were bad men, so they didn't deserve to live anyway.''
Namjoon bends down to look at Jin more closely, his finger brushing Jin's cheek, down to his jaw.
-''Can you imagine how surprised I was when I found out that the Assassins had given the order. One of your brothers was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, well...'' – He chuckled. – ''...the right place and the right time for me though. He was young, an apprentice maybe, just like you were back when we first met. Right about the time you lied about who you really are. I don't know whether or not you were a scared boy back then or simply too brilliant for your own good. This one, however, wasn't so smart like you, no...but he was brave, I'll give him that. He tried so hard to keep his secrets from me. Jihoon if I remembered correctly, yes...my first one. Hah, he even cursed me to the Devil's pit, but he cracked as they all do.'' – He made a pause, circling Jin once and then twice, putting one of his hand on Jin's shoulder in a tight grip.
-''I grew stronger Seokjin, much, much stronger since the last time you saw me.'' – The grip was now painful, but Jin couldn't move. His eyes look pained but still calm. Suddenly, he felt Namjoon's warm breath on his right ear. – ''Do you remember what I can do?'' – His fingers ran through Jin's hair, leaving the scalp tingling. – ''Do you remember how I loved to go inside a human's brain and flick through the pages of their memory?''
Jin remembered this of course, but quite the opposite of love. He saw Namjoon do it countless of times and it was never pleasant. But what Jin also remembered was that the man he knew before hated it. It was making him less human and he grieved for each life he took that way, whether they were evil or just bad. The old Namjoon he knew would never have this cruelty in his eyes as this one does. The old Namjoon would have killed him instantly, instead of playing with him like a cat that plays with a mouse. This Namjoon was a stranger to him. This Namjoon locked the real Namjoon somewhere in the depths of his soul if he still has one. Jin listened to the stories about magic and why it was such a taboo. The magical people were always unpredictable and those with less control were more like a ticking bomb, extremely dangerous. That's why they were usually hunted and killed right away. The children born with the pinkish skin mark that reminded of the ink blotch were killed instantly, unless hidden by their parents, usually mothers. Both of the twins had it, hidden behind their ears. Tae had it on his left side, while V got his on the right. Because of that Jin always made them wear long hair to cover it, to keep them safe. He also knew that magic attracted to magic and that if Namjoon ever goes in search of him he would take the twins away. Their magic, even though bounded, were visible underneath their skin. They were different, their magic was perfectly balanced by each other, connected with the invisible lines of their blood. Jin knew that Namjoon would have wanted them, to use or to kill, Jin wasn't sure which one. What Jin didn't know just how much power Namjoon had, but somehow he got the feeling that he was about to find out. The stronger the magic, the easier is for her to consume you because magic is not something to be ruled, but something to be carefully used. The only thing you can do is to try and control yourself, so it won't get a hold over you. Namjoon, as it seemed, has lost his control and Jin was now faced with magic itself and not the man who wields it.
The brush of Namjoon's lips on his neck jerked his mind back to the present. It was but the fluttering touch, but for Jin, it was a reminder of a past and what this man meant to him. Namjoon's words, however, were blood freezing.
-''After days of carefully executed, quite painful if I may add, memory extractions, in which he screamed a lot I found out the story of an elite assassin who killed the old notorious pirate Captain.'' – Namjoon left Jin's side to go around and stand in front of him. – ''I was this close...'' – Namjoon bent his index finger towards his thumb to show the tiny closeness. – ''...to find out who the assassin was, but the young lad found in himself the last drop of strength and control to plunge his hidden blade, that I so carelessly allowed him to keep, into his throat. You see I got him all paralyzed, just like I have you now. I saw no point of disarming him since I thought of myself unbeatable, but make no mistake, I was quite weaker back then. I allowed him to take away the knowledge that I've needed, by cutting his flow of thoughts. I never allowed myself the same mistake again.''
Namjoon leaned back to stand straight again and walked around the room. – ''So I start to hunt, interrogating every assassin that came to my path, all of whom just heard the rumors. Neither of them actually saw the Assassin nor knew his real name. They all knew him as ''Beautiful death''. I should have known it was you. You were always so deadly and gorgeous, but somehow I never wanted to admit to myself that you would be capable of such treachery. Never have I wanted to entertain the thought of you being the one I despise so much. I was naïve back then I still believed in the good in men, but you prove me wrong Seokjin and I never forgave you that.'' – Namjoon's hands shook a little as he spoke those words and Jin saw the anger rippling slowly on the surface of his skin.
-''It was then I realized I was on the wrong side of the world. So I went back, leaning more and more on my way until I came across your name. Your real name. The name that I knew so well. The name that I spoke ever so gently so many times in the intimacy of the darkness we shared for so long. The name of a man that as I thought loved me the same, but instead, made me feel like a fool. The name of Kim Seokjin.''
Namjoon crossed the room in two large steps to grab Jin's jaw and jerk his head to roar in his face. Jin felt his neck crack from stiffness and sudden movement.
-''Can you imagine the betrayal I felt!? That you of all people used me as a puppet to get so close to your target. That you lied and deceived everyone, including my grandfather and then killed him. What's even worse you stayed! You comforted me! You stood by my side and hugged me you lying son of a bitch! You stood there and swore to me that you will make the killer of my grandfather suffer for what he had done and all this time it was you!!'' - Namjoon slapped Jin across the face, which would topple him off the chair if it wasn't for Namjoon's spell.
-''The only reason you are alive now Jin is to tell me where the artifact is hidden? I know you know where it is!'' – Namjoon said through gritted teeth, the hate emanating from him in abundance. So...he was just like his grandfather, Jin thought. After all, the apple doesn't fall far from a tree, or at least, not when the artifacts were in question. Jin felt the spell slipping from his face and he was able to open his mouth, but instead of answering, he simply spat at the mage. – ''Fuck yourself Namjoon.''
Namjoon's amber eyes blazed dangerously. Jin knew where the last two artifacts were and how did they look like. One he took from Namjoon's grandfather that night. It was the same one he found in the Baron's safe and the other he was given when he was very young. Both were now safely hidden in different locations and Jin was ready to die to protect it from Namjoon.
The artifacts in the hands of Namjoon's grandfather, who was not magical, could do very little once collected together, but still, give him an advantage over his many enemies. He was ready to murder anyone for it and for that had to be put to death. The same artifacts in Namjoon's hands however and with his magic, were deadly as hell itself. The legends surrounding the artifacts from the past speak about massive catastrophes and tyranny, which led a few trustworthy people to separate and hide them at different sides of the world. The protection of the artifacts was passed from generation to generation and Jin's family was one of those protectors. Now they were almost forgotten, but the few treasure seekers that still believed in legends. Namjoon was one of them.
Jin knew what Namjoon meant to do to him even before he raised his hand towards his head. The years of practice and mental control filled Jin with hope that he would, at least, manage to hold Namjoon off from digging out his thoughts for a while. Just enough to piss him off and for Namjoon to kill him in his fury. Or until Jin dies from the torture. The first wave of Namjoon's magic made Jin gasped, as he never felt anything that strong in his life before. The released magic was surging through his brain, searching, but instead attaching itself to memory, it was met by Jin's mental blockage. Namjoon smirked. – ''Oh your mind games would not help you know.'' – He pushed his magic in, trying to dig deeper, still finding the resistance, avoiding it, traveling deeper and wider to find the cracks in Jin's defense. The intensity was too big for Jin who screamed in pain. Namjoon smiled wickedly, thinking he would crack soon, but Jin simply gritted his teeth in a grimace, opening his dark eyes to stare angrily at the amber ones. Namjoon's brows furrowed as he continued to inflict the pain in long intervals. Wave after wave, the magic crashed Jin's blockage but was unable to break through. Namjoon expected Jin to fight, but not to be this strong though. It was until Jin blacked out that Namjoon took a desperately needed breath, stepping away from him, his eyes never leaving him. His hands were still shaking, but this time not from the magic.
Namjoon grabbed Jin's hair and pulled his head back. He observed Jin's gorgeous face and his long neck, flawless skin and plump lips that were so inviting for a kiss. Namjoon leaned in, his own mouth hovering above Jin's, as he got reacquainted to every part of his face.
-''So beautiful...'' – He murmured. – ''And so venomous.''
He leaned back suddenly, letting go of Jin's hair.
-''Jackson!'' – He shouted and not a moment later a tall, blonde man stepped in. He came to stand next to Namjoon, looking down at Jin with the disgusted face.
-''Did the rat told you anything yet?'' – He asked and Namjoon shook his head.
-''No... no, not yet. But then again, I didn't expect him to...not so fast anyway.'' – He put his hand on Jackson's shoulder. – ''Put him in the tower, bind him completely.''
Jackson nodded and reached for Jin when Namjoon's words stopped him. – ''Jack, be careful. This beast is deathly as is gorgeous and more sly and intelligent than all the people you had to deal with.''
Jackson snorted. – ''You're forgetting something Joon. I fought with him, side by side for two years. I know how dangerous he is, I am always careful around him, stop worrying that much.'' – Jackson's eyes scanned him from head to toe. – ''You look like shit Namjoon, get some rest.''
At that Namjoon chuckled and nodded, watching as Jackson had Jin thrown across his shoulder and left the room, leaving Namjoon behind.
The next day Namjoon came and tried it again and still Jin fought him with everything he got. He lost his consciousness after three hours of screaming. The same happened the day after. Each time Namjoon felt exhausted afterward and had to replenish his strength. Each time he pushed his magic to the limits of exploding and each time Jin fought him back. Every new encounter was fought with less force from both sides, but stubborn resolve.
The fifth day, Namjoon was at the edge of breaking, hitting Jin's head over and over again with his fists, until the bones were cracking and he bleeds. Namjoon was so furious, so lost, his magic in his blood was fuming him, whispering to him, corrupting him more and more. He screamed at Jin's face, wanting to crush him, but something was stopping him. He couldn't do it, he couldn't kill Seokjin. Namjoon's conflicted emotions clashed with his fury and he felt like he was losing control. His subconscious and his magic surged into one another, consuming him entirely, burning inside his body and Namjoon screamed in pain. The energy erupted so fast and strong, breaking every glass and window in close proximity and shattering everything on his way. Namjoon fell on Jin's chest, straddling his lap, head falling on his shoulder, momentarily lost from dizziness.
Namjoon was gasping for air, his body shook and the small electric crackles could be heard. Suddenly he felt arms wrapping themselves around him, bringing him closer. He jerked and raised his head to look at Jin's bloodied face. The bruised man watched him with sorrow and pain, beaten up, with a few new small cuts, where the broken glass fly against his face and his neck. The explosion of his magic broke the spell and left him weak, unable to fight Jin with it again so he stopped struggling and fell into Jin's arms.
-''Why did you do that Jin? Why did you betray me so?'' – He almost cried at this point.
-''Nam...Nam..joo...nie...'' – Jin's voice was dry and weak. Namjoon winced at his old nickname. Only Jin called him like that, his heart pained even more.
-'Nam...naa...Namjo...oonie.'' – Jin croaked, choking on his own blood and Namjoon pulled back, looking at him. He placed his hands on his face, using the small portion of his low energy to heal Jin's face and stop the bleeding he inflicted on him in his rage. The cuts healed and swellings recede as his face was untouched once again. He cupped Jin's cheeks, pulling their foreheads together. Jin's arms were still around him, sliding now to rest on his hips, his hand finding the familiar form.
-''Jin...'' – Namjoon breathed, but Jin's eyes were firm.
-'I am tired of fighting Joon...'' – He said, voice a bit stronger now, his fingers squeezing Namjoon's hips tighter. – ''Look inside...let me show y-you...the t-truth...Namjoonie...''
-''You will die. I will not be able to stop.'' – Namjoon said, surprised that the very idea of killing Jin terrified him.
-''You were a-about to kill me anyway...this way...at least y-you will know the t-truth...''
Namjoon looked at him seriously. The way Jin still twirled him around his little fingers is unnerving, but Namjoon caught himself placing his hands around Jin's temples, angling his face so he could kiss his lips. It was short and sweet, more of goodbye than anything else. His thumbs slid on Jin's eyes, his fingers grasping the man's skull as he pushed their foreheads together. He took a deep breath when the first images hit him hard.
The village was on fire and screams could be heard in the night. Booming cannons were too familiar to Namjoon's ears. Somewhere in the distance, he saw the trace of the known tattered sail. He ran, ran fast towards his burning village, nearly tumbling down the rocks, but he managed to keep his balance as his legs worked hard to reach his mother.
He heard people screaming, houses on fire, animals ran terrified and Namjoon saw corpses lying around in grotesque positions, ripped apart from cannonballs or burned by fire. He forced bile back to his throat as he kept running, trying to catch some air, but managed to cough only black smoke. His eyes were tired of the smoke and hotness.
-''Jinnie!'' – Namjoon turned and saw a beautiful woman, with long dark curls and plump lips that reminded Namjoon so much of Jin. She was lying on the ground not too far away from their doorstep.
-''Mama!'' – Namjoon yelled, realizing that he was Jin and by the sound of his voice he was still a child. It was a memory of Jin's childhood. He ran towards the woman and fell on his knees when he reached her. Namjoon didn't have control over Jin's body, he could only silently watch at the woman's terrible belly wound. She was bleeding fast.
-''Mama, get up! I'll help you, get up!'' – Jin yelled, but the woman just looked at him.
-''My brave boy, my Jinnie... you have to-run....run far.....far away darling...''
-''I'm not leaving you, mama!''- Jin childish voice cried.
-''I...love...y...'' – She breathed with her dying breath before her eyes turned lifeless, starring at Jin, unmoving.
-''No!!!! Mama!!! Mama!!!'' – She shook her, but she was unresponsive. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, jerking him violently. It was his uncle.
-''Seokjin! What...? Oh, Noella...'' – The muscles on his face jerked as he saw his sister. He gripped Jin's shoulder tighter, cursing quietly and then turn towards Jin once again.
- ''Listen to me! You need to run! Remember the old Rufus on the top of the mountains, hmmm? Do you?'' - Jin nodded. – ''Take this!'' – He took off his own medallion and put it around Jin's neck. – ''Show this to Rufus, tell him that Siwon asks for his help. Tell him to take you to see Balthazar.'' – He gave him some kind of object wrapped in the cloth. – ''Keep this with your life! Show it only to Balthazar! Not even Rufus. Do you understand? Do you understand Jin?'' – He shook the boy so violently that Jin his teeth were clanging. Jin nodded quickly, packing the clothed item inside of his underwear.
His uncle chuckled and hugged the boy, kissing his dark curls. - ''Its safe place than any I suppose. Now go, run! Find Rufus. Go, boy, go!''
Jin ran again, ran until he reached the woods, but turned back to see his home again. He saw his uncle fighting with his blades, slicing through the man so easily. For one moment Jin hoped that his uncle will kill them all when one arrow hit him on his chest. His uncle paused surprised, which allowed his enemies to slice at his knees and made him fall down. They took his blades and made him kneel in front of a big strong man. He wore the Captain's hat and Namjoon recognized his grandfather in his younger self.
The Captain asked him something and his uncle spat back. The Captain slapped him across his face and in the next moment he veiled his long ax and his uncle's head fell on the ground. Jin screamed, but he was far away to be heard, especially with the rest of the screams and explosions.
Jin turned and ran again, sobs rocking his body and he could barely see through his eyes from his tears. His small lungs were hurting him, unable to draw enough oxygen as his muscles pushed forward. He nearly collapsed when he reached Rufus's hut.
-''Rufus Hyung!! Hyung!'' – But Rufus wasn't there. Jin fell on his hands and knees and cried from helplessness. He was barely five and all alone in the dark. He just lost his mother and his uncle. His father died before he was born and Jin had no one else. He sobbed and shook from fear and from coldness when gruff voice shakes the wits out of him.
-''What are you doing here boy!? Who are you!?'' - Old Rufus came into view, grabbing at Jin's tunic and pulling him on his feet.
-''My uncle Siwon send me here! Please help me!'' – Jin cried.
-''Where is Siwon?!'' – Rufus asked and Jin felt a new wave of tears coming up.
-''He is dead! He killed him. He took his head off!''
-''Who killed him?''
-''The Pirates, they came in the night... they burned the w-whole village...they killed everyone... m-my mama...my uncle.'' – Jin sobbed. – ''Uncle Siwon told me to find you and to ask for your help! He told me to show you this!'' – Jin grabbed at the necklace around his neck to show it to Rufus. – ''He said you must take me to Balthazar. Please help me...p-please Rufus Hyungnim, please.''
The old man was frozen for the second and then he rushed inside of his hut, pulling Jin with him. He started packing the essential stuff for the journey in his bag. He pulled the coat, too big for Jin and wrapped the boy in it. He saddled his gray horse and put the bag and Jin on the animal's back. He hoists himself up, behind Jin and they rode into the night.
The scene changed and Namjoon saw through Jin's eyes an island coming closer and closer, as they sailed on the huge trading boat.
Next scene showed big building, made of stone, filled with torches and hooded warriors. They reached corridor after corridor, up to the stairs, until Jin was face to face with Balthazar – the Assassin's Mentor.
Rufus explained what happened and Balthazar observed Jin carefully.
-''Leave us.'' – He said. – ''You too Rufus, I want to talk to the boy alone.''
Rufus bowed slightly and left with the rest of them.
-''Do you have something for me? From Siwon.'' – The Mentor asked, scanning Jin's eyes. Jin nodded.
-''Where is it?'' – He asked.
-''Uncle Siwon said to tell you to look after me, to teach me to be like him.'' – Jin lied through his teeth, but he knew that he didn't want to go back with Rufus or be sent elsewhere.
-''You are lying.'' – The Mentor said calmly, his gaze gripping Jin. He took a deep breath and raised his chin up proudly, trying to be convincing. – '' No I'm not!'' – He lied again. – ''He told me that you might not believe me. He told me to tell you where it's hidden only when you swear to look after me and teach me.'' – Jin said seriously. The Mentor laughed.
-''Oh he told you all of that in the midst of the battlefield while forcing you to run and save your life? I never heard of him being that multifunctioning.''
Jin swallowed audibly, but curled his hands into small fists and raised his chin even higher. – ''Well, maybe not with you.... but he talked all the time...mhmm... for very long...He wanted me to be just like him when I grow up...he...he told me so!''
The Mentor watched him amusingly.
-''And do you know what your uncle was?''
-''He was a great warrior and I will be like him! You will teach me!'' – Jin said, not mentioning why he wishes that. He needed to kill that Captain, but Mentor didn't need to know that.
-''Oh will I?'' – The Mentor chuckled.
-''Yes! It's his dying wish and you always fulfill dead men dying wish or the dark spirits would come to eat you!''
Mentor watched him carefully. – ''How old are you boy?''
-''I am almost six!'' – Jin lied again.
-''You are too young. You will be happier in some family. Your face is too pretty and gentle, you will never become a warrior boy.''
-''I will! You watch me!''
Mentor liked the feistiness Jin had. He was small and far too beautiful for a boy, but there is something in his proudness that made Mentor wonder.
-''Very well.'' - He said slowly, eyeing him carefully. –'' You can stay.''
-''Promise!'' – Jin said and raised his little finger so childishly.
Mentor bend forward and placed his hands on his knees, staring at Jin harshly in the eyes. The boy didn't flinch. His eyes were still focused and hard. The Mentor gazed down towards Jin's offered little finger and then back at Jin's face.
-''Promise.'' – The Mentor said, but Jin pushed his little pinky finger higher as to set the deal.
-''Seokjin enough.'' – The Mentor said, covering Jin's pinky finger with his palm and pulling the boy closer. – ''I gave you my word. You will stay here, where you will be trained, but I'm warning you, they will treat you differently. They will not be gentle and kind. You will cry most of the days, your body will hurt from the practice and you will feel unloved, but you will be here, as your uncle was before you. Do you still want that Seokjin? You can still change your mind.''
Jin gulped, his little body heaving from the turmoil he felt in his chest and his eyes filled with tears, but he brushed his eyes and starred back at his future Mentor. – ''I want to stay.''
The Mentor nodded and straighten up. He stretches out his hand, palm up and Jin knew what he wanted. He watched as Jin untied his breeches and pushed his hand inside his underwear. The Mentor quirked one of his eyebrows when Jin pulled out and placed a wrapped object into his palm. He watched Jin questionably.
-''What?'' – Jin said, tying himself up. – ''Safest place as any.''
The Mentor huffed and then looked at the wrapped item. He quickly took the cloth off and finally saw what it was. It was one of the artifacts, the rarest one. The one for which some people would kill to get their hands on. Someone like the old Captain. Namjoon's grandfather was after it for decades.
Time changed. Jin was now ten and he was skinny. His hair was long, his dark curls reached his shoulders. With his plump lips and gorgeous face, everyone thought he was a girl.
-''I don't understand why are you here!?'' – One voice spoke. Jin turned and met a few of his tormentors. He turned to run, but he hit the hard chest of another one. – ''Leave me alone!'' – Jin gritted through his teeth and they laughed.
-''I wonder if he is really a girl.'' – Other one chipped in. More laughter.
-''Shall we take a look?'' – More laughter and cheering. Jin growled and kicked, but they were bigger and stronger and he was outnumbered. They ripped his clothes off, leaving him naked, laughing at him.
-''Oh look, he is really a boy!''
-''Look at his tiny worm.''
-''Maybe he will never be a man. He will stay a small boy!'' – More laughter and Jin's eyes filled with furious tears. He bit one of them, who screamed and kicked the other between his legs, he turned and punched other in the nose, and was about to aim the other one in the knee, when someone hit him in the head. Jin falls down as they kept hitting and kicking him until something spooked them and they fled. Jin raised his eyes to see his Mentor looking down at him, unmoving.
-''They beat you up again.'' – He said. Jin felt shivers on his naked skin, but more from the fury, than embarrassment and cold.
-''They were five against one!''
-''That's not an excuse.''
Jin raised himself weakly on his arms. – ''They are older than me!''
-''Weak excuses.''
They starred one another for a moment before the Mentor said. – ''Clean yourself up. I suggest you patch up your clothes because you won't get the new ones any time soon. And be quick about it, you are embarrassing.'' – He turned and left, leaving Jin to shake and reach to cover himself the best as he could.
More years passed, Jin grew more handsome and beautiful, he was fourteen now. His hair was now short and he was walking towards the armory when he heard the familiar voices.
-''Hey beautiful.'' – Jin gritted his teeth and continued forward.
-''Hey I'm talking to you!'' – The voice spoke now closer and Jin rolled his eyes. – ''And I am ignoring you.''- He said, walking forward when someone yanked him back. He was pinned against the wall harshly.
-''You know how I hate being ignored by you, hmm?'' – The man spoke, drawing his face closer to Jin's, his bad breath made Jin wanting to puke.
-''You look so beautiful...are you sure you are not a girl?'' – Same old question asked for hundreds of time, first out of the sheer mockery of youth, and later on from pure lust.
-''Are you not tired playing the same old game, Aaron?''
-''Not with your baby.''
-''Oh please go away, your breath will suffocate me.''
Aaron gripped Jin tighter, forcing one of his thighs between Jin's legs, his hands reaching Jin's ass. He squeezed it as the rest of his gang snickered.
-''Now be a good girl and suck me off, will you?''
-''Do you want to be a eunuch for the rest of your life, Aaron?'' – Jin asked, quirking his eyebrow.
Aaron laughed, which made Jin turn his head to avoid his breath.
-''I like the way you say my name.''
Jin's eyes scanned them all, but then his gaze fell on the person way on the back in the shadows. His Mentor watched him calmly, his face unreadable. He raised one of his eyebrows at Jin, waiting.
Jin felt his blood rush to his head and he reacted. He banged Aaron's nose with his forehead harshly, that the latter screamed. Jin pushed him hard on the other two in the back, so they lost their balance and fell down with Arron on their chests. Jin quickly attacked the other three, moving fast and hitting precisely where he wanted. In less than a minute they were on the ground, crying from pain. Jin looked towards his Mentor, but he wasn't there anymore.
The scene shifted and Namjoon saw himself standing in the room filled with Assassins.
-''The Sea Monster Captain gained a lot of power.'' – One Assassin's spoke and few others nodded their heads.
-''He keeps attacking and killing our own brothers and sisters.''
-''He is after the artifacts!''
The voices were loud now and the mumbling was too loud.
-''Enough.'' – The Mentor said. –'' I agree with you my brothers and sisters, he needs to be stopped, but we already lost so many lives trying.''
-''Those lives were not lost in vain, we learned valuable information about the man each time.'' – The voice from the crowd spoke.
-''And yet he lives, and our people die.'' – The other Senior Assassin responded.
-''Mentor.'' – One young Assassin stepped out. – ''Please allow me to assassinate him please.''
-''Taeyang you are too valuable to the Order. We need your skills elsewhere.'' – The Mentor said.
-''But I can take him, you know I can, you trained me well. Mentor please, I beg of you give me this chance.'' – The young assassin begged, one arm across his chest ass he bowed.
-''Enough Taeyang, you are not going.''
-''Then allow me.''
-''And me.''
-''And me!''
Few other young Assassins stepped out.
-''I will not spill our Assassin's blood until the right moment came.'' – The Mentor spoke and few elders agreed, nodding their head as the young ones bowed their head dejectedly.
-''I can go.'' – The voice came and the Mentor raised his eyes to look at Jin. There's a few chuckles and murmurs among the others.
-''Seokjin you are barely Advanced Trainee, be quiet.'' – One of Elder Assassin's shouted.
-''Precisely, no one will notice me.'' – Jin said and the entire room erupted.
-''Are you insane boy?!'' – One voice shouted, while the other spoke. – ''You will be sold to the slavers as soon as you step out of this land!''
-''You would be lucky if you see the ship in the far!''
-''You will never stay alive to come close enough.''
All that time the Mentor didn't say a word. He just observed Jin carefully, eyes narrowed as he quirked one of his eyebrows. He watched Seokjin ever since he was five, now a sixteen year old, witnessing the boy's treatments from the others because of his beauty and youth. The boy never wavered, not once, and no matter how much you beat him to the ground, he would always rose up on his feet, chin proudly up high. He was clever and cunning, finding his way through obstacles quickly and learning fast. Mummery came naturally to him, as well as elegance. With his beauty and baring, he could be easily mistaken as one of the nobles, but his quick and agile movements and internal rage gave him what he needed to be very dangerous. Even though Seokjin never told him, the Mentor knew of his revenge, fuming deep inside the boy's chest. He knew who killed Siwon and that boy knew who the killer was. After all, he was the only one who saw him with his own eyes and lived to tell a tale. The Mentor knew this day will come sooner or later and he saw only two things that could come out of it. First was that the boy will die, most certainly and the second one, quite unbelievable one, was that he will succeed. Whether or not he will live was a huge question.
Jin kept his silence and looked straight at his Mentor. The voices from other Assassins did not bother him at all. He waited patiently for the decision.
The Mentor raised his hand, demanding silence and everyone stopped talking. He looked at Jin, quirking his eyebrow quizzically one more time, asking if he was sure and Jin slightly nodded.
-''Very well, Trainee Seokjin come forward.''
Everyone gasped and murmurs started again as Jin came closer to accept his assignment.
Seokjin was following the rumors that the ship was sighted near Whailen, on the island called Spine Breaker, but before Seokjin could get there, he was snatched by Baron's man.
Namjoon knew this part, but this time he was in Jin's head, seeing Jin's thoughts, feeling Jin's emotions. They were real and they were strong. They left Namjoon breathless.
The moment Jin found out who Namjoon grandfather was, his hopes crushed down and he spends months fighting his own demons, his thirst for revenge, the rightness of his Order and love towards Namjoon.
In the end, seeing the tyranny from the old Captain for two years, sense of duty prevails and he went to the old man one night, bringing him some documents he previously obtained. The Captain was very satisfied with him and was about to turn and send him off with a smile when Jin caught him off guard by stabbing the knife in his kidney. The old man's body stiffened from shock and severe pain, his mind was frozen, not able to even scream as his eyes bore in Jin's face.
-''Noella, my mother and Siwon, the Assassin, eleven years ago, small village Crooked.'' – Was all Jin said while he watched Captain's eyes grew wide and then glossy as his soul left his body.
The self-hatred and pain Namjoon felt in Jin's chest days after was huge. Jin could barely look at him in the eyes, but in all of his own pain and loss, Namjoon didn't notice that... He did notice, however, when Jin left him. He got back and report to his Mentor that the task is done. His rank was raised up to Rank nine and he became the youngest Elite Apprentice. Jin didn't care, he didn't want it really. He just wanted to see their faces at seeing him alive and the tales of the Captains death.
He was lifeless, traveling far, doing his tasks, until he found two small boys...which beauty and uniqueness made Namjoon shudder. He wanted to know more about two creatures, about the 'Witch twins' when he suddenly felt a sharp pain from the center of his back.
Namjoon screamed and jerked back from Jin, grabbing at his back, but he couldn't reach the blade that was buried there. He fell on the ground, feeling weak. He collected the bits of his still weak magic to push the blade out and heal the wound before he turned to look at his attacker. The sight of two dark-haired men holding Jin's weak body, whose head fell down and seemed lifeless.
-''Let him go!'' – Namjoon boomed. – ''He is mine!'' – He stood up, but he was too weak.
The taller man turned and Namjoon was shaking to the core. It was him, one of the Witch Twins.
-''You...'' – He said weakly, but the man reacted fast, throwing the knife at him, which Namjoon barely managed to avoid by his quick reflexes. He wasn't lucky or fast enough for the second one though. He felt the knife burying itself deep into his shoulder. Namjoon feels down, too weak to keep his head up. Poison, he thought. It must be poison on his blades. Damn it.
Trying to grab something to hold on, but missing, Namjoon fell down to the ground, panting heavily as he tried to reach for his magic again.
-''Come near him again...'' – The twin said. – ''...and I will kill you next time.''
-''Tae hurry up help me!'' – The other man shouted and Namjoon found the accent highly familiar, even though the voice seemed deeper, more...manly. Tae turned towards Seokjin, gripping the man at his shoulders. Tae, his name is Tae and the other one...why does it sound so familiar? Namjoon thought, through sleepiness.
-''Why is he not waking up!? Hyung do something!'' – Tae shouted, looking at the smaller dark man, his side profile, now more visible to Namjoon, was very familiar to him. - ''It can't be....after all this time...he is still here...with Jin...' – Namjoon thought suddenly, but once he heard the voice he was completely sure.
-''I don't know what you expect me to do, I'm not a mage! He is!'' – Yoongi said.
-''Sugar...'' – Namjoon chuckled. – ''I must say that I'm surprised of seeing you again.'' – He grinned, but Yoongi frowned, raising his eyes from Jin to look at Namjoon.
-''I was utterly surprised hearing you are here again Namjoon!'' – Yoongi said acidly. He pointed at unmoving Jin. – ''Is this why you came back? To get to him? Couldn't you just kill him instead of...Why Namjoon, fucking why?!'' – Yoongi shouted, but Namjoon just laughed.
- ''I should have known this was your poison that currently runs through my veins.'' – Namjoon grunted, feeling weaker and weaker by the seconds. He gritted his teeth, before continuing. – ''You were always...quite fascinated by it...I must warn you...I'm... the only one that can...wake him up...'' – Namjoon lied. – ''So you better had some antidote s-somewhere...ins...inside your robes S-Sugar...''– He said, fighting the sleepiness, smiling. Tae was on him the next second, gripping at his collar and yanking him harshly to growl in his face.
-''Tell me how to wake him up or I swear to Gods, I will rip you apart, limb by limb.''
Namjoon chuckled again at Tae's words. – ''Only I can help him...Or not...it's up to...Sugar...''
He heard Tae's growl and he closed his eyes, not being able to withstand the poison in his veins anymore.
-''Tae, C'mon, we have to hurry. We take both of them with us and figure things out on the way. We don't have much time.'' – It was the last thing Namjoon heard.
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