Tae was entering his house carrying the box of medicine and drafts V ordered from Yoongi few weeks previous since Yoongi still refused to see him. He accepted his orders though, but only if Tae come to pick them up. So Tae did. He always liked to visit Yoongi and chat with him. Well, it was mostly him talking and Yoongi grunting the response, unless he is really in the mood, in which case he would tease Tae savagely. Today it was bearable, exchanging the town's gossip and other amusing stories, so Tae was in a good mood too.
He found his twin at the library, writing a letter. He came in, closing the door behind him before walking forward and placing the box on the table. V glanced shortly, returning to his letter, murmuring.
-''Did you get everything?''
-''What you ask, Hyung provides, you know him.'' – Tae answered, hands still brushing at the box.
-''And the smoke bombs?''
Tae reached to his pocket and extracted a small bag, filled with dozen of round smoke bombs and placed it on the table as well.
-''How's Yoongi?'' – V asked, scribbling fast.
-''As always, works too much, eat too little, but I do believe he slept a bit, he looked less grumpy.'' – Tae answered after a thought. V let the annoying sound from his throat.
-''One of these days I will tie him down to his bed, feed him a good meal and force his own sleeping draft down his throat, so he gets some sleep.'' – He said and Tae cooed.
-''Aaaaw brother, I didn't know you had a soft side.'' – He teased and V ignored him, his quill running fast across the parchment. -''I believe it's all Hoseok Hyung's doing. He made you softer.'' – Tae added.
V's hand stopped writing and he raised his head to look at his brother, who was smiling down on him. V didn't know what to say since he couldn't lie to his twin and the truth was that he didn't know what's happening to him for the past few weeks. Ever since Hoseok came to Hyungsik, V couldn't think of anything else. Sure enough, they both pretended that it's nothing more than sex between them, hooking up more frequently now, sometimes adding Hyungsik in the equation. He knew that Hoseok was fucking around and the minstrel knew V wasn't idle either. It was a silent agreement not to meddle in each other's affairs with other people without the invitation, but V couldn't lie that he hated the thought of other people touching Hoseok. This feeling was so new and strange to him, that he didn't know what to think of it.
-''Don't even try to deny it.'' – Tae said, arching an eyebrow. V looked at his brother's eyes now, licking his dry lips, before he spoke calmly.
-''I'm not sure what... he...did to me Tae, but...I know I'm panicking a little bit.''
Tae opens his mouth to tease his twin, but when he saw the seriousness and slight fear in his brother's eyes, he fell heavily in the chair behind him, starring at his blonde split image in shock. He had never seen him like this before and for V to admit of panicking. V? No, it can't be, Tae thought. He knew V was attracted to Hoseok, but he never thought that he would have feelings for him.
-''But...'' – Tae started, frowning. – ''What?'' – He pouted, his face confused. -''Do you....have....feelings for him, brother?'' – He asked after a few moments.
V blinked, looking at the parchment and around, exhaling loudly through his nose. – ''I don't know.'' – He said. – ''He surely messed up with my mind, his image appearing whenever I'm with someone else.''
Tae hummed, considering. – ''Maybe he is just good at sex, so others can't compete with him.''
-''Tae, he is good at sex...damn...he is great even, but it's not that. It's....'' – V stopped, leaning back at his chair, his gaze lost somewhere in the room.
-''It's...?'' – Tae prompted him to continue.
-''I don't know.''
-''V.'' – Tae gently called. V turned his head away, biting his lower lip nervously.
-''Brother...'' – Tae called again.
-''I feel jealous.'' – V said through gritted teeth, turning to face his twin again. – ''I hate seeing him with other people. I want to strangle anyone who put their filthy hands on him. I hate that he is selling his body to them Tae, I hate it!'' – His voice became louder, as his nostrils flared and his eyes blazed ice cold. -''I hate that I have this....this need....to see him...to have him by my side. I hate that I constantly wonder where he is and whom he fucks... I hate that feeling TaeTae, fuck dammit I do.'' – He chocked and Tae saw his twin's blue eyes were shiny with tears.
Tae stood quickly and ran around the table to engulf his brother in a tight hug, sitting on V's lap, just like they were younger. V was breathing heavily now, trying to regain his composure as he hugged his twin back just as tight. It was always him comforting Tae, always him who protected him and brushed his tears. For the first time now he allowed being taken care off in his weak state, completely surprised by it.
''That's because you love him you sweet pabo.'' – Tae said in V's hair, planting a kiss on his blond locks, his hands stroking his back affectionately.
V pulled back slightly to look at him, gulping heavily. – ''It can't be it Tae...this...this....it can't be it.'' – He choked and Tae laughed gently.
-''And why not? What's wrong of being in love V?''
-''I don't fall in love Tae, I never do.'' – He said brushing at his eyes and sniffling once.
-''Well, there is the first time for everything.'' – Tae said smiling, settling himself on the table now, still holding his brother's hand.
-''It's the wrong time Tae. Hyung is not here for a year and a half now. We don't know if he is dead or alive...'' – V started, but Tae cut in. – ''He is alive.''
-''How do you know?'' – V asked curiously.
-''I have a source, he's on Stigma.''
-''Aaaaah...now it makes sense.'' – V said, leaning back on his chair, his eyes lost somewhere again. Tae's brows furrowed.
-''What makes sense?''
V gaze up to his twin again. – ''Your informant... it's the Count, right?'' – He asked and Tae nodded.
-''He just sent me a message to meet one of his men on the Isla de Sangre.''
Tae frowned. – ''Why?''
V shook his head. – ''I'm not sure, but I have a slight guess.''
-''Are you sure that it was he that sent you that letter?'' – Tae asked suspiciously.
-''It was sent with his sigil and he wrote that as a Dragon, not as a Count.''
-''Fucking hell.'' – Tae gasped. They've learned the differences between the Jiyong's signatures during the years. If it was signed by his title, it was important, but if it's by his underground name, the shit's about to get down.
-''When are you leaving?'' – Tae asked worriedly.
-''I booked the ship for tomorrow morning, I should be there in two days.''
Tae nodded. – ''Do you have everything you need?''
-''Yes, you brought me what I needed from Yoongi.'' – V reassured him.
-''It's like you knew that you will leave soon.'' – Tae said frowning. V sighed. – ''No, but I had a strange feeling I should restock my equipment. Leave me now, I have to finish my letter and write a note to the Count. He awaits my answer.''
-''Do you want me to come with you?'' – Tae asked.
-''No, he sends for me only.'' – V answered, returning to his letter. Tae nodded and turned to leave, but before he walks through the door he turned. – ''V.''
-''Talk to Hoseok Hyung.''
-''When I return.'' – V answered, still writing.
-''Tonight V. Talk to him before you leave.''
V grunted, but Tae was persistent.
-''V.'' – And when his brother didn't reply, he added. – ''You might not get a second chance to do so.''
V's writing stopped again only for a briefest of moments, before continuing their scribbling.
-''Tonight V.'' – Tae said and closed the door behind him.
V took a deep breath, dropping the quill and burying his face in his hands and then his hair, pressing at it, until he felt the blood rushing under it. He huffed again as he leans back, his arms resting on the armchair rests. He thought about Tae's words and his predicament, waging the right moment, pros and cons. He needed a clear head for this trip. Dragon asks for wits and speed and V must have his mind clear, without lust and jealousy. He must talk to Hoseok, Tae is right.
He huffed again and bend over the letter to finish the last few words, before he tossed powder at it, to dry the ink. He sealed his letter and left it aside while scrabbling few words on the thin, small parchment. He rolled it carefully and went to his window. He whistled shortly and the small falcon flew inside, perched himself on the top of the chair. V approached him, tying the note to his leg and brushing his feathers slightly.
-''Go home.'' – He said and the falcon spread his wings, pushing himself strongly and disappearing through the window again, into the sunset. How poetic, V thought, admiring the beautiful small predator, always wanting one, but never having enough patience to train them properly. He took his coat and his letter calling a small courier who was waiting downstairs. He instructed him to whom he should deliver the letter and send him his way. As for him, he went down towards the town center. He had to talk with certain minstrel.
He couldn't find him for some time, as he wasn't in the Inn, but he sat and had a drink, just to seem ordinary enough. He exchanged a few polite words with the Innkeeper.
-''Is Hope performing tonight?'' – He asked the old man casually.
-''Oh no, not tonight. It's quiet...not enough guests.''
-''Hmmm...'' – V hummed, finishing his drink and reaching towards his pouch to get the coins when the voice behind him spoke.
-''It's on me.'' – V turned and saw Hoseok standing behind him. The old man smiled, nodding in acknowledgment and moving away.
-''You don't have to...'' – V started to say, but Hoseok cut in. – ''I want to.''
They were silent for a few moments. This new realization of his own feelings shook V to the core and suddenly he didn't know how to act around the minstrel. Sensing the tension, Hoseok said.
-''Come and take a walk with me.'' – He turned and started walking towards the door, turning slightly to check if V is following.
They walked silently, gathering their thoughts, both waiting for the other one to speak.
-''I'm leaving in the morning.'' – V said, looking at the road ahead. Hoseok turned his head so fast to look at him. – ''Where?''
-''I have some business to attend to.'' – He answered. Hoseok bowed his head. – ''I see...'' – He sounded disappointed. V glanced at him from the corners of his eyes.
-''I will return in a week or so.''
Hoseok forced a smile, it had not reached his eyes though. – ''Well have fun while you at it.'' – He said.
-''I'm not going for the pleasure of it Hoseok.''
Hoseok nodded, not raising his eyes from the path ahead.
-''What will you do?'' – V asked seriously. They were in the secluded street and the darkness fell upon the town, only a few lighted lanterns show the way, leaving the large portion of the street in the dark still.
Hoseok huffed a laugh. – ''Oh the usual, singing, teasing, drinking, whoring, write some new lyrics...I might visit Hyungsik again...''
The blood in V's veins made him bolt suddenly at those words. The jealousy surged through him and he pinned Hoseok, face forward on the wall, his body pressed tightly against the other one's back as he growled in his ear.
-"I don't want you fucking around anymore. You are making me angry Hoseok." - V pressed himself more while struggling to restrict Hoseok's arms. Hoseok gasped, gritting his teeth, his dominant nature recognized the challenge and he growled back, wanting to fight. He pushed V from himself and turned them around, so now V's back was pinned on the wall and Hoseok's leg between his thighs, his forearm pressing against V's throat as he growled back.
-"And you think I like seeing you with others V, hmmm? Do you think I can bare that? Do you!?"
They stared at one another angrily, panting. Their breaths mixed together as their bodies burned. They were like two angry dogs fighting for dominance.
-''Tell me V...why do you care?'' – Hoseok hissed and V's eyes bored into his with huge intensity. Hoseok gasped when V's arms grabbed and twisted slightly at the few nerve points in Hoseok's arm, causing it to lose strength. Hoseok hissed but was flipped again and pinned by his hands above his head. Their chests pressed together so tightly, that they were able to feel each other's heartbeats. They starred to one another, their breaths mixing in a hot swirl.
Beside them and a few stray cats, the street was abandoned. The small lantern few steps away gave poor light, but it was enough for V to catch Hoseok's glowing skin, full heart shape lips, his high cheekbones, and two intense staring eyes. The man was so beautiful, that V had trouble to breathe. That never happened to him before. He was never so enchanted by someone like this. He felt the urge to protect him and make him his. He felt the need to ravish him until he screams his name. V looked at Hoseok's lips and gulped.
-"I care."- He murmured, still gripping Hoseok's hands tightly.
Hoseok swallowed, wetting his lips with his tongue. He waited quietly.
-''I care.'' – V repeated again, leaning towards him and closing his eyes when his face touched Hoseok's. He nuzzled gently at his cheek, sliding down to his neck to inhale his scent.
-''I care.'' – He said it again, whispering almost. It sent shivers down Hoseok's body. V moved over Hoseok's throat on the other side of his neck, leaving a soft kiss before he moved up, to his other cheek and upon his temple, kissing his forehead. Hoseok closed his eyes as V continued down, trailing his kisses on Hoseok's face, one on each eyelid, then his cheekbones, then his nose, the corner of his mouth and then finally his lips. Hoseok melted into the kiss. It was so soft, so full of care and hidden emotion, that he was breathless. V broke the kiss, leaning his forehead on Hoseok's as he breathed slightly faster.
-"Do you want me?" - Hoseok whispered. V nodded.
-''But I want more V.'' – Hoseok continued. – ''I need more, I....'' – V was nodding at this as well.
-''I don't want anyone else...'' – Hoseok said. – ''I don't need anyone else...If I can have you.'' – V nodded again, still silent. Hoseok never saw the blond devil like this before, it shook him and filled him with hope.
-''I don't want you to be with other people, not without me.'' – Hoseok said and V was now shaking his head in a silent no, agreeing with his every word. He felt the same.
-''You are driving me crazy V, say something.'' – Hoseok chuckled exasperated. V took a deep breath again through his nose and exhale slowly, buying his time.
-''I have....f-feelings....for you.'' – He finally said it, sliding his hands from Hoseok's as he leaned on the wall behind them, caging the red-head man.
-''Yeah?'' – Hoseok asked, wrapping his now free hands around V's neck.
V licked his lips, closing his eyes. -"You have no idea how much.'' - He said and he felt Hoseok's breathing quickened.
-''You fucking asshole, it took you too fucking long.'' – Hoseok growled and clash his lips on V's, kissing him deeply. V groaned as he returned the kiss, hands flying around Hoseok. Hoseok jumped then, wrapping his legs around the blonde's waist. V's hands slid to hold him on his ass as he pressed him against the wall, enjoying the feeling of Hoseok's tongue in his mouth.
They kissed like that for some time, grinding against each other, until they were both breathless. Finally, Hoseok broke the kiss only to say. – ''My room.'' - And V nodded, kissing him again, setting him down slowly before Hoseok took his hand and with one final kiss pulled him towards the Inn.
Tae stood at the docks, waiting for his twin to arrive. It was some twenty minutes when he finally did, and Tae momentarily noticed the glow emanating from him. V met his eyes and his lips curled slightly, still holding the serious expression on his face. Tae wasn't fooled.
-''I see you talk to Hoseok Hyung.'' – He said grinning. His brother rolled his eyes, playing annoyance.
-''Why are you here Tae?''
-''Well...I came to see my stubborn brother before he leaves.'' – Tae said, folding his arms on his chest.
V raised one eyebrow. – ''You never did that before.''
-''Well you were never so foolishly in love before.'' – He teased and V frowned. – ''I am not in love Tae.''
-''Sure, sure. Well, its best you get going, everything is packed, safe trip, take care, come back soon and all that shit.'' – Tae said looking down at his feet. V chuckled and spread his hands. Tae lunged at him, hugging him tightly.
-''Damn, I love soft V.'' – He murmured into his neck.
-''Don't get used to it. I'm going to straighten that soft fool in no time.'' – V said and Tae groaned, breaking the hug. – ''You are too bad V.''
-''Precisely.'' – V said, grinning. He grabbed at his bags and went to the small ship, turning to face his brother again, as the vessel starts moving. –'' Take care everything while I'm gone.''
-''I will. I'll even invite Hoseok Hyung in mine and Kookie's bed if he feels lonely at night, don't worry.''
-''You know I could still get you from here.'' – Tapping at his hip, where his dagger laid. Tae laughed.
-''Bye brother.'' – He said as he backed away slowly. V just raised his hand in silent goodbye.
Until his brother's ship was but a small spot on a horizon, Tae stayed and watch. He never liked when V traveled without him. It wasn't right when they were separated like that. Tae sighed deeply and went back to their house, allowing himself to be spoiled with food by their caretaker Nanni. He always loved the old lady. She was more like a grandmother to them then a servant and they treated her like that. He kissed her cheek and thanked her for the food.
-''Don't stay up too late Master Tae.'' – The old woman said and Tae smiled and nodded. He went to the armory and practiced his throwing for a while. He was not as good as his brother, but he still hit his target every time. Tae's specialties were strategy and extraction. He was a careful planner, reading people easily and improvising quickly. He was skilled in combat like any other Assassin, but he took no enjoyment in that as his brother did. V ravel in it, enjoying the adrenaline. He preferred open battles more, while Tae was more stealth, a quick kill from the darkness.
Tae kept his combat skills sharp only so he could protect himself and the ones he cares about. Now even more, since he met Jungkook. Speaking of whom, he was rather surprised not seeing him in the Inn last night. The Inn keeper's wife told him he took off that afternoon and still haven't returned. Tae just shrugged. It was alright for them to have their own obligations, but it was strange because they agreed to have dinner together last night. Figuring he must have forgotten about the engagement, Tae went home, where he spent the evening looking through some maps he's been studying for a while.
Around noon, he jumped suddenly, when a small falcon flew in the room, landing on the old globe in the corner. Tae jumped to his feet, recognizing one of The Count's many useful pets, and walk towards the bird, whispering to her gently. He found the note, tied up to her leg and quickly read it.
''Kjo ibt cffo dbqvsfe. 'Uif Tfb Npotufs' ibt ijn tpnfxifsf po Tujhnb. Nz yfbtfmt bsf tojggjoh tujmm gps uif mpdbujpo. Cf rvjdl Ubfizvoh.''
Tae gasped. – ''Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!'' – He shouted the last word and the falcon screeched warningly.
-''Sorry.'' – Tae said apologetically to the animal. He read the letter again, automatically tumbling the words for one letter on the right in the alphabet. His mind was used to this secret code. He read it and used it too many times.
''Jin has been captured. 'The Sea Monster' has him somewhere on Stigma. My weasels are sniffing still for the location. Be quick Taehyung.''
Tae ran towards the table, writing the short note in the heist and with utmost difficulty slowly approached the alarmed animal.
-''It's alright...everything is fine darling...here...yes...good boy...you are a smart boy...yes you are... so good...'' – Tae chanted as he fastened the note on the falcon's leg again. – ''Go home.'' – And the bird did.
He went back, writing another, more encrypted message for his brother, bolting out of the window and on its roof, way up to the chimney, where he eased off one of the bricks and placed the note inside before securing the brick back. He ran his finger onto the chimney top, gathering cinder on his fingertip, before climbing down back into the study. He smudged his fingertip on the clean parchment, leaving the clue for his brother when he returns and ran again to prepare for the battle.
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