Yoongi purposely refused to go and watch the duel. First, because he didn't want to go out and second because he didn't want to face Jimin again so soon. He will found out the outcome soon enough, he was sure. The Duel was the talk of the town. People truly didn't have anything better to do but gossip around. Yoongi expected to work on something new, he just got a shipment of some exotic dry roots that he wanted to experiment with when a loud knocking on the door shook him from his plans.
It was Jimin, pale and sweaty, holding his left shoulder, who was seriously bleeding now, with a small arrow in it.
-''Hyung.'' – He said weakly and Yoongi groaned. – ''What happened?''
He didn't wait for an answer, but pulled Jimin inside and close his door. He sat him on the stool next to the table and went to get everything he needs.
-''Did you lose?'' – Yoongi asked while picking up his many bottles and clean linen to bound Jimin's wound.
-''No, I didn't lose Hyung. I won.'' – Jimin hissed annoyingly.
-''Then how come you are here with an arrow in your shoulder?''
-''Because Tae shot me!'' – Jimin growled at Yoongi and the other man burst out laughing.
-''He did!? Oh, I was wondering when he going to strike back at you. You had that one coming.''
-''Oh ha-ha, very amusing, I'm dying from laughter.'' – Jimin said sarcastically, which only made Yoongi smile wider, so wide that his gums were showing.
-''This will hurt like a motherfucker.'' – He said as he jerked the arrow out from Jimin's shoulder, making the younger man scream.
-''Warn me next time you idiot!''
Yoongi was unfazed. – ''I did warn you.''
-''No you said that it's going to hurt and then you just grab it! You didn't give me the chance to take a breath!''
-''Oh next time I will send you a letter first and wait for the pigeon to give me back your response.''
-''Oh you are in a good mood today Hyung. So witty and full of humor! Did you had a nice nap or did you finally get laid!?''
-''Neither. Tae made my day when he shot you in the shoulder. Which is what's keep bugging me. Why did he shoot you per se? I thought it was a duel with swords between you and the Virgin Knight.''
Jimin glared at him and hissed when Yoongi pressed a cloth soaked with the draft on his open wound.
-''Fuck shit Yoongi, it hurts!"
-''It supposed to hurt. It's for disinfecting your wound, so it won't get worse.''
Jimin's clutched fist hit the table for a few times, making the bottles and cups vibrate and almost spill over.
-''Don't be a child, it's just a little pain.''
-''Just a little!'' – Jimin roared. – ''I don't see you having a gaping wound from the arrow Hyung, so don't tell me it's just a little pain!''
-'Yaah, you have no idea what the pain really is a brat, so don't yell here at me when I'm trying to help your sorry ass!'' – Yoongi bellowed, pressing harder on Jimin's wound, making the younger man gasped and hit his head on the table.
-''Fuck, fuck, fuck...''
-It needs a few stitches.'' – Yoongi said and took a small curved needle to heat it up on the candle flame. Jimin observed that suddenly accepting his fate.
-''Here bite this.'' – Yoongi gave him a piece of wood.
-''It's like you giving me a bone!'' – Jimin murmured quietly but bit down at the wood. Yoongi ignored him, too concentrated at his task.
Jimin grunted when Yoongi pierced him with the needle for the first time, cursing Tae and the not so Virgin Knight anymore. How could he do this to him? With the fucking Virgin Knight, for fuck sake. Jimin was disappointed, so much that his eyes watered, some from the pain, some from the fury.
After a few moments, Yoongi was done and Jimin's shoulder was cleaned and wrapped up.
-''Here, drink this...it's for the pain...'' – Yoongi said, nudging the cup with the draft into Jimin's hand. Jimin eyed it carefully, sniffed at it first before he took a small sip. He made a disgusted face.
-''Ugh, it's disgusting.''
-''It's supposed to stop the pain, not to be tasteful. Drink it up!''
Jimin made a face again, looking at the damn thing, before swallowing it up. He coughed slightly.
-''Hyung do you have wine?''
-''Do you have anything to wash down this awful taste?''
-''Only water.''
-''Dammit Hyung, it's like you living in the covenant.''
Yoongi eyed him. – ''With this kind of stuff around, not likely. Besides, the monks have wine.''
-''Hell... that's true.'' – Jimin agreed, his face was pale and he felt slightly dizzy.
-''Here, chew on some mint leaves.'' – Yoongi offered a jar and Jimin took the few, putting it in his mouth and chewing it slowly.
-''Did you knew that Tae is fucking the Virgin Knight?'' – Jimin asked after a while and Yoongi stopped what he was doing to look at the younger man.
-''Who told you that? Tae?''
Jimin shook his head. – ''The Knight himself actually.''
Yoongi raised his eyebrows high at that but didn't comment further.
-''Did you knew Hyung?'' – Jimin wanted to know.
-''Why do you care if I knew or not Jimin?''
-''Would you have told me if you did?''
-''It's not mine to tell Jimin.''
-''But you know I like Tae Hyung, you know.''
Yoongi gulped a lump in his throat, feeling something squeezing at his heart painfully. He pushed the pain somewhere at the back and allowed his savageness to step out front.
-''But Tae doesn't want you Jimin, he wants Jungkook kid and there is nothing you can do about it. Just for once accept the fact that there are some people that don't want you the same way you want them. It's not that hard.''
-''But you want me, do you Hyung?''
Yoongi was silent a moment too long for his words to have depth.
-''No, I do not want you Jimin. Now go to bed and sleep or go away, I don't care, I have the stuff to do.''
Jimin watched him silently for a moment or two. Yoongi moved swiftly through the cramped room, working on his orders and his experiments. Jimin stood up and went to a small room in the back, where Yoongi's small bed was. He lay under the blankets, snuggling his nose into the pillow. It smelled like Yoongi and that calmed him a bit, as he drifted off to sleep.
It was fifteen years since Namjoon last visited the huge island, Stigma. For eighteen years he's been sailing in search of his grandfather's artifacts and his murderer. For years he wondered who dared to kill the old Captain, his dear grandfather until the unpleasant truth revealed itself one day.
Two years ago, he visited an old witch, claiming that she has the knowledge he seeks. He sat in her small hut, different object dangling from the ceiling, made of wood and bone. Her entire home screamed a witch, her attire as well but Namjoon, even though in tune with his magic, didn't trust her, pegging her for an imposter, until she spoke about the things no one except Namjooon and only one other person knew.
-''Darkness has set deep into your heart young one.'' – She croaked, her raspy voice sounded like brushing the sharp stone with the bag of sand. – ''The secrets you seek stare you right in the eyes.'' – She raised her hand to touch her forehead with her finger. – ''But you are too blind to see them, blind because of love you feel.''
-''Speak some sense woman.'' – Namjoon growled, but the woman was unfazed.
-''One truth you seek is spread across the world like pebbles in the pond. Whispers surround them, shadows of the light. You just need to listen carefully to the spirits and they will guide you to it.'' – She said and Namjoon narrowed his eyes. – ''And the second truth?'' – He asked.
-''Hmmm...the second one... is far too simple...and hard...'' – She said, looking at him deeply. – ''The truth you seek will be painful to reveal... since it considers your heart.''
Namjoon gritted his teeth. – ''Speak clearly or I will gut you alive.'' – The old witch chuckled. – ''Stupid boy, did the crows ate half of your brain so you don't see the truth now as it staring you in the face?''
Namjoon started to vibrate, his emotions were on the edge for months now. The Witch observed him. – ''You already know the truth boy...'' – She said. – ''Accept it.''
-''I don't know what you talking about.''
-''Your heart doesn't belong to you anymore. You gave it to someone else.''
Namjoon gulped at that, chin shivering.
-''The one who holds your heart is the one who took his life.'' – Namjoon pushed his hand into fists as the woman continued speaking. – ''The thief who came in the night, beautiful as an angel and lethal as a Death itself.'' – Namjoon shook as she spoke, the knuckles on his first were white, his jaw clenched as his eyes blazed with amber light. He knew, deep down he knew of whom she was talking about. There is only one person that fits that description and Namjoon haven't seen him for almost eighteen years, even though he head whispers here and there. The witch kept talking, as if unaware of the storm in Namjoon's chest, his magic, usually always under control, now vibrated violently. – ''The dark beauty who took your heart and your secrets, his loyalties were always elsewhere...'' – Namjoon's heart pounded, he felt pain and betrayal. It was not the first time that the clues pointed at Jin, but only this time, he dared to accept them as truth. The wind started blowing inside of the small hut, first slowly, then strongly with Namjoon's every breath, moving things, swirling the dust and spider webs. The witch's eyes gleamed as she grinned at Namjoon's pain. – ''...the very same night, he also took a life.''
Namjoon panted, squeezing his eyes as the wind blew. The pain was ripping his heart into pieces, like a sharp knife.
-''Who is he?'' He asked calmly, but few pots exploded nearby, spilling oil and drafts on the table and over the candle. Few sparks sprinkled and the small flame caught on, growing bigger and bigger as it consumed spilled liquid. Namjoon could see the flame, he didn't care. The old hag just smiled at him. – ''The same one you shared your body with so many times.''
Namjoon froze, his eyes shot to hers. He never told anyone about them, about the bond they had and how intimately close they were. They hid it well from others. For two years they hide their feelings from others. The witch knew she didn't guess, she knew. Namjoon saw it in her eyes, the knowledge, and the truth. He roared, his body was tensed as a string, he nearly lunged at the old woman, as she slapped him with a whip across his face. Of course, it all made sense, the closeness, the trust, the patience...no one thought it was him. He became one of them, fought with them, ate and drink with them. They learned to depend on him, on his skills, on his agility and he just waited, like the snake, he waited for the right moment to strike, to plunge his fangs into his victim and paralyze them before he crushes them. And he stayed.... He stayed afterward, to give comfort and care... what a boldness...he looked Namjoon in the eyes and gave him hope...convincing him that he loved him and then he left him to his pain and destiny. Namjoon screamed as these thoughts became clear in his brain. He knew who Jin was...he knew how lethal he was, he knew...but he chose not to see because then the love they shared wouldn't seem so fake.
-''Beware of the witch twins.'' – The witch said and Namjoon starred at her, but she continued. – ''One dark as the night, another light as the day.'' – She croaked, giggling. – ''They walk in the shadows around the one you seek.''
The hut was in flames by now. The old hag started laughing, Namjoon couldn't take it. Her mockery, her laughter, her words. It was wrong of him to come here, to seek the truth, but he had to know...
-''They will be the death of you... the great pirate Captain of the ''Sea Monster'' who rules the seas and brings terror in human's hearts. The Witch twins will be your death!''
The witch was still chuckling and Namjoon made one move of his hand and the old hag fell down on the floor dead. He stood up and walked outside, he had heard enough. The fire only grew stronger and soon it ate the entire hut. Namjoon didn't stop to watch, he didn't even turn, he just continued onward into the night, furious and hurt.
Why did Jin do that? Why did they want him dead? Did the Assassins want him dead? Did they order it or did Jin did it on his own whim? Did he use Namjoon to get closer? Did he plan this all? It seems extremely difficult, but not impossible, Namjoon thought...or was it all simple luck on Jin's side? Each way, Namjoon knew his path now. He needed to find Jin, he needed to stare him in the eyes before he rips the man's heart out. He needed to kill the Devil himself.
Namjoon's men row the small both in the death of the night. The quiet splashing of the water against the boat was the only sound you could hear. Namjoon stood at the bow, looking at the darkness as they entered the cave. His amber eyes showed him the rocks in the water and he signaled his man to be careful. Four of his men were born on the sea and knew precisely how to row through the deadly rock trap. Soon they were inside, following the tight row of the stream. Further deep Namjoon saw a flicker of light, their destination and pretty soon the canal grew wider, so the boat could turn around for the journey back. Namjoon, however, stepped out as soon as they reached the ground and taking the small lit torch went deeper into the cave, leaving his men behind to prepare the boat for the way back. Few of the bats flew from the light, causing Namjoon to bend his head slightly, to avoid them. He reached the end, the only sound was flickering fire and drops of water echoing the space. Namjoon closed his eyes and sharpen his senses, letting his magic fly through him, seeing with his ears and nose, instead of his eyes.
He heard the ruffling of the silk and the soft footsteps and particular sense of smell enveloped his senses. He knew this smell, it was familiar to Namjoon.
-''I'm delighted that you managed to meet me Dragon.'' – Namjoon opened his eyes to stare at the man in front of him. He was dressed as always in the black robe with the hood covering his hair. – ''I thought that much of a busy schedule such as yours must be left me hanging alone in here.'' – Namjoon's voice was polite, but deep down there was a treat. The men's sly lips curled slightly, while his eyes blazed with danger.
-''And to leave my dear old friend waiting here in the cold and dark? Oh, come now...as if I ever did Namjoon.''
Namjoon smiled with the same venom as did the man they called Dragon.
-''We weren't and never will be friends Dragon. – Namjoon spoke calmly, but the man seemed not offended with that statement. Instead, he said.
-''I must say that I'm surprised seeing you here Namjoon. Your foot hasn't stepped on the surface of Stigma for over fifteen years.''
-''My foot hasn't stepped on many lands, on this side of the sea, for many years. My business was elsewhere.''
-''But not this time as it seems.'' – The man said, eyes shining mischievously. Namjoon smiled slightly.
-''No, not this time.'' – He said pacing slowly the cave, watching it shiny walls. – ''This cave hasn't changed since the last time I saw you here.''
The men rolled his eyes. – ''It's a cave, they don't change much in one's lifetime.''
Namjoon chuckled. – ''You and your caves, I wonder if you have your own lair here filled with gold and treasure like the real dragon.''
-''It certainly won't be here, that's for sure.''
Namjoon smiled mockingly. – ''Maybe exactly here, where no one would suspect. So close, right under my nose.''
-''Oh do have some sense Captain, and stop wasting time. My time is golden, as I'm sure it's yours.'' – The man said and Namjoon gritted his teeth, he didn't like when somebody else dictates the terms, but he took out the pouch with gold and tossed to the man, who caught it expertly. He shook it slightly near his ear and satisfied, put the pouch inside of his pocket.
-''What do you know of the Assassin Order?'' – Namjoon asked and the man just stared at him, both of his eyebrows raised.
-''Well then?''- Namjoon asked again, the man rolled his eyes again.
-''The same thing as you I'm certain, but I know you don't really want to talk about the Order now, don't you? There is probably a particular subject that you wish to explore more, I'm sure.''
Namjoon kept staring at him seriously, protruding his chin. – ''What do you know about the assassin Kim Seokjin?
The man's brows rose once more as he tilted his head to observe Namjoon carefully.
-''Nothing much. He remains as one of the best Elite Assassins in the Order. His ethereal beauty and lethal set of skills make him a very dangerous man. The man not to be trifle with.'' – He pointed out his last few words. Namjoon, however, came closer.
-''What do you know about his past?'' – He asked and Dragon just shrugged his shoulders. – ''His past is covered with a veil of mystery. The whispers spoke of the young man no one thought he'll survive, but he did. He ran through his ranks quickly. He vanished again, appearing here and there from time to time. It's said that they call him ''Beautiful death'' because his beauty is the last thing they see before he kills them. Not so bad way to die to be sure.'' – Dragon said smiling. – ''But why are you interested in him?'' – He asked, watching Namjoon's jaw clench and the nerve under his eye vibrate a little.
-''That's none of your concern Dragon. I paid for answers, not questions. Where is he now?'' – Namjoon spoke menacingly. The man just looked at him, boredom visible on his face.
-''No idea. I haven't picked up any news of him for some time now.''
Namjoon exhaled sharply, his eyes blazing amber. – ''Don't lie to me now.''
He challenged the man, his magic crackling quietly, sending vibrations through the entire cave. The Dragon was unimpressed, tilting his head on the side and raising one eyebrow in mock observation. – ''I do not lie Namjoon.''
Namjoon starred at him, reading his eyes and founding no answer in them. Namjoon smiled, protruding his chin nodding as he looked on the ground and moved, contemplating his next question. He bit his lips annoyed before raising his eyes towards man again.
-''What do you know of the Witch twins?'' – The man just blinked, looking at him incredulously.
-''I knew of many twins, identical, Siamese, dwarfish, opposite. I've heard about witches, but I must say I never heard of Witch twins before. Are you sure that's what they are called? And are you sure they are witches? They are almost extinct by now.''
-''The people spoke of the Witch twins following Seokjin's every move. One dark, one light, like night and day. Surely you must have heard that description mentioning somewhere Dragon. Besides, it's your expertise to know everything isn't it?''
The man tilted his head again. – ''And you are sure that they are with Kim Seokjin?'' – Dragon asked.
Namjoon raised his eyebrow. – ''You tell me, are they?''
Dragon's eyes narrowed, his mouth pouting slightly. – ''Well I don't know which people you are listening too, but mine hasn't informed me about such rarity. Twins, one dark, one light, and witches, you say? Well, that is certainly a sight to see, but I'm afraid they haven't been seen in my vicinity as of yet, but then again I haven't seen Seokjin in years.''
-''So you do know him?'' – Namjoon asked, tilting his head slightly as he stared at the hooded man.
-''As do you apparently, since you don't ask for his features, but speak as if you know him, in which case I do think you do quite well.'' – Dragon said calmly, returning the stare with equal intensity. He continued after a moment of silence. – ''I know how he looks, but I have never met him if that's what you implying. I haven't seen him for years Namjoon.''
Namjoon smiled and stepped closer. – '' I'm not surprised you noticed him Dragon. He is a gorgeous man and you are a Dragon after all. Dragons love sparkling and beautiful things.''
Dragon's eyes narrowed, even more, they were shooting venom, but his mouth was spread in a dangerous smile. – ''If that was the truth and he had my interest, he would already be mine.''
-''Isn't he?'' – Namjoon asked and Dragon's smile widened.
-''Oh no, he is not my type for sure.'' – Dragon's voice was calm and relaxed, a complete opposite from his eyes. For untrained eyes, he would have seemed almost bored, but Namjoon perfected his sight to notice every little detail and slight changes. He wasn't fooled. He knew Dragon is lying, but he let it slide. He will found out soon enough why.
- ''What is your point here Namjoon?'' – Dragon asked.
Namjoon smiled widely, his dimples showing marvelously. It gave him gentle features to his face, which were completely ruined by the harshness and hate in his eyes.
-''Oh, there is no point.'' – Namjoon lied. – ''You are at least smart enough not to fall in his charming trap.'' – He acted so nonchalantly now, but Dragon wasn't fooled. He knew of what was Namjoon implying.
-''Some men, you know, would fell for his lies and try to protect him in some way, by lying or hiding the truth.'' – Dragon's eyes flashed angrily at that.
-''Are you implying Namjoon that I'm lying to you about his whereabouts?''
Namjoon starred at him intently for any small give away in Dragon's features, but he found nothing. He smiled even wider and said. – ''Oh no, no...friend.'' – He made a pause of the last word, trying to emphasize it. – ''I spoke of others. I know you are....honest. You speak only gold.''
The anger left the hooded man's eyes and he smiled in return. Namjoon nodded, still observing and smiling. He knew that Dragon is hiding information and he will find it out later, but for now, his gut feeling was telling him to wait and see.
Namjoon took another pouch and toss it towards the man. – ''I'll stay around for a while. Dig something about Seokjin's current whereabouts and the witch twins, will you?''
The Dragon simply nodded. – ''Anything else?'' – He asked.
-''Don't fall for him.'' – He said and Dragon nodded, stepping back to his shadows and leaving Namjoon to chuckle at his dramatic exit and turned back, torch in his hand showing him the way.
Deep in the shadows, the hooded man called Dragon was watching the Captain leaving, his mind swirling with the new information. So the notorious pirate Captain is searching for Jin. He did wonder why? What's more interesting, he wondered why he himself didn't divulge the truth for which he was highly paid for. He knew perfectly well where Jin was at this moment, but something deep inside of him didn't want to sell Jin to Namjoon. Especially since he felt animosity emanating from the Captain when Jin was in concern. One thing was certain, he will pay extra attention now.
The Count sighed and stepped through the darkness, knowing it better than his own pocket, his dark cloak flying after him as he wondered how to warn Seokjin on time.
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