Jin scrunched his eyes as he remembered the Baron and many fights he had afterward, but most importantly he remembered Namjoon. He often asked himself what did he did in his previous life to earn such an unfair destiny in this one. It seemed to Jin that whatever he truly wanted he had to work extremely hard to get, only to have that taken away from him. On the other side, he had many things that the others would die to have - his beauty, charms, and brains, which are a rare and quite desirable combination. That, however, proved to be both a curse and a gift.
His intelligence often placed him into trouble for not being able, in his youth, to keep his mouth shut when needs to, especially through his training years. His wretched tongue was bad as much as it was good sometimes, but it was because of his beauty that he was always tested and given a hard time. On women, that kind of beauty would be more than appreciated. The songs would be made and stories would be told about that high beauty, but on a man, that beauty was always connected with sensitivity and weakness, bonded with pure lust and desire. Jin was constantly challenged in many ways throughout the years. He was teased, bullied, laughed at, attacked and often mistook for a girl when he was a small boy, but when he grew, he became the object of the people's lust, but only in flesh. That one was not only testing his patience but his ability to adapt rather quickly to the new and difficult situations. Sometimes he would wish that he was just an ordinary fellow, but then again he loved himself too much for that. In some strange twisted way, if he could choose, he would choose his beauty and brains yet again, even though he would get the most difficult destiny written in the stars since his birth.
Jin tried to remember when was the last time he was so carefree? Not having to worry about anything, but himself. When he stopped and really thought about it he came to the conclusion that it was probably since he was five. He can't remember his life too much back then, but he remembered the love and care he had from his mother, and the guidance and strength from his uncle. Yes, Jin was happy and carefree once a long time ago, before his family was killed in front of his eyes and before his troubles began. He was just one small and carefree boy, who was forced to grow up and fight for his life every step of the way from that point on.
The Order gave him a new home, but Jin never felt welcomed there. He learned and grew, practicing more and more, falling on the ground so many times and rising up to continue where he left off. The revenge has driven him through some serious shit, that Jin wondered so many times how he lived this long. He had no friends among other Assassin's, not real ones anyway. He had no cousins and people that cared for him back then. Maybe Namjoon did, eighteen years ago, when they were both young and foolish when they still believed that they had a chance.
Jin took a deep sigh, letting the air leave his lungs and feeling his chin slightly waver when the longing hit him. He missed Namjoon a lot. He missed their long talks, their laughs, their kisses. He missed Namjoon in many ways. Those two years together on 'The Sea Monster' were full of trials and danger. Two years where Jin was tested beyond all limits by the crew and himself. That's where Jin learned so much about himself, even more than he thought was possible. He grew so much during that time, he changed, he adapted and would probably stay there if he wasn't so obsessed with the revenge. The thing was, Jin was never able to leave his previous life, an old pledge he made with himself when he was young. He could never forget about the past and his unfinished 'assignment' was a constant reminder of it.
Only good thing there was Namjoon, with his good nature, amber eyes and sweet dimples. The man's brain was remarkable and Jin often wondered about the vast knowledge and depth of Namjoon's mind. His magic though was quiet and well-controlled back then. He didn't like to show it, he didn't like to use it often and separate himself from the rest of the crew. He was one of them and they loved him, of course, they did, who wouldn't? He was their brother, their crew member, and their friend. He would die for them and they would do the same for him.
He remembered Jackson, tall and blond handsome man, with a naughty tongue and a sharp sword. He was a show-off, a jokester, and Namjoon's best friend. Jooheon and Hansung were brothers, the thin and agile scouts, who had a sharp eagle eye and calm hand when they were shooting. They spend their time on the ship's nest most of the day and were not very talkative while they were sober, but give them some rum and they start talking and singing and Namjoon adored them. They always had that foolish smiles on their faces whenever they drink. Sugar was another matter, he was quite dark-haired eleven years old boy, with a cute little face and observing eyes. He reminded Jin of a mischievous kitten. He was supposed to help the cook in the kitchen, but instead, he would often enough sneak up into the armory and to the healer's department to observe the work in secret. He was fascinated with blood and explosions. Jin felt apprehension about him, but the boy never showed any inclination to approach him back then. He would, however, follow Jin often in the shadows.
Jin pushed his face in his hand, breathing heavily as the memory started to surge. The battles, the danger, the laughter, the hardship, the warmth, the sea, the stars, the love....He leaned his head back and closed his eyes as he remembered Namjoon's lips on his for the first time.
Twenty years ago
-''I still don't know what's with you and high places, but at least I know where to find you each time.'' – Namjoon said, climbing at the top of the high wooden post that was once used as a watchtower.
-''How did you find me?'' – Jin asked and Namjoon simply said. – ''Sugar.''
Jin chuckled. – ''That kid knows everything that happens on this island.''
Namjoon smiled. – ''He sure does. I don't know how though.'' – He said, seating himself next to Jin and leaning on the post, breathing the salty air deeply.
They were anchored on a small trading island, Ddaeng, where common folk and pirates roam freely. They stayed there for two months now, an old Captain laid low while inspecting the old map Namjoon brought him.
After they were rescued from Baron's ship, Jin and Namjoon regained their strength and grew even closer, hanging out every single day. They spent their days with Jackson, Jooheon, and Hansung, fighting, drinking and laughing. Jin felt safe.
When Namjoon was locked with Jackson, few other close men in the Captain's rooms discussing plans and such with the old Sea Wolf, Jin spent his time exploring the island through and through. Sometimes he would catch Sugar following him from a distance, never approaching, but Jin didn't mind, not yet anyway.
His favorite place though was the old post. The sea was beautiful from there, turquoise and shiny. The warm breeze and smell of the sea filled Jin's nostrils with content. The nights were even more spectacular, with a wide dark sky filled with numerous stars and the Moon above the water.
It was one of those warm starry nights, the sea was sparkling like it was covered with shiny diamonds when Namjoon climbed up and sat next to him. Jin leaned closer, enjoying the warmth from the other man. Namjoon was always warm and safe to Jin. He was his safe harbor, his anchor in the stormy waters. Jin loved to be close to him, like they were now, sides touching, with Namjoon's arm carefully wrapped around Jin's shoulders and the dark-haired man's head on Namjoon's bicep. They were always careful not to show intimacy with each other when others were present. Sure, they were close, but everyone thought that they are just good friends. When they were alone, however, that was another story. The darkness was their friend and even though nothing yet happened between them, the attraction was thick.
Jin shifted slightly towards Namjoon and the latter tightened his arm around him even closer, burying his nose into Jin's hair. He took a deep sigh.
-''Jin, why do you make me feel this way?''
Jin raised his head from Namjoon's shoulder to look at his amber eyes. They were twinkling with desire and Jin felt warmth in his stomach. His gaze fell on Namjoon's full lips and he licked him unconsciously. They never kissed before, not for real. Namjoon didn't count few pecks on the cheeks on Baron's ship as anything remotely close as the kiss. It was never the right time or place.
Jin leaned in and caught Namjoon's lips with his in a soft kiss and the latter inhaled deeply, closing his eyes, savoring the moment. They drew apart, foreheads connected when Jin whispered. – ''I desire you...''- He caressed Namjoon's jaw, bringing him closer. – ''I want all of you.''
Gasp was heard and Namjoon was kissing him again, softly, hands interlocked with Jin's hair, pulling him closer, engulfing him with his body, until Jin was pressed on the wooden floor with Namjoon on top of him. They kissed gently at first, exploring and testing the feeling, getting to know each other in this way, listening to each other's gasps and quiet moans. The heat between them grew rather quickly and pretty soon they started kissing with more vigor and passion.
-''Jinnie... ''- Namjoon whispered between the kisses, trailing down Jin's neck and collarbones, sucking and licking it gently. – ''You have...no....idea... just how much....I need you...want you...''- He paused, raising his head to look at Jin's eyes. Jin nodded eagerly, spreading his legs so Namjoon can settle between his thighs, pressing their hips together and rocking slightly, creating the friction they needed. They both gasped from the heat they felt and Namjoon buried his head in Jin's neck, biting it slightly.
-''Aaaah Namjoon....'' – Jin craned his neck as he felt Namjoon's teeth on his skin. It sent shivers down his entire body. His cock peeked up with interest and he moaned, pulling Namjoon's ass closer to grind harder on his crotch.
-''Jinnie...you sound so fucking good...'' – Namjoon groaned and kissed Jin's lips again, pressing his tongue inside to lick around Jin's.
Jin wasn't virgin per se, he had his games with women, but he was never claimed by a man before. He never had the need for that, nor did he trust them, until he met Namjoon. For the first time, Jin felt such a powerful sexual attraction and huge respect towards the same sex. Jin knew that Namjoon felt the same as he, but somehow the time and place weren't right... until now.
-''Joon...I want....''– Jin moaned, gripping him firmly on the hair and wrapping his legs around Namjoon's waist, rocking them faster. A sinful moan left Jin's lips and he arched his back and exposed his neck even more and Namjoon forgot how to breathe. Jin was so beautiful like this, wrecked with passion, under starlight and Namjoon fell deep in love with the gorgeous man under him, who kept quietly chanting his name. – ''Joon, Joon, oh yes, Joon...'' Their mouths found each another again, tongues gliding together in a surge of passion.
Jin pulled at Namjoon shirt, taking it off and went down to cup him between his legs. Namjoon let one desperate sound between whine and growl. It turned Seokjin on even more. He undid his leather pants and pushed his hand inside to wrap his fingers around Namjoon's length.
-''Oh fuck...aaaah....Jinnie...fuck...'' - His cries were silenced by Jin's mouth once more. With his other hand, he tried to pull off his pants as well, which proved to be a bit difficult. Noticing his struggle Namjoon rose to his knees, removing Jin's hand from his cock and went on pulling down Jin's pants, setting his erection free. He pushed up Jin's tunic as well and pressed his lips on Jin's hard nipples, flicking them with his tongue and kisses. Jin squirmed, gasping and holding tightly on Namjoon's hair, while the stars twinkled above them.
-''Fuck, how poetic.'' – Jin murmured, chuckling and Namjoon look at him expectantly.
-''Oh It's just crossed my mind of what we are about to do in the dark under the stars and all that romantic shit.''
Namjoon snorted and Jin laughed.
-''You really know how to change the mood.''
-''Does that make me any less desirable?'' – Jin asked.
-''Hell no.'' – Namjoon instantly answered. – ''It makes you even more special to me.''
-'Oh fuck Joon, you and your romantic notions...why can't you just bend me over and fuck me like pirates do?''
Namjoon smiled. – ''And you know how pirates fuck Jin?''
-''I saw a few...it's raw and fast.''
Sudden jealousy burst inside Namjoon's chest at imagining the other men around Jin. The wave of possessiveness enveloped him and he tightened the grip around Seokjin's waist. The young man whimpered and Namjoon realized suddenly that he was only sixteen, only two years younger than him, but young never the less. He nuzzled his face into boy's chest until he found one of his nipples again, flicking her with the tip of his tongue.
-''Aaaah Namjoon.'' – Jin gasped and squirmed while Namjoon sucked at one of them while pinching the other. He trailed kisses down the boy's abdomen, murmuring.
-''And were you fucked by a man before Jin?''
The tips of Jin's ears flushed red, but luckily it was too dark to be noticeable. He shook his head and whispered no.
Namjoon smiled again even wider. – ''Well then...let me appreciate you in my way then, slow and passionate...'' - He licked Jin's belly, his chin ghosting above the hard average, but with serious girth length. Namjoon went on.
-''And then...when you can't take it anymore... ''- His mouth latched to Jin's hipbones and Jin jerked. He let one of his hands from Namjoon's hair, to run it through his own, gasping. – ''Joonie...oh...''
Namjoon kissed down on Jin's inner thigh. His hot breath tickling Jin's sac and his legs slightly shook, while Namjoon's deep voice made wonders in Jin's mind.
-''...when you beg me to take you harder...''- He licked the strap right next to Jin's cock.
-''...deeper...'' – Blowing gently along his length. – ''...and wilder.'' – He licked the precum from Jin's cock and Jin moaned. – ''Only then will I bend you....'' – He gripped the leaking cock, massaging it up and down.
-''And fuck you until you cum.'' – He said and wrapped his mouth around throbbing cock, taking it whole in his mouth.
-''Aaaaaaahhh!!!! Fuuuuuuck, oh!'' – Jin let one loud moan and Namjoon hummed contently around Jin's length, sucking it slowly, bobbing his head, swirling his tongue around the tip each time before swallowing it to the hilt again.
The grip on Namjoon's hair tightened and Jin had difficulty staying quiet. They were out on the open and even though no one was near the tower at the moment, the wind carried their panting and voices far. Jin was never so aroused before and no woman ever got him this worked up.
Namjoon released him and spread his legs wider pushing them up, so Jin lay open in front of him. Namjoon lowered himself wordlessly and kissed Jin's hole, licking around the rim and gently probing it with his tongue.
Jin choked a scream that was building in his throat, his toes curling from sensitive pleasure. It felt so good. His entire body shook violently, biting up his tunic sleeve to muffle the moans when Namjoon fingers entered him. It was intense, he never felt this good before, so lost. Suddenly Namjoon rose and took off his pants, stroking his cock a few times before kneeling down between Jin's legs again. Namjoon was long and slim, perfect in Jin's eyes and Jin, even though he was nervous, couldn't wait to feel him inside. He spread his legs wider and pulled Namjoon's arm to let him know that it was ok to enter him for the first time.
The pain, the moment, the heat was intoxicating. They both groaned and cling to one another as the cock pushed through the tight rings of muscles. Namjoon kissed Jin, his hips completely still, waiting for him to grow accustomed to the foreign organ inside him. Soon Jin guided Namjoon's hips to move and gentle rocking replaced the stillness. Wet kisses and hard panting followed soon enough with every thrust and Jin moaned shamelessly, catching his breath when Namjoon brushed at his sweet spot.
-''Joon... now... please...now.''
Remembering Jin's words about taking him from behind and fucking him roughly, Namjoon moved from his elbows to slide out and turn him over when Jin stopped him, pulling him in again until Namjoon's balls slapped at Jin's ass again.
-''No, stop. I w-want t-to...see your face... I don't...w-want to turn...I...fuck...I need to see you...'' - Jin's incoherent words pushed Namjoon over the edge and amber eyes flashed in the darkness. He placed Jin's legs on his own shoulders and drew closer to his knees, snapping his hips inside Jin's hotness. Jin screamed and begin to sob, grabbing Namjoon's face and hair to pull him closer so he could kiss him, moaning sinfully as he writhed under him.
-''Damn i-it Jinnie... what are... you d-doing to me...'' - He murmured licking in Jin's mouth, pounding in Jin so violently, lost in the pure raw passion.
The fire in their stomachs and their groins were like molten lava. Namjoon's hand squeezed Jin's cock pumping it with a speed of his thrusts and Jin arched his body, mouth open in a silent scream, while tears in his eyes shined more brightly than the stars as he came all over his belly.
Namjoon shuddered as the muscled walls clenched around his cock tightly asking for his release, to be filled up. The orgasm hit him strong and he bends over, panting harshly as he spilled his cum inside Jin.
Jin slid his legs from Namjoon's shoulders as he pulled and wrapped them around his waist again, hugging him close and kissing his hair. Namjoon relaxed into Jin's embrace, breathing their combined musky scent, while his heart still drummed fast.
-''We have to do this again.'' – Jin said and Namjoon chuckled weakly.
-''Fuck, I had no idea how good this was.'' – Jin mused.
-''Aye...awesome...''- Namjoon barely held his eyes open, basking in Jin's warmth and comfort.
-''Hey, no sleeping.'' – Jin slaps him playfully on the back. – ''I still want you to bend me over and fuck me raw as pirates do.''
-''Can we do that sometime tomorrow?''
-''No, tonight is perfect and the night is still young.''
-''Jinnie...'' - He whined weakly. – ''Give me at least some minutes to catch my breath.''
Jin rolled them over so he was straddling Namjoon's waist.
-''I got an even better idea. How about you do nothing and I play with you.''
Namjoon starred at Jin, who slid his tunic off and smeared his cum from his chest into his skin. Namjoon's eyes followed his every move until it bore down to Jin's cock. It was hard again, Namjoon admired its girth. He wondered what would be like to be stretched by it, to be filled completely. His curiosity shot signal to his cock who started to grow again. His eyes flicked back on Jin's eyes and he saw the smirk forming on his lips. Leaning down to kiss him once on the mouth, Jin trailed his plump lips on Namjoon's jaw and cheek, moving up until he was next to his ear.
-''Do you want to feel me inside you?'' – He whispered seducingly, arousing Namjoon even more.
Namjoon released the breath he was holding, whimpering breathlessly. – ''Fuck yes.''
Right then Jin crashed their lips together in a heated make-out session, his fingers sliding down to bring one of Namjoon's legs up on his shoulder while pushing two of his fingers inside the muscled heat. The gasps, grunts, and moans were heard during the next hour. They were so entranced into one another that they didn't realize that they are being watched.
One small shadow was hidden in the tree some few meters next to them, eyes blazing in the dark like some kind of a black cat. The grunts and moans were perfectly audible, and even though the darkness hid the two figures from the sight, his sharp eyes picked up the form and movement with ease. He mentally added this new information in his brain database. It might become useful later on, Sugar thought. You never know when and what knowledge you can use, so it's always good to be prepared. That was his motto. He smiled slyly as he settling himself more comfortably on the tree to enjoy the show.
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