Jin entered a lavishly decorated room. It had a high ceiling, dangling sparkly chandelier and large gold statue of a dragon holding nicely engraved letter G, the name of the family. Huge pillows and cushions were carelessly thrown at the big bed, where the gorgeous cat lay. Her white fur spoke of an expensive breed, while her green eyes matched an emerald necklace around her neck. She hissed at Jin, who hissed back at her, holding the silent staring contest of will.
-''Why do you use such an informal language towards my precious?'' – Jin turned around to see the Count, sprawled at the sofa on the other side of the room. He eyed Jin amusingly. His 'precious' however meowed and jumped from the bed, her tail raised proudly high as she graciously walked pass Jin and jumped at three huge puffy pillows to be near her human. Jin rolled his eyes.
-''I don't trust things that are pretty as me.'' – Jin said seriously and sat on the chair, opposite from where the Count was nearly lying, considering his relaxed pose.
-''Oh but then you are smart my darling.'' – The Count said, smiling gently. His eyes didn't smile though, no, they were sharp and alert, a complete contrast from his entire bearing. Jin thought it must be a tactic to trick people, to think that everything is fine and that there is no danger, but the Count was a very dangerous man and Jin knew that perfectly well.
-''I never trust beautiful things, although I wouldn't say exactly 'pretty' for either of you, but rather stunningly gorgeous.'' – The Count look first at his precious pet, then back on Jin. – ''I always knew there was something in you that I was drawn to from the very beginning.''
Jin titled his head at that and eyed the Count more carefully, observing his agile body, richly dressed in a lavish outfit and silks. Ruby rings on his long slender fingers and ears made him look like a masterpiece. The Count might look like a fragile thing, but he was far from it. Jin met him at one of his missions. They helped each other and continued doing so ever since, for a price of course. In many ways, the Count looked exactly like his 'precious' and Jin wasn't sure whether or not he like the man. The Count was useful and very expensive and Jin would rather be in his good books, than his bad ones, so he guarded his tongue carefully since the Count's specialties were information extraction. Only five minutes in his company, with his sweet words and clever nudges, you wouldn't even realize that you told him not only your life story but your secret codes, coin stash and the number of your bank account.
-''I didn't think you liked anyone besides the Countess.'' – He nodded towards the cat, who laid elegantly and observed everything with a proud poise and her emerald eyes. Her long white fur was perfectly brushed and maintained. The Count switched his gaze to look at her and she blinked slowly at him, acknowledging his existence with an aura of someone superior.
-''Oh, I am bound with my life to my precious love.'' – The Count said, stretching one of his long limbs across space between them, pointing his long finger to gently touch the cat's pink nose. – ''She is gorgeous isn't she?''
He returned to sit leniently, his eyes shining hungrily towards Jin. He let his gaze slide on Jin's face, his wide shoulders and handsome body and he let one of his fingers gently brush his lips.
-''You are gorgeous too my friend.'' – The Count said craning his neck. He was also very beautiful, almost unreal. He reminded Jin a bit, on twins. Like them, the Count also had something witchy in him.
-''Hmmm...'' – He hummed seductively. – ''How come we never fucked together, hmm?'' – He asked gently sifting his hips like he couldn't help it. Jin was not tempted.
-''You are not my type Count.'' – He said mater-o-fact. – ''But don't get me wrong, you are one exquisite specimen.
The Count laugh, covering his eyes with his hand from sudden shyness. When he first met him, he thought that the Count was pretending, acting up, but now, after a few years, he knew that the Count was a contradicting person. The person who could easily invite you into his bed and then be shy about it.
-''I don't know should I be worried or amused?'' – The Count said, his mouth spreading into a smirk. Jin took a deep breath a bit annoyed with the games, but it was the same every time. The Count loved to play, especially with Jin. To him, Jin was something gorgeous and rare, something worth possessing, but so far Jin was holding himself perfectly out of his reach. The Count was delighted and challenged by this, but he knew far too well not to push things when there is no trace of the income he desired. The Count was wickedly smart and was cruel as he was kind. He liked everyone, but he loved no one. With his exquisite taste in fashion, he was a true trendsetter, and his good manners and elegance, with a tinge of rebellious nature, were highly appreciated in high circles. The Count was something unique and desirable and he used that to the fullest.
Jin met the Count's other nature rather early into their short acquaintance - an exhibition. He knew that the Count's erotic desire was huge, but what Jin didn't expect was that he would be so open about it. Whether it was aimed to test Jin or to pull him in, Jin wasn't sure, but he was surely surprised the first time when the Count admitted him into his private chambers.
When Jin entered he was met with a sight that made his mind involuntary scream inside his head. His face, however, was a perfectly practiced mask of indifference. There was the Count, sitting on a big comfortable armchair, with no clothes on, aside of gold silken robe on his shoulders, his head tossed back and his mouth open in a silent moans as he gripped the hair of another man between his legs, who's mouth was tightly wrapped around the Count's cock, sucking it slowly.
-''Oh Jin, so glad you've decided to...to ah...to bless m-me with your p-presence. P-please, h-haaaah, have a seat...'' – The Count licked his lips and then bit on the lower one, gazing down at the man on his knees. They shared the look that was so intense, that Jin was slightly uncomfortable. This wasn't just a blowjob, this was another level of intimacy and Jin didn't want to be here in the middle of it. The Count ran his fingers through the man's hair, letting them brush the man's cheek and then to push his two fingers in the man's mouth for him to suck, which he did, not breaking the gaze. He stroked the Count's cock slowly, playing with the tip and his slit while sucking his fingers. The Count panted heavily and then quickly pulled out his fingers and grab the man's hair to kiss him, pushing his tongue inside and humming into his mouth. The man closed his eyes and gripped the Count tightly, kissing him with everything he had. The Count broke the kiss and pushed the man's head down on his cock again, where the man's parted lips engulfed him whole to the hilt. The Count moaned, arching his back and gripping the man's hair.
Jin sat silently on another chair across them, observing carefully. The sight was arousing and the Count's gaze on his face told him loudly that he is welcome to join if he chose.
Jin observed the Count's face, his gentle, young looking facial features and dark hair that stick to his forehead from the sweat. His lips were parted, occasionally showing teeth as he hissed at the sensation, usually followed with a deep moan. His voice was very alluring and Jin felt his body flush, but he didn't move from his chair, not let any muscle of his body show that he is affected by this as well. The Count arched his lean, attractive body, his eyes went wide as the man swallowed him entirely, the tip of his cock buried deep into the throat. Jin observed the Count's, glistened from sweat, body contracts, his muscles shake and the images on his skin dance, like they are alive. Jin heard about the ancient artistry of the East, where the ink gets permanently written or drawn into the skin. He even saw a few tattoos among the pirates, but he never saw one on the nobleman before. The Count's body was covered with it. Colors and shades of reds, yellow and black filled the shapes so perfectly combined together to create a masterpiece on his pale skin. Jin saw scales and claws and trace of smoke here and there, one piece of leather wing and a long snake-like tongue. He knew what creatures were adorning the Count's skin, he saw it on the golden statue, caring the engraved letter G in his claws. The Count was proud of it, so much that he used the name of Dragon in his eminent circle and had it painted deep on his skin. Jin craved to examine his skin thoroughly, but he knew that would lead to something deeper and he tried to avoid that by all means.
The Count moaned again, back arched, toes curling as his eyes shut tightly. His rugged breathing left his lungs in fast intervals and he spilled his cum deep into man's throat.
-''Oh fuck...'' – The Count panted, stroking the man's hair. The latter watched him deep into the eyes while pulling the Count's cock from his mouth with a loud 'pop'. He licked his lips, not breaking the stare and Jin wondered how the Count could take it. The man's stare was so intense, so electrifying. He seemed very tall, even though he was kneeling. His body was strong and handsome. His naked wide shoulders and shoulder blades were gripped tightly between the strong muscles. Only wearing pants, Jin saw that the man's ass was very nice looking and his thighs were strong with long legs. With an attractive face, his stare was the most remarkable thing on him. He has one of those glares that take people's clothes off and draw them to their knees, with their faces on the ground and their asses in the air, ready to be fucked by this man. Jin never seen him before, he was sure of it. He would never forget him if he did.
-''Seunghyun is so attractive, isn't he Jin?'' – The Count said, caressing the man's lower lip with his thumb. Seunghyun kissed the Count's thumb and shifted uncomfortably, trying to elevate the pressure in his pants.
-''Take off your pants.'' – The Count said and the man jumped to his feet, hands going to the button of his pants, but the Count's voice stopped him. – ''Slowly. I want you to take them slowly for us. Give my friend a little show, will you darling?''
Seunghyun let his deep moan in confirmation and he went with the task. He turned his eyes and looked straight into Jin's and Jin felt something roll inside his stomach. Seunghyun unbuttoned his pants slowly, opening them up slightly and pushing one hand inside to touch himself. His voice echoed into the room, making the Count groan at the sight and Jin to grip the armrests more tightly. Seunghyun came towards Jin, still holding his gaze in place, he bent down and reached for both of Jin's hands, raising them to his hips and pressing them into his naked skin. He was so close, Seunghyun's cock was few millimeters from Jin's face, still inside the man's pants, but not for too long apparently, since Seunghyun started to push Jin's hands lower. Jin's fingers sliding inside the man's pants and pulling them down, until the man's cock sprang out from his confinement and bounced on his stomach before it stood full hard near Jin's lips.
Jin still held Seunghyun's gaze, the mask on his face wavered, but didn't move. Seunghyun touched Jin's lips with his thumb to part them slightly, his cock almost touching Jin's plump mouth. A bit of precum formed on his tip and Jin had to mentally slap himself to not give in into the temptation. Because once he crosses this line, there's no turning back and the wicked Count knew that. He was waiting for it and that's why he sent Seunghyun to him. The man was so hard to resist, his demeanor, his stare, his aura. Bloody Count and his schemes, Jin thought.
Seunghyun raised his eyebrow at Jin's lack of response, but then Count's arms wrapped around his chest and he rested his chin on Seunghyun's shoulder.
-''He will not join my darling.'' – The Count spoke gently. – ''He never does.''
Seunghyun hummed, tilting his head aside and watching Jin in another light.
-''Maybe he prefers only women.'' – Seunghyun spoke, still caressing Jin's jaw. – ''Shame. Such a beauty.''
Jin smiled at him and leaned back into his chair, away from his fingers. His gaze swept from Seunghyun to the other man.
-''Jiyong Hyung, can I speak with you in private? It won't take long.'' – Jin asked and the Count nodded, moving away from Seunghyun's back to standing next to him. – ''Of course.'' – He turned to Seunghyun. – ''Go and get yourself ready, I'll be with you shortly.''
Seunghyun bend to kiss Jiyong's neck and with a slight bow towards Jin, he moved in another room.
Their conversation was brief and Jin was turning to leave when the Count's voice stopped him.
-''Next time, feel free to join us. I could see that Seunghyun was dying to taste you, as did I.''
Jin smiled. -''Maybe next time.'' – And then he left.
After that spectacle, Jin met Seunghyun in the Count's chambers three more times during the years, but never again without his clothes. Each time, Seunghyun would stare him down, making him flush, making him wish to rip off his clothes and fall on his knees and each time Jin would stand his ground, resisting the urge and staying adamant into his desire not to give in to the temptation called Seunghyun.
Now sitting in the chair across the Count, with the Count's cat to stare Jin down instead of those intense dark eyes, Jin wondered where Seunghyun is now. But instead of voicing his curiosity out loud he asked instead.
-''Are there any news about the 'The Sea Monster' Jiyong Hyung?''
The Count hummed, as to remember that particular name when both of them knew that he had that information ready before Jin even asked, but for the dramatic effect, the Count prolonged his answer.
-''Hmmm...there was some rumors that it was seen near Whailen again.''
Jin thought hard about that. For years Namjoon hasn't got that close to Whailen, ever since that night. The night that the old Captain, Namjoon's grandfather got killed and Namjoon took his place as a Captain of 'The Sea Monster'.
-''The rumor also has it that he is looking for you Jin.'' – The Count looked at him, studying him intently, waiting for some sign or trace of emotion. Jiyong found out that Jin and 'The Sea Monster' Captain were connected somehow, but still didn't know how and to what extent.
-''Do you have any idea of why?'' – Jin asked calmly, even though he knew the answer to that question already.
-''I was hoping you might tell me why Jin.'' – The Count said, brushing his fingertip on his upper lip.
-''I'm afraid I'm in the dark about that just like you. I know why I'm following their movements, but not as to why they've decided to follow mine.''
-''And why are you following their movements?''
Jin smiled at Jiyong. – ''That's my private business, my dear Count.''
The Count chuckled. – ''Fine, keep your secrets but be aware that he doesn't look for you in a friendly way, but rather...more....'' – He paused slightly trying to find the proper word. – ''...more lethal way.
-''You think he is here to kill me?'' – Jin asked and Jiyong nodded slightly.
So Namjoon knew, Jin realized finally. The only reason he would search for him in the enemy matter was that he found out the truth. It must have been a real stab in the back from Jin's part, but Jin couldn't help it, he was on the mission.
Jin had no idea what he could possibly say to Namjoon once he sees him again. His feelings towards the man haven't ceased after all these years, not one bit. Jin remembered how devastated he was after his grandfather was killed and how big his fury for the faceless murderer was. He swore his vengeance that day in front of Jin and Jin helped him through a hard time. The crew voted him Captain and they were thirsty for blood. For fifty-three years did the old Captain ruled these waters as one of the most notorious pirates with his monster of the ship. For fifty-three years no one has managed to come near enough to strike down on the old sea wolf. He was always ready, always prepared, He knew it all, and yet, whether it was his old years or the fact that he trusted the wrong person, got him killed at the end and Namjoon blamed himself for not keeping his guard up more closely.
When Jin left him as well, Namjoon grew even quieter and brooding, but he didn't question Jin's decisions. He knew that Jin had to go, to follow his destiny. What Namjoon didn't know was that Jin was an Assassin on the mission.
So Jin returned back at the headquarters, to speak with his Mentor. The news about Old Captain's death traveled fast and wide. Everyone was surprised to see Jin still alive and changed. He matured and became wiser and more cunning. Jin didn't care about the rank, nor sudden respect he got from everyone. It didn't matter to him anymore. He thought about Namjoon, wanting to go back, but it was impossible.
So Jin went from one mission to the other, each time harder than the last. They called him 'Beautiful death' since his face was the last thing they saw before they died and he was quick and quiet as a shadow. Ever since he left Namjoon, Jin hasn't smiled. The fake smiles on his face when he was in one of his roles were carefully practiced, but the real sincere smile never showed up until he came upon twins. Jin's heart warmed a little as he remembered his adoptive little brothers and how much they grew now. He managed to keep them safe all these years, but now....now that Namjoon knows...and now he will come for him and everything he holds dear – the twins as well.
Jin became aware that the Count was studying him carefully, trying to read his mind as Jin starred through the carpet in the room. Jin straightens his shoulders and cleared his throat.
-''I have to go now. Thank you for the information. Same as always?'' – He pulled a small pouch with gold from his pocket and place it on the table, but before he could retrieve it, the Count's warm palm covered his hand.
-''Maybe this time I require another way of payment Jin.'' – The Count said, eyes shining mischievously. Jin leans his head and squinted his eyes to look at him.
-''Such as?''
The Count rose from his chair and stood close in front of Jin. Jin could smell his cologne and it was expensive and arousing.
-''A kiss.'' – The Count said, looking at Jin boldly, a shy smile covered his lips. He looked almost innocent.
Jin raised his eyebrow, contemplating his options, but then lean forward and connect his lips with the Count's soft cheek. The kiss was sweet and short, but it had the desired effect on the Count, whose eyes fluttered and he released a deep sigh. Jin moved away from him, picking up his pouch with gold from the table and tucking it into his pocket.
-''You know that's not the kiss that I meant.'' – The Count spoke calmly.
-''Well you didn't precise which one and I don't read minds Count. Until next time.''
Jiyong smiled, biting his lips as he watches Jin's wide shoulders disappear through the door and he whispers to himself. – ''Touché my darling, touché.''
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