It's been almost a month that Jungkook and Hoseok came to Bangtan, the city known for the riches, artistry, and trading. They agreed to stay there for a while, tired of constant traveling. Hoseok fitted right in with the crowd, gaining his popularity quickly and finding out that his lover making reputation arrived even before he did.
As for Jungkook he was glad that he can relax a little. At least he did try to since his own unwelcoming reputation followed him as well wherever he went. Plenty of very beautiful and handsome people threw themselves at him, but he refused them all. None of them had his attention, not one, that is until he saw – them.
The first one he saw was blond, with icy blue eyes and chiseled face of a Greek God. His proud and cold baring was a bit turn off for Jungkook, but even he couldn't deny that this man was very, almost unrealistically beautiful. The other one, though, was perfect. He looked just like the first one, except for the dark hair and brown eyes, his features were softer and his body more relaxed. He smiled and waved at someone in the crowd and Jungkook was done. That man was perfect in Jungkook's book.
-''Who are they?'' – He asked the old innkeeper, in which Hoseok and he were staying at, at the time being. The man scrunched his eyes to see to whom is Jungkook referring to. The recognition flared his features and he smiled.
-''Oh, those are Master Vante and Master Taehyung, but everyone knows them as Master V and Master Tae, they are Lord Kim's younger brothers. The dark haired one is Master Tae, the other one is Master V.''
Jungkook nodded, eyes round and still glued at the twins, who came to a stop when another pretty man jumped from the crowd to welcome them. Jungkook noticed that the smile from Tae's face disappeared and disapproving feature replaced the kind gestures on his face. The blond one, however, hugged the approaching man tightly, smiling slightly.
-''That's Master Jimin, the Lord Park's 11th son, the youngest one. He is one of the most famous swordsmen in Bangtan. They call him the first sword of Bangtan, although Master V is the best shot, with his blades, arrows, and guns. He and Master V are the best friends, but strangely Master Jimin doesn't get along with the other twin, Master Tae.'' – The old Innkeeper kept talking, filling Jungkook's ears with information he really wanted to know, without seeming too eager.
-''Oh, how so?'' – He asked, pretending he didn't care much. The old man was delighted to have someone he could share the gossip with.
-''The stories go around that Master Jimin threw his eye on Master Tae, but Master Tae doesn't feel the same way, which Master Jimin do not accept. Everyone knows he is trying to woo Master Tae with every chance he got. Here, look.''
And surely, there it was, Jimin who leaned closer to Tae, saying something to him, while biting his lips and undressing him with his eyes. His hand sneaked to grab Tae's booty and Jungkook felt the urge to break the other man's hand in half. Tae hissed at him and knocked his hand away. He was in Jimin's face spitting curses while the other man smiled. He sent Tae a kiss and Tae rolled his eyes, shook his head and left the Inn. Jungkook's eyes followed him all the way. The shaky laughter of the old Innkeeper jerked Jungkook back to reality.
-''It's the same every single time. Master Jimin will try and Master Tae will reject.''
-''It seems to me that Master Jimin...''- Jungkook almost spat at the name. – ''...don't know when to quit.''
The old man laughed again. – ''Oh but here the stubborn ones usually take the prize and Master Jimin is the most persistent one. Some people speculate that they will get married by the end of the next year. Especially since the other twin would be Jimin's best man.''
-''You speak so easy about two men together.'' - Jungkook said, looking at the old man, who eyed him suspiciously now. – '' Here in Bangtan, we don't care about what other people think it's unnatural. Here if two people fit as a couple and they love each other, should be together, whether that's a man and a woman, two men or two women.''
-''Oh I'm not the one to judge.'' - Jungkook explained hurriedly, wanting to stay in the old inn keeper's good books. – '' I think everyone should be allowed to love to whom they chose. It's just that I've traveled through so many places where they are not so acceptable about that, so I was a bit surprised by your words, that's all. I'm glad here is not the same.'' - The old man smiled and ruffled Jungkook's hair.
-''You seem like a nice fellow. I could introduce you to Master Jimin. He loves new people and could help you make some friends.''
-''Thank you, but I love to keep quiet. My friend compensates for the fun I'm missing since he is always full of stories and jokes.''
-''Ah yes, the young minstrel. My inn was never so full before until he started to sing in the evenings. Great fellow.''
-''Yes Hope is a great Hyung.''
-''He sure is, well I need to get back to work. That pig on the steak will not roast itself. The secret is in the careful fat bath. You need to wet the crackling skin with hot fat that drips down, that way the skin is more crunchy and the meat tastes better.'' – The man winked at Jungkook, who gave him his bunny smile and went off.
Later that night, when Hoseok was performing, Jungkook sat in the corner eating slowly and drinking hot milk. He knew all the Hoseok's songs by heart and was often the first one to hear any new one the minstrel came up with and was more interested in the crowd, secretly hoping that he would see the dark-haired twin again.
-''You are new here.'' – The sensual voice interrupted Jungkook from his thoughts. He raised his eyes in mid-chew and saw it was Jimin. Something in Jungkook raged. Whether it was the fact that he was so persistent in his unwanted pursuit of Tae, or that he was so pretty, that everyone was voting for him and Tae to be together, awoke a surge of jealousy inside Jungkook, that he couldn't hide his annoyance when he spoke.
-''What of it?'' – He spat and Jimin was taken aback. He did not expect such a response from the handsome man.
-''First of all, learn some manners boy, I'm pretty sure I'm your Hyung. Second I thought since you are new, I should introduce myself and show you around if you would like. Now I'm prepared to forget this little insolence and start fresh. I'm Jimin.''
Jimin said, starring sharply at Jungkook, who finally swallowed his bite. He had to tell the old Innkeeper, that the pork was delicious. He finished his milk and brushed his mouth with his sleeve, before rising to his feet.
-''I'm not interested.''
Jimin gasped, turning red as he clenched his jaw sharply. Jungkook didn't stay to see his response, he just left.
The cold night air cooled Jungkook's head and he went to the nearby barrel to wash off the oil from his hands. He was shaking his hands dry, cold droplets of water falling everywhere.
-''You know you are the first one that rejected Jimin's hand in friendship. I was impressed.'' – The deep velvety voice spoke from the shadows and Jungkook jumped a little. His hand running towards the sword on his hip.
-''Easy there.'' – The voice spoke again and with his raised hands, the man stepped from the shadows. It was Tae. Jungkook stops breathing for a moment after seeing him so up close. He gathers himself quickly, so Tae wouldn't think he is some kind of dumb ape.
-''I don't think that's true.'' – Jungkook said quietly. Tae's brows furrowed in slight confusion. He crossed his arms on his chest and observed Jungkook silently. Jungkook went on. – ''I heard you refused his hand in friendship as well.''
The sudden smile spread wide on Tae's face. He licked his lips and kept smirking. – ''And what else have you heard?''
-''Oh plenty of things...It is amazing what can you hear if you just keep your mouth shut and listen carefully.''
-''Oh is that so? Care to share some stories with me?'' – Tae asked, tilting his head and using his best seducing voice. Jungkook nearly gave him everything, but he did spend a hell of a lot of time with the the master of seduction himself, to know that this was the information extracting technique.
-''Oh but where is the fun in that now? You should try it yourself.'' – Jungkook said, smiling teasingly and Tae blinked in a surprise. He tried to suppress the smile forming on his lips but failed miserably. He giggled with his beautiful box smile and Jungkook was just a bit more in love. He grinned as well, he couldn't help it.
-''Maybe you could teach me how.'' – Tae said. Jungkook's heart jumped at that.
-''I could try. Are you a good student?'' – He teased, which made Tae biting his lower lip before he shook his head. – ''No, I never was. I always fell into troubles.''
Jungkook was delighted.
-''Oh thank Hellheavens, me too.'' – They giggled together. Jungkook observed the silliness of the whole situation. He, the brave knight, giggling like some young boy, with the most gorgeous person in this world. He didn't know what's happening to him, he just knew that he wanted Tae's company.
-''So... Are you ready for lesson one?'' – Jungkook asked, touching the back of his head to ruffle his own hair. Tae's eyes followed his every move.
-''Now?'' – He asked and Jungkook nodded. – ''Yes, now, why not. Do you have somewhere else to be?''
Tae shook his head. – ''No. I mean yes I'm ready and no, I don't have anywhere else to be.'' – He sounded nervous slightly, which was unimaginable to Jungkook. If anyone should be nervous it should be him, Jungkook. He took a deep breath and huffed with a smile.
-''Good. Shall we?'' – He said, pointing for Tae to start walking and when he smiled and went, Jungkook followed him into the night.
The smell of chemicals and herbs were overpowering in the small dungeon, but Tae didn't mind it. He loved all those different aromas of the apothecary herbs and mysterious chemicals. It's been the same for years. The sounds of boiling drafts, the clinking of the glass and dull tapping and grinding of mortar and pestle were constant in this small, overstuffed place, but Tae felt safe here, even though the half of the things here could instantly kill you. He was browsing through small jars of dried herbs and colorful powders while listening to the deep drawling voice.
-''You know...there is one thing I don't quite understand.'' – Yoongi said while he carefully added few drops of some oddly looking liquid in measuring cup. – ''That kid...why? Why him Tae?''
-''Why not him?'' – Tae asked back, tracing his long fingertips on a small bottle of medicine. – ''Are some of this poisonous?'' – He asked and Yoongi raised his eyes from the task he was working on.
– ''Are you kidding me? Of course, they are.'' – He returned his gaze and added a pinch of black powder. –''Every medicine if not taken in a careful small dosage is poisonous. So, the kid? Why the Virgin Knight? And cut with the bullshit, don't answer with another question! Simply humor me with the answer.''
Tae sighed. – ''There is just something about him that draws me towards him.'' – Tae remembered the great time he spent with Jungkook last night. They joked and talked almost until the late hours.
-''He is not that interesting.'' – Yoongi said, measuring the powder on the scale and then carefully adding it into a concoction. – ''He is just rookie knight. They say he is a good fighter, but he seems a bit dumb.''
-''He was smart enough to refuse Jimin's friendship.'' – At that Yoongi glanced toward Tae, pausing for a moment whatever he's been doing. – ''He did? Why?''
-''He doesn't like him.'' – Tae said and Yoongi hummed, returning back to work.
-''Just because he doesn't say much, doesn't mean he is dumb.'' – Tae protested. – ''Just look at my brother.''
-''Your brother is the slyest weasel I have ever met and he doesn't need to speak at all... his wicked eyes do the talking for him, but sometimes he doesn't shut his mouth! That's one hell of a mind he has and even if he speaks it freezes my blood.''
-''Oh Yoongi if I didn't know any better I would say you have a crush for my brother.''
Yoongi snorted. – ''That's so ridiculous that I can't even snap at you. We are talking about me here...the guy who had a furious internal fight in his mind whether or not to save your brother's ass or let him rot. You I can stand... him though... well...''
Tae laughed. – ''Well I am eternally grateful for saving my wicked twin.''
-''I am not.''– Yoongi mumbled to himself, but then spoke more audible. – ''I still don't understand how you two can be brothers. I mean you do look alike, fine, but in character, you are like bad vs. evil...fucking unbelievable.''
-''So you say I'm not good?''
-''Tae, you are planning to take kid's virginity, so no you are not good...you are quite bad yourself, just not as evil as your brother, so be content with that.''
Tae was laughing loudly now. – ''Where did you get that I want to take Kook's innocence?'' – He manages through laughter.
-''Tae, why else would you be interested in the kid? He is tall, bulky, stubborn as a mule, knows only to use his sword, practically mute and he must be an idiot if he travels with that loud smiley weasel. Damn, if there is something I can't stand, it's the minstrels. I fucking hate them.''
-''I thought you hate my brother.''
-''No I just don't want to see him ever again, that's not the same. Minstrels keep smiling and talking even when you tell them to get lost. They are loud and annoying.''
-''People love them.'' – Tae interjected.
-''People are idiots...as I said...loud and annoying and 99% of them, are thieves, so you end up annoyed and robbed at the same time.''
-''Hope is different.''
-''There isn't something like a different minstrel. Plus, his name is what? Hope? Damn, there's his wickedness...people always tend to think that someone is good if it has a good name...Hope...oh Lord... you can hope I won't ruin you.''
Tae chuckled. – ''I think he goes on the line 'I'm your hope, you're my hope.'"
-''Fuck...how is he still alive?! Oh right, he has the virgin kid to protect him...sly man...sly...'' - Yoongi said shaking his head while lighting the small fire to brew the potion.
-''He is actually quite cool...they both are. You might like Kook...Oh, I would need more of that...umm...knocking off...liquid silver stuff... I forgot the name.''
-''What?! Already?! What the Hell are you trying to do, put entire city to sleep?'' - Yoongi grunted. – ''You are not planning to poison the water supply, right? That won't end well, let me tell you...'' - Yoongi said in a matter of fact way, mixing whatever he was making with long glass stick. – ''Trust me, I've tried...but with something else in place of...umm...okay moving on...''
Tae grinned widely, his dark eyes shined mischievously. – ''What place?''
-''It doesn't matter...''
-''Oh but it does...''
-''No, no, nothing to concern you Tae...''
-''Oh I beg to differ....''
-''Moving on...''
-''I said moving on! Do you want this or not?''
Tae laughed, shaking his head. – ''Of course, I do. Hurry up, I have things to do.''
-''Well if you stop interrupting me with nonsense maybe I would... now shut up...let me concentrate.''
Tae chuckled silently and moved around the room, browsing through shelf after shelves of bottles and powders and strange instruments. Yoongi's laboratory was a small basement, stocked with so many things, that Tae kept wondering how Yoongi function down here. He was a brilliant healer during the day, but at night, he was that insane chemist that is responsible for creating some of the most deadly poisons that Tae has ever seen and he had seen plenty.
Tae observed his quiet friend for a while. Yoongi would disagree and say that he didn't have friends and he considered Tae just as a loyal customer, but to Tae, Yoongi was someone who saved his and his brother's life on several occasions. Plus his medicines, poisons, bombs and other useful stuff really helped the twins with many things in their dangerous job.
Yoongi's highly concentrated expression as he took one deep breath before stopping it entirely for a small brink of time as he carefully poured two drops of something transparent into the mixture, made Tae wonder how Yoongi manages to be so calm and concentrated when he knew he didn't sleep enough. The round circles around his dark eyes and a tired expression on his youthful catlike face give away so much information to Tae's expert eyes that Yoongi cared to admit. Tae wasn't sure how old Yoongi was. He looked young, but sometimes he sounded like a hundred years old.
-''Have you slept like at all last night, or the night before?'' – Tae asked, but Yoongi continued with his work, ignoring it. After the prolonged silence, Yoongi finally spoke.
-''Do you want me to lie to you or do you want me to tell you to keep your nose out of my business?''
Tae smirked. – ''Lie.''
-''I don't need sleep.'' – Yoongi's deep slurring voice answered immediately.
-''Well...that is a lie.'' – Tae said and Yoongi fought the urge to roll his eyes. – ''That's what I've said.''
-''Hyung you need to sleep.''
-''No I don't.''
-''You are only human. Humans have their limits and they need to rest.''
-''Unfortunately.'' – Yoongi sighed. – ''Why does anyone need sleep? It's a waste of time and time is short...so much to be done....''
-''I partially agree with you. There are more interesting things to be done than sleeping, but a small nap after lunch and deep sleep after good sex is so refreshing.''
Yoongi snorted. – ''You can do all of it and still don't sleep... I do.''
-''Woow, I'm surprised...I thought you are virgin too.'' – Tae was grinning like Cheshire cat, teasing his friend, but Yoongi's face didn't change as he observed his concoction on the fire, making sure it doesn't overheat. He did answer though.
-'You know one prick of a needle in the right spot and you won't be able to get your cock up for a month.''
-'You can't do that.'' – Tae said, eyeing Yoongi carefully. He knew the twisted dark mind of his friend, but he hoped he was just joking.
-''Oh yes I can.'' – Yoongi poured the heating liquid in warmed up glass bottles. – ''Can you imagine all that cum not be able to come out...oh that would be painful for sure.''
-''I keep trying to find the excuse for your wickedness, but my brother is right, you are wicked little imp.''
-''Your brother is wicked as he is stupid, which is a terrible combination. I would not listen to him unless you want to end up dead. ''– Yoongi grunted as he was corking the small bottles. - ''He's been known for ridiculous decisions and I kept asking myself how you two are still alive? He is right about one thing though, I am wicked...the rest? I won't even waste my breath to comment.''
-''I thought you said that my brother is extremely smart.'' – Tae bit his lip to stop himself from smiling.
-''No, I said he has one hell of a mind, that doesn't include in which way. He is genius as he is an idiot, so...it's like gambling, you never know what awaits you, the genius or idiot.''
-''I thought I was an idiot?''
-''You are...no sane person would ever do a one-third of the things you did under your brother's command. You have to be an idiot, but still... you are a good idiot, that counts for something...well...at least for people to have soft spot for you.''
-''So I am good?'' – Tae asked, eyes sparkling with teasing.
-''What?'' – Yoongi raised his head to look at the dark-haired handsome man that leaned over the small table while Yoongi energetically fanned the freshly made concoctions to cool them down.
-''I thought you said I'm bad.'' – Tae said and Yoongi blinked.
-''You are.''
-''But you just said that I'm a good idiot...make up your mind.''
-''Tae I'm seriously considering turning you into porcupine with my acupuncture needles right now.''
-''I would hug you then.''– Tae said.
-'You will hurt yourself more like that, you bloody idiot.'' – Yoongi packed the bottles into a wooden box, filled with hay to keep them from breaking.
-''My brother will have your blood then.'' – Tae said, still smirking.
-''Let him try. I would tie up his ass down and whipped him bloody if he tries.'' – Yoongi said quite seriously while reaching under the table for a new box to take dozen other small vials that Tae asked as well. He packed everything and put it in the box with the rest. – ''Careful with these.'' – He pointed at small green vials full of sleeping draft. – ''Don't use them so much. People talk, let's not draw much attention.''
-''I will tell him.'' – Tae said, placing a moderate bag of coins on the table. – ''Always pleasure doing business with you Hyung.'' - Tae tucked everything under many pockets on his outfit and went towards the door. – ''Oh and Hyung, be careful, don't go around talking about tying down and spanking the First Knife of Bangtan, he might like it and then you've screwed...quite literally.''
Tae went out laughing at Yoongi's shocked expression.
-''I don't like your brother!'' – Yoongi yells after a few seconds, making the last point, which made Tae laugh even more.
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