For Julia in the Foxfin Event!
Here's my entry! :3
Growling was heard from deep in the cave.
'COME ON!!!'
"WHAT!?" Leon bolted upright, standing up quickly.
The Foxfin sighed, looking around in his small dome of a home.
"Just a dream... Just a dream." He growled to himself with gritted teeth.
He shook, air bubbles escaping from the little amount of fur he had. He floated upwards, and flipped over, now practically standing on the ceiling. He started to doze off again as he stood there, but woke himself back up before sleep overtook him.
The greenish-gray Foxfin flipped back over with a yawn as he made his way out, hunger shaking in his stomach.
He was greeted a few times as he made his way through the water, swimming towards the seafood shop. (If that's there lol)
Going in, he sniffed the water with a smile.
"Hello!" He greeted the clerk.
"Mornin'" They replied.
Leon grabbed a couple of things of fish and shrimp before paying him, swimming out with a smile and a "Thank you.". (Sorry Shelby XD qwq)
He swam back to his house, preparing some shrimp and some fresh seaweed, and eating his breakfast.
A little while later he finished, letting out a tiny burp and cleaning off his now dirty plate.
Swimming out of his small little home, he went to find something to do, since he didn't have a job, but he sold art as a hobby.
He cut through the water like a hot knife to butter, gaining speed out of boredom, not watching as to where he was going.
He closed his eyes, taking in a fresh breath (?) of water as he runs into large rocks, covered in coral.
Breaking could be heard as his eyes shoot open out of fear, crunching into the multi-colored coral.
He yelped, some of the coral stabbing his sides, and a few softer ones stinging his fur.
He hurries and tries to swim up, his tail fin getting caught under a rock.
He whimpered, scratching at the rock to try and get it off, but it wasn't budging.
Whimpering, he sat there, looking around for any help, but no one was visible.
He called out for help, but nothing moved in the now calm water.
Moments later, he saw a Foxfin in the distance, and loudly called out for help.
They turned their head in his direction, before they started swimming for him.
He smiled and huffed, exhausted, and before the other Foxfin made it, he was passed out...
A/N I know we were supposed to write about their daily lives, but I ran out of time and just slapped some letters down. I hope its good though and you like it!
Thanks for letting me join ^^
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