leading up to a sex scene (even if you dont write that scene):
note: i know the word "smut" makes it sound all dirty and rough, but honestly smut is another word for sex scene. it can be all vanilla if it wants to.
1) make sure your reader is aware of the correct tension. dont have the all say 'sexual tension' have some type of 'intimate tension'
2) put the characters in a situation where they will ya know, do the nasty, but have it be soft. have the tension be soft, like passionate.
3) have some type of non sexual prompt. like, dont have your characters overtly sexual. have them want passion, not just a quick in and out, ya know. the phrase 'make love' makes me uncomfortable, i dunno about you guys, but it does with me. but have your characters make love.
4) it doesnt matter what your characters are into, if you want this scene to be intimate, have the other character be worried about hurting your character, be worried about all types of stuff.
5) im a sucker for those types of scenes where they share like, a dark secret and the other tries to make them feel better by kissing them. its so cute.
the morning after:
1) for your female, there might be some soreness if it is her first time. so make that aware, and let the male character (or other female, i dont judge) know about that, and make that other character worried about hurting her, but make sure it was like, "oh, no, it's okay, i enjoyed last night" or something.
2) make it soft. im such a sucker for non sexual showers the morning after, or the significant other waking up and making breakfast.
3) usually the female will experience legs that are basically made of jelly, so she might have trouble walking. but this isnt with all females, some are different.
4) have the significant other worried or concerned, or basically questioning the female character about different things. like how she's feeling, if she enjoyed it, etc. cause if not, that other character will seem emotionless to your reader.
leading up:
Sebastian smiled over his girlfriend as she raised her legs to rest over his lap. She's petite so she doesn't take up much room. She looks over at the screen where the movie plays, the light from it illuminates her features and her eyes glow. She feels his eyes on her, so she turns her head to face him. "What?" she mutters, feeling her cheeks flush. He shakes his head softly, chuckling to himself, "Nothing, darling. You're just so beautiful." Her plump lips lift into a smile and Sebastian wraps his arms around her waist and he pulls her closer. She looks back at the screen and Sebastian feels something off, "Is something wrong? You've been quiet today, darling." She looks over at him, "I.. I just, I don't see how you find me beautiful." She shrugs her shoulders, looks away and laughs, "I just don't see it." He lifts his hand to her chin, and turns her head to look at him. He gazes into her eyes intently, before leaning forward and pressing his lips to hers.
that would be an amazing start to it, it's soft, not overtly sexual, or just something that would be dirty or anything. just sweet.
the morning after:
She wakes up to the sound of rain. It's not too hard but it's a soothing sound. She starts to move around, feeling Sebastians arms around her. She faces him, watching him sleep, his breathing soft and even. His hair is sticking out in some places and she moves her hand to run it through his locks. His eyes flutter open slowly, "good morning darling." he says in a deep voice, raspy from sleep. "Good morning baby." she responds, her voice smooth like honey to his ears. He looks at her for a moment, and then to her bare collarbones. His eyebrows furrow as he remembers last night, and he asks, "How are you? How do you feel? Did I hurt you last night?" His concern makes her chuckle melodically. She does feel a dull ache between her legs, but it doesn't hurt too bad. "No, baby. You didn't hurt me. A little sore, but it was my first time." He smiles, he thinks she looks like an angel, her hair messily around her, the sun is kissing her skin.
see? this is what i mean, make it soft, pull at your readers heartstrings. i love these types cause they make my heart melt. ahh
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