What Goes Into Writing Style
Figurative language - Imagery and figures of speech in a work. May include use of literary devices such as analogy, simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, understatment, paradox, oyxmoron.
Mode - The function of the text in a work. May include use of rhetorical modes: argumentation, exposition, description, narration; fiction modes: action, description, dialogue, exposition, introspection, recollection, sensation, scene, summary, and transition; use of comparison and contrast.
Perspective - Who voices the work, from when, and to whom. Includes person, narrative distance, viewpoint.
Structure - The arrangement, syntax, or flow of a work's phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. May include sentence syntax, word order, economy of language, rhythm or patterns in the text, use or parallelism or repetition, use of fragments, complexity of sentences, variety vs uniformity in sentence length, patterns in sentence length.
Tone - The attitude of the work. Formal, casual, objective, subjective, reasoned, passionate, serious, humorous.
Vocabulary - The word choice or diction in the work. May include use of more specific vs general nouns and verbs, Latinate vs Germanic terms, frequency of adverbs, use of alliteration or consonance, syllables per word.
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