Everything was glittered and dittered with a golden color, proven by the sliver circle lights tied to the ceiling being the only reflecting item, other than the the glass that stood upon the sliver tables, then the man standing at the end in wound metal armor. His cape long since removed, the two children behind him tugging between the cape, a glare empowering from both their eyes.
The Father glanced back at the two, watching as they noticed him looking and stood side by side, each hiding an identical grin that could've been stolen from the others tan face. A grin spreads on his face before he turned fully around and let it fall straight. "Daughter, Son."
"Father." Both the twins looked to each other, then stubborn as all can be, turn away at the same time.
He couldn't help the curve of his lips. "Welcome to our Hall, the one that beholds all of our accomplishments of our entire ancestry. And all of which will someday be yours." Their curious eyes scanned the enlightened room, before losing interest in the cape and dashing ahead.
There was no need to state the rules, they already knew them all to well, each of them pointing and fawning over different items, and one slyly reaching out to poke the glass. Clearly, she adored the Blue Gem with the white gold serving as a chain. "Now, we can't fawn over everything forever."
Both children looked to the Father, then the Boy speaking up. "Mother usually allows us to go to the left, we've never been allowed in this chamber. And she also allows us to look at everything." The Father seems to hold a sigh, looking at the two children of whom nodded at each other after the Boy's comment.
"Mother is at War, and I'm not your Mother, and this moment intends to be all too important to be playing around." At hearing the last part, both kids dashed to the front of their Father, standing stall with both pairs of hands being locked behind each of them. "It'll all be yours, all this will be yours one day. But you may only choose one, and choose wisely."
Both titled their heads, and the Girl sprung up, "We can choose one?! Keep one?!" The Brother's eyes widen, "Of course not, where not allowed to touch anything!"
"This one time, yes, you are."
The room breathed out, both children looking up with wide eyes, and each one shifting. "We can keepo something...?" Her small voice peeped up, looking to her Father as her jaw dropped at the slight nod. She let her feet bang against the floor, dashing down the hall, leaving her shocked Brother in the dust.
"I-," He paused, "Mother and you happen to be alright on this?" The man grinned to modest child, a playful step was an occurrence as he kneeled down to the young one. "We agreed on this years ago."
And the Son grinned, nodding to his Father before racing after his Sister, both soon to end up giggling as he tackled her in a playful manner, both tumbling, - with unnoticeable wincing, - before coming to a stop. Tongues being stuck out at each other and adrenaline rushing through both. "Ahem." Both paled, before scrambling up, and catching his Sister as she tripped on her own feet, her pale brown hair causing in the incident, it was all to long.
"I don't desire to make you both do this separate, please." Both children nodded, before deciding to go separate ways. The Sister skipping off, and the Brother dashing off, all with a sunshine look impaled on their faces.
And of course, everything happened to catch his eye, different colored gems, potions, but then, then there was one he couldn't help to look away. It seemed to be some sort of Feather that held the same color of the tough stone sitting next to it, - if he was correct, then it was called a, "Peacock Ore," - a blue, some green, and a sea purple at the very tip of the Feather.
The boy tapped the glass, watching as the Ore started to shimmer and the purple of the feather shimmer from within the glass container. And as much as he wanted to see the others, he couldn't, he knew this was his heirloom, his Sister and himself would be of the first generation to choose a relic to pass doen to their children, and a relic they must keeo safe at all costs.
He couldn feel warmth, it felt so nice, and so odd for their deeply freezing climate, atlast, - in knowing the studies, he was perfectly allowed to take the glass much away," - he slide the glass off the Ore and letting it set down, leaving not a single sound.
[ Apologies, I lost interest in this somewhat quickly, although if I'm able to continue this I wouldn't mind making it longer.
But my goal is to try to get one story up every two days, I'm attempting to hone my writing skills, - in things such as character development or explaining scenery in a mystical way, or even working on themes throughout a current moment, - as I've dropped it recently. Sometime later I'll go into more detail, but for now this is all I shall utter. As I haven't much else to say. ]
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