-add this book to your public reading list (while you are in contest)
-follow this account until the current award round is over OR give these awards a shoutout with a link on your message board to spread awareness
-vote on two chapters of this book to spread awareness (this replaces tagging)
-fill out the form on the next page :)
-password: your favorite color
-add this book to your public reading list (optional, though preferred)
-follow this account WHILE you are a judge (optional)
-vote on one chapter of this book to spread awareness (this replaces tagging)
-have basic knowledge of graphics (Just know what a graphic cover looks like :) there will be a section for this on the form) ONLY APPLICABLE FOR GRAPHIC CONTESTS
-have a good enough knowledge of books to be able to judge ONLY APPLICABLE FOR WRITING CONTESTS
-fill out the form on the next page :)
-password: your favorite flower
Applicant to Sponsor Contest:
-you have a written (complete) prologue, first chapter, or synopsis
-your piece is easily understood and a reasonable length (no longer than 6 pages in a document application like word or google docs)
-you fill out the form on the next page :)
-If you are accepted, once your sponsored contest starts...
* follow this account for the duration of the contest and for as long as you use a graphic entered in this contest
*. give a shout-out with a link on your message board
*. add this book to your public reading list
*. vote on 3 chapters of this book to spread awareness (instead of tagging)
*. give the winner and the artist of the graphic used a shoutout after the contest is over (a personal comment is appreciated though not required)
-password: your favorite food
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