'Mariana's pov'
****in math class****
'I want to go home'!
'Did I do my homework?'
'I'm so sleepy!' Mariana thought
"Mariana where's your homework" Mrs.great said
'Oh shit I forgot it
FUCK A DUCK' Mariana thought
"Ms.Remato do you have your homework"
"Ummmm.... Ya one sec ma'am" Mike looked at me and gave me a face that said
'You forgot it' you looked at him with a face that said
'Ya oh shit.....fuck my life....please help Bro'
"hey Mrs.great........her homework is in my Backpack, sorry Mariana" mike says
"ms.remato I know the little games you and Mike play so you can pass this class it's not going to work!! pass it By your self or fail this class which is it going to Be"
"I'll pass By my self" you say
"Good now give me that Goddamn homework" Ms.great said.
Mariana got out of her sit and walked to the front to give great the homework.
she snatched it out of your hand
"go sit back in your sit young lady" Ms.great said.
as soon as she sat down Bell rings she just up grab her backpack and walked out of the room
She walk to the girls bathroom Jackie and Wendy saw you and Mike they ran to her before she walked in there
"what's wrong with you?" they said all at the same time
"Nothing" Mariana said about to burst into tears "I'm fine"Mariana said
Do you like your school?
If you don't, what do you think needs to get better for you to like it
If you do, why do you like it?
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