Hey guys , so we are back with a another interview of one of very good and fabulous author crazywriter1116 .
Thankyou for giving us your interview !!!
Username - crazywriter1116
1)What inspired you to start writing?
Pending down my imagination , playing around with characters
And creating my own world inspired me to writing . I used to scribble my thoughts just like that and then forget that . But then I started reading harry potter and got seriously interested in writing .
2)When you started writing and how old were you?
I guess when I was in 3rd or 4th grade when I started writing . Then I got serious when I was in 8th or 9th grade . I created my own world of alien and human , sci-fic stuff , * laughs * . Then im engineering college I picked up romance genre and since then I am writing that only .
3) Would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?
My serious writing ?? I got inspired after reading harry potter and created my own series of Sci-fic fantasy (I guess you can call it that ) about a alien adopted by human family and his adventures on earth and outer space . His name mop miller ( strange I know ) . Okay so I planned 5 five series book and each book like HP has sub heading like mop miller blah blah ( awkward smile ) .
I made my brother read it and he find the concept little silly (poker face ) and when my friend read it they liked it and suggested to take up romance genre . Then I started
Writing romance short stories (which were really bizaare ) . I am glad I have improved a lot since then .
4) From where do you get your ideas from?
Just pops in my head and from social media . Like my upcoming book scandalous affairs inspired from tv serial . I thought it was terrible and can be twist in a better way . Or my current book that is inspired by rant review of fifty shades series *laughs* and also the song . So yeah idea just click in my head like tiny night bulb .
5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?
Playing with my toddler, listening to music . Nowadays I have become little religious so with god grace I am doing some prayers .
(More and seriously than before ).
6) What does your family think about your writing.?
7)Which character of your book resemble you?
Honestly no one .
8)Which one is your favourite Male and female character of your book? Why ?
Oh boy!this is the tough choice .
The male lead(s) I like fawaz from my boss daughter season 1 because he is very misunderstood characters and also the only character with maxmium numbers of "gaaalis" . Currently I am leaning towards haider( the character of my curreent book ) . He has layers and mystery to him and the female lead Eifad because she is dark , intense and passionate . Again I am leaning towards my upcoming book anaisha and noor because I think they will be understood like fawaz specially noor .
9) Who is your favourite celebrity?
I am over celebrity culture. So no one .
10)Challenges you face while writing?
Managing time and other stuff . Though I am a home maker ( with a engineering degree ) it can be handful .
11) Writing is your hobby or you want to persuade as career?
Hopefully I can pursue a career because I am over writing being just a hobby . Also I need my family to know that I am not going to make halwa puri *poker face * .
12) Who is your favourite author and your favourite book?
JK Rowling.
Favourite book - the twentieth
Wife by indu sundaresan .
13) Do you use any other website to update your story?
I used to post on facebook and then I shifted to wattpad . I post only link of my works there and use facebook and twitter for promotion .
14) How much your readers meant to you?
A lot . Everything . They motivate me and help me to enjoy the whole process of writing and posting , makes my time and hardwork feels worth while . I feel connected to them . A lot of love to them .
15) How much readers pressurise you to give update?
They are sweethearts. They dont pressurise to give the update . They are understanding and cooperative and I love them .
16) How you feel when some reader comments offensive and report your work? Want to say something to them?
Thank god I dont recieve any offensive comment . I am really a sensitive person . What can I say to them . Live or let live I suppose. Or that there are many ways to conveying your words than being offensive . Being offensive or using swear words does not make you cool . That is twisted I guess .
17) want to say something to aspiring writers?
Work hard , be passionate about your work . Be dedicated to it . Dont write just sake of vote , comment and attention . Write stories that touch your heart . Beacause if they do then they will definately touch the heart of readers too . Dont be disheartened because success does not come overnight but when it will come everything will be worth it .
18) If you want you can ask 2 question from your readers?
Okay . Are there any question from them.
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