~quinbrown123450 - P1~
Author: quinbrown123450
Word count: 1451
Logan sat at his desk, staring at the row of books on his shelf that he had planned to read today, none of them having been touched. He sighed, and rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses. The pressure from trying to keep his professional persona up was starting to get to him.
He leaned back, trying to clear his mind before accidentally falling out of his chair.
Logan had landed on his back and was getting up when he heard Patton come in from the next room over.
"Hey, Logie? Are you okay?"
Patton looked down at Logan, who was blindly trying to find his glasses. He smiled to himself before picking them up off the floor and handing them over. Logan took them and shoved them back on his face, looking up to see Patton's adorable smile.
What? Where did that come from?
Patton held out his hand, and Logan just looked at it for a moment. Why did he want to shake his hand right now?
Nonetheless, he took it and shook it anyway. Patton always liked to dish out high fives instead, so he was not going to miss this opportunity.
Patton looked at Logan and cocked his head. Logan looked back at him with a blank expression before using his chair to lift himself up. Something seemed to click as Patton let out a giggle.
"Oh my goodness, Logan, really? I was going to help you up, silly!"
Logan finally understood what the hand was for. Obviously! What was he thinking?
"Now, go to bed. It's already 12! I thought your sleeping schedule was a big thing for you."
"Is it? I hadn't noticed... well, then, goodnight Patton. Sleep well."
Patton walked out of the room and looked at him one last time before closing the door.
Logan stood in the center of his room, his mind racing. Why didn't he think of that in the first place? How did he not notice all the time that had passed? Why was he unable to focus on his work, and what was that feeling in his gut that wanted him to see Patton again?
Logan had spent a week by now researching, trying to find an answer to his last question, one that had been popping up a lot now. Any answer other than what he knew deep down to be true. But, maybe it was just... time to admit to himself that...
He was in love.
As much as he insisted that he had shut down his emotions long ago to the others, he just couldn't deny it this time, not that the others believed him anyway.
He knew he wouldn't be able to focus on anything until he did something about it, so he decided to do the one thing he knew how:
Logan would write a note.
He pulled out his notebook and pen.
Salutations Patton...
Ugh. No. That sounded too business-like. He needed to sound friendlier.
Hi Patton!...
Dear god. He would have to go with that. If he didn't, he would never decide.
But... maybe that was a little TOO friendly. He couldn't remember the last time he said 'hi', if he ever did, and he wasn't too fond of using an exclamation mark in his writing that he had done in the past.
Perhaps he could say...
Hello, Patton.
That would have to do.
How are you today?
Logan sat back in his chair, carefull not to fall this time.
Something about that sentence just... didn't sit right with him.
Emotions definitely weren't his strong suit, but he very well couldn't ask the others for advice. Maybe it was time to think... outside of his comfort zone?
That last thought came out almost like a question in his head.
Maybe if he thought like Roman, he could get this done and over with.
Roman was romantic AND creative. Two things Logan could make do with right now.
He crumpled up his sheet of paper.
Hello Patton,...
...what comes next?
Logan thought back to the valentines day episode they had filmed together. Roman had recited a poem from Shakespeare.
Oh, maybe a poem would suffice.
Logan was about to write Shakespeare's sonnet 18, 'shall I compare thee to a summer's day', when he stopped. Patton had insisted afterward that you shouldn't copy someone else's work, and that you should write what came from your heart.
Following this logic, Logan put his part of the mind to work.
As much as he wanted to be for that moment, Logan was not Roman. He wasn't all creative. So, coming up with something original would be out of the question.
A simple, well known poem would have to do.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,...
Okay. He was getting somewhere.
But what next?
Oh, how about...
Sunflowers are yellow,
Tulips come in all sorts of colors, so do roses. I really love flowers. Daffodils are also yellow.
Okay, now to finish it off.
All these flowers are as pretty as can be,
And so are you. Will you go on a date with me?
Logan contemplated signing the note, before realizing that half of it wasn't original! That was the problem he was trying to avoid in the first place.
He scraped the paper and pulled a new one from his notepad.
Maybe Roman was the wrong one. Maybe... Maybe Logan should try to think like Patton! He was the one he was writing the note to in the first place, so it would make sense.
Hello Patton,
I am writing this note to tell you that...
What did Patton think was cute?
...you look adorable when you're in your cat onesie. And when you aren't. I think you're really cute.
Will you go on a date with me?
He was about to get up and deliver it when he realized something.
This wasn't right.
It would be weird to receive a love note that sounded like it was written by you...
And it would also be strange to get a note from someone that looks like it was written by someone else.
Logan needed to write his note the way that HE would write it.
Hello Patton,...
...he started, before correcting himself.
Salutations Patton,
Do you like food?
Do you like romantic outings?
I can provide both of those, therefore you will be my date.
Do you accept?
Logan made sure to leave extra space for Patton's response.
He sat up from his chair, ready to sneak the note into Patton's room when he got a rush of anxiety. Was he really about to do this?
That's when the door slowly opened.
Patton came in and looked around before spotting Logan standing in the middle of his room once again. His face paled.
"Uhh... Logan... did you... move? From the last time I saw you?"
"Of course I did. Why would I stand around in the middle of my room for half an hour?"
Patton looked down at Logan's hand, and noticed the note that he had at the same time Logan noticed Patton's note.
"Hey Logie, watcha got there?"
"It is pronounced 'what do you have', and it's nothing."
"Can I see it?"
"Aww, come on! If it's nothing then why do you care?"
Patton giggled and took the note from Logan's hand, leaving Logan to lightly blush and yeet himself onto his bed with his blankets over his head to hide it.
Patton just blinked and looked at the bed that now had a man on top of it before opening the note.
Once he finished reading, he was beaming from ear to ear. Patton eagerly grabbed the pen off of Logan's desk before writing on the note in the intended spot.
Patton walked over to Logan's bed and tapped where he imagined his shoulder was. Logan looked out.
Logan was blushing so hard, he looked like a tomato.
Patton handed him both of the notes.
Logan took them both gingerly before reading the first one.
Dear Logan,
I have been wanting to say for a while now that you make my day better whenever I see you, and that you might up my world. I have had a crush on you for a long time, and I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?
-love, Patton
Logan smiled brightly, a smile that would put Pattons to the test, and it only got bigger when he saw that Patton's bubbly handwriting had written 'Yes!' On his note.
Logan looked into Patton's eyes before jumping out of bed to give Patton a hug.
Patton hugged back.
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