~Niclxo - P1~
Author: niclxo
Word count: 1168
TW: Very light angst, swearing
Virgil was the first one awake.
Well, he was only the first one awake because he hadn't even fallen asleep yet. There had been some noises in the extremely early morning that he wouldn't normally hear. Usually he was the only one awake, with the occasional exceptions of Logan and Remus.
He went downstairs to the living room to check out the sound, only to find a folded piece of paper on the coffee table. The thing he recognized instantly was his boyfriend's curly handwriting even if they'd only been dating for less than a month so far.
It's Roman. I won't be able to come to the shoot today. I'm not feeling great, if I'm being honest. Don't worry, I didn't stray away far. I just don't want to be in a video.
Virgil will probably be the first to see this note. I know my boyfriend too well. But if not, to whoever sees this first, leave this here for others to see so you won't have to go looking for me and making things complicated. Today just isn't my day and that's all.
Virgil went to Roman's room and knocked on the door several times before a piece of paper slipped under the door.
Are you Virgil?
There were two checkboxes; yes or no.
Virgil crouched to pick it up and summoned a pen in his representative color purple to check the second box. No, this is Danny DeVito, he scrawled before slipping it back under the crack of the door.
There was a short chuckle on the other side of the door before it opened and Virgil was greeted by Roman.
"I'm always amazed at how you're awake at this hour," Roman commented. "I feel like I'm on the brink of death."
Virgil held onto his arm and nuzzled into his neck. "Then go to fucking sleep, dumbass."
"I can't," Roman laughed lightly. "I tried. Lately I've been sad. I'm trying to feel better but I have no idea what I'm doing wrong."
"Talk to me. What happened?" Virgil whispered, his warm breath against Roman's collarbones.
"Art block, I think," he sighed. He snapped and gold swirled shot from them, but nothing could come out of them. "Something is keeping me from being able to be creative. I don't know what it is. I tried going outside more even though I go outside a lot already. I listened to music and danced and I avoided Remus for a week now, but still nothing."
His words were muddled and rushed and nervous, and Virgil wondered if that was how he sounded to everyone else.
"Hey. Hey." Virgil ran his fingers through Roman's perfectly soft locks.
Roman frowned. "There's one thing I haven't tried yet."
"What is it?"
The prince looked down and blushed. "It's... nothing. I'm sure there's a different solution that I haven't thought of yet. I'm an idiot anyway, so there's probably something I'm not seeing."
"You're not an idiot! Well- Okay, well, you are, but you're a creative, romantic, well dressed, sweet idiot. We can't have it all."
"You think I'm all that?" Roman asked, smirking.
"Oh, shut up, or I'm never complimenting you again," Virgil fake threatened. He's said that countless times but never stopped complimenting the other side. "But what were you going to do?"
Roman sucked in a breath and seemed to be gathering extra courage, which was unlike him. Virgil furrowed his brows and cocked his head at his boyfriend who was almost trembling. Roman shook his head. "No," he said.
"I'm not going to judge you for this," Virgil reassured him. "I know what it's like to be treated like shit. You're safe with me. You're..." he stopped to clear his throat, "loved here."
The prince eased at the last two words, then gulped. "I know you said at the beginning you wanted to take this slow, but can I kiss you?"
Virgil's eyes widened. "I- Yes," he breathed out. He'd never kissed anyone, not even his literal boyfriend. He never even told him directly that he'd loved him yet. He was always too nervous he'd fuck it up, but it felt right then.
It wasn't long before he was kissing Roman. His heart pounded at a dangerously high rate as he kissed back without really understanding how to do it.
The room around them turned white, then faded to the rooftop where they sat under a sky full of glittering stars.
"I'm afraid of heights, but this is actually nice," Virgil said when Roman pulled away from the kiss first. "So kissing me was the plan?"
"Kinda," Roman chuckled but his tone changed quickly. "I just wanted to know someone loved me. It just feels like the whole world is against me right now. Every day, someone's yelling at me for something new and it gets... difficult. I know I should be able to take it but I just feel like none of the sides want me around."
After deciding if he would say it or not, Virgil thought, Fuck it.
"I love you, Roman. They do too, I know it."
Roman blinked a few times. "What is this alternate universe where you say 'I love you' first?"
A shade of pink splotched Virgil's cheeks. "Shut the hell up."
"Gladly." He put his hands on Virgil's waist and pulled him in for a second soft kiss. "I love you more, y'know."
"Bro, be quiet," Virgil laughed anxiously. People didn't really say that to him.
"Not an appropriate time to call me 'bro', Virge."
"Oh, shit. Sorry, homie."
Roman rolled his eyes playfully and held Virgil's hand. He closed his eyes and with his free hand, he formed a sparkling gold rose and offered it to the other side.
Virgil scoffed at the gift but accepted it anyway. "Are we ready to go back now?" he asked.
Roman sighed, relieved that he finally felt fulfilled. He took a last scope around the scene he created before nodding. Soon enough, they reappeared in Roman's normal room.
It was 6:30 in the morning when they got back, so Logan was probably already awake.
There was a note slid under Roman's door neither noticed so they figured it was new.
This is Logan.
They could already tell by the ridiculously perfect handwriting.
Roman, I saw your note. Take your time. If you'd like to talk if whatever you're going through gets worse, I'm up for it, just let me know. Love you. Get some rest, dipshit. Everything will be better soon enough.
"Oh my God!" Virgil exclaimed. "Dude. Do you see this shit?"
Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist from behind. "I didn't have to worry this much, didn't I?"
"Duh. Overthinking should be my thing, not yours."
The prince just hummed in glee. "'m tired, Virge."
"Think you can fall asleep?" His heart sang at Roman's adorable sleepy voice.
Roman nodded in return and Virgil whispered another "I love you" before Roman was out like a light.
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