chapter 3 : the voice
////Virgil's P.O.V./////
I look out the window again and it's still raining. I love the rain so I walk out of my room and walks into the steps outside. My hood is up even though I don't need it up. At some point they must have realized that I was out here because I heard footsteps by the door. Then to my surprise Roman walked out.
He's going to tell you that you need to leave. And that you need to go somewhere else.
Ran walks over and sits next to me while my breathing picks up. He's going to kick me out. But instead he asked me " are you okay after that panic attack?" That was not what I expected him to say. ' y-yeah I'm fine" I stutter. Why would he care if I was okay?
Because he wants to use you. He's going to make you trust him then he's going to use you. Because your worthless so your easy prey.
This voice is becoming too much to handle. I need to get to my room but Roman already looks worried. I need to find an excuse to get out of this. I can think of an excuse but then he gets up and says " okay but follow me inside please" I get up and follow him. He leads me to the kitchen and offers me a cookie but I shake my head no. Then I take this as my opertunity. " I'm going to my room I'm tired bye Princy.
I walk down the hall to my room and go inside. Now let's hope they believe me I lock the door to make sure no one can get in. I lay down on my bed for a couple minutes before grabbing my blade. I make cuts all along my arms. They hurt but I can't stop myself. When I put it down my arms are covered in blood. I clean up all the blood and then I put the blade away. Maybe I should get some sleep though it's late. I lay down and fall asleep.
I look over to the clock and it's only need an hour. So I get our of bed and go to the kitchen for a drink. I walk into the kitchen quietly not wanting to wake anyone up. I grab a glass of water and turn around to go back to my room. Shit someone is behind me. I turn around to see a sleepy but still beautiful Roman. Damnit what am I thinking.
I don't know what your thinking because he will never love you. No one will. How could anyone love a disgusting creature like you.
I start to tear up as I run to my room leaving my water and a confused Princy in the kitchen. I run into my room and as I'm going to grab the blade I start hyperventilating. Which makes me fall to the floor crying and gasping for air. I can hardly breath and I'm starting to feel dizzy. I also am shacking really bad. My while body trembles underneath me.
I hear my door open but I don't look to see who it is. I know who its is and his pretty smile fades when he sees me. That all I ever do is make people frown. I start hyperventilating even more as Princy is walking over to me. He starts to put his hand on my head slowly moving his hands through my hair. I don't know why but this calms me down a little bit. He then picks me up and he sits on my bed and puts me in his lap. He then keeps say things like " calm down " or " it's okay " or he'll just hum or sing.
I lay my head on his chest and start to calm down. Shit I find so much comfort in this man. But why, why do I think he is different? Maybe he is different maybe he can love me.
Rediclus he could never love you no one can and you know that. They all hate you and he hates you the most.
I start crying again but as I do Princy starts to comfort me again. He is really good at making me feel good. He picks me up and is holding me bridal styal. He takes me to his room. His room is white , red , and gold acents. His bed is a dark red with gold here and there. But even though it's bright I don't mind I find it.... comforting. He puts me down on his bed and lays my head in his lap. He starts to run his fingers through my hair and he kind of plays with it. " It's okay my emo nightmare" I hear him whisper. Here soon he'll probably fall asleep.
I got to get up but he pulls me back to his lap. " You aren't leaving untill I know you are okay" he says as he wipes a tear from my face. I grab him into a hug and I hold onto him tight. I start to cry into his chest and he just hugs me tight back. He lets me cry into his chest. He was letting me just sit there crying while holding him or he's holding me. All I know is I needed someone to comfort me and I got the best. The best person to comfort me came to my rescue. My crying slows down and I'm laying on his chest rather than clinging to it. He lays down and lays me next to him and pulls me in for a hug. Could it be possible that he could like me.
No there is no possibility if him liking you.
////Roman's P.O.V./////
As I am comforting Virgil he tries to get up. This boy must be stupid if he thinks I'm going to let him wonder off while he is still recovering. So I pill him close to me and say " you aren't leaving untill I know your okay." To my surprise but also to my relief he grabs my into a hug and starts crying into my chest. He was crying really hard and clinging to my shirt but I didn't mind. All I cared about was that he was finally letting it out and that he was finally trusting me. We stay like that for a couple minutes then I lay down and lay him down as well. I want to cuddle him so bad. Do I pull him to my chest. If he asked anything about it tomorrow I'll just say it was to comfort you after your attack. He didn't fight back though he actually got closer to me. He was acting like I was his one safe place from something. But I don't know what that something is. He falls asleep and he looks adorable when he's just makes me love him even more than I do. So I fall asleep next to him.
////Virgil's P.O.V.///
I decide that it will be fine to fall asleep on Roman . I mean why wouldn't it be he is cuddling me right now. He probably is only doing it because I had a panic attack but it still is nice. So all I can think about is how amazing he is. Half the time I can't deal with me yet he has been caring for me lately. So I fall asleep in his arms letting go of all my worries. And I don't think about nthe voice at this moment.
( Hey guys sorry that I haven't said anything in the other chapters but I keep forgetting to say something. So I just wanted to say if you guys could tell me if you think I'm writing too much or too little each chapter. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the other chapters. Thanks for reading bye)
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