Chapter 19: Make Him Pay
/// Roman's P.O.V. ///
Right after Virgil told us it was Deceit who did that to him he passed out so I put the blankets over him and kissed his forehead. I stand up and start walking towards the door and then look back at Patton and Logan to see them both looking at each other and then back at Virgil....I wonder what Logan is hiding...oh well that's a problem for another day right now we have to make Deceit and my brother pay for what they've done. Both Patton and Logan follow me and we all go to where the dark sides live. We look all around but cant's seem to find them until I feel a hand try to grab me but I stab them with my sword. To my surprise it was Remus who tried to grab me so I didn't feel bad for stabbing anyone sense he deserved it. Remus looks at me like I'm the one who did something wrong even though he's the one who did It. " What the hell Roman!? What is wrong with you!? " Remus yells at me and Patton, Logan and I all get really mad as he yells that. " What's wrong with me! What's wrong with you you're the one who was also hurting Virgil to the point he couldn't even stand and I bet that wasn't the first time was it!? " I scream at him as all of my anger takes control of me like I am nothing but anger.
Remus looks at me surprised and then at the ground with that stupid smile of his and then I hear footsteps.....Deceit's footsteps but what they don't know is we planned for them to come to us. Remus goes to grab my wrist and flip me over but I grab his wrists and put his hands behind his back before he can even touch me. Then Logan teleports behind Deceit and grabs his hands and puts them behind his back. We both take out rope and tie their hands together behind their back and then tie their legs together putting them both in chairs afterwards. The both stare at us in shock as if they can't believe we pulled something like this off. Logan stands next to Deceit with a dagger to Deceits throat and Patton is next to Remus putting a dagger to Remus's throat even though I can tell he doesn't wan to hurt either one of them. " So may I ask why the hell you two thought it was an amazing idea to torcher Virgil multiple times!? " I say in a stern voice but I'm not yelling just yet. Both Deceit and Remus smile at me but neither of them say anything.
I glare at them and say " I will ask this one more time who's idea was it to hurt Virgil!? " Now I was yelling and I'm glad that Virgil wasn't there so that he wouldn't be scared. " And why do you think we will tell you? We all know Patton wouldn't hurt any of us and Logan wouldn't either" Deceit says with a smirk so I nod and Patton backs away from Remus and I out my sword to Remus's chest and cut his chest to where it will hurt badly but it won't wound him too badly. Logan cuts Deceit's arm deeper then I cut Remus but still not that bad. They both just stair at us in shock. " You shouldn't have messes with Virgil we all care for him and you guys are making him feel like everyone hates him! " I yell at the two which makes Deceit smile. " Oh really we're the bad one's? You "never" told him that he was worthless and Thomas " wouldn't" be better without him. And Logan you " never " agreed with Roman and " didn't " say thins that were worse. And Patton you " didn't " never check on him even if he was in his room for hours doing things no one knows. " Deceit sits there with that smirk on his face. He got all of us even Patton...
Remus looks down at the floor but I can't tell if he is planning something or if he does feel bad. Remus looks over at Dee and they both nod.....they are planning something but what!? Then I see him...they teleported Virgil right in front of me covered in black liquid! " Virgil what happened!?" I immediately drop my sword and kneel down to Virgil. " I-I-I don't k-know..." Virgil says weakly and can tell he is hurting. I pick him up and teleport us back to my room.
///Logan's P.O.V.///
Me and Patton stand there in shock for a minute until I see both Remus and Deceit trying to get away. " What the hell do you think you are doing you guys aren't going anywhere! " I yell at them and then throe them both back into their chairs. I slap them both and then teleport me and Patton to Roman and Virgil. Roman has Virgil laying in bed asleep but I need to do some research so that I know how to help him so I go to my room. I start reading all of my books and then I come across one that says it's written by the dark sides...I pick it up and start reading it to find out what they have done to Virgil. They drowned him and torched him to get a poison in him that will make him keep throwing up black liquid until he turns back into a dark side....and there is only one cure for it.....( Ha! I'm not telling you guys yet you have to wait for the next chapter! )
///Roman's P.O.V///
I sit down next to Virgil and run my fingers through his hair to make sure he really is asleep sense I want him to get some of his strength back. Logan went to do some research so that left me and Patton. Patton sat on the other side of the bed and we made sure that Virgil was okay for now.
( sorry that this chapter took so long but I hope you like it and I'll try to post the next chapter soon bye guys! )
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