Chapter 12 : eat
////Virgil's P.O.V////
I head to my room after breakfast. I usually don't eat that much but I was hungry from not eating so I decide to actually eat. I told the others I would start eating better but I don't know if I will. I'm never really that hungry. But I just have to make sure Roman and Patton don't find out. You would think that was easy but they are both everywhere. So I listen to some music in my room trying not to think too much about it.
I lost track of time and looked over at the clock and saw that it was already past lunch. Okay so one meal down that I skipped and no one has asked anything. I walk out of my room being careful so that the others don't see me. Crap I see Patton I quickly head back to my room. He'll I need to act normal. I walk out and sit down on the couch turning on a movie.
I hear walking behind me and then Logan sits down on the couch but on the opposite end. Patton sits next to him cuddling up to him. Then Roman comes into the room and sits next to me. I scoot away pulling my knees to my chest and keeping my gaze on the movie. He quickly grabs my hand and just holds it. I don't want to let go of him so I keep holding his hand.
After a couple of minutes he pulls me up and starts walking. I start to pull away as he walks twords his room. He picks me up bridal styal and leads me takes me inside his room. " Roman! I don't want to be in here!" I say but for some reason I'm fighting tears. Maybe because I know that I'm going to have to lie to him and that breaks my heart. " Virgil.....I need to talk to you." He says looking me in the eyes. " W-Why?" I ask. He looks at me sadly and then sits next to me. " Virgil it's about how your not-" Roman tries to say but I run out before he can finish.
No I don't want to answer them about this right now. Then the "best" thing that could have happened did. " Wow Virgil your so caring twords the others." His snake face comes into view as he says this. " What do you want Deceit?" I say a little annoyed. " Oh nothing really just want to say you are worth sooo much." He does his stupid lying smile and then disappears. Tears are in my eyes when he disappears and I wipe them away. " H-he's right I-im not worth anything." I say as I lay on my bed crying. Then I hear a knock at my door. Great that's exactly what I need.
" Can I come in?" I hear the kind voice that always comforts me on the other side of the door. Crap he's gonna see me crying and I don't want him to. " N-not right now maybe later." I try to cover up the sound of me crying but it was really hard. " Virgil....are you crying?" Roman says lovingly through the door. I let out a small sob in my pillow still thinking about what Deceit said. Then j hear the door open and I feel Roman sit next to me. He pulls me I to a hug comforting me. " It's okay my dark prince. " I start sobbing into his chest.
" A-am I worthless? " I ask him sobbing into his chest more. " What no! I love you so much and you are worth everything!" Roman says seeming surprised by me asking that. I stand up pulling my face away from his chest and go over to the mirror. I look at every part of my body and one thought keeps running through my head.
Ugly, your so ugly just look at yourself.
I then feel arms wrap around my waist and he puts his head in my shoulder. He then looks in the mirror looking in my eyes from the mirror. He smiles "beautiful" Roman says as he kisses my cheek. " No. No I'm not." I say still looking at myself in the mirror. " You are so pretty and nothing will change that. " His eyes go wide with surprise after he says that. Then I see a tear rolls down his cheek. " V-virgil when was the last time you ate?" Roman says turning me to face him.
" Not to long ago " I lied. I don't want him to know I haven't eaten. " Your lying " he says and looks at me with concern in his eyes. I lay my head on his chest and then everything goes black. When I wake up everyone is in my room with a worried look. Even Logan looks worried! I sit up being a little uncomfortable then a wave of dizziness hits me. I almost fall forward but cought myself. I think they noticed I was awake because within a second Roman was sitting next to me.
" Virgil this is why I said you need to eat " Patton says concerned and serious. " I did eat" I say trying not to make eye contact because it's impossible to lie to him if your looking in his eyes. Logan walks out if the room after Patton's nods at to him. Then Roman scoops me into his lap. I lay my head on his chest feeling safe in his arms. Logan comes back in the room with something in his hands but I don't care I'm comfortable with Roman. Roman trys to move me off his lap but I shake my head no and cling to him. " I want to stay with you you're warm." I mumble as I lay on his chest. " Virgil you need to eat!" He says sounding really worried. " Fine but after can we cuddle?" I say with a pouting face. I can see him breaking and I can tell he thinks I'm cute.
" F-fine" Roman looks away blushing and I take the food. I eat some of it but when I try to stop eating Roman looks at my concerned and worried and would say " please eat more...for me?" And he would give me the puppy dog eyes so I couldn't say no. I ended up finishing the plate even though I hated myself afterwards. But afterwards Logan and Patton walked out with the plate.
Roman scooped me up into his arms and kissed my cheek. " Thank you for eating my love." He says lovingly. All I do is blush and smiles. Then he sits down on my bed and lays down with me. He kisses my cheek again and pulls my close to his chest. I snuggle close to his chest and I can smell his cologne. We fall asleep just like that
( Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while I've just been doing other things and had a lot going on with school. But now I should be able to post a lot more. I'm always up really late so I'll probably write when I'm still up. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll post again soon bye guys )
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