Joy means happiness. Meaning of joy is varying person to person. I am happy writing this book because it makes me feel good but the same may not apply you. For example watching cricket match makes people happy who enjoy the game, not necessary all people feels happy watching cricket match. So the definition of joy is person specific and not a generic. Joy is very essential element in good and healthy life. Happiness, pleasure, bliss and enjoyment are parallel words of joy. Joy is natural element and can be feeling internally only. If you are happy inside then only you can have natural smile on your face. Joyful life makes it more livable. I always used to say “keep smiling” to people around me. Because that makes them feel good and they knowingly or unknowingly feel that it is possible to be happy with smile. Joy has a positive correlation with good health. If a person is feeling good, he is happy all the time then same will reflect on his/her outlook. So happiness is must for good health. Because our body responds to our emotions, so if we have good emotions then reflection would be obviously good, and vice versa.
You must be thinking that being happy is fine but in today’s life which is full of stress and struggle it’s not possible to be happy all the time. Well I would say it is possible. We all are living stressful life today, we don’t have time to laugh, to spend some quality time with our family and friends, why? It is because we are not thinking of it. Today we run behind money, name & fame only. Family and friends are not our priority or some time not even in our list. Why can’t we takeout some time daily for joy/happiness, why can’t for our own life???
Some people don’t know what makes them happy. Well there is no standard list available which makes you happy. Rather you have to create your own list for happiness. Think of things which makes you feel good. It may be house, money, car, life partner, children, weather etc… your list of happiness is what you make. It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come. Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours. Remember joy doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think. Can you create joy for yourself? Yes you can. You will pass through many phases in life good / bad at this time you should understand the situation and try not to overreact under any circumstances. Promise yourself that you will be happy always under any situation. We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. We become happy by giving happiness to someone also. Do whatever makes you feel happy, do whatever you feel you should do. This is the only way we can be happy in life. Many times we have to do a work we don’t like, but there is no option available to us. So we are doing that work for the sake of something, whether it is for someone, for money. This work never makes us happy. After some time we become bore, energy less and faded.
Question must be arise is, what makes us happy? It is vary person to person. For some person, money makes him happy, for some other nature makes them happy. It is up to us to decide what makes us happy. Money is not everything, it cannot make you happy all the time. Being happy is very much essential to have a good life. If you are feeling happy inside then your outer look is also flashing same thing. You feel good, you do well and you get good. Someone ask us how are you? We generally say I am fine, thanks… but inside we are dying with some worry, some pain. It is good to have little pain and worry in life that is essence of life, not a single person on this earth is completely free from worry and pain. The main point is how you take it with your life. I suggest you should take it as little as possible. See the good part of life always. Then only you will be happy in life. Somebody has a big house and you think unlucky for yourself for not having that big house, somebody has a bigger car than you and again you are unlucky. It is good to have all those things in life but, that is what you want in life? Does that really make you happy forever? Think of people who do not even have a shelter on their head, they don’t even have shoes to wear and still they walk. Feel happy and lucky enough for what you have in life, there is no end to human desire. We human beings are such small creatures. So don’t be too worried about everything, treasure every moment, do what you wish to do. Broaden your view, broaden your mind. Don’t worry too much about things that are bothering you, do treasure your loved ones, live safely and peacefully. Always be happy to welcome new day, enjoy the sunshine.
It is never going to satisfied. We tend to forget that… happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but it rather comes by recognizing and appreciating all that we have. If you keep on thinking of all ways in which others cheated you, fought with you, degraded you or angered you, your heart will forever be full of hatred. Learn to let go and be happy.
Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
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