Faith - A hope
Some people say faith is everything in life. I agree to that fact. If you have faith in what you believe you can achieve anything in life. Faith is neither believing into God, nor superstition for something. Faith means believing in own self and standing against all odds for what you believe is right. It’s a confidence inside us for something or some person. Faith means pursuance of mind that a certain statement is true. Word faith can be used as a substitute of trust or belief. We believe in God’s existence – it is our faith. It is accepting something as it is without any doubt. Since childhood I had been taught about spirituals and God’s existence, and without having any doubt on God’s existence I take it as it is – this is faith. I have not seen God till date but still I believe it is there. Faith is not based on proof or material evidence. Its primary idea is trust. A thing is true, and therefore worthy of trust. Faith is an act of will in addition to understanding. I have a faith in God and so I go to temple. Do you see much faith in the world around you? Many are not even sure that there is a God. Some others although they believe in him, don’t know what kind of God he is. What about you? Have you thought about—do you know—what God can and will do for you?
There is a huge difference. Many people believe in God. They assume He exists, although they probably haven't given his existence much thought. But God is not real enough to them, and this lack of reality affects what they think and do. To believe God, on the other hand, is to have faith that God will do for us whatever He has promised to do. He expects us to act on that belief. He requires that we have living faith in his existence, power and promises. Faith motivates our mind to the assurance of power and will to act in our life.
Even in modern language, to believe in someone, something or some cause is to have faith in that person, thing or movement—to believe it is true, just and worthy of one's support and involvement. In the same way, to have faith is to fully believe in God. To believing in God is just starting point of faith. Even demons believe in their God. Faith is not wishful thinking that everything will be alright. Something we only know when we arrive at it but till then we only believes of its existence. Faith is not only related to God. We believe in people around us is a faith. We trust people because we have some kind of belief and a perception about that person. What I believe is a person should have faith in his own self before having faith in anything, even in God. Because you cannot have real faith in something until you have faith in yourself. People around you may tell you different opinion for something or some person. It is up to you that how you take it and believe in that thing or person.
Faith I believe is something we all have but to varying degree. Do you have the faith to believe that there can be an all-powerful creator, or do you put your faith in to science? Or do we believe in combination of things/ideas? Do you have the faith to believe in yourself? Do you have the faith to believe in your significant other, a family member or a friend? I believe we all do. The question is how much faith do we allow to become reality in our life? Faith is stagnant unless you put it into action. Action is a critical part of faith. When we are in flight going someplace, we have to believe in pilot that he flies accurately to the destination. We have not even seen that pilot but still we have a faith that he takes us to the destination.
We have to rely on our faith even when all tell us you are crazy… when there is no evidence what so ever and everyone tells you different stories. When you practice faith you can count on others thinking, at that time you are out of your mind. Simply put, the definition of faith – the meaning of faith is nothing more than an understanding, a belief, a thought about something, someone, some situation that cannot be proven. It has no physical evidence to be made available which would back up your claim, your idea or a thought. It is simply an understanding that to limited to you, is convincing. We all have a faith that we will have a good life, good health forever and a secure roof over the head. But is it certain? Are you sure that your next trip in a car is safe? You will never go bankrupt? Can you really be sure of anything? Faith is being sure of what you do not see but still you are certain about it existence or occurrence. Many astrologers have said that in 2012 whole world will be destroy, still we all are making plans for our future beyond 2012. Why? It is our faith that we live longer than that and so we are planning future.
What about prayer? Do you have a faith that prayer can change things according to your wish? Does prayer actually work? Why believe in prayer when there is no evidence except our belief to prove its effectiveness? Personally I believe in prayer…! There are many things we cannot see but believes are still there. What is it that has convinced us? We all take things at it were taught to us. We follow things as it is, no matter what other thinks. If you have faith that something is true and real, you start believing that it’s possible for something to exist despite of what knowledge and science say. Faith is blind and has no logic behind it.
A man of courage is also full of faith.
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