Dinner And Honesty
Linc was nervous and pacing. "What if they don't come! They aren't coming. They said they wouldn't." He sighed.
Grayson smiled. "Linc. They will come. They love you." He hoped they came. "Either way, you have us. We all love you."
Nathan laughed. "Not if you keep calling me Nate!" He smiled. He actually was starting to like Linc and being called Nate.
Linc laughed. "Okay, Nate. I will think about it." He chuckled and froze. "They're here!"
Grayson kissed his man. "It's fine. Just relax. I am right beside you no matter what happens. Whatever they decide."
Linc nodded. Marcie smiled. "I'll get the door." She walked to the front and let them in. She led them to the dining room. They had it set for a nice dinner. Linc was sitting already. He was across the room and chose to stay in a chair. He already frightened them.
Michelle stopped and watched him. "Linc?" She still wasn't sure it was still her son.
Linc cleared his throat and tried to hide his fangs. "Mom. Dad. I'm glad you came. Please sit. I think dinner is about ready."
He was nervous. He already ate. He was sure that eating blood at the table would be terrifying to them. He never ate in front of anyone except Grayson. Grayson didn't care.
Grayson sat by Linc. "Please. Matt, Michelle. I'm glad that you came." He made his mistake.
Linc looked at Grayson. "Gray, how did you know my parents' names?"
"I believe they are in a file somewhere!" Grayson flinched.
Linc smiled. "You went and talked to them." He wasn't even asking. He was just pointing it out.
Grayson smiled. "I'm sorry. I really am. I knew you would be sad if they didn't come. We had a chat and they were really nice." He touched Linc's knee under the table.
Linc almost melted. "They are difficult." He knew that they would be more mad about him being gay. "I am telling them." He whispered to Grayson. Grayson nodded.
Matt and Michelle sat in chairs closest to the door. Furthest from the vampire. Rachel bounced in and set platters on the table. "Dinner is served." She sat. "I am Rachel Glass. Emmett is my brother." She pointed to the man across the table. She passed the first plate.
Emmett nodded and smiled. "Hello. Marcie is my wife. We both work with The Hallowed Agency and she works with the Human Safety Department. Our job is to report everything that the hunters do. When they go out, we go to work." Emmett smiled. He loaded his plate and passed the food.
Matt nodded. "So, you report what the hunters do?"
Marcie smiled. "We do. I work with a lot of vampires and humans. Ukase capture vampires and get them to Rehab. They try not to kill."
"Right." Matt shivered. They should all be killed. He cut his meat. "This smells delicious."
"You know that vampires have been around as long as people, just people didn't know about them." Linc sounded upset. He inhaled. He looked down.
"We know. We have had our vampire education classes, Linc. Did you know that when a loved one is turned, the family has to have classes? We learn all the possibilities. Every possible thing that can happen. I never thought that we would be sitting here having dinner." Michelle smiled at Linc. He sounded like her stubborn son.
"I know. I had to have classes too. Mine was on how to keep from eating people!" Linc laughed at their expressions. "I'm kidding. My classes were on how to move and how to deal with the changes. Simple movements so I don't scare people or hurt someone. We are fast and I don't want to scare anyone. I did have to learn to recognize when I was hungry. Don't worry, I already ate."
"He eats donated blood only." Grayson reassured them. "We have a supply for him. We want to keep him safe as well. We love him." He cleared his throat.
Linc watched Tyler. He was being quiet. "Mom, Dad, this is Tyler." He nodded to Tyler.
Tyler smiled. "Hello. I keep all of their gear in order. I'm the mechanic." He took a bite. Rachel was awesome. "I get to kiss the cook!" He smiled at Rachel.
"Without Tyler, we couldn't do our job." Linc explained. "Don't let that go to your head." He winked at Tyler.
Michelle smiled. Linc sounded like her son. Like the old him.
"So, are you all okay with a vampire living here?" Matt asked. "Grayson briefed us a little this morning."
Nathan smiled. "Uh, he isn't living here yet. We are trying a trial period but we are all considering it. I'm new. I'm Nathan. I am Grayson's new partner. Well, I've been here a year. Can I stop saying new partner?"
"No!" Grayson and Linc both said at the same time. Linc laughed and shook his head. "I need to talk to you about a couple of things but I wanted to make sure you were okay with the vampire thing first."
"Okay. We don't have a choice but...are you okay?" His dad asked.
Linc smiled. "I am starting to hate that question! I am. I...am getting married too." He would have to finish this.
Michelle and Matt just stared. "Married?" Michelle smiled. "Who? A vampire?"
"Uh, this is more sensitive. I am afraid of how you will respond to this, actually. It's a hunter." He sighed. He straightened. "I am going to marry Gray. We are dating and I'm gay." He inhaled.
Michelle stared and Matt started laughing. "Are you kidding?"
Linc stared. "No. Gray and I are dating. He is my boyfriend. Look, I know that you don't agree with this but I am still me. This isn't changing. I love him." He leaned into Grayson.
Grayson smiled. "Look, we are getting a thirty day period to think on things. I don't see why we can't give you one. Take thirty days to think about being in his life."
Linc interrupted. "Our life. It's our life."
Grayson smiled at Linc. "Fine. Take thirty days to think about being in our life."
Michelle nodded. "Does that include dinner every night too?" She watched the couple. He son was a vampire and he was gay.
Linc laughed. "I hope so, Mom! I would love that. You would be invited back anytime! Dad? What do you think?"
Matt stood up. "I think this is crazy! I can't believe that my wife is okay having a gay vampire son!" He watched his son.
Linc knew this was over. "Well, I would hope that you would join us for dinner. At least once."
Matt sighed and sat. "One dinner. Tomorrow night?"
Linc smiled. "Okay. Tomorrow night. Just one more. I appreciate it."
"We spent three days last year thinking you were dead, I'm willing to try!" Michelle wiped a tear. Matt nodded. He agreed with that. A gay vampire son was better than a dead son. He wasn't sure when he had changed. They finished dinner and it was delicious as promised. Rachel brought out dessert.
"So, how did you know you were gay?" Michelle asked that question out of nowhere.
"Uh," Linc inhaled. "Well, I wasn't entirely sure. Grayson told us he was gay. I was upset and didn't know why. I freaked out for a couple of weeks and Rachel was kind enough to tell me my problem was that I was gay. I told Grayson that I was in love with him and he kissed me to prove that I wasn't gay. We made out. Turns out, I am very gay!" He smiled.
"You kissed him to prove to him he wasn't gay!" Tyler stared.
Grayson laughed. "I did! Hey, that is how I found out I was gay. Some guy kissed me!"
"Are you sure that you're gay?" Michelle asked Linc.
Linc nodded. "Yes, Mom. I'm sure I'm gay." Images of last night flashed in his head. Gray loved him in their room. "I am positive."
"But how do you know for sure! I mean all this time you have been into women, I don't understand." Michelle wanted a definitive answer.
Linc nodded. "True. Uh, I did date a few. I had sex with a few women. I did but...when Gray kissed me the first time, my heart started beating almost out of my chest. I never had that with a woman. I went through the motions but I never felt anything for them. I never knew..." He paused. "When I kissed a woman, it was okay. I'm a fantastic kisser but kissing Gray was incredible. I was instantly turned on!"
Grayson smiled. "I am a fantastic kisser!"
"You are!" Linc smiled.
"Okay? But how can you be sure?" Matt had to ask. "I don't know very many gay people." He cleared his throat. "I don't know any!"
"You could just be a good kisser! It doesn't mean you're into men!" Michelle was trying to fix this or understand it. She didn't want him making a mistake.
"Mom. I know." Linc didn't want to say it.
"But are you absolutely sure? You should be sure before you commit to marriage." Michelle sighed.
"Mom, I am sure." He watched her. She wasn't getting it. He was going to have to say it. "We have had sex, Mom."
Michelle stared. Matt pressed his lips together and they stared.
"Okay. I wasn't going to say it! I didn't want to. I have made love to Gray a number of times and he has loved me back! I am positive that I am gay! It's been the best sex of my life." Linc smiled at Gray.
Gray leaned in. "Without a doubt!" He kissed his fiance gently. Linc leaned in and moaned as the kiss deepened.
Marcie smiled. "This is pretty common." She sighed and licked her fork. "This cake was delicious, Rachel."
"Thanks." Rachel smiled. "It was an old recipe my mom gave me."
"Yes, Rachel. This meal was wonderful! Do you need me to bring anything tomorrow?" Michelle offered.
"Uh, wine. If you want." Rachel smiled. She was ignoring the couple that was still kissing.
"Guys." Emmett didn't mind interrupting. "We are all grossed out now."
Linc smiled and kissed Gray once more. He looked into his eyes and smiled. "Sorry."
Grayson smiled. "Well, it's almost time for you to go." He sighed.
"I know. Nichole will be coming in soon." Linc touched Gray's face. "Tomorrow night.
"Yes. Five o'clock." Gray smiled. He was taking him to his room before dinner.
"Yes. Five o'clock." Linc smiled. "Come in, Nicki!" He looked past his parents to the dining room door. A woman walked in.
"I have requested that you don't call me Nicki!" She glared. "I have a present for you, Linc."
"You do?" Linc watched her as she walked to him.
"I have a pass for you. I talked to Jeff, my boss. He said congratulations on getting engaged and he is giving you a pass for the night if you want to stay until morning." Nichole smiled and handed him a piece of paper.
"Oh, Nicki!" He hugged her and laughed. "I will take that and if there is a way to go shopping tomorrow for rings?"
"I think that can be arranged." Nichole smiled.
"Do you know of a wedding planner we could use? We figured it would be a small wedding with just friends!" Grayson winked.
Nichole laughed. "Right! I know a wonderful woman. Her name is Danelle Mixer. She is good but when are you planning this wedding?"
"Next year. Summer?" Linc sighed. "We haven't set a date."
"What is the first Saturday in August?" Grayson saw Linc look at him. "What? I have always wanted to get married in August!"
"Okay. August it is." Linc smiled. He pulled his phone and moved the calendar. "August fifth. Is that good?"
Grayson smiled. "Perfect. August fifth we are getting married." He wrapped around Linc. "You will be my husband, Lincoln Cordova!" They melted together and they both sighed. Gray kissed his fiance.
Michelle stared as she watched her son. He was clearly in love. "So, who are you?"
Nichole smiled and looked at Michelle and Matt. "Pardon me! I'm Nichole Cranz. I am the head of the Rehab. I have worked with Linc for the past year. Hello."
"Hello. I'm Michelle, Linc's mother and this is his father. Matt." Michelle smiled. This woman was a vampire.
Nichole nodded. "Good to meet you. Your son is just fabulous. I have never met a vampire quite like him. You should be proud."
"Is it the gay thing?" Matt was curious.
Nichole laughed. "No! Sorry for laughing. He is amazing. No vampire has ever been this successful this quickly. I'm very close to just giving him free reign and it's tempting. He's doing very well."
"Thanks, Nicki." He smiled but held onto his lover. This man was his and he loved him.
"Nichole." She rolled her eyes.
"He calls me Nate!" Nathan glared but there was a smile. He chuckled.
"Well, if you excuse me, I am making mad passionate love to my newly engaged fiance!" Grayson smiled and took Linc's hand. They walked out.
"See you guys tomorrow. Dinner!" Linc shouted and they were up the stairs.
Rachel just started laughing. "They are whores!"
Marcie nodded. "But they are sweet."
"I hate to admit that they are sweet." Tyler sighed. "It's disgusting."
"Very!" Emmett smiled. He loved them.
This is a long chapter! I couldn't find a place to separate it so here we are! I hope you are enjoying the story!
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