Part 9
A/N: Thank you for your patience! As most of you know, I had emergency surgery two weeks ago and haven't been able to sit at my computer long enough to get any writing done. But I'm back, and I thank you for all the love :) Enjoy this next installment of our favorite couple! Xo
Our last few days in Finland were heavenly. We'd called the girls and laughed with them over the little things that made their days seem huge. We went on another hike one day, and played cards by the fire another. Then spent the rest of our time making love under the Northern Lights, because it might be a while until we can do so again.
It has since been a process getting Dakota moved into my place. Jesse, Alexander, and Mel have been a huge help as she's slowly added her belongings to the house. Mel even joked about having a cookout by our pool once we're settled. Dakota of course thought it was a lovely idea as a mini house-warming party, and I was happy to do anything to please my future family.
Luckily I already have most of our basic household items, so there weren't a lot of heavy loads. We'd debated about bedroom suits, and other furniture of hers to keep, but at least she's been willing to meet me halfway. I know this is huge for her, because this isn't our house that we bought together. We'll just have to figure out the rest as we go.
Dakota opens another box in the bedroom and hands me a stack of hangers. "I'm going to take up every closet."
I smile. "You literally brought everything, baby."
She starts pulling things out to organize them in the piles she's established. I've messed up our assembly line twice now. It's hard to keep straight what she wants in the master closet, the spare closets, in drawers, and in storage containers. The woman could clothe an army. This is what she's brought most of, and I chuckle as I keep to my job.
"I didn't want to leave anything behind. I can go through it later." She shrugs and dismisses my tease.
"Have you listed your house?" I ask. She'd left a huge chunk of items there, which I assumed meant she didn't want them.
She moves a shirt away from her face and displays a wrinkled forehead. "I'm not listing my house."
This is news to me. "Why?"
"For many reasons." She resumes her task.
I hand her the dress I've placed on a hanger. "Which would include?"
She sighs. "Do we have to do this now?"
"When would be a better time?"
She continues folding her shirts, so I hang a pair of jeans before passing them to her. She takes them with a tug, and I can tell she's on edge.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, Jamie." She stands to face me in the doorway of the closet. "I'm tired from all this moving."
"I realize I've asked a lot from you," I say, holding her waist. "But it means the world to me."
"Then if you understand that you have to know I can't simply sell my house."
"Talk to me. Explain. I'm a stupid man who can't read women well."
She smirks. "Shut up, you're perfect."
I squeeze her ass to encourage the switch in moods. "Speak, Lassie."
She huffs, pulling my hands away to free herself before stepping around me. "Everybody knows where I live. You think if I put the house up for sale, knowing you're officially living in LA, our cover won't be blown?"
I snort. "Who's really checking up on us like that?"
"Who isn't? All our fans, the paps, the media, friends, and family. I need to keep the illusion going until we can be free."
"I think you're exaggerating."
"I think you're overlooking the facts."
I roll my eyes. "So you keep the house, then every time you get upset you have somewhere to run, great plan."
"Is that what this is about? You're worried I'm going to leave, and me moving in is a guarantee I'm yours?"
"Wow." I can't stop the laugh that escapes. "You escalated that. Are we not on the same page?"
"No we are, baby. I agreed to move in here. I did not agree to give up anything. I already sold my apartment in New York when you bought this house, and that was hard."
"I didn't ask you to do that." I shrug.
"You're right. But I knew if you were going to uproot your life from the country you were fucking born in for me then I should at the very least be here for you."
I huff. "And now we live together, so it doesn't matter. We got what we wanted. What we've been waiting almost four goddamn years for. Why are we fighting about this?"
"I'm not selling my house yet. That was never a topic we discussed, so how could I know you wouldn't like the idea of me keeping it? I can rent it out until next year through an exclusive realtor. That way no one will know it's on the market. It's my dream home, Jamie, and I bought it. For me. To be closer to you. Please try to level with me."
I rub my face with my hands, wondering why we're arguing over this joyous occasion. I knew it'd be stressful, moving always is, but fighting with Dakota is at the bottom of my list. I approach her and she doesn't budge, letting me cup her chin to force her gaze.
"I bought this house for you. Everything my realtor sent me didn't look like Dakota. That's all I thought, 'this isn't Dakota's style.' When I found this place I knew it'd tick most of your boxes, and it looked like a home we could share. One that would make us both happy. All I want is for that to be true."
She closes her eyes briefly before leaning it to kiss me, her hands running through my hair. "It is true, I promise. You've moved mountains to prove your love. Let me handle the rest. I don't want a place to run to to get away from you. That never crossed my mind. But I'm not ready to give it up, please accept that."
I nod, kissing her again. "Okay. I won't worry about it then. I trust you."
"Like I trust you with my entire life, babe. I wouldn't do anything to make you think I don't want to be here. You are exactly where I want to be, all the time. That's why I wear this ring, isn't it?"
She holds up her hand to display the promise ring I gave her over a year ago. She'd been restless at the time, not trusting that we were moving things along. And I admitted we were stuck in a rut until the divorce papers were final, so Amelia didn't try any last minute shit, despite already being separated for months. I flew to LA the day after it was complete, with the ring in my pocket, and gave it to her that night. I swore to her then, from that point on, I would always be working towards our future, and if she kept my ring on then she'd be promising me the same. And she has.
I kiss the metal that adorns her delicate finger. "A small token of my love until I can replace it with a ring you deserve. One you can show off to the world, because you'll be free to."
She nods. "I'd say we're getting there."
I smile, swaying us back and forth. "Hot make-up sex now?"
She laughs and all my tension is immediately relieved. "That wasn't a real fight, cool your jets."
"Dammit." I shake my head.
"When's the last time you didn't get lucky with me, Dornan? Help me finish this box and maybe I'll reward you."
She goes to walk away, but I grab her wrist to stop her. She turns, confused.
"I'm sorry," I say. "I didn't mean to question your motives. I'm working on those insecurities."
"I know. We're tired is all. Maybe an orgasm would do us both good."
I chuckle. "Now we're talking!"
She throws a shirt at my face and giggles as I wrap it around my head to wear.
I gently crawl out of bed, letting Dakota sleep in a little longer. We enjoyed our first night as official roommates, now that she's moved everything over. I still can't believe she's here full-time. I slide into some gym shorts and my lucky Giants tee before tiptoeing down the hall.
I head into the living room and flip on the television. I turn it down so it doesn't wake her as I switch to ESPN for the preshow. These noon eastern games are annoying, because I have to get up early on the west coast. Since I still have about a half hour before kickoff, I decide to make a pot of coffee and grab a protein bar and banana. Maybe I can convince Dakota to order us a pizza later. I already have plenty of beer in the fridge. Suddenly I grow almost giddy over the idea of relaxing with my beautiful girl on a Sunday, watching NFL on the couch with beer and pizza. A fantasy I never realized I had until now.
I plop my happy ass on the sofa, propping my legs up as the announcers make their predictions. I get lost in their banter and my brain switches into sports mode.
My concentration is broken when I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I look over to watch Dakota walk through the room. I swallow hard as I take in the sight of her. She's thrown her hair up carelessly, a few strays framing her face. She's wearing a tight-fitting New York Giants jersey and red panties. I adjust myself as I feel my dick twitch. Jesus Christ I've hit the jackpot.
"Morning," she says sweetly.
I huff, what a minx. I clear my throat. "Morning. You look...fucking hot."
"Do I?" She wrinkles her nose and keeps walking to the kitchen. "Thanks! Wanted to dress for the occasion."
I turn my head to follow her path, my eyes fixed on her ass. The panties cut it perfectly as her cheeks fight for my attention. I am doomed. I'm going to miss the entire game.
"Did you eat?" she asks.
"I'd like to," I mumble under my breath, ready to lay her out on the table.
I speak up. "Yeah, a little."
"Ooh, you made coffee."
I grin as she dances around my—our—kitchen, pouring herself a cup before grabbing items for her breakfast. I force myself to turn back to the television, rubbing my pants to tame junior.
"When's the game start?" she asks.
I can't control my smile. "Like 15 minutes."
"Perfect timing."
I choose not to answer as she rummages behind me. A moment later she carries her cup and bowl in, sitting in the chair to my right. She smiles back at me and I try not to laugh. She loves this torture.
"Where'd you get that, um, ensemble?" I ask.
She chomps on her cereal before responding. "Isn't this who we're rooting for?"
I chuckle. "Yeah, baby. Good choice."
"If you don't like it I can always get another one. Maybe the Eagles or Jets?"
I narrow my gaze. "Best not to make enemies with your new roommate."
"Roommate," she mocks.
"Or your boyfriend."
She giggles, resuming her task. She breaks our gaze to check the TV, and while she watches she pulls her legs up to her chest, giving me a delicious view of what I'm now craving.
I drag my eyes away and focus on the rest of the preshow, running through images of puppies and math equations to cool myself down. I notice she doesn't do any more to distract me, and I begin to wonder if she really is going to watch the game.
"Don't you have surround sound?" She interrupts the heavy silence.
"I do."
"Let's hear it." She eyes me, but I sense there's more behind the request.
"The remote is over there." I point to the shelf below the TV where the accessories lay.
She bites her lip and stands to retrieve it. Suddenly it's quite clear why she wants it on. She bends over right in front of the game, and all the distracting thoughts dissipate. She is what I want. I wet my mouth as I eye her spread legs, itching to slap her ass then sink into those folds. She grabs the remote and walks over to me, tossing it. I catch it without effort, setting it on the couch as I grab her wrist before she can sit. She squeals when I drag her toward me and onto my lap.
I kiss her sweet spot behind her ear and she squirms against me. "Do you want to watch football or get bent over this table?"
Her eyes fall to my lips as she settles, rolling her hips on my length. "Neither."
I wrinkle my forehead. "Sure seems like you have an agenda."
"Oh, I do, baby. You're right."
"Spill it."
She snorts. "That's the plan."
I'm totally lost as the game gets fired up behind her, but it fades to background noise as every inch of my being zeroes in on her. "Dakota."
"Why don't you enjoy the game, and I'll enjoy you?" She rolls her hips again and I buck into her at the sensation.
She shuts me up with her lips, kissing me hard. I hold her face between my fingers and lick at her soft flesh. She moans as I cup her bare ass, tugging on her panties.
"Don't," she pants when I run a finger down her middle.
She scoots off of my lap and onto the floor. I groan, rolling my head back at the sight. A blowjob during football is any man's dream, and leave it to Dakota to make mine come true.
She giggles when I finally look down at her. She palms me through the fabric of my shorts and I'm already gripping the couch. She knows I'm easy.
I gasp when she reaches beneath the waistband to free me. I'm halfway there and she hasn't done anything but breathe in my direction. I am a fiend for this woman.
"Breakfast of champions," she mutters. But I have no time to react as she sucks me between her hot lips.
"Fuck." My hand holds the back of her neck, disappointed her hair's up so I can't tangle my fingers in it. I help guide her pace, but she knows what I like.
She pulls off to pump me with her hand. "You're so sexy." She pushes my shirt up to kiss my happy trail and abs.
I am doing my best to breathe, wanting her to ride me instead. "Enough."
She shakes her head. "All the way."
I argue. "I want you."
"You have me." She quiets me once more by taking me into her mouth.
I can feel sweat forming on my neck as I watch her watch me from under hooded lids. She loves this as much as I do, which is even hotter. I'm starting to build and if she doesn't stop soon I'm going to ruin a perfectly good jersey.
"Dakota," I pant.
"Come," she demands.
"Baby, please." I try to grab her and force her to stand, but she swerves me and continues her torture. I can't hold out, it feels too fucking good.
"On me," she says.
She pumps me faster and that's the end of the road. I grunt her name as I let go. She smiles, taking what I give as I cover her jersey, neck, and face.
"Shit," I groan. She keeps her rhythm until I eventually settle back to Earth.
"Enjoy the game." She winks and stands.
"Where are you going?" I ask, left helpless after that orgasm.
"To swim."
I moan. "First the jersey now a bikini?"
She giggles, biting the tip of her finger. Goddamn she looks like a siren, unashamed to be covered in my semen. "Thanks for the facial."
I snort. "Thanks for the blowjob. Although I really want to fuck you in that jersey."
"There's always next Sunday." She shrugs before disappearing down the hall.
And every Sunday for the rest of our lives. Because she's finally mine in a way we've both been waiting far too long for. Soon enough the world will know, and I'll get to show her off daily. For now I'll soak up these private moments, even if I no longer give a damn about this game.
Dakota ambles through during halftime with a book in hand, and beach towel around her neck. I'd heard her giggling from the bedroom and assumed she was on the phone with someone, probably Mel. I wet my lips as she walks by in her white string bikini and matching sunglasses.
"I'll be outside," she says all nonchalant.
"Don't forget your sunscreen." I stifle my grin.
"Might need help with the back later."
"Ooh, game is on. Not sure I'll be available."
She laughs. "You'll make yourself available." She taps her watch and I roll my eyes, diverting them back to the TV.
She's right though. I'm not going to be able to sit through the second half of this game knowing she's outside in a sexy bikini, wet, sun kissed skin, her nipples hard...I'm already screwed. I keep focused on the Giants for a little bit longer. Alas, I survive a few minutes into the third quarter when I find myself standing to go change into my trunks.
I quickly grab a pair, strip, and toss my clothes on the bed. On second thought, I move them to the floor so the bed has no obstructions later. I slide the shorts up, find my sunscreen and spray my torso, arms, and shoulders. Good enough, Dakota can get the rest.
I see her from where I stand on the other side of the glass, looking out at our pool. She's lying on her towel at the edge, her feet dangling in the cool liquid. I slide open the door, not willing to waste more time.
"You're early," she says, acknowledging my presence.
"I got hot."
"Inside?" She chuckles and looks up at me when I block her sun.
"Thinking about you out here, dressed like that."
She bites her lip. "I'm dressed for a day by the pool, so here I am."
"Coy, I like it." I step around her and walk to the steps. The water is lukewarm as I sink into it further, letting my body adjust.
"Don't get me wet," she says, going back to her sunbathing.
"Sounds like a challenge."
"I mean it, Dornan!"
I roar in laughter, leaning back to float across the surface. I wade around, from one end to the other for a few minutes. But the pull to her is strong, and I'm finding it hard to resist.
I swim toward her quietly, gripping her ankle in one of my hands. She yelps, and sits straight up. I snort.
"Jamie!" She kicks water at me with her free foot.
"If you don't want to get wet then I suggest not getting me wet."
She moves her sunglasses and does it again, that devilish look coming out to play. I tug her leg toward the water.
"You don't take direction well," I say.
"I've never conformed to the rules." She spreads her legs, so I tug them both, pulling her ass to the edge.
"What kind of wet am I not allowed to get you?" I lower my voice, thickening my accent for her.
She blushes with a giggle. "At all."
"Challenge accepted." I sink down to kiss my way up the inside of her calf to her thigh.
I can feel her goosebumps ignite against my lips. Our eyes meet and her soft mouth is parted slightly, her breathing already quickening. I bypass her middle, angling her to kiss a path across her stomach. My lips are going to taste like suntan lotion, but at this point nothing else matters.
"It's hot," she says, gripping my hair. "Let me swim."
"Are you sure?" I ask, moving the cup of her top to expose her beautiful breast. I suck her nipple between my teeth, tugging it before licking the sting away. She gasps at the sensation, and if she doesn't stop me now I won't be able to.
Her eyes are radiant, the pool reflecting in them. "I'm wet, you win."
I smirk. "Are you?"
She squirms when I slide her bikini bottoms to the side. "Baby," she breathes.
I lean in, kissing her clit before running my tongue down her core. She arches, her nails digging into my scalp. "I owe you."
She shakes her head. "It's okay."
I smile against her hot flesh as she tries to deny me payback. "Then swim with me."
She nods, scooting toward the water, and I catch her in my arms. She wraps hers around my neck, legs around my waist, and I have the pleasure of cupping her taut ass.
"So," I whisper, leaning into her lips, "I think you're really wet now."
She snorts. "Times two."
I smile when she latches onto my mouth, kissing me hard. I breathe her in, savoring the taste of her lips and feel of her slick skin pressed against mine. I gently pin her to the wall, licking and sucking at her like my life depends on it. She's as eager as I am, gripping my shoulders tight and rubbing herself on my swim trunks.
"Dakota," I mumble.
"I like this pool." She's back to playing coy.
"Then we should christen it."
She giggles, releasing her legs to stand on her own. I press further into her, letting her feel the effect she has on me, and how effortless it is. She grabs my hand and guides it to her bikini bottom.
"I changed my mind," she mutters. "You do owe me. That blowjob was what fantasies are made of."
I laugh with a nod. "Is this your fantasy?"
"No, I just want you to finger me in your pool."
Thank God I'm in water, otherwise I would've fallen to the ground at her blunt retort. Fuck my life.
"Our pool, baby, and don't ask twice." I take it to the limit, untying the strings on either side of her hips to leave her naked to my touch. I toss the bikini bottoms toward the lounge chair.
She rolls her head back when I run my fingers through her folds. She adjusts her stance, giving me easier access and I waste no time dipping one into her. She lets out a long, satisfied breath, holding my arms for support. I kiss my way down the side of her neck as I move the single finger in and out at a leisurely pace.
"More," she begs.
I oblige, adding a second finger. She releases her grip on me to undo her bikini top, and I have to hold back my moan over her eagerness. She throws it behind her, pushing my face down where she wants me. I smirk, giving her delicious breasts the attention they deserve. I suck her into my mouth, mimicking the swirl on my tongue with the thrust of my fingers. She's panting under my torment, her skin on fire as I feel her tighten around me.
"Yes, baby. Come on."
"Fuck me," she begs.
"Nope. Payback." I pick up the speed of my hand, adding pressure with my thumb to her clit. One last tug of her nipple sends her over the edge. She sinks against me, but I catch her as I finger her through her orgasm.
"Oh my God," she mutters.
I kiss her neck, her face, and her lips while she returns to me. She lazily wraps her arms around my neck once more, her head falling to my shoulder.
"That was nice," I say against her ear.
She nods, kissing my wet skin.
I grin at her silence. "But now you've turned me on."
"An endless cycle."
I laugh, walking toward the stairs with her clung to me. "I need the real thing, but we should go inside before we get caught."
She leans back to look at me as I help her out of the water. "By who?"
"I don't know, a passing helicopter. Not worth the risk."
It's her turn to laugh. "We're totally adding this to our locations. We're gonna have sex out here at some point. At night, whatever."
"Challenge accepted," I repeat my earlier statement.
She collects her bikini and book as I grab her towel. I wrap it around her naked body and she settles into me. I stand there, holding her and appreciating our wild life together. I kiss her temple before pulling her inside.
She shuts the door behind her, setting her towel and suit across the back of the chair to dry off. She giggles and points at me as she disposes of her book.
"You weren't kidding." She licks her lips, and it occurs to me she's referencing the bulge in my shorts.
I raise an eyebrow. "Care to fix it?"
She nods, stepping up to me. She takes care to mind my length as she drags the soaked trunks down my legs. I lift her to my mouth, crushing her with another rough kiss. She nips at my bottom lip, walking us to the edge of the bed. I brace myself to fall on top of her, but she pulls apart and turns in my arms, bending over and brushing my dick.
"I guess we have a preference." I tease her with the tip, rubbing it through her wetness.
"I want deep," she says over her shoulder.
She's going to unman me. "Well, allow me."
She cries out when I sink into her without notice. I bottom out, stopping for a second to let her adjust. She rolls into me, her hands gripping the sheets in front of her.
"Again," she breathes.
I groan, repeating the action as I pull back and slam into her. I've wanted her like this all day—I'm going to embarrass myself at how quick this'll be. I thrust like that one more time, and she moans so beautifully I have to hold onto her hips for leverage.
"I'm close, baby."
"Me too," she says.
I slap her ass hard and she yelps. "Good."
"More, Jamie. Please."
I oblige, picking up speed as I lose myself to her tight fit. She meets every thrust, our bodies in sync as they meld together. I watch my dick disappear into her, the sound our connection makes, her soft whimpers, the leftover scent of her shampoo now wet from the pool. My senses are on overload.
I slap her other cheek and grip it in my palm to soothe the pain. I reach up with my free hand to grab her hair, pulling it so her head angles back.
"Yesss," she hisses her approval.
I am a goner. My orgasm erupts as I plunge into her over and over, bottoming out each time and feeling her pulse around me. I grunt out her name as I come. She stands straight, wrapping her arm around my neck to find my lips. I kiss her sideways, my fingers running down her torso, pinching her nipple before finding her swollen bud and rubbing her to the edge.
She pulls my hair, her body shaking as she finally spirals. I hold her to me, and she trembles, rolling her hips until it fades. We're both panting and soaked, from the pool water and sweat.
"Best roomie ever," she pants.
I laugh, nipping the side of her neck. "Boyfriend."
She smiles. "Boyfriend. Best friend. Lover. Man of my dreams."
"I like the sound of that," I say.
She seeks my lips once more and I give her a soft sideways kiss. "I love you, and I'm excited for this new chapter."
"Me too, baby," I answer. "I think it'll be our best one yet. I love you beyond measure."
She hugs my arms tighter around her waist as we free fall back to reality.
Enjoy your cold showers ;) Please don't forget to vote and/or drop me some lovely words! You guys are the greatest, I can't thank you enough.
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