Part 4
A/N: Lord this chapter took a lot out of me in the emotions department. Which is what also took me so long to post it, I needed it to be right. I really hope you love where I took it! Your support has blown me away, and I can't thank you enough for reading this story! Xo (Shout out to the friend who mentioned a single idea that sparked this entire chapter, she knows who she is!)
Dakota's whole slam damn family shows up at Mel's house for family night. Everyone is here—Jesse, Alexander, Grace, Stella, Deacon, Jasper, Tippi, Kelley, and Don. Blake and his husband couldn't make it, Emily is out of town, and Dakota told me before we left the house Chase had to cancel last minute. So I have no third party buffer. Deep breath, Dornan.
We've all congregated in the living room after a feast that would put Christmas roast to shame. Mel went through way too much trouble for dinner, but it was heavenly. Dakota sits on my knee, drinking the glass of wine we are sharing, because mine disappeared amongst the dozens of others. I am enjoying the chatter around me of the boys discussing sports and the girls discussing hair. It looks like the quintessential family sitcom, which I can't even interject in because I'm too entertained watching.
"Jamie, you brought your guitar, right?" Don catches my attention, retrieving his acoustic from the stand in Mel's living room.
Jesse rolls off the back of the couch to grab his from its case by the front door. Dakota snorts when he trips over himself.
"I was highly encouraged to, yes sir." I chuckle.
Dakota told me they'd spend a better part of the evening picking at strings, and suggested I join the fun. Although I hadn't played for an audience of more than two in years, I would because I knew it'd make Dakota happy.
"Well then, let's jam." Don's face lights up as though it really is Christmas.
Alexander walks in. "Oh, are we jamming?"
Jamming I gather is the keyword, because it has silenced the overall noise.
"Baby, I need my guitar," I tell Dakota.
She smiles, handing me the wine as she stands. "B-R-B."
My gaze follows her path toward the entryway where I'd propped it up beside Jesse's, to keep it out from under the many sets of wandering feet.
"Do you sing, too?" Tippi asks.
Everyone turns the spotlight on me, and I feel the blush on my cheeks, but I smile. "A little."
"A little?" Dakota says, coming back with my guitar strapped around her. She looks beyond sexy doing so, and I make a mental note to beg her to play something for me, naked.
"You're full of shit, Dornan." She plops down beside me next to Jesse, who turns sideways and puts his feet on her lap. "He sings all the damn time."
"Meh." I shrug. "More to you and the girls than anyone."
There is a collective "aww" and I realize I've disclosed some intimate info.
"Since you're the guest," Don interrupts, "any requests?"
"Yeah, go easy on me."
They all laugh.
"Do you know any Dylan?" Jesse asks.
I meet his stare and nod before looking around the room to notice everyone grinning at me. Alexander and Jasper have also picked up their guitars and are waiting for my go-ahead.
"Knockin' on Heaven's Door," I say.
The guys look at each other, seeking approval.
Don winks. "On your count."
I swallow my nerves. "1-2-3-4."
We all strum in unison, and I take lead. The others fall in line rather fluidly, so I start the first verse.
I close my eyes. "Mama, take this badge off of me, I can't use it anymore. It's gettin' dark, too dark to see. I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door."
To my surprise every single person in the room joins for the chorus. "Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door."
Jesse clears his throat, and I smile, letting him take the second verse. "Mama, put my guns in the ground, I can't shoot them anymore. That long black cloud is comin' down. I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door."
I lose myself while they all sing along. I feel Dakota's hand on my shoulder and know she's the only one who sees the wave of emotion pass over me.
We finish and the girls clap, Don whistling when the last strum silences. I wipe at my eyes and catch Mel's expression.
"Sorry," I say, "reminds me of my mum. Used to play it after she passed."
The room falls into an awkward silence I've caused.
"Beautiful," Mel says.
"Truly," Tippi adds. "You're very talented, Jamie."
"Yeah, man." Jesse tips his head. "Color me impressed."
"Doesn't take much," Dakota interjects, "but he is amazing."
She grips my shoulder and I'd kiss her right here if I weren't shy.
Jesse nudges her thigh with his foot. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You were impressed by a gecko we saw on the sidewalk the other day."
"That fucker was legit!"
We all laugh.
"Exhibit A."
I chuckle. "Well, thank you for the compliments. Means a lot. I'm not used to an audience."
"Thanks for jamming with us," Don says smiling.
"My choice now," Jasper pipes in. He's sitting on a dining room chair in the middle of the floor beside Alexander.
"Go easy on 'em, Jas," Kelley tells him.
"Free Bird," he says.
Jesse tosses a guitar pick at him. "Brat."
Jasper roars with laughter, and I feel like I'm missing an inside joke.
Dakota leans in. "Jesse hates when people request that song. He says it's an insult to any talented musician."
"It has run its course," he agrees. "And it's just not funny. Free Bird can fly away and no one would miss it."
I nod. "I don't think I've ever attended a concert where some asshat didn't yell it out."
"See?" Jesse points at me. "He gets it."
"All right," Mel cuts them off, "let the boy pick."
Jasper grins from ear to ear. "Here Comes The Sun."
"Ooh," Alexander finally speaks. "Good choice."
Once again the room quiets down as we fall in line with Jasper's lead. I can't erase the smile that's plastered on my face, jamming with Dakota's family, this is something I don't do often with anyone. But I have a feeling I will be with them...
After almost two hours of playing, Mel stops us for dessert. She can tell Tippi is getting tired and wants to get her home before it's late. To which Tippi argues she is fine before another yawn slips out. I help her up, and we meet Mel in the kitchen as she and Kelley serve slices of carrot cake and scoops of ice cream.
Dakota pulls me to the side with her and Stella who fills her in on Antonio's whereabouts. We joke a bit with her and Grace before they fall into their own sister conversation. I take their dishes to the sink where Mel and Kelley are laughing over a glass of wine.
"Everything okay?" Mel asks.
"Everything has been incredible," I say. "You've outdone yourself."
"Wait until her Thanksgiving spread." Kelley smiles at us. "She'll blow your socks off."
My heart races at the unofficial invite to a family holiday. "I wouldn't expect less!"
I rinse our plates off when they carry on with their conversation, which has now unfolded into where to buy the best turkey.
I sneak out through the kitchen, smiling as Dakota snorts at something Grace says. She's wrapped up in making memories with her sisters and grandma, so I think it's a safe time to take a breather.
I step out onto the back porch. It overlooks the city, but it's far enough away that it isn't suffocating. I like it up here, a bird's eye view. It's much more intimidating in the middle of the LA hustle and bustle, but perched in the hills above it all with Dakota's family sparks a feeling deep within that I'm trying to embrace. It's been a long time since I've felt like part of a family. My sisters have their own careers and lives, while my dad is enjoying his much deserved retirement years with Samina. Not to mention I walked around the past few years like a stranger in my own home—it's taken a toll on me. I forget that this type of bond exists, this love and inclusion. Those people laughing on the other side of that glass aren't even from the same households yet they are a family. None of the outside noise, of Hollywood or strangers, can keep them from being together. It's powerful to someone like me who has looked for something exactly like this in all the wrong places. How I've managed to find it is a Godsend.
The door slides open behind me and I expect to turn and see Dakota, but am met with a wide-smiling Mel instead.
"You okay, sweet boy?"
I nod, leaning against the railing. "I am, taking it all in."
"I know we can be overwhelming, and I apologize for that."
"No, no," I say, "it's not any of you. I love being here."
She hands me a refilled glass of wine, sipping on her own. "You left this."
I chuckle. "Thanks."
"So you're not out here to escape?" She takes a seat by the glass patio table and motions for me to sit beside her.
I oblige. "I don't really know why I'm out here."
"Because you're overwhelmed." She shrugs, knowing my previous answer was bullshit.
"By a lot of things, I suppose. But not your family. You have been nothing short of incredible to me."
"It's okay, honey. I know it's loud and distracting. It's nice though when you miss it. This house is eerily quiet when it's just me. Up here away from the city sounds, secluded."
She laughs, taking another sip before continuing. "I bought the house, I should love it, right?"
I shrug as the wine washes away an adequate answer.
"I do love it. I love knowing my kids can support themselves and are working hard at what they enjoy. But I love even more when they come visit. I need this noise every now and then to reassure me they're happy. They bring their instruments and wild stories and we laugh until the sun comes up. Which proves to me they are."
I clear my throat. "I haven't known this for a while, maybe ever, if I'm being honest. My parents were hard workers, and I admired them for that even when work kept them away for long hours. My sisters were super close growing up, so I was never privy to their inside jokes and late-night talks."
I take a deep breath, hoping it'll level my courage. "Then when my mom passed we all slipped into our shells. We grew closer emotionally, but not physically. It didn't take long for us to become adults and move away. I always admired families with this kind of bond that you have. It's not overwhelming, it's exactly what I want, to be quite frank. Maybe that scares me a little, because I didn't think I'd find it after all these years."
She grins. "You're not even forty, you're young. It may have taken you longer than you wanted to get here, but you're here, and we're honored to have you."
"I appreciate the opportunity to be included in something as sacred as family night. Playing guitar with Don and the guys means a lot. It might seem small to them, but it's huge on my end."
She snorts and it takes me by surprise. "It's huge for them too, baby doll. They don't ask just anyone to jam with them. You don't honestly think Don would let you stay in his house and spend personal time with his kids if it wasn't huge for him? This is Coqui we're talking about, his little girl. And don't even get me started on Jesse. He's the most protective of his sister and he thinks highly of you, I promise. Go easy on yourself, we enjoy you being in her life."
I try to blink back my emotions, not wanting to ruin the night by being a sap, but her words mean more to me than she realizes. It's nice to have a motherly figure that loves and supports her children unconditionally, like mine did. Mel gives the best advice, and those instincts must've kicked in, because this was exactly what I needed.
"It hasn't been easy getting here." I smile up at her and she nods. "I love your daughter deeper than I've loved another person. Those emotions are overwhelming, but I welcome them. I want this life with her. And I know I come from a shitty situation; however, I can't do any more than promise I'll work to keep her happy. Because she makes me the happiest I've ever been, nights like tonight make me the happiest I've ever been. I don't want to mess it up."
She smirks. "I'll let you in on a little secret. Seems like you could use it, if you promise not to tell."
I lean forward on my arms, expecting her to whisper it. "Of course."
"I know my daughter better than anyone in that room and I know what you mean to her. She has a tough shell, she has to in this industry, but you're her weakness. And that's not a bad thing—it means you can do no wrong. She isn't worried about the noise that's overwhelming you, she simply wants to be with you. So let her be with you. Right now, in the present. Stay out of your own head and I promise it'll fall into place."
"Wow, you're good at this." I chuckle because the lump in my throat is prohibiting further words.
"I would say I'm good at recognizing fate."
I nod. "Thank you, Mel."
"No need. The only thing I want in return is my baby's happiness, and I know you can give that to her. I believe what you share is something beyond our understanding, which means you need to let go of trying to figure it out."
"Let it be," I whisper.
"Acta non verba."
I smile, raising my glass to toast her. "Cheers, to family."
"To family." She winks.
The door opens again and this time it is Dakota. She eyes me suspiciously, causing me to laugh. She slinks over, stepping across my legs to take a seat on my lap. My hands fall instinctually to caress her skin.
"What are you two up to?"
"Plotting to take over the world," I say.
"Or choosing which planet we want to occupy instead," Mel adds.
Dakota rolls her eyes. "You're both weird, and that makes me nervous."
"It should," I say. "Because you're stuck with both of us."
She giggles, taking a drink of my wine. "Grams is getting ready to leave, so she sent me to fetch you."
Mel hops up. "Who's driving her home?"
"Al said he would. He has a meeting in the morning and needs to go anyway."
"Great," Mel says. "Jamie, was lovely chatting with you."
"Always." I nod as she heads back inside.
Dakota turns to look at me. "What was that about?"
I shrug. "Nothing. I should probably say goodbye to your bro and grandma."
I try to move her, but she protests, wrapping her arms around my neck.
"No, stay please."
I settle back into the chair. "Okay, baby."
"I want a minute alone with you. Jesse has hogged you all night."
I laugh, kissing her forehead as she rests against my shoulder. "Jesse is fucking talented. He needs a record deal."
"Please don't ever tell him that. He already thinks you're cool, that would be like Morgan Freeman telling you he likes your acting."
I throw my head back and laugh loudly. "Morgan Freeman has already told me that."
"Bullshit, Dornan."
"Okay fine, in my dreams." I peck her nose. "Jesse thinks I'm cool, huh?"
She sits up, her eyes dancing between mine. "Don't get cocky, he'd still kick your ass if you hurt me."
I try to bite back my broad smile. "Even though I have no such intentions, I am positive he'd win."
She laughs as I run my hand across the skin of her thigh and up under her dress. I need to touch her, but not here.
"You have us all wrapped around your finger," she whispers. "Mr. Charisma."
"The only one I want wrapped around any part of me is you."
She smirks and I can see the temptation unfurling. "I think we can do something about that."
"Mmm," I lower my voice, "can we?"
She scratches the side of my beard and I can't resist leaning in to kiss her. She meets me eagerly, her lips latching onto mine as she massages them. I feel her relax further in my arms, and I trail my fingertips up her hip to hold her tiny frame in place. My other grips her neck to pull her as close as physically possible, but it's still not close enough.
God, she tastes like heaven. Her own Dakota flavor that I can never get my fill of. The perfect combination of sweet and salty, remnants of wine mixing with her intoxicating scent. I forget for a moment that we're making out like starving teenagers on her mom's deck.
Both of her hands are in my hair and she tugs at the ends, eliciting a moan from my throat. She seizes the open invitation as our tongues tangle before I suck at her soft bottom lip, my favorite. She smiles, pulling us apart with a smack.
"Take me home," she whispers.
"Are you sure?" I ask against better judgment. It's a stupid question, as I know we're both past the point of family time.
She nods, smirking. "I want you to myself."
"Do you have plans?" I peck her quickly.
"For once I don't. Just make love to me please."
I groan, wishing we could utilize one of Mel's extra bedrooms right now. However, I'm unwilling to be intimate with her in another of her parents' properties. If she needs this as much as I do then my house it is. Home.
Dakota and I bid our goodbyes in record time, and suffice it to say, everyone in the room knew why. But any ounce of embarrassment dissipated when her hand held tight to mine during the car ride.
I am thankful my house is as close as it is to Mel's, because I didn't think we'd make it much further than the driveway. However, my girl asked me to make love to her, in which case a quick car fuck won't do. I need the same, that connection that has altered my life and shaken me to my core. The one I only find in her arms.
Words aren't exchanged as I lead her to the bedroom, shutting us in and dimming the lights. If I'd had time to plan, there'd be lit candles and a hot bubble bath ready for us, but that'll have to wait for another day, because I have to have her now.
I step up to her, cupping her chin. "Thank you for tonight."
"I didn't do anything." She smiles.
"You let me be part of family night." I shrug.
Her gaze falls from my eyes to my lips before meeting them again. "Jamie, I know you did most of this for me. The bullshit PR moves, the secret trips you planned for us, the move out here to LA. I'm not going to let you sit in this house alone. You're here for me and I want you with me."
I crave to kiss her, but I don't want her to go on feeling obligated, so I have to say it. "I did do most of this for us. I did it for my happiness, and baby, you make me happy. You don't owe me anything. I will be here no matter what. I want you just as much."
"You have me, I promise. We're here, this moment we've been working years to get to has finally arrived. You're all I need."
I smirk. "Then move in with me."
She sighs, shaking her head. "We went like a week without you asking."
"A new record."
She giggles. "Not yet."
"Making me wait." I roll my eyes.
A wave of emotion passes over her and I go to ask her what's wrong when she speaks. "Wait, Jamie you didn't—"
"Didn't what?"
"Be honest with me."
I narrow my gaze. "Baby, of course. I always am."
"You didn't ask my mother's permission, did you?"
I laugh, taken aback by her question. "And if I did?"
She nudges my shoulder, causing me to laugh even harder. "Jamie, she'll have a venue picked out before morning!"
"Shh," I calm her racing words, "relax. I didn't, I'm only teasing."
She tries to read my eyes. "So that's not what you two were being secretive about?"
"Why, is your nose bothering you?" I kiss it.
"Babe, don't," she whines. "I'm not saying you have to tell me, but I'm not ready for my mom to lose her mind over her little girl getting married."
"Do you want to marry me?" I bite my lip.
"Don't be ridiculous."
My heart stops beating, knowing she doesn't mean that.
"Of course I do," she finishes.
I let out a deep breath.
"Down the road. You know we can't do that for a while."
"We could run away."
She smiles again. "To Vegas, dressed up like Elvis."
"I feel like you're teasing without realizing I would totally do that."
She laughs her Dakota belly laugh, and I can't help but join her.
"Trust me, I know you would. Your framed photo could tag along for the ride."
"That's it," I say.
She squeals as I lift her and toss her onto the mattress. She bounces as her laughing continues. I part her legs, sliding her sandals off as she keeps going. I run the tip of my thumb nail up the sole of her foot and she gasps, all humor vanishing when the shockwave reaches her middle. She forgets I know her body better than anyone.
I drop my lips to her toned leg, kissing my way from her shin to her thigh. She watches intently as I move to the other and give it the same gentle care. I toss her dress out of the way to reach for her panties. I hook my thumbs in either side and she lifts her hips like a good girl so I can remove them. The good girl instantly fades away as she spreads her legs wide for me, giving me a tantalizing view. I can't help but lick my lips.
"See something you like?" she asks, her finger resting snug between her teeth.
I suddenly have the urge to replace it with my dick. Slow, Dornan, give her what she needs.
"No, baby I can barely see anything. You're far too dressed."
"Then fix it."
She gives me her hand when I reach for it, and I pull her upright. I grab the hem of her dress and trail it over her head. God, she's stunning. Her porcelain skin glows as I throw the fabric into the distance. Her nipples harden at the sudden temperature change, and I want to lick every inch of her.
"Lay back," I instruct.
She adjusts my pillows behind her before following directions. I push apart her knees and nestle myself between her soft thighs. I watch her take a deep breath, her eyes hooded with pleasure as she waits for me.
"Jamie," she moans when I kiss her swollen clit.
"Already wet." I breathe her in, losing all coherent thought.
Her hands find their way into my hair as I dip my tongue in and out of her folds, sucking her sensitive flesh between my lips. She writhes, her grip tightening on my strands. I move to one arm and bring the other up to tease her with my finger.
"Ah," she cries, her hips bucking.
I continue my assault, curling it leisurely against her sweet spot. She rolls herself against my finger and face. It's taking everything in me not to end this and plunge into her. It's hard to maintain control, because she drives me wild. We go from zero to a hundred instantly.
"Please stop," she begs, and I know she's seconds away from plummeting.
I concede, my selfishness coming out because I want to save her orgasm for me. I trail my lips away from her warm center and up over her navel toward her breasts. She's panting when I lick a circle around her nipple.
She claws at my shirt, finally having the wherewithal to undress me. I smirk as she rips it over my face, breaking my assault on her breast. I take the opportunity to treat the other equally.
"I need you," she whispers.
"Slow, baby. Let me savor you."
I drop my hips against her middle and she squirms, feeling my erection through my jeans. I suck on her shoulders and neck while she rubs herself on me.
"Don't come yet," I say in her ear and she groans.
"Then switch."
I don't have time to form a reaction as she pushes me off of her and onto my back. She straddles my thighs, rapidly undoing my belt and jeans with a smile. I return the aide and lift my hips as she rids me of both the denim and my boxers.
Once again I'm rendered silent when she drops her plump lips to kiss my dick. Good God in Heaven, I don't know how I'm still breathing. She sheaths her teeth as she lowers herself. I grunt when I feel the back of her throat.
"Christ," I squeak out.
She adds her hand, pumping what she can't fit into her hot mouth. I am useless as I continue to harden. Her tongue is swirling my length, taking me as deep as she can. I watch her get lost in her actions, my mind ready to explode along with my dick.
"Mmm," she hums against my flesh, her nails scratching lines over my stomach.
I'm going to unravel, this is too much sensation. "Enough!"
I manage to slide up the mattress, dropping free from her lips. She kneels before me stunned, but it doesn't take her long to follow my path. I rest against the headboard and open my arms, motioning her to come hither.
Her thighs fall to either side of my hips and her hard nipples graze my chest as she positions herself. I need her this close. I need her slender frame wrapped tightly around me while we lose ourselves in pleasure.
Her arms link behind my neck and I smile before kissing her. She melds into my lips, slowly sucking and licking them. I tangle my fingers in her hair as she gently slides down on my length. I groan into her throat when I feel her stretch to take me deeper, and she does, rising a bit before pushing herself further.
Her entire body trembles and she breaks the kiss to say, "Now."
I buck my hips, tilting her so I can fill her completely. She's so tight, but it's a perfect fit. My legs quiver as she starts her languid pace, riding me the way she wants. I look up into her eyes that are brimming with tears and I try to speak, except I'm frozen in this moment with her.
I stroke her hips up and down along with her movements. Her torso brushes mine with every thrust, and our noses glide against one another's to the rhythm. This is what it means to make love to someone. To share such a deep connection that your bodies say everything you wish you could. And I'm speechless watching her. I want to whisper a thousand I love yous and shower her in compliments, but all I can do is feel our bond.
I hear the shakiness in her breath and it hits me then that she is crying. Those tears that had brimmed are now streaming down her face.
"Baby, no," I say, my thumbs trying to catch the little rivers. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
She shakes her head, slowing her pace but never ceasing it. "No, not at all."
"Talk to me." I move her hair from her face and cup her cheek, my other hand holding her firmly at her neck.
"I'm sorry I won't move in with you, and I'm sorry I wanted to know if you asked my mom for permission, and—"
I cut her off. "Dakota, darlin' there's nothing to be sorry for."
The emotion she feels during our intimacy makes my heart clench. This woman who is strong-willed and knows she owns me is suddenly vulnerable as we're both on the verge of orgasm. I don't think I can love her more, but she continues to find ways to effect me.
"I love you so much, Jamie. I do want to marry you. You know that, right? Just not now. We fucking can't, because of our contracts, and the PR risks."
I lift her and lay her back against the mattress, never breaking our embrace. "Shh," I whisper in her ear. "I know, baby. I love you more than you could possibly imagine and I will wait. I've waited my whole life for you, and you are worth it."
She giggles, wiping her eyes. "And now I'm not sexy."
I smirk. "That is impossible."
"Bad timing." She takes a deep breath. "But I needed you to know. In this moment when we're connected on a level I've never felt before."
"If we keep going, I can guarantee euphoria."
She snorts, and although she may not think it's sexy, she's the sexiest she ever is when she opens up to me. When I get to see this side of her no one else on earth is privy to. That's how I know she's mine, because vulnerable Dakota doesn't introduce herself to many.
"Then let's see what that big body is made of."
I chuckle briefly, but that ceases when her lips find mine. Now it's my job to get us both there, she's given me control. I pick up the pace, slamming into her and she cries out, but in pleasure this time. Her nails dig into my shoulders, her legs are wrapped tightly around my waist, and I can feel her pulsing on the edge.
"I love you," I whisper again. I can never assure her enough.
She arches into my chest and stills, her orgasm rippling through her as she screams my name. That glorious sound, and the feeling of her throbbing around my dick, sends me into the same bliss.
"I love you too," she replies as I pour myself into her.
We are both gasping for breath, and I gently lower onto her tiny frame, wrapping my arms beneath her to hold her tight. Our sweat mixes as she clings to me, kissing my hair a dozen times. She's the only woman who makes me feel cherished, and she's the only woman I will cherish until my dying day.
Thoughts? ;) Thanks again for reading! Please don't forget to vote, and let me know if I tore your emotions apart, lol... You're the best audience for my creativity, Xo
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