Part 26
A/N: I'd say we've had a great week, wouldn't you? ;) So here I am to keep the feels going! I know many of you have told me you were looking forward to this chapter, and I hope you love it as much as I do! One of my new favorites. Thanks for your constant love and support, you guys are the BEST!!! Xo
Dakota and I are getting ready for the girls to come over with Mandy for their pool party. I hope everything goes well. I have a knot in my stomach, because I want this to work, so we can check it off our list. If the girls are comfortable with Mandy then we'll hire her for good.
Dakota emerges from the bathroom wearing a modest black and beige two-piece bathing suit.
I stick out my bottom lip and she laughs.
"I don't want my boobs falling out in front of the girls," she explains.
"But what about Daddy's needs?"
She snorts. "Daddy will be a bit embarrassed if he pops a tent in front of the new help."
"Baby, you think dressing modestly will turn me off from you?"
She grabs one of my t-shirts from the dresser and slips it on. "You don't have an off switch."
I slide my trunks up my legs as she passes me with a wink. Zepp prances behind her with his tail wagging. Poor guy doesn't know what he's in store for today.
I grab my phone from the nightstand, check the time, and follow Dakota's path to await their arrival.
She's bent over retrieving a baking pan from the bottom cabinet in the kitchen. I whistle and she purposely wiggles.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"We're going to bake cupcakes." Her eyes are light, cheeks bright as she shows me the pan.
"Are we?" Her giddiness is adorable.
She nods. "We'll hop the girls up on some sugar then send them back to their mom."
I laugh. "Evil. I like it."
She shimmies around the kitchen to gather everything she'll need before they arrive. I walk up behind her and bury my nose in her neck. She squeals as I tickle her with my beard. I suck a line across her shoulder to behind her ear.
"I can't easily untie this either," I say, slipping her bikini bottom to the side to display one taut cheek.
"That's the point."
"I'm on lockdown, am I?" I slap her exposed ass before covering it again.
"If I have a handprint now, I'll kick your ass," she threatens.
"I look forward to it."
She turns and cups my face in her hands, attacking me with her lips. She's right, doesn't take much to rev this engine. I'm silently calculating how much time we have left if I can squeeze in a quick round on the counter.
Dakota's tongue slips between my lips, and I'm just about to lift her onto the surface when the doorbell rings.
"Saved by the bell," she says as she licks my kiss from her mouth.
I peck her one more time, readjust myself, and head toward the door.
"Daddy!" Dulcie squeals once I open it, and my heart leaps into my chest as she leaps into my arms.
"What's up, buttercup?" I kiss her blonde curls and step out of the way.
Mandy is carrying Elva and she says hi as she sets her down. Dakota is at Mandy's side in an instant.
"Hi, Mandy," she says, hugging her.
Dakota is a positive beacon of light. She treats everyone sweetly. Sometimes too sweet, and I have to protect her from getting hurt. But I love her warm heart, and Mandy seems to be at ease already from the gesture.
"How was the exchange?" I ask her.
She looks at Dulcie, so I set her down.
"Zepp missed you," I say.
"I miss him, Daddy!"
"What about me?" Dakota asks.
Dulcie grabs onto her leg and Elva giggles, following suit on Dakota's other leg. She ruffles both of their hair.
"Miss you too, Kota."
"Go give Zepp lots of kisses," she says as the girls look up at her in awe.
They let go and run off toward the poor dog that will have to entertain two toddlers all day.
"It was fine," Mandy answers my question once the girls are out of earshot. "They were a little reluctant to go with me. Elva more than Dulcie. But after I told them where we were going they obliged."
I smile, pulling Dakota against my hip and kissing her temple. "Well, make yourself at home."
"Yeah," Dakota says. "There's a bathroom down that hall across from the spare bedroom. We have plenty of water, tea, coffee, snacks, anything you want."
She nods with a warm smile. "Thank you. I'm here for you both and the girls. So you tell me when you need me to step in."
"I was thinking we could bake some cupcakes and then swim for a bit," Dakota says.
"Perfect. I brought their swimsuits and a change of clothes. I can stay inside while you guys have family day. Or take your dog for a walk."
I watch them carry on their conversation, letting Dakota set the rules for our house. I trust she knows what's best for my girls, and as long as they're taken care of then I'm good with whatever.
"Oh gosh no," Dakota says. "You're invited too. I have plenty of books to choose from and suntan lotion if you just want to chill by the pool and read a book. The girls will be plenty distracted."
I rub Dakota's lower back, silently agreeing with everything she's telling Mandy.
"That sounds delightful," Mandy says. "But if you have laundry or dishes, I don't mind helping you clean up."
It's obvious she's used to working hard for families, and it's even more obvious Dakota doesn't want her to feel like an employee under our roof.
"Let's start with cupcakes," Dakota says.
"Works for me," I intervene.
Mandy sets down the shoulder bag as she gets more comfortable with her surroundings.
"Who wants to bake cupcakes?" Dakota asks.
"Me! Me!" Dulcie cheers.
"Meeeee," Elva adds.
We all laugh as they abandon Zepp at the mention of cupcakes.
"Let's wash our hands first," Mandy says.
Dulcie looks at me for guidance and I nod.
"Yes, wash our hands and then dirty them up." I wink at my daughter and she giggles.
"Come on." Mandy offers a hand to each of them and they latch on, following her down the hall to wash up.
Dakota turns to face me and I can't help my grin.
"You're amazing," I say.
"I want my family happy." She shrugs and this phrase causes the girly butterflies to fly free in my stomach.
"And you make all of us extremely happy, baby. I love you."
"I love you more, Daddy." She smirks and launches into my embrace, our lips locking on impact.
Watching Dakota and the girls bake cupcakes was magical. They giggled, rubbed icing on each other's faces, and not a single argument amongst the little ones. It reminded me of when Dakota would come over in Vancouver. The countless hours she played on the floor with them or laughed with them at cartoons, dressing up to have tea parties. She is the ideal female figure in both their lives and mine. I can't wait to make her their stepmum and make her a mum to our own kids.
The girls emerge with Mandy. She's dressed them in their suits while Dakota and I cleaned up the kitchen.
"Ready!" Dulcie exclaims.
"Here," Dakota says, handing her a floatie for her arm.
Dulcie slides it up into position before taking the other from her.
"They have sunscreen on?" I ask Mandy.
She nods. "That was an interesting wrestle."
I laugh. "Thank you for taking care of it."
"Let's go, Daddy," Dulcie whines.
"Okay, okay."
She leads the way as Elva reaches for Dakota. I smirk, watching her lift her and set her on her hip. So natural.
They follow behind, Mandy with a book Dakota let her borrow as we head outside. Zepp barks at a bird and takes off through the yard.
"No bark," Dakota calls after him.
"No bark," Elva repeats.
Both of us laugh as Dulcie and I stand at the edge of the pool.
"Should we jump right in?" I ask her.
She giggles. "You first."
I huff playfully before doing a cannonball and splashing water everywhere. I come up and Dulcie is laughing. I hold my arms out and she jumps toward me.
She laughs as she hits the water. I set her free and she kicks her feet, swimming toward the far edge. Dakota tosses me Elva's Dory tube we bought for her, and I wait for them to enter down the steps.
"It's cold," Dakota tells her. "Brr!"
Elva shakes her arms when the water hits her legs. "Brr."
"I think you have a parrot," I say.
Dakota smiles. "My little copy cat."
Elva is holding on for dear life to Dakota's neck, and I can't help but chuckle.
"Come here," I say.
Dakota turns her and lets me take her to put her in her baby tube.
"See? You can float by yourself."
She giggles and kicks her feet. Dakota dips under the water to wet herself entirely.
When she comes up Dulcie dips her head back. "I want my hair wet too."
I roll my eyes as Dakota and I watch her splash herself since she can't fully submerge.
She wipes her eyes and giggles. "Kota let's race," she says, dancing against the wall.
Dakota snorts. "Okay. What do I win?"
"I win you give me kiss. You win you have to kiss Daddy."
I laugh at my daughter. It's obvious she sees how much Dakota and I love each other. I like this deal.
"I have to kiss him?" Dakota points to me. "Yucky."
Both girls giggle at her expression.
"And here I was rooting for you," I say, faking offense.
"This girl is quick though." Dakota motions at Dulcie.
"I get to be referee," I say.
They both line up at the edge. I chuckle at their serious expressions.
Dakota hesitates as she lets Dulcie get a head start. She winks at me while my daughter kicks her feet and splashes her arms to get to the other side. She holds her little head above water and I can't stop myself from finding humor in it.
Once she's almost to the edge Dakota swims up beside her.
"You're so fast," she says to Dulcie.
Dulcie reaches for the pool wall and touches it before Dakota follows suit.
"I win, Daddy!"
I tap my chin, contemplating the results. "I guess you did. Ladies and...Zepp, we have a winner."
Dakota grins as I hold up my daughter's tiny hand in celebration.
"I get a kiss!" she exclaims.
"Fair is fair," Dakota replies. She pulls her into her chest and covers her face in kisses.
Dulcie squeals and tries to break free as Elva and I watch them and laugh. If I'm not mistaken, Mandy is also laughing at the sight before her. My little family.
"Why don't you show Sissy how to swim?" I ask.
"Okay." Dakota releases her and she swims over to where her sister is and begins her lesson.
I slide up against Dakota's frame, pressing her into the wall.
"Did you lose so you wouldn't have to kiss me or to spare my daughter a pout session?"
She grins. "Both."
My hands fall to cup her ass. "Shame. Little kissing never hurt nobody."
Dakota shakes her head. "Your kissing leads to more."
I tug her chin closer and she presses her soft plump lips against mine. I let myself go for a moment, savoring her slick tongue and her warm skin.
I pull back. "Delicious."
"Dangerous." She slips her hand down to the front of my trunks.
I clear my throat and step back. "Tease."
She licks my kiss from her lips as I tend to my daughters before we get called out for being indecent.
"Kota," Elva reaches for Dakota.
"You don't like your float?" she asks.
Elva shakes her head.
"Aww." Dakota pulls her free from it and I toss it up onto the concrete.
"Did you teach Sissy how to swim?" I ask Dulcie.
"Sorta," she answers.
"Show Daddy." I hold my arms out to encourage Elva to try.
Dakota lays her on her stomach, keeping her hand under her so she doesn't fall. For whatever reason she panics and begins slapping the water frantically.
"Hey, it got in my eye!" Dulcie yells.
"Come here." I try to help her, but she pushes me away.
Dakota collects Elva in her embrace, using the edge of her bathing suit to wipe the water from her eyes.
Dulcie whines, rubbing hers. "Sissy's mean."
"It was an accident," I say.
Dulcie splashes Elva in return, and she instantly starts screaming. Mandy drops her book, standing to come over.
"Unacceptable!" I raise my voice.
"Can you hand me Elva's towel?" Dakota asks.
Mandy nods and goes back to the chair to retrieve it.
"Dulcie's too," I call. "She's going in timeout."
"Daddy, no!" she cries.
I hold up my finger against my lips. "Quiet. You fight it and you'll sit there longer. We don't splash people on purpose. She's just a baby."
"I didn't mean it," she argues.
"You absolutely meant it. Now get your towel from Mandy, and sit in the chair for five minutes."
Dakota is holding Elva against her chest trying to calm her down. Dulcie crosses her arms and tucks her chin as she stomps up the stairs, out of the pool. Mandy wraps her in her towel, but she jerks away from her and pouts toward the lounge chair.
"You're okay," Dakota tells Elva.
"You want Daddy to take you?" I ask, reaching for her.
She shakes her head before nuzzling Dakota's neck.
"I'll sit with her," Dakota says.
I nod as she swims out and takes the towel Mandy is waiting there with. She thanks her as she wraps Elva in it and hugs her to her chest.
"Do you want me to take her inside?" Mandy asks.
"We're fine," Dakota says. "But I appreciate it."
I help myself out of the pool and grab my own towel at the edge.
"Mandy, would you mind grabbing an extra towel out of the hallway closet and lay it on the spare bed? I think one or both of them will be going down soon."
She nods at me and excuses herself to do as I've asked. I sit at the patio table beside Dakota.
I rub Elva's back. "You okay, sweet pea?"
She whines and cuddles into Dakota further. Dakota sticks out her bottom lip.
"She'll fade fast," I say.
She nods. "She's okay here."
I smirk and look over at Dulcie. Zepp jumps up in the lounge chair with her and kisses her face. She giggles as he lies down beside her. She won't make it much longer either.
"Dulcie," I say to catch her attention.
She glares at me with a wrinkled forehead. She's pissed, and probably a little embarrassed because she got scolded in front of an audience.
"Do you understand what you did wrong?" I ask.
"Yes," she answers sharp.
"Please tell me why you were sent to timeout."
She huffs, scratching Zepp's ear.
"I'm waiting," I say.
"I splashed my sister."
"And we don't splash anyone to be mean, right?"
"Can you apologize to her?"
"Sorry, Sissy," she says.
Elva doesn't answer, but Dakota kisses her forehead, holding her tighter.
"Will you apologize to Kota who you splashed as well?"
"I'm sorry, Kota. I didn't mean to."
"I forgive you, honey," she says. "Please don't do it again."
"I won't." Dulcie pouts.
"Are we clear now?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"Okay. You're done then. You can get back in the pool if you want. I'll swim with you."
She shakes her head. "I want to stay here with Zepp."
As I figured, she's fighting fatigue.
"That's fine too."
She continues petting him, breaking our gaze to watch him. He wags his tail in delight. What an excellent dog Dakota has raised. And I don't doubt she'll help me raise two wonderful daughters, in addition to our own children.
"She's gone," Dakota whispers to me.
I smile. "Didn't take long."
Mandy reappears. "I laid a towel on the spare bed for whoever goes first."
Dakota giggles. "Already got one."
Mandy smirks. "I can take her and lay down with her if you'd like?"
Dakota looks at me quickly before answering. "Actually, if it's okay with both of you I'd like to take her."
"Do you need help, baby?" I ask.
"No, we're good." She smiles and so I let her stand with Elva and take her to the spare room.
"I'll clean up their toys," Mandy says as she walks around the pool.
I thank her as I watch Dulcie begin to fade. Her eyes are heavy and she keeps trying to startle herself awake, but she's failing. Zepp is already snoozing beside her. The entire neighborhood is quiet and I take note of the serenity in this moment. Despite two cranky girls I feel equipped to handle this. I know Dakota and Mandy are here to help me. We're going to be fine.
Dakota returns a few minutes later. She's twisted her hair up and goes over to speak with Mandy first. Mandy nods and heads inside.
Dakota ambles over and takes a seat on my lap. I cup her hip with a grin.
"She still asleep?" I ask.
"Yeah, she fought it when I laid her down, but I cuddled with her for a minute before she passed out again. I sent Mandy in to make sure she doesn't wake up scared."
I kiss her shoulder. "You're already an excellent stepmum. Just like I knew you'd be."
She wraps her arms around my neck and leaves a long kiss to my forehead. I savor her loving attention.
"You handled the situation well," she says. "They trust you, because they do what you say."
"I hate scolding them," I whisper, so Dulcie can't hear. "I don't want them to think I'm mean and not want to come back."
She smirks, slipping her fingers through my hair to massage my scalp. "They don't think that, babe. They test you because they're setting boundaries to see how far you let them misbehave. If you nip it then they'll know what's expected."
"Your beautiful brain," I mumble, mesmerized by her light eyes on mine.
"I just see how good you are with them, and it makes me want a baby right now."
I swallow the lump that forms in my throat. "We can work on that during nap time."
She snorts. "We'll work on it soon."
I kiss her sweetly as I hold her in my arms. I can't stop my hand from trailing down to caress her thigh. This stunning woman blows me away. Marrying her and giving her children are the only things that could expand the love I have for her. I've never felt anything this strong before. It's quite a bond that cannot be broken.
She hums, breaking apart our lips. "Dulcie is out."
"I know. I really should take her inside."
"Let's go then," she says.
I nod, letting her stand from my lap as I walk over to the chair my eldest is napping in. I bend to lift her gently and she startles.
"It's okay, Daddy's got you."
She falls back asleep as I carry her inside.
"She can sleep in our bed," Dakota says.
"She's still wet," I argue.
"I'll lay a towel down." She walks ahead of me to do exactly that.
I follow her path to our room as she tosses it in the middle of our bed. I slowly lay Dulcie on it and she wiggles briefly before getting comfortable. Dakota covers her in a spare blanket.
"I'm going to change," she says. "I think we're done with the pool."
I follow behind her to do the same. I grab a tee and gym shorts en route.
Dakota shimmies out of her bathing suit as I watch, wishing I could thank her with my body for how amazing she's been all day.
"Don't get distracted," she says, reading my mind.
"Mission impossible." I pull her to me and she tries not to yelp too loudly.
She giggles as I bend her backwards and kiss her exposed nipple. I resist sucking it into my mouth and going to town.
"Tease," she mocks when I stand her upright.
"If you're not too tired later we can start practicing for when we make a baby."
She snorts. "We are the last two people on earth who need practice in the bedroom."
"Fair point. We do have quite the sex."
She smirks, tugging another one of my t-shirts over her head. She's taken on my wardrobe and she's never looked more beautiful.
"You have me all night," she says. "Let's savor our time with the girls."
I nod, dressing quickly as she slides into some leggings.
"Mandy seems to be adjusting," I say quieter, so my voice doesn't carry.
"I like her a lot, Jamie. I think she's a good fit. The girls like her too."
I smile. "I agree. She has the right personality."
"Mom will love her." I watch as she undoes her hair to brush the tangles free.
"I definitely want Mel to meet her, and your dad. I want them to be comfortable with her in case she has to be the middle man between the kids if we're busy."
Dakota meets my gaze in the mirror. "We should do that. She can go with us to Belfast next time too, so everyone knows her."
"If you're good with her then that's what matters most," I say. "There are going to be times when I can't be here all day or when both of us are working. I need to know my wife and kids will be taken care of at all costs."
She blushes as her grin emerges. "My husssband," she mumbles.
"Test it out, baby. Roll it around on your tongue, because that's what I want you to call me in the very near future."
"My husband is filming in London. My husband is home with our kids. My husband is in the audience. My husband gave me this."
I chuckle as she runs through her narrative.
"My beautiful wife," I whisper.
"It all sounds so perfect."
"It will be. I promise."
She nods, and turns to grab my hand. I let her lead me back into the bedroom. She kisses my cheek as I look over at my sleeping daughter.
"Let's nap with her," Dakota says.
"Okay." I peck the top of her head as we both take our places on each side of Dulcie.
I tuck a loose blonde curl behind her ear and chuckle at her soft snores.
Dakota's staring at me when I meet her gaze. She mouths an "I love you."
I lean over my daughter to kiss Dakota quick. "To the moon and back."
Instead of sleeping, we lie there whispering about our future, and how soon we can start working on us. Now that Freed and our contracts are finished, I'll announce my divorce publicly, then there's nothing keeping me from having her in every way I want her.
And as I make love to her later after the girls have left, I concoct a plan in my head to get the ball rolling. I'm done waiting.
What did you think of family day/pool party? I hope you felt how pure I tried to write it. FEELZ! Please don't forget to vote and/or drop me a line, I always read your notes! Thank you again, xo
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