Part 23
A/N: I'm sure most of you have seen the leaked pictures from that infamous photo shoot for Freed by now... Well, here's my take on that day, and where it led ;) As you know, I'm not shy about sex scenes, so that's your warning for the content ahead. Enjoy, and thank you for all the love you give me and this story! Xo
I'm in my dressing room getting ready for our Freed photo shoot. Dakota's in the room next to mine, and I'm trying to resist the urge to catch a peek at what she's wearing. She was whisked away the moment we arrived by her hair and make-up team. I take a long swig of the bourbon an assistant delivered upon my request. I need something to calm my nerves. It's always hard for me to dial back how I feel for Dakota in both pictures and interviews. My body language is a bitch that betrays me. Doing this shoot with Dakota acting as my wife might send me over the edge. It's even harder to pretend now that we spend every day together. It's abnormal not to show my true feelings.
There's a knock on the door, and Nino lets himself in without my answer. Good thing I'm fully dressed—he better not do the same to Dakota and catch her naked, or he'll catch my hands.
"Time to get started," he says. "Dak is taking solo photos first, so I can spare you a few more minutes."
Dakota hates being called Dak, and I cringe for her at his nickname.
"I'll be right out." I want to see what she's wearing so I can prepare my body to behave once we're up close.
"Perfecto." He kisses two of his fingers, blowing them at me before he departs.
I chug the last bit of the amber liquid in my glass and tighten my tie. Deep breath, James. Put your game face on.
I head out into the open studio where I can hear Nino encouraging Dakota that she looks sexy, and telling her how to pose. There's a group of helpers around him, prepared to step in and straighten anything misplaced. Mark and Kate are standing toward the back on their phones, and my stylist, Jeanne is with them. They all three look up when I approach as if they have some sort of radar for their clients.
I give them a nod, but keep walking. I want to see the woman behind the lens. I come around the corner and she's standing there posing in a black lace nightie, her bottom lip pinched between her teeth. Sweet Jesus take the wheel.
"Oh darling, you're gorgeous," Nino coos.
I swallow the lump in my throat when she looks over at me. Nino follows her gaze to me and he snaps his fingers.
"Let me have your tie, Jamie." He outstretches his hand, so I quickly undo it and pass it to him.
"Here, sweetheart. Hold this. You're the boss now."
She chuckles, wrapping my tie around her hand and posing with it. She's wearing the stunning diamond ring from the movie, causing my heart to skip a beat. How I wish it could be my ring and this could be an engagement photo shoot, not one for a movie that won't let us live our lives. I adjust the white gold band on my own finger, loving how it feels.
I sense someone at my side. I look down to see Jeanne smirking. "She's gorgeous, good luck."
I snicker. "Shut up, Jea."
"You see that bed?" She points off to the side of the studio. "You're gonna need a miracle."
Fuck. He's going to have us all over that thing in compromising positions. There are zero ways I'll make it out of this without an embarrassing erection none of us can do anything with.
"Good thing these pants are black," I mutter.
She cackles so loud everyone's eyes shoot to us. I feel my blush when Dakota's gaze meets mine. She already knows the power she has over me. And I know with everything in me she's going to take advantage of the situation. I laugh to myself and she looks away, trying to keep it together for the camera.
Dakota is lying on my chest, my hands gripping her waist, and our lips are touching. Her soft breaths across my skin are driving me wild. I want nothing more than to stick my tongue down her throat and make out with her right here. It is practically impossible to control my urges. I glance down and her breasts are falling out of her gown. I simultaneously want to suck one and cover her up. What a dangerous state of mind this shoot has put me in. I don't know whether to be turned on or protective.
"All right," Nino says. "Give me a second."
Dakota sits upright in my lap. I rest both arms behind my head to resist from caressing her inappropriately with an audience.
"You good?" she asks low enough only I can hear.
"I'm struggling."
She giggles, rubbing herself against my dick. "I can tell."
"Don't, baby. I won't be responsible for my actions."
"Back to it," Nino says. "Jamie, let your hands wander. Dakota, I want you to unbutton his shirt."
"Shit," I mumble.
Dakota's laughing at me as she follows directions. Her fingertips skim my chest on the way down.
"How far?" she asks.
"That's good," Nino answers. "Now I want intimate."
Dakota lays her cheek on my bare chest and I hold her tight. This is the most natural pose he could capture of us. Our morning and nightly ritual usually consists of this.
"You look beautiful," I whisper in her hair.
She nestles further into me as I expected she would. She hums her approval.
"Perfect guys, like that. Dakota can you open your eyes?"
Again, too natural. We're losing control. This day has been torture. He's had us up against the wall with her wearing my shirt. He put me in a chair and sat her on my lap. These bed poses with her back in her nightie are the final nail in my coffin. I trail my hand down to her thigh, caressing her slowly.
"Jamie, that's perfect!" Nino snaps a dozen photos. "Hold her like you love her."
"I do," I say to Dakota.
She giggles. "You're gonna get us fired."
"Gorgeous," Nino chimes as he keeps snapping. "Okay, how about we have Jamie sit against the headboard."
I start buttoning my shirt when Dakota sits back between my legs. I scoot up the bed and she hands me my tie. I smirk, looping it around my neck. She helps me tighten it before gripping the ends.
"More!" Nino yells.
Everything we do is a perfect shot for him. Does he not understand this is just us? We're not trying to impress him or give him content.
"We're experts," Dakota mumbles.
I chuckle. "Clearly he thinks so."
"Can't even help you with your tie." She rolls her eyes and I laugh.
She spreads her legs to set her feet on either side of my hips. I can't resist the urge to catch a peek. She's wearing underwear, but if I'm not mistaken in my quick glace, she's developed a wet spot. Ah, so I'm not the only one turned on here, Johnson.
"He's taking pictures of you looking up my dress."
I snort. "Does he think I haven't seen it before?"
"After three movies, even if we weren't fucking, you'd still have seen it all."
I laugh loudly and she covers her face to laugh at her own comment.
"Oh God, you guys are remarkable," Nino says while we ignore him. Let him take pictures of this, I want copies.
"I was just checking on that wet spot you've acquired."
She blushes and looks over at everyone. No one except Nino and two of his assistants are looking at us. They can't hear our hushed conversation from their distance.
She looks back at me, licking her lips. "Trying to keep up with your stiff pants."
"Mmm, well guess you have a job to do later."
She raises an eyebrow. "Is that so? And you expect me to relieve myself?"
"No, baby. I know my duties, and plan to get a full days work in as soon as we're home."
She giggles. "We could give them a real show."
"Now you do want to get fired, Miss Insatiable." I grip her thighs tight in my hands while Nino continues to snap photos of us.
"We came close a few times on set."
I laugh. "Lucky we didn't pop a tire on one of our trailers."
There were times during Darker and Freed filming when I really didn't think we'd make it to those trailers. I was tempted to fuck her on many a prop more than once. We were careless. It was a time in our relationship when we'd fully committed to one another, and stopped skirting around our feelings. A pure electricity between us that started dozens of fires only our bodies could put out. The walls of our trailers held some dirty secrets.
"I just want the torture to end so we can play."
"Soon," I say.
The rest of the shoot goes as planned. Dakota doesn't resist rubbing herself against my erection, so I make sure to adjust myself more than once and brush her panties with it. I'm instantly transported back to set as we're playing a game no one else is aware of. This is how we are. We tease and rev each other up silently. We're both well aware of what each touch, breath, and caress is doing to the other. I manage to refrain from kissing her when she cradles my head in her small hand. All of this is second nature, and I can't believe we're letting Nino capture it on film while he remains clueless to reality.
"I think we're done," he says, looking at his camera. "Got about 6,000 shots. Think that'll satisfy them."
Them. Shit. I swallow my instant nerves that everyone at Universal will be sifting through these photos. Fuck what anyone in this room thinks, there are going to be dozens of eyes on us like this.
I tuck my fears aside, because now we're finished. Time to get Dakota out of here and in my bed.
"Excellent work today you guys."
Dakota crawls off of me and gives Nino a quick hug. I take a moment to calm my body as she steps up to Mark, Kate, and Jeanne to talk. I stand, walking to him to shake his hand. He gives me a quick nod.
"Truly beautiful session," he says.
"I agree. Thanks for your work." I drop my hand to fumble with my zipper to make sure I'm not completely obvious as I walk past our team.
"Jamie, just leave your clothes on the rack and I'll collect them," Jeanne tells me. "I need to make a phone call, so I'll catch you later."
"Thanks, Jea." I kiss both of her cheeks before she disappears out of the studio.
Mark smiles at me. "We'll let you guys change, and then we'll clean up so you can go."
"You're the best, Marky Mark." Dakota hugs him tight, offering the same affection to Kate.
I shake both of their hands before departing. I trail a good distance behind Dakota to our dressing rooms. I check behind me that we're not being followed.
The lace of her thin dress sways against her ass and I feel like an animal, drooling over the woman that falls asleep in my arms every night. But fuck she's mesmerizing, and I never tire of the desire that burns between us. Everyone had to have felt it today, and I'm sure we'll get chewed out for it once those pictures hit the desks at Universal. However, I'm not worried about that right now. I want to get us home where I can have her every way I've wanted her all day.
She slips into her dressing room, leaving the door cracked. I slow down as I walk past and all but yelp when she grabs my arm to pull me inside.
"Shh." She presses her finger to my lips as she shuts the door, pushing her body weight against mine to back me into it.
"Let's go home," I whisper.
"I can't wait that long," she argues. She tugs my hand down to the flesh colored panties they had her wear and I can feel her wetness through the fabric.
"Oh Christ." I groan, rubbing her clit as she loses her footing.
"Make it quick," she breathes. "Before we get caught."
Her hands are undoing my pants before I can protest or agree. She pulls me free from my boxers to stroke me, but I've been hard for her all day. Hope to fuck they're able to Photoshop out my bulge.
"We should do this at home," I mumble into her mouth as she tries to silence me.
"I need you now."
I nod, sliding her panties to the side and dipping my finger into her slick folds. She moans and grabs my wrist to stop me.
"You want to come?" I ask, breathing down the side of her neck.
"Yes." She's panting and her skin is hot.
My body shifts into overdrive. "How?"
"I want you to fuck me, Jamie." She looks me dead in the eye. "Then take me home and worship me all night."
I don't know how I manage to stay upright. I growl, lifting her swiftly and walking her backwards to the hair and make-up counter. She gasps when I set her on the cold surface.
"Wider," I instruct, and she opens her legs the width of the desk, giving me complete access. I lick my lips, saving a taste for later so I can give her what she wants now.
She grips my shoulders as I slam into her. I knock over a cup full of brushes trying to reach for leverage.
She giggles, the mirror shaking as my hips thrust harder and faster. If this countertop breaks we're going to have to leave through a window to avoid embarrassment.
"Mmm, Jamie right there," she moans long and low and I'm going to finish too early.
"Come on, baby. You want this?"
"Fuck, Dakota. Let go, baby. Please." I thumb her clit and she cries out so I devour her lips to keep us from being heard.
"So close," she pants, leaning back on her hands to push herself onto me further. I angle her off the desk and plunge into her as deep as I can. I watch my dick slide through her folds and I'm done. I can't hold on anymore.
I tug her breast free from the flimsy nightie and suck it between my lips. Her fingers tangle in my hair as I pull her nipple with my teeth. That's all it takes for her to detonate around me.
"Oh God, yes." She squirms and quivers as I still, her throbbing walls pulling my orgasm free.
I collapse into her neck, filling her over and over as we cling to one another breathless.
"Now we can go home," she mutters.
I chuckle, but am interrupted by a banging on the door.
"You two have a house for that!"
Dakota snorts at the sound of Mark's voice. I shake my head, pulling out of her.
"Guess we weren't that quiet." I pass her a box of tissues as I gather composure and zip myself in.
She's lit up like a tree on Christmas. "Like they didn't know we were gonna fuck after that."
I laugh. "Fair enough."
"I think Nino and everyone else was starting to pity the torture your cock was enduring."
I grip her chin to kiss her. "Your fault."
"Proud of it, cowboy."
She slides down and quickly strips from the nightgown and panties. I watch her in awe as she dresses back into her own clothes.
"Yeah, well you get to be cowgirl at home." I smirk when she meets my gaze, tugging on her shoes.
"You know I'm an expert at riding." She never misses a beat.
"Save a horse, ride this cowboy."
She laughs out loud and I pull her up, dragging her by the hand out of the studio before we get thrown out.
Dakota leads the way inside our house. The second we enter she wraps her arms around my neck and grins at me.
"Satisfied, are we?"
"Not entirely," she says, her eyes trailing to my lips.
"We should eat first before we marathon it."
She snorts. "Or you could eat me and go from there."
I chuckle and smack her ass. "Real food. Plus Zepp needs out."
She lets go of me to look down at him. He's wagging his tail, waiting for one of us to acknowledge him.
"Hi, buddy," Dakota coos. She bends to his level and he showers her in kisses.
"I'll fire up the grill," I say. "We can have burgers."
"Okay, babe. Are you going out with Daddy?" she asks Zepp.
I don't know why this gives me butterflies. She talks to my girls the same. I guess because he's her dog and now she's sharing him with me. Which means the way she feels about my daughters must be monumental. I'm glad they adore her in return.
"C'mon, man," I tell Zepp. "Let's cook some goodies."
He gallops over to the door and I laugh, opening it so he can let loose in the yard.
I light the grill, leaving the door ajar as I go back inside. Southern California has its advantages. I love opening the large doors around the house and enjoying the permanent warm weather.
Dakota is at the counter as she pops a bottle of red wine.
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" I wink when she looks up.
"I don't think you need much encouragement."
I shrug. "Always a valid argument."
She pours us both a glass and holds hers up for a toast.
"To a wonderful trip in Belfast with the man of my dreams, and to an interesting photo shoot that may put us in deep shit."
I clink my glass with hers and take a sip. "Are you really worried?"
"No. My ability to give a damn is just about shot."
I skirt around her to the refrigerator to grab some patties. "I would ask what you mean, but I feel the same."
She nods when I retrieve a plate and spatula. "Belfast was a huge breath of fresh air. Every trip we take is. But I'm getting tired of running."
I furrow my eyebrows. "Bring the wine. Let's go outside and talk."
She obliges, carrying the bottle and her glass with her as we go out back. Zepp is basking in the sun at the edge of the pool, unfazed by the food.
I toss two burgers on the grill and close the lid. Dakota is sitting at the patio table, so I join, taking a seat across from her.
"I know I used Belfast as an escape," I say, "but it really was a trip I'd been meaning to take you on."
She smiles, reaching for my hand. I take hers and kiss the back of it. "That trip meant everything. To me. To us. To our future."
I nod. "I want us to go more often. I want the girls to see my dad. I want to..." I trail off, but can't hide my desires from her. "I want to take our kids there. I want it to become a part of our routine."
Her smile spreads across her face. "Jamie, I want all of that. And we'll have it. Our farm in Colorado, our monthly trips to Belfast. We want the same things, babe."
"Can we level with each other?"
"Always." She cups her other hand over top of mine still holding hers. "Should you flip the burgers first?"
I chuckle. Dakota has the ability to make my nerves fall away. "Yes, hold that thought."
I hop up, lift the lid of the grill, and flip the burgers over. The scent makes my mouth water. I didn't realize until now how hungry I am.
I amble back over to the chair I'd occupied, but I scoot it away from the table. "Come here."
She smirks and saunters my way to sit on my lap. I wrap my arms around her waist and she reciprocates by doing the same to my neck. I gaze up into her baby blues.
"What are we leveling on?" she asks, kissing my forehead.
I love how tender she is with me. I've never felt more cherished. "When can we start all that?"
She eyes me. "You mean babies and stuff?"
I nod. "Marriage. Babies. Colorado. Belfast."
She scratches at the hair on my neck as she contemplates what I've said. "If you want an honest answer..."
I squeeze her hip. "Of course. I can handle it. I want to be on the same page."
She sighs. "Some days I want it now. I want to marry you and have your babies and watch our dreams come true. Other days I want to work a bit longer and keep the momentum going."
"I think that's a fair reaction. For the most part I'm willing to let go of my career to have a quiet life with you. I love my job, but I love you more."
She whimpers, running her fingers through my hair. "I love you more than all of this too. It's a weird struggle. I was like this in school. I didn't know if I wanted to act or have a regular life. But I guess it's just in my blood."
I smile. "I'd say. It's passed through quite a few generations."
She regards me for a long moment and I wonder what she wants to say but isn't.
"What is it, baby?"
"I want a quiet life," she whispers.
"You mean that?" I feel my heartbeat increase.
"I do. I want you, and the girls, and Belfast. I'm hesitant because I've never known another life, but I want it with you. I've waited for it, because I was waiting for you."
And I wish I'd waited for her. I push that thought to the side, because the gravity of what she's committing to is overwhelming.
"So you'll marry me? You want kids soon?"
She giggles. "Baby, you thought differently? How on Earth? Of course I will. And yes. I kind of like the idea of starting a family soon."
My heart is leaping inside my chest. "Dakota..."
"We have to give it time though, you know that, right?" She rubs my beard.
I shake my head. "This fucking PR shit is killing the vibe."
"I know. But it has to seem natural or we'll be crucified. So we pretend to take it slow. And in less than a year we can do whatever we want, let the public find out later."
"A year? I'm not waiting a year. I need you as soon as I can have you."
She chuckles. "You have me. Right here in your arms. But we have to play it safe. I'll be yours however you want me even if we're the only ones that know it."
"I can live with that."
"Good, now kiss me quick before our dinner burns."
I laugh, latching onto her mouth. I resist deepening it as she stands to let me check the grill.
"I owe you," I say.
"All night long."
"Thank you, Lionel."
We both laugh as I remove the burgers and get everything set for our meal.
Dakota puts the dishes in the dishwasher as I come up behind her, clasping my arms around her stomach. She wiggles in my embrace when I kiss her neck.
"Today was rough," I say.
"It was. I almost made more than one mistake."
"Such as?"
She moves my hands so she can turn around to face me. She grins into my gaze. "More than once I went for a kiss. More than once I wanted to undo your pants. More than once I resisted stripping your shirt off."
I nod, my eyes dropping to her mouth. "And more than once I wanted you to sink down on me and relieve me of my painful hard on."
She snickers. "Well, we're home now. We've promised each other quite a bit of action."
"Better get started." I bend to lift her at the knees and she squeals, wrapping her arms around my neck as I carry her to the bedroom.
I toss her on the mattress and send Zepp to his doggy bed. I smirk as he ambles off down the hallway like a smart boy.
"Now what to do with you," I say, standing before her.
She undoes the button and fly on my jeans. "I'll start."
I cup her chin as she shimmies both my boxers and pants down my thighs. I step out of them, kicking them to the side. She kisses my happy trail but moves upward instead. Dragging my shirt with her fingertips, she licks a path over my abs. I help her by removing the shirt entirely. She scrapes her nails down my chest and I groan.
"This would've been a better photo shoot." I watch as she pulls her phone free from her pocket.
"Dakota," I warn. I'm not keen on capturing nudes of us. Anytime we were apart and needed that connection we'd FaceTime as to not make a grave mistake.
"Just from here up," she says, touching the V of my pelvis.
I lick my lips as she snaps a photo of me from where she sits on the bed. She moans when she inspects it.
"How did I get so lucky?" she asks.
"Here." I hold my hand out for her phone and she narrows her gaze before handing it to me.
"Don't delete it," she says.
"I'm not. Get to work."
She drops her mouth open with a small laugh as I switch to video mode. If she wants dirty then allow me.
"Perv." She strokes my dick with her small hand and I hit record.
Her eyes graze up directly into the camera and this quickly turns into my favorite movie. She licks the tip and I moan as I watch her through the phone. She sucks me into her hot mouth and I stumble, almost dropping it.
"Fuck, baby."
She looks at the camera again as I disappear between her plump lips. I grow harder and longer each time she pops me out, and it's insanely erotic to watch her do this on the screen while feeling her slick tongue on me.
"You like this?" she asks, pumping me with her fist.
"Mmm yes. No one worships my dick like you."
She smirks, biting her bottom lip. "And it feels so good inside me."
I let out a deep breath, moving my hips to the rhythm of her strokes. "Then let's get you naked," I say.
She reaches for the phone, but I move it in time.
"Nope. Strip for me, baby. Give me the shoot I deserve."
She stands and shoves me backwards to give her more room. "Like this?" She pulls her shirt up one inch at a time, exposing her bra-covered boobs that she presses together with a pout.
"You can do better than that, can't you?"
She shrugs, dragging it off and tossing it at me. I laugh and knock it from where it lands on the camera.
"More," I mumble.
She undoes the button and zipper on her jeans, and I watch in person as she shimmies her way out of them.
"I think I'm too tired." She fakes a yawn.
I scoff. "I think I know you better than that."
She reaches behind her to unclasp her bra.
"That's more like it," I say.
She lets the straps fall down her arms, revealing her nipples that are instantly hard for me to suck on.
"You like what you see?" She points to my rock solid erection.
I snort. "I still haven't seen enough."
She sways her hips as she turns away from me, peeking over her shoulder and batting her eyelashes. What a temptress.
Linking her thumbs in either side of the lace thong, she slowly lowers it side to side. I am drooling as she bends over and spreads her legs.
"Yes, baby. Look how beautiful."
She giggles as the panties fall down her calves. I walk up behind her to cup her wetness. She gasps when she feels me.
"So hot," I whisper, dipping a finger through her silky folds.
She stands up and nudges me away. I go to protest, but she lies back on the bed, spreading her legs to give the camera and me a perfect shot.
"Thirsty?" she asks, biting the tip of her finger.
I toss the phone onto her naked belly and she retrieves it to turn the tables on me. I smirk, kissing a path up her navel to one of her breasts. She tries to position the phone far enough back to capture me in the frame.
I flick one nipple with my tongue and she moans. The sound entices me to continue. I look into the lens as I drag it with my teeth.
"Fuck," she breathes.
"Your perfect tits."
She lets out a small laugh. "You love them."
"I do." I assault the other one without missing a beat. Licking and sucking her hardened peak until she cries out.
I trace the line back down between her legs and I can't help but grin right at the camera. I'll give her the show she wants.
"I'm glad you're recording," I say, and she peeks at me from around her phone. "I want this captured."
"Jamie what—"
I don't give her a second to hesitate. "Trust me."
She nods, so I proceed. I wet the tip of my finger with her juices before sliding down between her cheeks.
"Jesus," she takes a leveling breath.
"It's okay, baby. Feel it with me."
I gently press it inside of her and she groans, her body naturally trying to contract.
"Jamie." She grips the comforter with her free hand.
"Slowly." I slide my finger in a bit further and she drops her legs wider.
She hums, rolling her head on the pillow to watch me. I dip my tongue through her folds, still inching my finger inside her. She arches and her stomach quivers.
"It's too much," she says.
"The pain or the pleasure?"
She gazes down at me. "The pleasure. Don't stop."
That's my girl. Unashamed of our intimacy. She's so bold and confident, which only drives me to satisfy her craving.
She's tight as I pump her, and I hope this encourages her toward anal at some point. I imagine this tightness around my dick, and the thought alone drives me wild. I want to feel her every way I can have her.
I suck her clit between my lips and she gasps, clenching my hair in her fist.
"Jesus Jamie, please." She's struggling to hold the phone upright as I lick her folds, dipping my tongue inside her as I continue to pump her. She rolls her pelvis against my face and I smirk, looking up into the camera.
"Come baby, let me have it."
"More," she begs.
I stroke her, sliding my finger in and out as I scrape my teeth over her clit. I dip my thumb into her opening, moving both fingers at the same pace.
"I can't." She's panting and writhing.
"You can. Relax."
She sucks in a harsh breath and a second later she comes like a freight train. Her body throbs against my fingers as I still them inside her.
"Fuck!" she screams, and my hand and wrist are soaked.
I chuckle. "Welp, I unlocked the secret."
She tosses her phone on the bed and covers her face as her body still shakes. I move my hands back to examine them and can't help my cocky grin. I did that.
"That's never happened before," she says, peering down at me.
"Impressive." I wink.
"I just—" She snorts.
"You're welcome."
She's giddy as she watches me wipe my hands clean. "Incredible. What an odd sensation."
"I'm not done with you yet," I say. "We can try again while you ride me."
She nods and sits up, setting her phone on the nightstand. "We filmed enough. I want just us now."
"Okay." I bend to kiss her and she grips my face to deepen it. I slip my tongue in, and she moans as she tastes herself. Aphrodite personified.
She tugs me down onto the bed, and I chuckle into her mouth when she rolls me on my back. She crawls over me to center my dick at her entrance. "Guess we don't need lube."
We share a hearty laugh as she lowers herself. I groan, feeling her stretch to take me. She's tight and hot and I'm a starving animal. She's been in my lap all damn day, but this is the relief I needed.
"Ride me," I instruct, slapping her ass.
She grips her breasts and tugs on both nipples as she watches me. It's so erotic, her touching herself as my dick disappears inside of her. She's slicker than normal and I'm not going to last.
She reaches for my hands and I offer them, but instead of linking our fingers like I suspect, she sits me up so we're chest to chest.
She tangles her fingers in my hair as she bounces in my lap. I attack her lips and she melds into me. I trail my hands down her back to cup her ass and help her rhythm.
"Finger me again," she breathes against my mouth.
"I created a monster." I lick my lips, dropping them to suck on her neck. I slide a hand between her cheeks once more, pressing my middle finger into her.
She trembles in my arms so I hold her tighter with my free grip.
"Fuck me, Jamie," she begs.
And I do. I dip my finger in further and pump her at the same pace she rides me. Once more she screams the house down, cursing my name as she drenches my dick.
"Shit yes, baby," I grunt as I come with her, filling her over and over as she quivers in my embrace.
"Euphoria," she mumbles as she sinks into my neck, pecking the side of it sweetly.
"You're so fucking sexy," I say and rub her waist as we both come down. "I love you."
She sits back to gaze at me. "We're wild."
I chuckle. "Together. And that's all that matters."
She blushes and drops her eyes to my chest.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I'm more open to experimenting now." She bites her bottom lip with a giggle.
"Jackpot." I wiggle my eyebrows and she continues laughing. Such a glorious sound as we bask in our afterglow.
"I love you more," she says. "Thank you for taking me places I never imagined."
"Thank you for trusting me with your pleasure." I peck her lips.
She sighs. "Now we either have to change the sheets or sleep in the spare."
I stroke her lower back with my fingertips. "You made a mess."
"You made me make the mess."
"Proudly." I kiss her again. "Quick shower then we'll sleep in the spare. I'm exhausted."
She nods. "Deal."
What a fucking day. A photo shoot that unmanned me in front of an audience. Sex in our dressing room. A serious talk about our future over dinner. And ending the day with my woman unraveling in my arms. If this is my life then consider me the luckiest bastard. I've found my forever.
I would ask what you think, but...I'll let you catch your breath first! Hope it was memorable, and I appreciate any time you take out of your day to read what I spend so much of my time writing for YOU :)
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