Part 16
A/N: It's a super busy time of year for me, so my sincere apologies for making you wait. Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow American readers!! Also, to address recent fandom drama: that will NOT be reflected in this story. It will continue as it has been, which I hope will be a much needed breath of fresh air for some of you ;) enjoy, that's what I'm here for! Xo
Dakota's feet are in my lap as I massage them from our spot on the lanai in Maui. She's been full of surprises since we arrived in Hawaii three days ago, and it's beyond refreshing to see her happy again after our loss. Today's surprise included a private snorkel session.
We'd floated along the surface, above gorgeous coral and colorful fish that tickled our legs as they swam between us. The boat even went out far enough that a few stray dolphins joined our morning adventure. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been a little nervous about wild mammals swimming that close to Dakota, but per usual she turned everything into a beautiful event. She had no fear. One kept coming back to her and every time she'd pass, Dakota would run her hand along her slick body. I'd even opened up to them after seeing how gentle Dakota was with them. The boat captain said he hadn't seen dolphins stick around humans like that outside of an aquarium in a long time, but he didn't know that I knew it was Dakota's aura they were attracted to.
"I can't get over the dolphins," I mutter.
She moans as I find a knot in the middle of her foot. "That was amazing. I'll never forget it."
"Dulcie won't believe me. Wish we could've taken photos."
She eyes me with a smirk. "Today was your favorite?"
I shrug. "Tough call. Every day with you is my favorite, but I also enjoyed parasailing yesterday."
That had to have been a sight to see. I was scared shitless, and Dakota laughed the entire time. Mainly at me, but I didn't care where her happiness came from, as long as it came. I hadn't expected to go up that high above the water, but my fear dissipated once I saw how stunning the ocean and beach was from above. Pure serenity, and to do it with the woman of my dreams was an exceptional memory I'll cherish forever.
"Parasailing was definitely a highlight of our relationship." She giggles, and I know without asking that she's recalling me freaking out as the rope released us higher.
"You get to witness my embarrassing antics for many years to come." I wink, switching feet to rub her other.
"I wasn't embarrassed, I was entertained."
"A grown man afraid of heights and dolphins. Wow, what a catch."
She snorts. "You're the best catch a woman could dream of. Even if you are skittish of the most gentle animals on the planet."
"Zepp is gentle, dolphins are unpredictable."
"Yes, because Discovery Channel airs Dolphin Week every year to warn people of these dangerous creatures. Sharks got nothing on them."
We both share a loud laugh over that.
"Whatever," I say, "we lived."
"We did, baby. And I hope despite me scaring the shit out of you with my surprises that you've still enjoyed them."
I narrow my eyes. "I have. Immensely. You definitely push me outside of my comfort zone, but there's no one else I'd dream of doing these things with. You enhance every memory just by being yourself."
She drops her feet from my lap to lean in. Her hands grip my thighs as I meet her for a sweet kiss. I go to deepen it when a knock on the door startles us both.
"Who is that?" I ask, wrinkling my forehead.
"Our surprise!" She jumps up and heads back inside. I watch her sundress sway with her hips, wishing she'd kept her bikini on, but now understanding since she invited company why she encouraged us to get dressed.
She swings open the door and I can see from where I'm sitting that it's room service. An older man greets her as she steps aside for him to wheel a cart my way. I stand when he pushes it out onto the lanai.
"Evening, sir," he says. "Looks like it's going to be a perfect sunset."
I nod with a smile. "It sure does. Thank you for this."
He sets two covered plates down at the table before retrieving a bottle of chilled white wine. I watch him uncork it, filling two glasses as Dakota catches my sight from where she stands behind him. She's beaming with pure joy that she's pulled off another surprise. She's definitely competing with my Finland trip, and I'm going to gladly let her.
"Your dessert is on the bottom tray," he says, pointing. "I'll leave the cart here for your dirties, and call the kitchen when you're done so we can collect everything."
"Thanks again." I shake his hand as he nods at Dakota once he passes.
She claps and joins me again. "Perfect timing."
I gaze out at the water and see the sun is slowly starting to make its decent. I smirk. "Your timing is always impeccable."
I step around the table to pull out her chair. She scoops her dress under her and lets me push her in place.
"Thank you, such a gentleman."
I sit across from her. "Anything for my lady."
I catch her blush before she removes the lid from her dish. "Heavenly."
I do the same to mine and reveal fish tacos with a side salad, serving of chips, and salsa verde. My mouth instantly waters. "Damn."
"I know it's not an elegant meal, but it's their top rated dish."
"Baby, you could've ordered a ham sandwich and I would've eaten it. This looks superb."
She smiles and raises her glass of wine. "To getting through shit together."
I clink mine against hers. "We do it best."
We each take a swig before digging into our meal. I take a bite of a taco and sit back in my chair to chew it.
"Christ," I say, "it's delicious."
She nods, biting the tip of her salsa-covered chip. "Try this salsa though."
I swipe a tortilla through mine and chomp it down. "Mmm, incredible. We need a jar."
Our conversation diminishes as we each discover how famished we are from our busy day. We get lost in the food until we're both almost done.
"So I emailed my relator," Dakota begins.
I sit up straighter to give her my full attention.
"He's going to help me rent my house. From there I hope someone will make an offer to buy it."
I nod. "You're going to sell it?"
She smiles. "It's time. There's no use for it since we share a home. Besides, we're barely in that one anyway."
I take a long drink of my wine, approaching this subject with caution. "You don't have to sell it. I know it's a risk in case the news gets out and the media discovers we're living together."
She shakes her head. "I want to. I want you to know I'm fully committed to this relationship. I don't need it anymore, you are my home."
My heart starts pounding and I swear she can hear it. "I already knew that. Your house never had anything to do with our commitment, darlin.' You've proven yourself tenfold."
"As have you," she interjects. "We waited so long to get to this point, Jamie, and I need to be fully invested. I'm sorry it took me until now to act on it."
"Baby, you fucking waited for me. For years. I never questioned if you were all-in. I questioned how I deserve a woman like you, still do."
"Well don't. That shit doesn't matter anymore. We both did our waiting and antics to get us here. All or nothing, right?"
I nod, remembering her reference to when we decided to take a leap of faith and turn our worlds inside out for one another. Before we filmed the last two parts of the trilogy. She'd said that January when we met for less than 48 hours that she had to know whether I wanted all of her or none of her. I'd made my choice months before then, and was ready to dive in. She's been the one since the day I auditioned with her. "All or nothing," I repeat.
"Besides," she goes on, "I have an idea." She retrieves both plates of desserts and passes one to me. I chuckle at her distracting me with more food.
"Spill it." I dip my spoon into the key lime pie and fill my mouth to let her speak.
"Since I sold my apartment in New York, you have your place in London, and the LA house was yours before ours—"
I interrupt. "I picked it out knowing it was everything you'd love."
She smirks. "Yes you did, babe. And I do love it. But I was thinking we could pick a place together in New York. That way we have somewhere closer to the girls to connect in."
"I could get on board with that." The idea suddenly excites me more than buying the LA house did. Knowing she wants to have another property for us to call ours further confirms we're in this for life.
"Not saying we have to do it the moment we get back. Just something to consider down the road. And when the girls are older and can come visit by themselves, they'd have a non-stop flight from London to JFK."
I grin. "You think of everything."
"You said you want us to be a family even if we're not legally, so I'm meeting you halfway. Plus, I know it's your favorite city on Earth." She passes our dirty dishes back onto the cart, avoiding my gaze.
"Any city you're in with me could be considered my favorite city on Earth, but yes, I have a soft spot for the Big Apple, and it'd be much smoother for our jet lag when we go to see the girls. Or like you pointed out, when they come see us."
She finishes her wine. "I'm glad we can talk through our future with ease. Especially considering we haven't done much of it since the pregnancy incident. It's a breath of fresh air."
I set both our glasses back on the cart. It's my turn to avoid the topic. I don't want to set her off down an emotional path. We're on vacation, and should be ignoring the recent pain we went through.
"I agree. Shall I call the kitchen for pick-up?"
She eyes me for a long second before nodding. "Sure."
I retreat inside and take a deep breath. Maybe I'm the one who's still struggling. But that isn't fair. If she's moved on then I sure as hell can, too. No sense holding us both back emotionally when there's too much to look forward to. It wasn't even a true loss, was it? Just excitement deflated.
I busy myself with calling the kitchen. The woman on the line tells me she'll send someone right up, so I make a beeline for the bathroom to relieve myself while I wait, and further avoid how I abruptly ended our romantic dinner.
Dakota's still seated at the table when I come out, but her face is turned toward the water. I can't tell what her expression holds, and I'm mildly worried I've upset her. I'm honestly too fucking worried about upsetting her. Either by bringing it up or by brushing it off when she brings it up.
The knock at the door interrupts my further mind racing. I greet the same man from earlier as he comes in and retrieves the cart. I hear Dakota offer him a small thank you before he heads back in my direction.
"Enjoy your stay," he says to me.
I give the man a hefty tip as I hold the door open for him, and he wheels away the cart with our dirty dishes on it.
When I turn, I see Dakota has moved to stand at the balcony, looking out over the ocean. The sun has sunk below the horizon, but the way the remaining light is hitting her gives her a yellow glow as though her aura is on visible display.
I walk back out and slowly wrap my arms around her waist, cradling her in my arms. She hums her approval and relaxes against my chest before resting her head on my shoulder. Her eyes are closed, a small smile tugging on her lips so I leave a chaste kiss to them.
"Dinner was delicious," she mumbles.
"It was. Thank you for having it set up."
She hugs my arms tighter around her. "I want to surprise you like you surprise me. I have a lot of catching up to do in the romance department."
I chuckle, pecking her neck. "I only need you, not romance."
She looks at me before she spins in my embrace to face me. She cups my cheeks and I grin at her soft hands playing with my scruff.
"You don't have to be so careful with me," she whispers.
I wrinkle my forehead. "What do you mean, baby?" Except I know exactly what she means.
She purses her lips. "Since our incident. You've become so overprotective of my feelings, and while I love you and know it comes from a place of pure admiration, I'm not going to break. I promise. You kept me together when I wanted to fall apart. I'm okay now. You got me through it. You can be with me the same way we were before."
She can read me like a damn book, as if she wrote me herself. "You mean intimately?"
She nods. We haven't had sex since the day of her doctor's appointment. I didn't want to rush her into something she wasn't ready for. Unfortunately, my body couldn't sympathize like my heart and mind could. I wanted to feel her again. And the release I craved seemed selfish even if I couldn't control the need. I guess I assumed wrong about how she felt.
"I didn't want to push you," I say, which is the truth. "We were both hurting and the thought of suggesting sex didn't feel appropriate."
She giggles. "You're a strong man. In many ways. But I tried to get you in the mood more than once and you managed to dodge me."
I shake my head. "I can't believe you felt like I was denying you what we both wanted. We should've talked about it, because I'd have you every day if you'd let me."
I now recall the sexy nightgowns she wore to bed or no nightgown at all. The soft caresses she gave me throughout the day and in bed. I'd brushed those signs aside because I was too worried she wasn't ready. When maybe what she needed was to know I didn't feel differently about her.
"You can't hurt me, Jamie," she says quietly. "Or at least not like that. Our intimacy is nothing but proof of how much we love each other. You can always have me that way, because I need it too."
I nod. "I've been walking on eggshells for no reason."
"You can talk to me about anything, babe. Anything at all. I don't want you to think I'm keeping my feelings from you or that I'm too sensitive to talk about it. We need each other to get through it. I don't want you to be strong for both of us, but I'm honestly okay. I should've assured you of that sooner, so I guess we're both at fault."
"You've done nothing wrong," I whisper. "Besides, if you want me then feel free to pounce, baby. I'd never deny you, I was merely worried you weren't ready. I shouldn't underestimate your ability to bounce back. You're intelligent and strong, and I couldn't admire you more for it."
She smirks. "Then what are we waiting for? Seeing your sexy body tanning in the Hawaiian sun every day has been killing me."
"I'm yours." I run my hand down to cup her ass and press her into me further.
She snakes her fingers through my hair to pull me in for a kiss. I lift her slightly and walk us both inside as she tugs at my lips, her tongue tangling with mine. I breathe her in, unable to ever get enough of her love.
She breaks us apart to drag my shirt off. I feel her soft fingertips graze my skin on their way up. We're already panting as her eyes fall across my torso. The only woman I want to stare at me this way, because it's only for her. No compliments or admiration mean anything to me if they don't come from her beautiful mouth.
"What a perfect man," she mutters to herself.
I smirk, watching her hands run over my skin; my shoulders down my arms, across my chest to my abdomen. She feels all of it and lights me on fire with her gentle touch. I am alive under her attention.
"Inside and out," she finishes before looking up. "You're the best man a woman could dream of because of everything that you are. How are you mine?"
I cup her chin, kissing her softly. "Because I was meant to be."
She moans, biting her lip as she undoes my pants. My breath hitches, her eyes never leave mine, a challenge behind them. If she wants to play then I'll oblige. It's been too long without her, so I'm prepared to deliver.
She pulls me free from my boxers and I grunt when she strokes my length one time. "All for me."
I nod, my eyes narrowing as she moves her hand around me. She knows exactly what I like and I roll my head back while she pumps my dick in her expert hand. She brings her lips to my neck, sucking various places, but never breaking her pace.
"Mmm fuck, baby," I manage to say.
"More?" she asks.
"Yesss," I hiss.
"Can I have it all?"
Her mouth is going to be the end of me. The soft tone in which she coaxes me along is the sexiest thing I've ever heard, aside from her moaning my name.
"Suck me," I say. Two can play that game.
She drops to her knees on command, jerking my pants and boxers down in one swift movement. I tangle my fingers in her hair as she positions herself. I lick my lips when she gazes up for approval. I flex my hips to press into her and she moans on contact, the vibration making my dick twitch.
"Take me, Dakota. All the way."
She adds her hand as her tongue swirls my length, sucking me up to the tip and back down to meet her fist. The combination is lethal. I've never been this cherished and worshipped before. Dakota knows me better than anyone and I let her take me over these cliffs because I trust she'll jump with me.
"God, yes." I'm panting, close to losing control at the sight of my dick disappearing between her plump lips. I dreamed of what that mouth could do back when we filmed Grey. When I shouldn't have been having those thoughts. But it was her lips I imagined every time I got myself off at the end of a filming day. To finally have that fantasy come to life and be mine forever is an indescribable feeling.
"Come in my mouth," she begs.
And that's it, her dirty talk sends me over the edge and I spill into her. Hot spurt after hot spurt and she accepts every last drop.
"Goddamn," I pant, watching her lick her lips and swallow me down. She's the hottest woman to grace this planet. How is she mine, is the better question?
"Return the favor." She shrugs nonchalantly as she stands.
I jerk her into my frame, my dick pressed against her stomach between us. "Baby, you have no idea what I want to do to you."
"Then do it."
I slap her ass and she squirms against me, causing me to chuckle. "Let's get you out of this dress."
She smiles when I pull it over her slim frame and toss it to the side. I swallow audibly as I uncover the blue lace bra and panty set beneath.
"You like?" she asks, pressing her arms together to amplify her boobs even more, which isn't needed.
"Your boobs look fucking edible in this. Damn, baby." I trace the outline of them with the tip of my finger.
"Why do you think I agreed to their campaign?" She's smirking and it's taunting me to behave. Like hell.
"I'm the luckiest bastard."
She giggles. "You do get to reap the rewards."
"Maybe I should write them a thank you letter. But first, I want to taste."
I reach behind her and unclasp it effortlessly. I stand back and let the straps drop on their own, her beautiful breasts fall free from their hold. Her nipples are instantly hard, but not hard enough. I angle her a bit to drop my head and suck one between my lips. She grips my arms and moans as I tease the peak with my teeth before soothing the tug with my tongue.
"Jamie," she pants, and hearing my name sets me ablaze.
I move my mouth to the other, kneading the abandoned one with my fingers. She presses herself into me more and I can't resist rubbing my growing length against her lace thong. It's time to dispose of that.
I slap her bare ass and she yelps. "Shit," she says, perking up.
"You love it," I whisper against her ear.
She's desperate for this and I regret not giving her what she wanted sooner. What was I thinking, depriving us both? Stupid man, James, missed the mark.
I turn her around to face away from me and bend her over the bed. I smack her other ass cheek equally hard, both now pink with my handprints. I understand why fictional Christian found this sexy, because knowing she wants me to touch her like this gives a man a great ego boost. Dakota's always willing to try the right amount of kink in the bedroom. And her giving me freedom to experiment is Heaven on Earth.
"You don't know how bad I want to fuck you like this right now," I say.
"Then fuck me." She looks over her shoulder, but I shake my head.
"See, that's the thing." I jerk her upright and wrap my arms around her to whisper in her ear. "I don't want to fuck you. I want to make love to you all night. Think you can handle that?"
I can feel her heart racing, both of us floating on cloud nine. She nods. "I want you any way I can have you."
I spin her, kiss her lips briefly, and then lay her back against the mattress. I drag her panties over her long legs before pulling her to the edge of the bed. I kneel and she wraps her ankles around my shoulders, assuming the position.
"Good girl," I mutter.
She whimpers when I run my tongue along her slit. "Mmm, Jamie."
"Talk to me, baby. Tell me what you want."
"Fuck me with your tongue."
Dear God give me strength not to explode.
I dip my tongue inside of her and she writhes off the bed. I drag it up to her clit before sucking it between my lips. She grabs both her breasts, tugging her nipples and I almost moan myself. I knead the inside of her thighs with my thumbs as her body reacts to my torment.
"Finger me," she says, directing my actions.
I insert one finger into her and stroke her slowly. "Like this?"
"Please," she breathes.
"Please what?"
I add a second finger and she squeals in delight. Fuck my life, I can feel my dick throbbing. I need her to come so I can have her.
I suck her clit again and she holds my face in place, grinding on my mouth. I grin, knowing she's close.
"Don't stop. All the way," she mimics.
I pump her faster with my fingers, grazing her swollen bud with my teeth. A second later she screams my name as she unravels, and I mimic her actions by licking up everything she offers.
Her legs shake as I pull my fingers free, tasting them too. "Holy fuck," she pants.
I crawl across her body and she grabs my hand, licking herself from my fingers and fuck if I don't almost come on her stomach. She sucks my middle finger clean before forcing my lips down on hers. I attack her mouth, my tongue sloppy as I try to take everything from her.
"I love you," I say against her lips.
"So much, baby. So fucking much. Make love to me."
And just like that she switches from hot ass vixen to my soft angel. I can barely contain my emotions for this woman. She's the center of my universe. I'd appease her anyway she asked, and I know she'd do the same for me.
I scoot up the bed and lay on my side, reaching for her hand. She follows suit and lays to face me. I lift her leg in my palm to wrap it around my waist. She holds my face between her hands as I push into her, never breaking our gaze. I grip her ass to keep her as close as possible as I slowly thrust in and out of her. She leaves soft, quick kisses to my lips while we watch each other. Her nails scrape across my shoulder and down my back.
"You're all that I need," she confesses.
"Ditto, beautiful girl."
"Are you okay?" she asks, and I know she means about the baby and it seems like an odd time for her to question it, but this is us. We can communicate on a deep level and in situations no one else can. Because she's my fate. To be able to look my destiny in the face is astonishing. She's the greatest gift life has given me, and I see my reflection clearly in her eyes.
"I am." I peck her lips. "I'll probably be sad about it until we do have one."
She nods. "Me too, but that's okay. We're allowed."
I swivel my hips, hitting her sweet spot as we meet each other's thrusts in a slow, loving rhythm.
"A big family."
She smirks and bites her bottom lip. "A big family," she concludes.
I chuckle when she rolls us over to straddle me, never breaking our connection. She holds out her hands and I take them in mine as she interlocks our fingers, using my strength to lift and lower herself onto me.
I watch her ride me, her breasts bouncing when she increases speed, and I disappear into her hot core over and over. She tightens each time she comes down, and I am done for.
"Come, baby," I beg.
She drops her head, slamming her hips down a few more times and I know I'm hitting her sweet spot with every thrust.
"Please." I can't hold back much longer.
"Mmm God," she breathes, finally letting go.
I grunt and arch into her as she milks my own orgasm from me. We're both shaking and panting when she collapses on my chest. I hold her tight despite us being sweaty and sticky. I kiss her hair, taking a deep breath of her afterglow.
"Wonder how many people heard that?" She kisses my chest.
I look over her shoulder to notice we left the balcony doors open, so all our neighbors likely heard us. The waves crash against the rocks outside and I chuckle. Luckily our room is right on top of the water and there's no beach below or we may have given some sunset walkers a different view.
"Alo-ha," I say in an exaggerated Hawaiian accent.
She snorts and shakes her head. "Aloha au ia 'oe."
I look down at her with a wrinkled forehead. "And what does that mean?"
"It's Hawaiian for 'I love you.'"
"How many languages can you speak, baby?"
"I'm full of surprises."
I smile against her lips as we make out in the darkening room overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Tonight she's my beautiful Hawaiian princess who surprises me at every turn. And I intend to make love to her until the sun rises again.
A much needed reunion, eh? Cold showers all around! Hah, please don't forget to vote and/or comment! Sending my love to you guys, thanks for being such wonderful friends and supporters :) xo
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