Part 14
A/N: I just love you guys so much. You're the sweetest, most supportive readers and friends! Thank you for making this story successful, investing your emotions into it, and asking for more. As you wish, here's more! Enjoy, and take a deep breath ;) xo
I wake to the feeling of a hand gripping the back of my shirt. I'm momentarily disoriented by my surroundings. I have a brief passing of hope that Dakota has somehow made it from LA to the UK and snuck into my bed.
I roll over and am greeted with a snoring Dulcie, which makes me just as happy. Her limbs fall carelessly onto the mattress, so I take the opportunity to admire her adorable sleeping frame.
I brush the curls from her face, her tiny mouth is parted and her eyelashes lying long against her cheeks. Both she gets from me. I run my finger to her neck, tickling its side and she immediately pushes me away as her eyes open into mine.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," I whisper.
She groans and I laugh.
"It's only 8 here, I bet Kota is still awake in LA."
That perks her up a bit. "She's up too?"
I nod. "Different time zone, but she's a night owl. Want to call her?"
She smiles. "I call her."
I pinch her tummy. "Go wake your sister then we can together."
She yawns and stretches her limbs, proving to me how quickly she's growing. She looks much taller spread out beside me than she does just standing up. My big girl, where has the time gone? I brush my emotional thought to the side when she rolls off the mattress and runs out of my room.
I sit against the headboard and reach for my phone. This is our new routine when I'm with the girls — Dakota saying goodnight to us then waking up to say goodnight to her. With some phone sex thrown in, because I think we surprised ourselves.
Can we call? I text her. She's the first and last thought I have every day alongside my girls. I'm desperate to see her face after seeing her in my dreams, even if I can't hold her close.
Her answer is immediate. Of course!
I get a head start before the two rascals come barreling in. Dulcie will be mad she didn't get to press the button, but Dakota will distract her.
She answers after two rings and I wait for the video to connect. She's biting her lip the moment she comes into view, and I can tell she's in bed reading. My intuition is confirmed when I see her set a book on the nightstand.
"Hi, love," she says.
"Good morning, beautiful." I watch her cheeks redden, never fully used to my compliments. Which I love because I always want to surprise her.
"Technically good night, so I'll say 'good morning, beautiful' to you."
We share a laugh at her poorly executed joke. But she's too damn cute to deny her the pleasure of laughing along.
"I forgot how frustrating this time difference is," I tell her.
It was something we'd been used to before and matched our schedules constantly. However, we'd remedied that when I moved to LA, so I'm thrown off by it as though it's some foreign concept. Our lives together have fallen into place naturally that anytime it's disrupted it messes us up.
"Me too," she echoes my thoughts. "You asked if 'we' could call, but I don't see the we?"
I smirk. "Woke up with Dulcie spread out in my bed. I sent her to fetch her sister. Which may take a while."
"She's like me, doesn't want to get out of bed in the morning. Dulcie takes after you in that department, Mr. Early Bird."
My heart swells at her comment, but her smile dissipates.
"Wait...I didn't mean for that—"
I stop her. "It's okay. I get it."
She sighs. "I need to stop overstepping my boundaries."
"I'll be the one to determine said boundaries, and as far as I'm concerned, you're welcome on this side." I wink and that seems to reiterate her role in our lives. Yeah, they're not hers, but I certainly don't mind her finding similarities between them. Makes my new life all the easier to adjust to. Then again, Dakota makes everything easier, whether on purpose or just by being herself.
"You need to trim," she mutters.
I rub my beard. "Ah, well, you can't complain since I'm not there to rub it on you."
She giggles. "Right, remember that pal when I have to cut you off because of beard burn."
"Cut me off." I scoff. "You couldn't if you tried."
"You're right." She licks her lips and I know this was no accident.
I hear little feet pad down the hallway, so choose not to add an inappropriate comment.
Dulcie rounds the corner first and leaps onto the bed. "Hi Kota!"
She laughs. "Hi, pumpkin. Did you get lots of sleep?"
Dulcie nods as the little one manages to crawl up the side of the mattress with a little help from me. She makes herself comfortable right on my lap, her face taking up most of the camera.
This causes Dakota to snort. "And there's the other pumpkin."
"Kota." She reaches for the phone, but I swipe it out of her way just in time.
"Are you girls keeping Daddy busy?"
"Yep," Dulcie says proudly. "He misses you, but we're having fun."
I chuckle. "You are always tattling on me, ma'am."
Dakota's round cheeks are in full effect as her smile encompasses her face. "To be fair, I miss all three of you."
"Come see us," Dulcie adds nonchalant.
"I have some work here to get done. Plus Zepp would miss me too much." She pans the camera to him where he perks up from my side of the bed.
"Whose pillow is he sleeping on?" I ask.
"Oh, this one?" She pats it and Zepp rubs his head against her hand. "Well I think it's yours, baby."
"Hmm, and he's just camping out there?"
Dulcie giggles. "He's on your pillow, Daddy!"
The little one also finds this information hilarious.
"Because he misses me," I tease.
"Yeah, that's what it is." Dakota rubs her eyes and I know she's tired, but she stayed up for our call.
"We just wanted to say good morning and good night."
She yawns with a nod. "I'm awake. Talk to me."
Dulcie takes this as her cue and jumps right in. "So Daddy made us cupcakes. They were vanilla with pink icing and lots of sprinkles."
"Daddy is a good chef isn't he?" Dakota smirks.
"Yes! And he makes us pancakes for breakfast sometimes. But other times we have eggs and bacon."
Dakota laughs as Dulcie goes on and on.
"What did you have for breakfast?" she asks Dakota.
"I can't remember. Maybe I didn't."
I almost interrupt to scold her for missing meals, but she adds, "I had sushi for dinner though."
"What's that?" Dulcie wrinkles her nose.
"Daddy's favorite," I answer. "And Kota had it without him."
Dakota rolls her eyes. "Kota and Daddy have it way too much. You wouldn't like it."
I nudge Dulcie. "You know what Sushi is. Remember how much you love Young Kim's restaurant?"
"I like those one noodles, Daddy." Her blue eyes look up into mine.
"Lo mein," I say, which I also have to say for her at the restaurant because she gets too shy. "Daddy gets sushi there."
Dakota laughs. "It's not everyone's fave."
"She says 'ew' every time I order it, too." I shake my head.
"Mummy likes it," Dulcie says.
"Mhmm," I mumble, my eyes on Dakota's. But she's unfazed.
"Maybe someday you'll like it," Dakota tells her.
I'm quickly finished with this conversation as visions of Vancouver flood back into my mind. Days I'd rather forget, because they were pure torture for us. "Enough sushi talk or Daddy will get hungry."
"Pancakes," my youngest coos at her sister.
"Yeah Daddy, let's have pancakes again," Dulcie agrees.
"I think you're sweet enough," I say.
"But Daddy—"
Dakota cuts her off. "Why don't you go grab some breakfast, and I'll call you in the morning?"
"It is morning," Dulcie says.
I sigh, but don't correct her. "Okay, baby. I know you're sleepy, but thanks for staying up for us."
"Anytime." Her warm smile returns. "Love you guys."
"We love you," I answer on our behalf.
We each blow her a kiss before saying goodbye. I end the call and Dulcie stands up on the bed, trying to pull me toward her by my shirt.
"Pancakes, Daddy!"
"Why are you standing, young lass?"
She giggles. "Because."
"On your bottom please or we'll have sushi for breakfast."
She snorts, knowing I'm teasing, but does as she's told.
"You still have cupcakes to eat, so I don't think it's a good idea to pump you full of sugar for every meal."
She goes to rebut and I press my finger to her lips to silence her, which causes her to laugh again.
"Toast and eggs it is, no arguments."
She huffs. "Fine."
I set the baby on the ground as Dulcie jumps down. I stand up when my phone dings. The girls take off toward the kitchen while I open the message.
Sweet dreams! Dakota has attached a picture of her and Zepp cuddling with my pillow. I laugh to myself.
Missing you bad. And Zepp too.
She doesn't answer after a long minute, so I assume she's already passed out. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for another day of Daddy duty.
The girls are playing with their castle in the middle of the living room floor while I watch Sky Sports in the background. I am enjoying their banter and made up world far more than I am the television. But I try not to laugh or interject on their creativity; I merely love the sound of their little voices and giggles. They've behaved for the most part all day. Our time is coming to a close, and I'd be lying if I said they weren't feeling the sadness I was emanating. We'd finished dinner a few minutes ago, and they helped me clean up a bit before I dismissed them to play a game prior to bed.
My phone vibrates in my pocket, so I retrieve it to read the message. It's from Dakota.
Hey baby, can you please call me when you're alone?
I furrow my eyebrows, wondering if she means so we can be naughty or if she wants to talk about other adult subjects. Absolutely. Everything okay?
Her reply is swift. It will be when I hear your voice.
That rules out phone sex. Dakota's known for adding context to her messages whether through punctuation or emojis. This text is too bare, and it stirs a worrisome sensation in my gut. God, I'd be the worst father in the world if I forced the girls to go to bed so I could call her. Alas, I would never do that. As much as it'll eat me alive in the meantime to know what Dakota means, I'm here to be with my girls and if it were an emergency she would've called. I hope.
"Are you taking me to school in the morning?" Dulcie asks, and confirms my previous wonder. She's anxious about this being our last night together.
I nod. "Yes, baby girl I am."
"Then you'll take Sissy to Mummy's?"
"Correct." Her array of questions is like daggers to my heart.
"And Mummy will pick me up?"
She's running through her schedule because she is trying to prepare herself for the emotions all of us feel. I hate being apart from them. But my life prior to my move was unhealthy, and as hard as it is to live thousands of miles away, it's the best thing I'd ever do for them. For me. For us. I remind myself of this every day. My heart aches every day that they can't live with me. That they aren't Dakota's kids. That I started a life without her that I wanted with only her. We'd never be a complete unit, but I am lucky to have her family as the perfect examples of making it work despite that.
"Mummy or Nan will be there, yes."
"When will we stay here again?"
I don't have the answer to that. Amelia and I never made a concrete schedule, because mine never will be. I know my career is responsible for a lot of things that have happened to me, good and bad. But I'm grateful to have a smart law team on my side that gives me special privileges and rights to see my kids when I want and am available.
"Daddy has to check his schedule, but I promise it won't be long."
I want them to come to me. I want to be able to have them in New York or LA. However, I know all that is a long way down the road. Dakota and I will have to be legally married before I can ever attempt an agreement for partial custody with Amelia. What I have now was difficult enough to achieve. Her resentment will haunt us for many years, but my world doesn't revolve around the past. I made my bed, am laying in it, and wish her luck in finding her own destiny in someone or something.
Dulcie doesn't respond for a long minute as her sister makes two Barbie dolls dance around the castle I bought them. A peace offering so they wouldn't hate being at my place so much. Thank God they didn't hate me at all. They like coming here and their room I decorated special for them. They appreciate my happiness, because despite them not knowing any different they feed off of that and it makes them happy. Not to mention how much they love Dakota. My thoughts circle back to her cryptic text as Dulcie breaks me from my reverie.
"Will Kota come?" she asks.
"I will do my best to get her here, okay? She loves you. Just because she's busy doesn't mean she loves you any less or doesn't want to come. She was sad she couldn't." I didn't mean to ramble and come to her defense, but it makes Dulcie smile for some reason.
"Is Kota like your princess?"
I am taken aback by her question. "What do you mean, sweetie?"
"You know Daddy, in fairy tales. The princess always has a prince charming and he loves her and she makes him laugh. Like Kota. She makes you laugh and you say you love her."
Her rationale blows my mind. Where did she get that brain inside her beautiful head? My parents were smart; I'd give them the credit, because I sure couldn't comprehend it being me who'd passed on such a trait.
"I think you're right," I say. "What do they say at the end of all those fairy tales?"
She wrinkles her nose, confused at first but then it clicks. "And they lived happily ever after."
"Right. Well sometimes people can be your happily ever after."
Her gaze meets mine and I can tell she doesn't get it.
"So yes, she's my princess," I conclude. "It means the same thing."
She nods, combing the hair on her Barbie. I look over at the little one who's rubbing her eyes.
"Sleepy?" I ask.
"Yeth," she answers.
"I don't want to go to bed," Dulcie argues. "I don't want you to leave."
And that dagger she'd removed from my heart over the princess comment just shot back through me.
"You get to go to school and see your friends. And you can call me every single day."
She huffs. "I want to go with you."
"Dulcie, don't." My heart definitely can't handle this.
"I want to see Kota and Zepp. Why can't I go?"
"Because you have school and Daddy and Kota have work." I am reaching for any type of excuse to prevent me from crying.
"When school is over?"
I sigh. "Honey, it's not only my decision. But we'll see. Will you accept that Daddy will try?"
"Good. Now let's head upstairs and get ready for bed. It's getting late for a school night."
To my surprise she doesn't argue, and her sister already admitted she's tired so she jumps up and heads toward the stairs. I laugh, chasing her down to lift her above my head and carry her. Dulcie giggles and runs behind us.
I had to lie to the girls when they asked to call Kota for a story. I said she was in a meeting and couldn't talk. They bought it, much to their disappointment. But I tucked them in and kissed them goodnight, trying to ignore the pain in my chest over leaving.
Now I'm in my own bed, my hands trembling because of how nervous I am to know what Dakota wants to talk about.
I pull up her contact without a courtesy text telling her I'm available. I'm too on edge for formalities. I hit the FaceTime button and it begins to ring. I watch the screen, but instead it connects as a phone call. I table my curiosity for a minute to greet her.
"Hey," she says. "Sorry. Can't FaceTime."
"Hi, beautiful. It's no big."
"How are the girls?" She always asks and it makes me smile.
"Well behaved. Although Dulcie made an interesting connection."
"Oh yeah? What's that?"
"She asked if you're my princess, because she said in fairy tales the princess has a prince charming who he loves and she makes him laugh. She connected that you make me laugh and I'm always saying I love you."
"Aww." I hear her voice break. "That's adorable. She's too smart."
"That she is. But anyway," I say to speed up the conversation, "what's up? Are you okay? Is your family okay?"
She clears her throat. "We're fine, yeah. I hate to even ask this..."
I stop her. "You can ask me anything, baby. You know that, anything at all."
She sighs and I start to hear the quivering in her breaths.
"Are you crying?"
She sniffles, confirming it. "I'm sorry. I'm emotional, but fine."
My stomach knots over her tears that I'm not there to kiss away. "Dakota what's wrong?"
"When can you come home? I know you're with your daughters and I respect that, but I just need to know when you'll be back."
It occurs to me I never told her I'd be home tomorrow. I assumed that she'd assume since Dulcie was going back to school, but maybe she thought I wanted to stick around for something.
I can't bother to answer over the paranoia that begins to rise in my chest. "Baby, you're scaring me. Tell me why you're upset."
"No, Jamie, it's okay. I need you is all." She pauses. "I really need you. I'm not trying to be dramatic, but I want to talk in person. So you can hold me. I've missed you so much."
My mind is frantically racing on why she needs me to come home. I'm instantly terrified something is wrong with Tippi or even Zepp and she needs me there to get her through it.
"Dulcie goes back to school in the morning. Since we hadn't made plans for me to get them again this week, I booked a flight for tomorrow."
"Oh good." I hear the relief in her voice. "Please promise me you already had this planned and you're not leaving them early because of me."
"Sweetheart, no. We spent a week together. I'm grateful I was given that much time. I meant to tell you, and I'm sorry I didn't."
"Maybe you did," she says. "My brain is scattered. I probably forgot."
I tell her, "I'm worried about you. I'd leave now if I could."
She takes a leveling breath. "I'm not trying to scare you, I promise baby. But I'm going through something I need you here for."
My heart stops beating. "What are you going through? Please tell me. Hit FaceTime and it'll be closest to in-person I can do for another 24 hours."
"Nothing as bad as what I know you're thinking. I'm healthy and not in any danger. But we have to talk about where to go from here."
"So it's work related?"
"Dakota? I'm not hanging up unless I know what's wrong."
"Then you'll have to sleep with the phone on. I promise I'll be fine. Just get to me."
I tug on my own hair frustrated she won't give it up. "I leave at half past 10."
"Send me your itinerary and I'll have Ronaldo fetch you from the VIP exit."
"Hey," I whisper, "you know how much I love you, right?"
She whimpers. "Enough to fly across the world to hold me."
"More than that. Call me if something comes up. I want to know what's happening. I want to do what I can."
"You coming home is the best thing you can do. I love you so very much. I owe you the greatest Hawaiian vacation of all time."
"You don't owe me a thing, baby."
I offer her a solemn goodnight, although it isn't good at all now that I realize she won't tell me over the phone why she's so upset. I'm not going to sleep a wink, and I already know she won't either.
On the drive to our LA house, I find myself gripping the handlebar in the back of the SUV so hard my fingers hurt. This is how I was the entire flight over. And didn't cry this morning when I said goodbye to the girls because I was too wrapped up in fear, which was the only blessing in disguise I took away. They in turn weren't as emotional as usual, but sweet and loving—exactly what I needed.
Ronaldo has the partition down, and I can hear him listening to the radio at a low level. He's leaving me to my thoughts and not offering small talk. I don't know if I'm radiating anxiety he's trying to avoid or if Dakota told him what's wrong and he knows not to address it or... I am at a loss for rationale. My nerves have been wrung so tight since her phone call yesterday that I'm going to collapse the moment I see her.
We pull up outside and I practically fall out of the SUV. Ronaldo pops the trunk and I stop him from helping.
"I got it. Thanks for the ride."
I grab my backpack and small suitcase, hurrying toward the door. I fumble with my key in the lock, but finally manage to get it unlocked. Thank fuck. I swing it open and Dakota's sitting on the couch with Zepp. She gasps when I appear and immediately starts crying.
I drop my bags and slam the door as we meet in the middle of the living room. She buries her face in my chest and I grip her tight, kissing her hair.
"Shh," I coo. "It's okay, baby. I'm here, please don't cry."
She shakes her head, fisting my shirt in her trembling hands. I tilt her chin up to look at me and my heart breaks. Tears are streaming down her face. She looks like she hasn't slept in a few days, and I'm finding it hard to swallow let alone ask what's wrong.
I bend to kiss her lips. I've missed her too much. I need this no matter how selfish and inappropriate it may be. To my gratitude she meets me, letting me deepen it. We relish in the connection, and I let her pour herself into me through her lips. I want it. I want to take away whatever has elicited such a reaction from my happy-go-lucky girl.
I pull us apart to peck away the wetness on her cheeks. This makes her cry harder.
"Baby, what's wrong?" My eyes desperately try to search hers for the answer.
She wipes at them and rubs her nose on the back of her hand. I hate to see her like this and not know why. I'm convinced something is wrong with Tippi. It's the only thought I keep having because of her reaction.
"I'm happy to see you," she says, holding my bearded face between her hands. "You trimmed."
I smirk at that. "Anything for you."
She sniffles. "You're really here."
"I'm really here, and I really need you to answer my question. Please Dakota. I slept maybe an hour total since we hung up the phone. I'm scared to death something terrible is wrong and you keep avoiding an answer. I don't mean to be short with you, but stop stalling. Tell me."
She closes her soft blues, and when she opens them I see a flash of regret. Regret for what? "I'm so sorry," she whispers. "I don't...I honestly don't know how it happened."
I wrinkle my forehead and can feel myself sweating. "W-what happened?" She didn't cheat. I know she'd never fucking cheat. She loves me as much as I love her, and she wants to marry me. Start a life with me. I know she wouldn't be unfaithful. Dakota is the only woman whose heart completely belongs to me. As mine belongs entirely to her. There's no way in hell she'd jeopardize everything we've worked for. I know her better than that and I curse myself for letting the thought even cross my insecure mind.
"I..." Her lip trembles, so I rub it. "Jamie, please promise me you won't flip out. I need you to understand it wasn't on purpose. I'd never manipulate you or force you into something you didn't want. I love you too much."
"Please just say it. Christ you're killing me, baby. What couldn't you tell me over the phone? What are you so sorry for? Pull the Band-Aid off."
"I think I'm pregnant," she finally deadpans.
The floor falls out from beneath me as my heart lodges itself in my throat. I can't even gauge her reaction as my own completely derails me. Pregnant. Holy fucking shit, I got her pregnant.
I'm going to pull a Dakota and say please don't flip out LOL! I've done a thing, I know. And I'll love every vote and comment you leave me, although I did give you another cliffhanger even bigger than the last! We'll jump over it together soon, xoxo
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