Part 1
A/N: Thank you so very much for your incredible feedback and reception of my short introduction! I am blown away. Now how about a real update? Shall we heat things up a bit? ;) Enjoy, xo
I watch Dakota as she sits in the middle of the floor of my new LA home, going through boxes of my belongings. Her soft locks frame her face, a few have fallen from her messy bun. She isn't wearing make up, but still manages to glow in the ray of light coming from the windows. Ethereal, an angel, mine.
She snorts, breaking me of my reverie. "Why do you have this?"
I walk over, kneeling to look at the framed photo of Elvis she holds in her dainty hands. "He's an American treasure."
She continues laughing. "Okay, why is it framed though?"
"Um, because I love the King. I plan to frame some of our pictures, because I love you too."
"I'm going to pretend you didn't just compare your love for me to your love for Elvis."
It was my turn to chuckle. "Not at all, baby. You know better."
She grabs her phone from where it sits on my coffee table and opens the camera.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Sending this to Riley."
The shutter sound clicks as she snaps it, giggling as her thumbs move quickly over the screen. I can't help myself. I lean in, snatching her up in my arms as my lips find her neck. She squirms from my hold and drops both items, trying to resist but her attempts are futile. I roll us onto the floor laughing, my fingers tickling her sides to perpetuate that joyous sound. I would do anything to make her laugh every day for the rest of our lives. If I could fall asleep to it at night I would, then again, I plan on both.
"Jamie, stop!"
Her snorts only encourage me to continue. She's now on top of me and I have her pinned to my chest as she writhes. Finally I cave, ceasing my torture. She rests her head in the crook of my neck, her panting in my ear sends chills straight to the member she lays on. I move my face to kiss her cheek, but she doesn't look up.
"That was a waste," she breathes.
I run my hands down her torso to cup both of her ass cheeks, giving them a light squeeze. "I beg to differ."
She sits back, her baby blue eyes meeting my own. "I already sent the text."
"Weasel." I peck her on her button nose.
"Chipmunk." She returns the gesture to my lips.
"Mmm, more."
She giggles before deepening the kiss. It doesn't take long for my body to respond as I leave a hand on her ass, bringing the other up to hold her face where I want it. She sucks on my bottom lip and I'm ready for action. My tongue invades her mouth, tangling with hers. I moan into the kiss, wanting to deepen it further but not physically being able to. She's delicious. She tastes like strawberry bubblegum, and I can't get my fill.
She pulls away, our lips smacking as I try to protest. "No distractions, Dornan. Unpack."
"I'd rather undress." I inch her Johnny Cash shirt up, grazing her porcelain skin with my fingertips. I feel her shiver before she smirks.
"Later. Promise."
I sigh. "Fine, but you owe me every surface at some point."
"Okay, Mr. Grey." She rolls her eyes, mocking Ana.
I shake my head, nudging her with my hips. "My palms aren't twitching, but my dick is."
She roars with laughter, pushing herself off of my chest. "Come on, ya filthy animal."
I grab her hand when she offers, knowing full well she can't support my weight with her tiny frame. Unless we're in bed, no problems there. I leverage with my other arm, pressing myself from the ground, and only holding her hand for the opportunity.
"As you were," I tell her.
She goes back to her task of unpacking. As much as I love watching her go through my things and decorate where she sees fit, I wish they were her personals, and that she was making herself at home.
We'd had that discussion more than once. I was ready, been ready. I wanted to fall asleep in her arms every night and wake with her in mine. But she didn't want to rush anymore. She'd already felt guilty for how quickly our feelings progressed, and us acting on them before we should've. We were adults and those decisions were ours to own. However, now that we were free to be together, I was disappointed she didn't want to. Or rather, our contracts didn't want us to, which she planned to abide by. So she would keep her new house, and I would have mine. For now.
We still had to get through one more bloody movie before I could claim her in the public eye. In the meantime we'd continue the charade. We would gradually appear together in some form, either at the same events or with bigger groups of mutual friends. It'd be easier and less obvious now that I resided in LA. No one except our fans would be too suspicious as to why we were spending time with each other beyond the franchise. Plus the execs believed it'd be easy promotion for Freed. It would further prove we didn't hate each other.
What a load of shite that had been. We both were tired of the stigma. She meant more to me than anyone realized, and to constantly be asked if we didn't get along made my skin crawl. I'd almost lost it on more than one reporter, but had to tuck my anger in for the sake of the greater cause.
The timer on the oven beeps and the aroma hits me simultaneously. Dakota hops up, scurrying to the kitchen to retrieve her creation. I smile, my heart full in that moment, seeing her pull the apple pie from the rack. It was my mum's famous recipe. Dakota had found it amongst the boxes with other family recipes passed down. She gently asked if she could make it for me as a house-warming gift, and who was I to deny her of such a thoughtful request? Watching her in my kitchen brought back the best kind of nostalgia.
"Come get some of this yumminess!" She grabs two dessert plates from the cupboard she recently organized.
I set down the stack of artwork my girls had drawn. I promised them I would hang them on the refrigerator. That was the hardest part of leaving the UK, not seeing them as often, but it was healthier to be away from their mother. They didn't deserve to grow up in a home where their parents merely tolerated each other. Resentment is never a foundation you want to raise your children on.
I would fly back to be with them every few weeks. It would be a trek, but they were more than worth it. They were the greatest gifts life had given me, including the woman who was cutting me a slice of pie. And in due time the girls would come see me, too. I'd demanded it. I wasn't going to keep my children from visiting, and I most certainly wasn't going to keep them from Dakota. They'd grown to love her as well, and it wasn't fair to deny them of time with us.
"Here," she says as I step up beside her. She scoops some onto a fork before lifting it to my lips.
I blow on it first then snatch a bite. "Delicious."
"I should've bought some ice cream." She wrinkles her nose in that adorable way I love. I resist a kiss to it.
"You've done more than enough, baby." I take my plate from her.
"You like it?" she asks, eating her own.
I nod, stuffing a piece in the corner of my mouth. "I do."
"Does it measure up?" Her eyes drop to her plate, pushing around an apple slice.
"It's perfect," I say. "Thank you."
She gives me a slight nod, still casting her eyes downward. I set my plate on the counter and swallow the bite of sweetness. She scoops up more, but I take her serving from her. Finally she meets my gaze with a wrinkled forehead.
"I wasn't finished."
I smirk. "I know, but listen."
She watches as I intertwine our fingers.
"I appreciate you wanting to make me something that reminds me of home."
"Welcome to your new home." Her eyes look deep into mine where she can see my demons. She knows me even in a passing glance. It's refreshing to be with someone who doesn't want me to hide. Dakota isn't afraid of what is buried within, she encourages me to express myself. I know we can get through anything as a team.
"And I hope someday it becomes ours."
That causes my favorite smile to appear. Her shy one. The one I think she reserves for me, or at the very least doesn't show often.
"I love you," she whispers. "I only want to make you happy."
"You do, beautiful. God, you do every day." I tilt her chin to meet my lips for a soft kiss.
"You really don't want to unpack do you?" she breathes.
I shake my head, kissing her again. "I just want you."
"You can have me," she says, and when I go to pounce she adds, "later."
Ignoring her comment, I lift her hips to sit her on the counter. Despite wanting to wait, she spreads her legs for me to step between them. She can talk the talk, but rarely walks the walk. I know her secret spots that make her blossom for me like a flower in a meadow.
She drapes her arms across my shoulders, her eyes bouncing between mine. Playful Dakota is a siren.
"Later won't do," I say. "I think I need you now."
She giggles, pulling my pelvis closer with her heels. "Shall this be the first surface we induct into the christening?"
"You read my mind."
I nuzzle her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent. She smells like coconut mixed with the freshly baked apple pie to our left. I press feather light kisses to the soft spot behind her ear and she squirms. My teeth nip it before moving southward. Her hands tangle in my hair, pulling at the strands as I suck my way across her neck to her chin.
She meets my mouth greedily, her tongue finding mine. I groan, shifting my weight to rest against her middle and she returns my fervor by rolling her hips. My hands trail up the back of her shirt and I feel the goosebumps ignite beneath my touch. She tugs my hair with a moan.
I break apart the kiss, both of us panting. "I love you."
"Prove it," she says, her face flushed.
I waste no time ridding her of her t-shirt. I drop it to the floor as my eyes fall to her breasts perched perfectly inside her black lace bra. My mouth is agape and she bites her lip. She knows she drives me wild without much effort.
"So sexy," I say, running a finger under the strap.
When I reach behind her to unclasp it I hear my phone go off in my back pocket. A FaceTime call.
She snorts. "Let it go to voicemail, Simba."
Hakuna Matata plays louder as I retrieve it. "I can't, it's the girls."
She gasps. "Answer it!"
I step back so she can jump down and collect her shirt. Sliding my finger across the screen, I wait for my babies to come into view.
"Daddyyy!" Dulcie yells.
"Dulcieee!" I mimic, eliciting a fit of a giggles. "Where's your sister?"
She shifts the camera to my youngest who sits on the bed against an Elsa pillow. They're in Dulcie's room.
"You see her?" she asks.
"Yes," I say, waving. "Hi, baby girl."
"Dada," she garbles, reaching for the phone.
"I hold it," Dulcie argues. She snatches it away and the screen loses focus.
"Can you sit with her please?" I ask.
"Daddy wants to see both of you."
"Otay." She huffs, settling back into the pillow with her.
I look past my phone to see Dakota fixing her hair. She smiles and I motion at the camera. She gives me her nod of approval.
"Someone here wants to say hi," I tell them.
"Who?" Dulcie asks.
Dakota leans against me as I stretch my arm to include us both in the frame.
"Hi babes!"
"Kotaaa!" they say in unison.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
"Pwaying wif our toys."
"Sounds fun. Wish I could play."
"What you doing?"
"Helping Daddy decorate."
"I wanna see!"
"There's nothing to see, darlin,'" I say.
She sticks out her bottom lip. Dakota steps away briefly to pick up their pictures I'd laid to the side.
"Look what Daddy has," she tells them, holding them up to the camera.
"I drew that one," Dulcie says, pointing.
"It's very pretty." Dakota admires it like it is the finest piece of art she's ever seen.
"I told you I'd hang them," I say.
"On the refrigerator."
"Kota do it?" Dulcie asks.
I grin over at her, and she nods.
"Of course I will!"
I flip the camera so they can watch her hang them. She bought a pack of magnets that had cute sayings on them. She tears it open and chooses one that reads, "Love you to the moon and back." We watch her angle it on the fridge before tacking it on. Dulcie claps as she also displays the other three.
"Look okay?" she asks them.
Dulcie nods while the baby giggles, sucking on two of her fingers.
I switch it back to the front camera. "I love them. You're both so talented."
"Tanks, Daddy."
"Do you miss me?"
"Yeth," Dulcie says.
"I miss you. A whole lot. Are you being good girls?"
"I am," Dulcie says. "She fell in a puddle of mud."
I laugh as she points to a very confused little one. Dakota giggles beside me, resting her head on my shoulder to gaze at them. They watch us with their big blue eyes that I'd passed on.
"Must be rainy," I say.
"Are you having fun in school?"
"No." She breaks her contact, picking up a Barbie to wave it back and forth.
"Why? What happened?"
"Dulcie," I warn.
"I don't wike me teacher, Daddy." Her bottom lip returns, and it hurts my heart that I can't be there to make it better.
"You don't like her just because or is there a reason?" I ask. "Tell Daddy the truth please."
She sighs and I look at Dakota's face on the camera. She is smiling, but I can tell she's watching the baby instead.
"She told me to be quiet," she confesses.
"Well, were you being loud?"
"Callum stole my Olaf pen, so I told him to give it back."
"Did you explain that to the teacher?"
"Maybe that's why she told you to be quiet. She didn't know he'd taken something. You have to let her know those things, okay?"
She nods. "I want to stay home."
"Baby, you have to go to school. I went to school, Aunt Jess and Liesa went to school, Dakota went to school."
"I want you to take me."
Dakota runs her hand down my back, circling her fingernails around my shirt. Her touch always helps soothe me.
"I will take you when I'm there, promise."
"When you be here?"
"A few more weeks. Not long."
"Otay. I miss you."
"I miss you both and love you so very much, understood?"
"Yeth, Daddy."
"I think your sister is sleepy," I say with a chuckle as I notice her eyes drooping.
"It's bedtime," Dulcie replies.
"Okay, darlin' you go to bed and have sweet dreams. Then tomorrow you can have fun with your friends at school."
"I will," she says.
"Say bye to Dakota."
"Bye Kota." She waves.
The baby mimics. "Kota."
"Bye sweet girls." She blows them a dozen kisses, causing them to giggle.
"I love you," I say.
"Wuv you," Dulcie answers.
And a moment later they disappear. I take a deep breath, sliding my phone back into my pocket. I feel Dakota kiss my shoulder.
"I know it's hard," she says.
"We all have to make sacrifices." I run a hand through my hair. "It'll get easier."
We stand like that for what feels like hours. Her head on my shoulder, caressing my back, and me staring at their artwork on the refrigerator, grateful to have someone there to love. I miss them, but we deserve happiness, and that's what I'm giving them. Even from thousands of miles away. It will be worth it in the long run.
Dakota leans back in her chair at my new dining room table. "I'm glad I wore leggings."
I laugh, laying down my napkin. I'd spent the evening in the kitchen making Hunters Pie for us. She'd grabbed the list of ingredients when she was at the store to get everything for the apple pie. It only felt fair I cook her dinner since she'd made dessert and gave up her time to help me unpack.
"You approve?"
She rolls her eyes. "Duh. You know I love your cooking."
"I have many talents." I wink.
"Like what?"
"Allow me to show you."
She chuckles. "I should probably be going."
"You said later, did you not?"
She twirls a loose strand of hair around her finger. "Later can mean anytime past the initial moment. Tomorrow will be later."
"You've teased enough today. Later has arrived."
"Jamie, I don't want to fuck then leave."
I furrow my eyebrows, huffing. "Then don't leave. Stay the night. Stay forever."
"What would I wear to bed?" She isn't doing much to hide her mischievous grin.
"Nothing." I shrug, downing the last of my wine.
She blushes, surely expecting that response. "Well, what would I wear tomorrow?"
"My clothes."
"A suit and tie?"
I shake my head, chuckling. "I was thinking my favorite Beach Boys shirt."
She eyes me. "Tempting."
"So that's a no?" I stick out my bottom lip, which she looks down at before licking her own.
"It's a no-for-now to moving in."
"We're close to Mama Mel," I say by way of persuasion.
She laughs. "And what does that have to do with the subject at hand?"
"Everything. She'll be right down the road when we need a babysitter."
She tosses the rest of her wine back as well. "Not yet, Jamie."
"No, no kids anytime soon. But I'm saying it'll be convenient someday, so why not go ahead and jump the gun?"
She shakes her head. "Sleepovers only."
"You'll stay then?" My eagerness is getting away from me, I need to reel it in.
"I'm not ever staying over unless you promise me an Irish breakfast every morning."
"You mean me or actual food?" I wet my mouth slowly with my tongue.
She watches. "The works, baby."
"That can be arranged. And if you stay every weekend I'll cook you a Sunday roast."
"I'd like to keep this body for a few more years. Don't fatten me up."
"What if I said I have plenty of ideas in mind for burning the extra calories?"
"I'm listening." Her bottom lip finds its way between her teeth.
"Follow me to the bedroom and I'll demonstrate." I stand.
"Lead the way." She follows suit, practically tackling me as she jumps in my arms.
I laugh, carrying her through the house to the bedroom. Her lips are on mine the whole way, massaging them with a newfound hunger. My hands cup her firm ass and I am reluctant to let go. But I do, so we can get down to the business I've wanted all damn day.
"You were really going to leave?" I ask against her mouth, trailing her shirt up her skin.
"I wanted permission to stay."
I chuckle, ripping it over her head and tossing it somewhere into the darkness. "You don't need permission. I want you here all the time."
Her hands grip the hem of my shirt, slowly dragging it off my torso to join hers on the floor. "You know I want that too."
"Then move in." I suck my way down the side of her neck. She rolls her head to the side as I unclasp her bra to free those perky boobs I love so much.
"We don't have to rush," she whispers, lost in the pleasure.
I choose to respond by taking her nipple into my mouth and sucking it until it's rock hard beneath my tongue. Her nails dig into my scalp so I return my favor to the other, this time pulling in half her breast. She gasps at the sensation and my dick lengthens.
"Then let's go slow." I drop to my knees and look up into her seductive gaze. She is a goddess.
I press a gentle kiss to her navel before linking my thumbs under the top of her yoga pants. I slide them off, never breaking our eye contact. She kicks them to the side and I can't help but nuzzle her mound. God, she smells divine and her arousal wets the tip of nose. I want to taste her—now. My tongue darts out to lick a line from her wet spot to the top of her panties. She squirms, soaking up the intimate attention.
"More." She's panting, and fuck if I'm not as well.
"What do you want, baby?" I slowly inch the lace down her long, slim legs.
"Your tongue inside me."
I am unable to stop the moan that escapes from my throat. She's going to unman me, and I'm going to willingly let her.
"On the bed," I instruct.
She walks to the edge, turns, and pops a squat at the end, spreading her legs wide. My dirty girl gets what she wants. I'm still on my knees as I spin in her direction, dropping my mouth to kiss her bud.
"Jamie," she breathes, her fingers instantly tangling in my hair.
That's all the coaxing I need. I dip my tongue between her folds, tasting what she's already offered. My body is equally slick with desire and rock hard. I take turns licking and sucking her, her moans driving us both wild. I sit back briefly to add a finger and notice she's tugging her nipples, consumed by pleasure. I watch her put on a show, oblivious to my prying eyes. Hers are closed, one hand in my hair, the other playing with her breasts. Her mouth forms a perfect O and her abs are quivering, she's close.
"I want you," I tell her. "Don't come."
"Then fuck me," she says, her baby blues now wide and anxious.
I stand, not wanting to waste another second without her body on mine. Fuck oral, I need to be in her. I want to bury myself and get lost in our bodies melding as one. I fumble with my belt, our hands tangling as she tries to undo my jeans for me. They fall to the floor and while I step out of them she pulls my boxers down, licking her lips when my member springs from its confines.
"I want this," she says, stroking it in her soft hand.
"No, baby. Not tonight. Just you."
I laugh when she pouts before leaning in to kiss the tip. My eyes narrow and she blushes, feigning innocence.
"It's your turn to pick," I tell her, and she knows what I mean.
"You on top," she answers.
"As you wish." I motion my arm for her to lay back and she does so without hesitation.
I crawl onto the bed, barely able to breathe as she bends her knees and spreads her legs open for me again. She is the sexiest woman on the planet, and she's all mine. She wants to be mine. I am a lucky idiot.
"Go slow," she says. "I want to feel every thick inch."
I'm going to come before we even start.
"Ankles," I say, lifting my hands.
She raises them, and I help her wrap them around my shoulders. Her flexibility is equally as hot as everything else she does. I am helpless, she owns me.
I stroke my dick against her wet folds, lubricating myself. She's tiny beneath me and I don't want to hurt her. I rest my body weight on one elbow, easing myself inside. She lets out a long moan and I can't help but groan along with her.
"Fuck, Dakota." She's so tight it's sensational.
"More," she begs.
I inch in a little further, pulling out and repeating my thrust. She slowly opens, taking me and forming to my body. She is pure heaven. The kind of sex I never even imagine existed, but she amplifies every emotion to the fullest.
"God, you fit me like a glove."
"Keep going." Her chest is heaving, I can feel the sweat on my forehead, and we've barely moved.
"Breathe, baby. One quick motion."
She nods her agreement, so I press into her as far as I can. We both shout incoherent versions of each other's names. I sit there for a moment to let her adjust. She's throbbing against me and my dick is near explosion.
"I have to move," I say in her ear. "I won't last if I don't."
"Give it to me, Jamie." She claws my shoulders and I'm done for.
I set a slow pace, thrusting in and out until she gets used to my size. It doesn't take long before she's raising her hips to meet me, the only cue I need. I pick up speed, slamming into her and hitting that sweet spot that makes her cry out every time.
"Dakota." My lips find hers, but they are paralyzed as all sensation is focused on the part of my anatomy that has melted into her hot core. Our mouths brush one another's and her hot breath across my face sends me spiraling. I need this.
"Let go, baby. Come on."
She whines as I shift angles to get her there quicker. I bring my hand between us to add pressure to her clit.
"Jamie!" She screams my name as her orgasm blasts through her like a rocket.
She comes over and over. I ride her through it while she milks my dick. It's indescribable, but my body can't get enough. Her legs shake, her walls quiver around me, and I finally lose myself.
I grunt one last time as I explode inside her. She releases her legs and I feel our juices roll down my thigh. I'm panting when I finally collapse beside her.
"We made a mess." She giggles, rolling into my arms. Her eyes are bright and smile wide.
"My favorite kind." I tuck her hair behind one ear, thumbing her cheek. "You're beautiful. Pre and post sex."
She shakes her head. "Thanks, I guess."
I peck her mouth. "How are you real?"
She scratches at my beard, our breathing slowing to normal. "I ask myself the same about you."
"I love you."
"I love you more." She leans in to kiss me and I can't help but pull her closer. "Shower with me?"
I grin. "Another surface. Don't ask twice."
She laughs as she hops up, dragging me along with her. I slap her ass, chasing her to the bathroom like a lost puppy. Except I'm no longer lost, I've found my forever home with Dakota.
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