ACT IV: A New Slave
I woke up to face warming sun through the window.
The smell of smoke, blood and meat flooded my nose as I fluttered my eyes open.
The first thing I saw was a figure under a large torn dark purple blanket.
The blanket evenly went up and down with the breaths of the figure on the bunker cottage like bed.
I sat up letting my world become rightside up as I did so.
The fire that was on last night was gone.
I don't even remember what time I fell asleep.
The blanket across from me shifted revealing two Cream and orange ears.
I smiled knowing those ears anywhere but my smile faded when I realized I was still living this nightmare.
Right then I heard a clank outside which made me throw my blankets off of me and head for the door opening it with a wooden squeak.
I looked out the door to see a two tailed black and white fox on the ground tinkering with a small metal box.
I walked up to him with my hands behind my back with a little bit of skip in my step.
"Morning." I smiled sitting next to him.
He looked back at me with his blacked out eyes and red purpils.
"Morning..." he sighed turning back to his tinkering box.
I was about to ask if he was ok just by instinct of seeing his pain but I remember no one is ok in this sick twisted world.
"What you go there?" I asked looking at his little metal box.
"A time machine just in case you don't convince sonic...." he twisted a gear ito place making the box make a kickstart sound.
No faith?
Who am I kidding I don't even know how I'm going to convince him to like me.
"Cool I guess." I sighed hugging my knees and staring at my feet.
"Im sorry if I hurt your feelings (y/n), but I did say incase...Sonic in this stage he is in, he's very picky....." Tails explained.
"No I get it...I don't really trust myself either....I didn't even know this could happen....I didn't even know you existed to be honest."
That made Tails chuckle amused, "After all the adventures we had? You didn't feel a connection?" He looked up at me with sad eyes.
"I-...I mean I did but not's hard to explain..." I looked away feeling my cheeks become warm.
Tails eyes became sadder when I said that and looked away.
"I understand...behind the screen everything is suppose to be fake....."
We sat there in silence for a moment before he got to his feet with his little time machine in the making.
"I'm going to go wake up Cream and Knuckles so we can head to the castle." He sighed before walking off.
I looked down the road and up toward the castle.
The sky was a dark red accompanied by a few grey clouds scattered here and there.
Honestly I felt bad, he knew we were friends in real life but I didn't, I only dreamed of meeting him.
Which made me wonder if he heard all the things I said when I played with him.
I looked back to the little cottage to see Tails,Cream and Knuckles come out with the door closing behind them.
I jumped to my feet dusting myself off looking at the castle.
My heard turned to the voice that called my name to see Tails walking back up to me.
He motioned his hand as he walked pass me walking up the road with Knuckles and Cream close behind.
I walked next to Tails the whole way as he told me what I was needing to do as a new "slave".
"First things first ...Don't piss him off....the last person that pissed him off was Dr.Eggman, he got his head ripped right off his shoulders.
And thrown to the monsters he keeps in his basement."
"Second do what you're told, he hates 'rebels' but at the same time, since your trying to get him to 'fall' for you, you'll need to rebel on somethings but I'll talk to you about that later."
I nodded in response noticing we were still good ways from the castle.
"Third, Don't try to kill to him if he does something to you....the last person that did that.....well....let's just say she dosent exist anymore...."
I lump formed in my throat as he said so, this was also ridiculous all these rules, how am I suppose to even make a dent in his little pathetic heart.
"Fourth...there's a curfew, never be late....EVER. And if he asks you to stay don't want your legs ripped from you and eaten before your very eyes." Looking at Tails when he said that, you could tell that very image sent shivers up his spine.
I glanced behind us to see Knuckles arm wrapped around Cream, comforting her.
She looked like she had been crying with her doll close to her chest.
"At last...but certainly not least....what ever you see....don't barf...or cry or show any kind of if you need to cry...let it out now." Tails voice dropped an octave when he said now.
That when I realized why Cream was crying.
There must be some pretty gory shit in there.
I looked back toward the castle to notice we were at the concrete stairs that lead to castle.
To accompany those stairs were long pole reaching out to the sky with heads of different lovable characters from the sonic video games.
He had turned them into street lamps.
The four of us made our way up to stairs, stopping at big metal doors with knockers in the shape of the sonic rings, just stained in blood.
The doors had big pointed spikes scattered around them, it was almost like some Hotel Transylvania stuff.
Tails reached for the knocker, wrapping his gloves fingers around.
It seemed hesitant, hearing a deep sigh worried me about what were about to face.
Tails lifted the Knocker up and banged on the door Three times. No more, no less.
Suddenly the doors slowly opened with a deep moaning sound and the inside with a dark fur rug laid out behind it.
There were a girl , the most hideous I had ever seen her.
I really did want to barf,cry, run, eat my barf throw up again and just die when I saw her.
I thought I hated her ...but's just peer guilt.
"Who's this?" She asked crossing her arms not pleased.
"Miss.Amy.Exe this is (y/n)...Sonic.Exe's new..." he choked slightly before clearing his throat. "Slave."
Amy's look softened slightly, "oh...Well come on know he Doesn't like waiting...."
I glanced back at Cream and Knuckles.
Creamed look as straight as an army solider that just got slapped into shaped.
Knuckles no longer had his arm around her and he too, looked like an army soldier.
I turned my attention back to Amy who had moved to the side to let us through.
As I followed Tails, I could Feel Amy's glare upon me, but I resisted eye contact.
Through the long hall there was blood, dead bodies, limbs, organs.
Anything you name, it was there.
The place just reeked of death, I could barely hold my stomach in.
As we walked through the hall we came to a living room with large fur couches, animal heads on plaques scattered the room.
It was slightly nicer, gold rings scattered here and there.
Less a king lived here.
There on the couch was a dark blue figure with a old school character I thought I wouldn't lay eyes on for a long time.
His legs were crossed as he was leaned back into the couch like pump.
The girl, dark brown squirrel with a cut tail.
Princess Sally Acorn....holy shit..
She didn't look as bad as Amy, her eyes were just stitched shut and blood stained her and there but still.
Can I barf?
She was on her hands and knees giggling with sonic as we came in, but stopped when she saw us.
That gave Sonic to sit up on the couch and turn around with his dark eyes meeting mine.
The most seriousness I had seen since seeing the Dark sonic lurked in his face giving me the most fear I had since I got here.
"Took you long enough..." he snapped as he hopped over the couch landing perfectly to his feet and walking over to us.
The stopped in between me and Tails.
Tails, Knuckles, and cream looked at floor with fear.
"Did you tell her the rules Tails?" Sonic's deep demonic voice seeped into our ears.
"Yes, sir..."
"Good...then you know what I expect of you." He growled looking toward me.
I did my best not to make eye contact but staring at the floor too but he put his finger under my chin pulling it up so my eyes could his.
"One rule I bet he forgot to mention....there are no second chances here....and I take the smallest mistakes and make them seem like your biggest....IS THAT clear?"
I swallowed before nodding aggressively with wide eyes making him smile evilly.
"Atta girl..." he let go of my chin and turned back to the trio.
"I'm ready for my'll have my mercy today...catch me anything you can find....three pounds from each you..."
Tails,Knuckles and cream looked up.
"NOW!!" He roared making them race out the door, I turned to follow but I was grabbed by the shoulder.
"Except you (y/n)...I have a different job for you..."
I turned around to his smile faded and Sally along with Amy stood there. Amy had her arms crossed like before and Sally..seeming like a more innocent child had her hands behind her back.
"Y-yes...sir?" I choked.
"You three..will be feeding my pets...they haven't had a good meal in about three months....they need something bigger than get cracking...." he let go of my shoulder leaving down another hallway leaving me with the two girls who approached me.
"Hi...I'm Sally." She whispered holding out a blood stained hand.
Utterly shocked she could somehow see I shock her hand giving her a nod of satisfaction.
Amy just tapped her bicep with one finger.
"Let me're trying to get out of here?" She asked straight up.
I wasn't sure if I could trust them on not, Tails did say they were my competition.
"Well good luck...Sonic is pretty picky now days...and I'm guessing you've only known him from video games..."
I slowly nodded not sure if I could say anything else.
"Aren't you guys trying to get out here too?"
Amy and Sally looked at each other before giggling softly.
"Are you kidding? This is the best he's ever treated us...beside the stitching in already on my way to becoming his queen." Amy chuckled proudly.
Sally turned to Amy, her expression turned cold and harsh.
"You're nothing but a fangirl....I'm a princess...he would want a fangirl? Please...." Sally snapped.
I slowly backed away thinking they were about to get into it.
"No! I know what he wants! He doesn't want some princess hoe, who can't keep her legs closed!"
"Excuse me!?!!"
Right then was my cue to go find some food for the monsters as I walked away I could still hear them arguing.
I searched the blood stained halls before finding an actual clean kitchen.
Everything was pure pearl tile except for the appliances.
I went straight to golden Refrigerator opening it.
There was chucks of raw meat in far bigger than Dr.Eggman times three.
I little hesitant to touch raw meat I pulled it out Of the fridge almost dropping it because of it's weight.
I made sure I had a good grip on it before looking back to the kitchen entrance.
"Wow...I'm pretty strong in this world...." I chuckled to myself closing the refrigerator door with my hip.
"Now where are the monsters.." I whispered walking out the kitchen into the hallway.
Suddenly a muffled earbleeding screech was heard opposite ways from where the bickering girls were.
"Ah the coincidence..." I chuckled following the roars.
Following the roars I was lead down a dimly lit hallway.
It had a dead end except for a metal trap door on the ground.
I walked over to it before seeing a silver hatch.
I placed the meat down next to the trap door and lifted the hatch.
It took some effort with a metal squeak but I was able to Pry it open.
When I did I looked down just to see long ways down to a blood stained concrete part of the pit only lit up by the fire on the torch above me.
I heard shuffling of claws and bones making goosebumps go up and down my spine.
It reeked of waste and meat.
"Pets...more like prisoners." I whispered before pushing the large chuck of meat into the pit.
The meat fell and landed with a plop making a blood splat.
Right then you could scattering within the darkness making me close the trap door with a clash and locking the hatch.
A breath of relief escaped my lips as I got to my feet and walked away to still hear the girls bickering.
Task on complete.
I smiled to myself, I guess this won't be that hard after all.
"WHO THE HELL TOOK THE DINNER OUT OF THE KITCHEN??"sonic's yells echoed through the halls.
Right then Tails, Knuckles, and Cream walked through the door.
While Amy and Sally stopped bickering and stared at me.
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