chapter 3 - Welcome to Paradise
Outfits in the external link
From 1.01 "Pilot", night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.
Stefan: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"
From 5.22 "Home", on the Other Side, The Other Side came crashing down, overrun by chaotic winds.
Bonnie: (voice over from 5.21 Promised Land) "The Other Side is collapsing, and everyone in it is going away."
From 5.22 "Home", in the Salvatore Mausoleum, Luke and Ryan woke Tory and Lindsey up.
Luke looked between them in regret. "Damon and Kacie didn't make it through."
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in the girls' dorm room, Elena and Liv were talking.
"Alaric will compel away any memories, and then make me forget that I had him do it," Elena told her. "Everyone around here and Stefan are on board."
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in the girls' dorm room, Elena, Liv and Alaric were talking.
Elena was crying. "Just take it away, please."
Alaric leaned forward, compelling Elena.
From 6.01 "I'll Remember", just outside Mystic Falls, Caroline, Eliza and Liz were having a picnic.
"Vampires can't get into Mystic Falls," Eliza told them.
"They can lurk around the borders," Liz told them.
From 6.01 "I'll Remember", on the road, Elena transformed, biting Sarah on the neck, feeding.
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in the Lockwood Mansion, Jeremy, Eliza and Matt were talking.
"Why don't I go hang out with that Sarah girl, make sure that she's okay after the attack and compulsion?" Eliza asked. "I mean, you guys want me to get back to who I was so bad, then I better start helping people again."
"Liza, this isn't you," Matt told her.
"I know, Matt, and I'm working on it," Eliza told him.
Eliza walked out of the room, leaving.
"Jer..." Matt trailed off.
"I'll talk to her, okay?" Jeremy asked.
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in the living room of the Lockwood Mansion, Jeremy and Eliza were talking.
"You're my family," Eliza told him. "All of you are. And it feels like I'm losing everyone."
"I just need you to talk to me, to get you through this phase, and then everything will be okay," Jeremy told her. "You talk to me when you're ready to talk to me, okay?"
Eliza nodded, sighing, leaning her head against Jeremy's shoulder, just relaxing in his arms.
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in the living room of the Lockwood Mansion, Jeremy and Matt were talking.
"If you keep it up, then we might have Eliza back by the end of the month," Matt told him.
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", on the road, Tripp drove his van into Mystic Falls.
Matt: (voice over from 6.02 Yellow Ledbetter) "You're from Mystic Falls?"
"One of the Founding Families, actually," Tripp told him.
Tripp hung up, opening the partition separating his seat from the large back seat of his car.
Inside were vampires, struggling to break free of the chains.
The young vampires began to choke and spit up blood.
Tripp was unfazed, clicking the button from the front seat.
Sun blazed in the back from the skylight.
The vampires began to burn and were set on fire, screaming hysterically as they burned.
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in the other world's Town Square, Kacie, Bonnie and Damon were in the street.
"Where the hell are we?" Damon asked.
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in the other world, outside the Gilbert House, Damon showed them the date on the newspaper.
"1992," Bonnie told them.
Later, they were on the porch.
Bonnie showed them the bone necklace that Grams had given her. "She gave me the same necklace that Shane had given me, Lindsey and Tory to complete the link, and she said that it would keep me connected to them, no matter where I go, and under whatever circumstance. If we got here by magic, magic should be able to get us out, and if I can't do magic on my own, then the necklace should let me tap into Lindsey and Tory's, just enough to do what needs to be done."
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in the other world's boarding house's kitchen, Damon, Kacie and Bonnie were eating.
Damon grabbed the newspaper, looking at the crossword, sounding impressed. "Look who got 27 across."
"I didn't finish this," Bonnie told them.
"Well, neither did I," Kacie told them.
"Me, neither," Damon told them.
"There's someone else here," Bonnie told them.
They looked around in confused suspicion.
From 6.01 "I'll Remember", in the dorm building, Tyler and Nicola were talking.
"Every time that somebody mentions Kacie, you just close off, like you're guilty for something that you didn't do," Tyler told her. "It was my fault that she died. I killed her."
"It was my fault she went after you," Nicola told him. She looked to be in pain now that she finally told him. "It's my fault." She had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry."
Nicola turned around, walking away quickly, never looking back.
Tyler watched her go in confused surprise, processing.
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in Tyler's Dorm, Tyler was leaving a message for Kacie. "I guess she doesn't really know you. I know that you would've gone after me, anyway, and you would've wanted to go alone, so no one else would be in danger.There's no right way to apologize to your sister about how you killed her. So I guess I'm just have to convince her that it wasn't her fault, and that she doesn't have to feel guilty about someone she had no control over."
From 6.01 "I'll Remember", in Alaric's classroom, Alex and Alaric were talking.
"Stefan didn't say goodbye," Alex told him. "Damon, Kacie and Bonnie died, and he just left."
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in Stefan's House, Stefan, Kaylin and Nicola were arguing.
"How are you going to apologize about giving up on Damon dying, or abandoning Nikki to become a vampire on her own?" Kaylin asked.
Kaylin looked at Stefan angrily, turning around, walking out of the house quickly, walking past Alex as she did.
Nicola looked at Stefan with disappointment, shaking her head, turning to follow Kaylin.
"I made sure you wouldn't be alone," Stefan told her. "I made sure that someone was there to look after you. To help you."
Nicola looked back at him. "You mean Tyler? You had Tyler look after me this entire time because you couldn't do it yourself?"
Nicola turned around, walking out of the house, walking past Alex.
"I had to move on," Stefan told her. "I didn't have a choice."
Alex looked away in sadness. She turned around, walking out of the house, never looking back.
From 6.02 "Yellow Ledbetter", in Stefan's House, Stefan returned to see Enzo having Enzo by her neck with both his hands.
Stefan slowly walked closer. "Let her go."
Enzo snapped Ivy's neck, letting her body fall to the floor.
Savannah, Georgia
Day One
Morning - Dean's Garage
(Song:) Figure It Out - Royal Blood
Stefan drove up to the garage, parking, walking inside.
Dean was underneath the car he was fixing. "Ain't a parking lot, kid."
"Yeah, well, I'm not here to work," Stefan told him. "Need a few days off."
"It looks like I need a new mechanic," Dean told him.
Stefan pulled Dean from underneath the car. "I said, I need a few days off."
"Are you slow?" Dean asked. "Let me simplify. Stay, keep the job. Leave, lose it." Stefan pulled Dean up by his collar, holding him above the ground by a his neck. "How the hell are you so strong?"
"You hired a vampire," Stefan answered. "Next time, do a background check." He compelled Dean. "Now, shut up and don't move." He set him on the floor. Dean remained still. "You have no idea how long I wanted to do that. See, I was trying to... get a fresh start, live a normal life. Normal job, normal dick of a boss. That's you, by the way, and this place was supposed to be my sanctuary. And it was until yesterday." Stefan pulled Dean toward his car. "Come with me." He opened the trunk, revealing Ivy's dead body. "This is my girlfriend, Ivy. My sister's boyfriend killed her last night right in front of me. So, now I have to go back home, last place on this earth I wanna be. Find him, and kill him." He closed the trunk, turning to face Dean. "Like I said, I need a few days off."
"You should take a few days off," Dean told him slowly.
"Thanks, buddy," Stefan told him. "I will." He grabbed the keys from his back pocket. "Now, I need you to drive my car into the woods, and you're going to bury my girlfriend. And forget this ever happened. Oh, and when I get back, you're giving me a raise."
(Song Ends)
Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)
Whitmore College - The Girls' Dorm Room
Caroline was looking at the graduation picture of Bonnie, Elena, Alex, Kacie and Caroline, all wearing red graduation clothes. She sighed, walking toward the bed.
Elena and Alex walked into the dorm room with a tray of three coffees.
"So, I, uh, volunteered at the hospital until, like, 2:00," Elena told them. "And then I figured we could carpool to the party at the swimming hole."
Elena set the coffee down.
Alex noticed Caroline was packing. "Um, normally, when you back in, you unpack."
"I'm not staying," Caroline told them. "Last night was just a momentary moment of weakness."
"Momentary moment?" Alex repeated.
Caroline nodded.
"Are you sure you don't want to come back to school?" Elena asked. Caroline didn't answer, looking at them. "Caroline, needing your friends isn't a weakness, momentary or otherwise."
"Tell that to Stefan, who clearly needs no one," Alex told her.
Elena crossed her arms over her chest. "Cut him some slack, Alex. He lost his brother. Granted, said brother was a homicidal maniac. But, still." She took a deep breath of realization. "And said brother who was a homicidal maniac that you used to be completely in love with. Not that I would understand that, but... I'm sorry." Alex looked at Elena incredulously with sadness. "What?"
Alex shook her head back into reality. "Nothing."
"I gotta go," Caroline told them. "I need to convince Eliza it is okay to feel again."
"Actually, I heard that Jer had some success with that last night," Alex told her.
"You guys should come to the party," Elena told her.
Caroline sighed, frustrated. "Elena--"
"Come on," Elena told them. "I got Matt to take the afternoon off from his training, and Tyler to give the practice squad a break. Eliza, Cristian and Liv, Tory and Lindsey, Luke and Ryan, Kaylin and Nicola... Even Jeremy is coming. It's been forever since we've all been together. It'll be fun." Alex opened her mouth to speak, skeptical. Elena pointed at them. "Don't make me invoke the nuclear option." Alex raised her eyebrows. "'Cause I will selfie bomb both of you. Every five minutes."
Alex laughed. "Okay, fine, we'll go to the party."
"Yay," Elena told them, picking up the tray of coffee.
"But I'm not moving back in," Caroline told them, walking toward the door.
"That is a conversation to be had over jello shots," Alex told her.
Caroline walked out of the room.
Elena handed Alex one of the coffees. They clinked them together, drinking.
Caroline was walking across campus, on the phone. "What did Alaric do to her?"
Liv was on the other line, in Cristian's home, going through her clothes. "All I know is she doesn't remember what she saw in Damon, and we're supposed to keep it that way."
"I just spent the whole night with her, and it's weird," Caroline told her. "She just doesn't seem like her old self."
"Yeah, it's because she's happy," Liv told her. "Isn't that the whole point?"
"Yeah, I guess," Caroline told her.
"All right, I'll see you later at the swimming hole, okay?" Liv asked.
"Yep," Caroline answered. "This time, don't get attacked by a werewolf."
"Hilarious," Liv told her sarcastically.
They hung up.
Mystic Falls, Virginia
Matt walked down the alley.
Tripp and another boy were cleaning out the back of the van, with red liquid coming undone.
"It's a little early for a car wash," Matt told them.
"Oh, yeah," Tripp told him. "I brought in some mulch so you guys could clean up that little park on 4th. Turns out red mulch stains. Who knew?"
"My friends are having a party, and I'd like to go by this afternoon after lunch," Matt told him.
"You need a permission slip?" Tripp asked.
"Oh, I don't know," Matt told him.
"I'm not your mom," Tripp told him. "Go." The other guy jumped out from inside the car with a map in his hand. "And take Jay. Suckered him into washing my car. He needs some fun."
Jay looked at Matt. "You're driving, I'm drinking."
Tripp looked at them with a concerned, suspicious look. "Both of you, keep your eyes open. We've had a lot of animal attacks lately."
Jay looked at Matt. "He means... dog-bite girl."
"Yeah, I know what he means," Matt told him.
They both walked away.
Tripp sprayed the hose at the open door of his van.
Blood came away red.
Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room
Jeremy was standing at the drinking table, pouring himself a drink.
Eliza walked into the room. "Everything going okay?"
"Yeah," Jeremy answered. "Just going through the Salvatore liquor cabinet." He looked toward Eliza, hesitating for a moment. "How are you so okay with this?"
"What?" Eliza asked. "Trusting you with a girl we just met alone?" Jeremy nodded. "I'm not your mom, and, honestly, after everything that happened, I don't think that you could ever do something like that again. Besides, it's the girl who your oldest sister attacked, and your youngest sister's boyfriend compelled to forget that your oldest sister attacked, so I don't think you'd even risk it."
Jeremy smiled a small smile. "You know me better than anyone does." Eliza smiled a small smile, looking down thoughtfully. "What?"
"It's just something Bonnie used to say," Eliza answered. "'You pretty much know everyone better than anyone'."
Jeremy smiled a small, sympathetic smile.
Sarah walked into the room. "That shower has four heads. Who's so dirty they need four heads?"
"You'd be surprised," Jeremy told her. "You guys want bourbon?" He looked back at the table, ready to give them a choice, but realizing it was just bourbon. "Or bourbon?"
"I hate bourbon, but I love this house," Sarah told them, looking around. Eliza sat on the table. "Can I just pretend that I found my dad and it's whoever lives here?"
"Trust me, it's not," Eliza told her.
"Why not?" Sarah asked. "My mom lived in Mystic Falls for years before she had me. Somebody had to knock her up."
"You ever think about asking her?" Eliza asked.
"Okay, good idea," Sarah told them. "Hurry, let's go to the cemetery."
Eliza nodded understandingly. "Got it. Sorry."
Sarah looked around. "Who does live here, anyway?"
Jeremy looked at the bourbon in his hand. "Two brothers, a sister, and their... cousin. Most of them moved, the other... is dead."
Eliza looked down thoughtfully.
Jeremy took a drink from the bottle.
Nicola's House - Dining Room
Nicola was sitting alone at her table. She took a drink of bourbon, depressed. Her phone rang. She sighed, answering, not in the best of moods. "What?"
Tyler was walking through the corridors of the dorm buildings. "Nicola Salvatore answers the phone. It's a miracle. Quick question."
"Quick answer," Nicola told him. "No."
"Hilarious," Tyler told her. "We're having a party, and I was wondering if you could come. They'll be beer..."
"Hmm, you, me, alcohol and a college party," Nicola told him. "Why does that combination sound so familiar and terrible? Will I have to stop you from crushing another guy's trachea?"
"In fairness, I apologized to Lucas," Tyler told her. "I'm working on this okay? I watch my drinking, I avoid things that make me angry."
"Fine," Nicola told him. "I'll come to the party."
Tyler stopped walking in slight surprise. "Wow. That's the easiest anyone's ever had to convince you to come to a party."
"I need a change," Nicola told him, hanging up, sighing, speaking even though she knew he couldn't hear her anymore. "And to talk to you."
Nicola placed her phone done, taking a drink of bourbon.
Whitmore College - Corridors
The male student that had complimented Elena in the medical center was walking down the hall.
Elena appeared beside him. "Hey, cute brag."
"Did you just call me, 'cute brag'?" the boy asked.
"Hey, I didn't come up with it," Elena told him. "Another one of the volunteers did." The boy shook his head. "What? Sometimes, you brag. At least it has 'cute' in it."
"Small favors," the boy told her sarcastically. "I'm Liam, you're Elena. See how easy it is to remember?"
"Brag," Elena told him.
Liam stopped walking, turning to face her. "Is there something you wanted other than to destroy my self-esteem?"
Elena smiled. "Actually, yes. Are you doing anything this afternoon? My friends are throwing a party just outside my hometown, and there's a girl that I actually want you to meet." Liam looked skeptical. "Just come,"
"Okay," Liam told her, walking away.
Elena's smile faded when she saw that Stefan had been standing behind him.
Stefan smiled.
"What?" Elena asked. "Wha... Hey." She wrapped her arms around him, pulling away. "Wha--for the record, four months is far too long for me to go without seeing you."
"I know," Stefan told her. "That's why I'm here. I wanted to stop by and say hi."
Elena laughed.
Other World
Day - Small Store
(Song:) The Sign - Ace of Base
Damon, Bonnie and Kacie were in the store, walking along.
Damon was leaning against the cart.
Bonnie tried to take the cart.
"I got it," Damon told her stubbornly.
Bonnie sighed. "Okay." She picked up a small piece of paper. "We need strawberries."
"Mm-hmm," Kacie hummed.
"Eggs, milk and..." Bonnie trailed off, looking around. "Ooh, candles."
Bonnie picked up a candle, setting it in the cart.
"I know it's been a while, but you couldn't do magic as an Anchor, so I'm curious what momentary lapse of reason makes you think you can do it now," Damon told her.
They turned the corner to another aisle.
"You know, when all this started, you sucked at making pancakes, but now, they're somewhat edible," Kacie told him, shrugging. "Milk." She opened one of the many fridges, taking out a carton of milk, setting it in the cart. "There's no reason to be Peter Pessimist." She found sunglasses rack, practically skipping up to them, pulling out a pair of blue shades, putting them on with the tag hanging. "We have proof we're not alone."
"First of all, don't nickname," Damon told her, pointing to himself. "That's my thing." Damon and Bonnie walked closer with the cart. Bonnie grabbed a pair of sunglasses. Damon took it from her. "And this is proof..." He put the glasses on. Bonnie rolled her eyes. "This mysteriously filled in crossword could very easily have been either of you."
Kacie handed Bonnie a pair of sunglasses.
Bonnie took them, leaning against the cart. "I didn't. Fill. It. In." She leaned back, putting the glasses on. "Did you fill it in, Kacie?"
"No, I didn't fill it in, Bonnie," Kacie answered.
"No," Damon told them. "Either one of you is messing with us, or you don't know you filled it in." He looked at Bonnie. "You also don't know that you talk in your sleep. Eggs."
Bonnie opened the fridge beside them, grabbing the eggs. "What are you saying? Are you saying I sleep crossword?"
Damon took the glasses off. "I'm saying it makes more sense than the alternative."
Damon took the eggs, putting them in the cart.
Kacie took her glasses off. "I get what you're doing."
"What am I doing?" Damon asked.
"You refuse to have hope that you'll see Elena again, so you don't have to be disappointed," Kacie answered.
They turned around a corner.
"I refuse to have faith because there's nothing to have faith for," Damon told them.
Kacie paused, looking at the self. "Pork rinds."
Damon pulled out the shopping list. "Not on the list, and ew."
"No, Damon," Kacie told him in annoyance. "There were pork rinds on this shelf. There have been pork rinds here on every shopping trip we've had for the past four months."
Suddenly, there was an electronic chiming melody playing from outside.
"You hear that?" Bonnie asked.
They exchanged a look.
(Song Ends)
Kacie, Damon and Bonnie walked out of the store, outside to see a small horse carousel outside the door, playing.
Bonnie looked satisfied, as if she had proved their point. "Hmm, you hear that, guys?" Damon looked bewildered. Kacie smiled. "That's what hope sounds like."
Whitmore College - Alaric's Classroom
Stefan and Elena were sitting together, talking.
"This hospital thing..." Stefan trailed off. "It's a whole new look, huh?"
"Yeah," Elena answered. "Apparently this color disguises all bodily fluids that I get covered in throughout the day. So far, it's been only observation, but I don't know. I love it there. Seeing sick people getting better. It's inspiring."
"You seem different," Stefan told her. "Seem happier."
"And you?" Elena asked. "Are you happy? Alex told me a little bit."
"Oh," Stefan told her. "About the dinner party from hell."
Elena laughed at the irony. "Her exact words, actually. In between the ranting, she may have mentioned something about your new job and a new girlfriend. Ivy, right? Is it Ivy?" Stefan looked down uncomfortably. "Stefan, it's fine. Seriously, it's not weird, I promise. I'm just happy to finally see you again, you know." Stefan nodded understandingly. "It's been really rough. Losing Bonnie and Kacie the last couple of months." Elena stopped, suddenly realizing something. "Which is an incredibly insensitive thing to say to somebody who just lost their brother. I'm... I'm sorry."
Stefan nodded awkwardly. "No. I've been working on the healing thing, too, I guess. Hey, by the way, have you heard from Alex? She's not returning any of my calls, and I--I really wanna apologize for the way I acted. And not just to her, but to Kaylin and Nikki, too."
"Oh, they'll all be there at the swimming hole today," Elena told him. "You should come."
"No," Stefan told her. "No, I'm not sure I'm ready to dive back into all that. No pun intended."
Elena smiled. "They're your friends, too. Kaylin and Nicola are your family, Tory is your distantly related family that did everything she could to bring you back, too, and you and Alex have some unresolved issues. Come on. I know that we can't hang out at the Grill anymore. But that doesn't mean we can't all spend time together. Come on, please. If not for that, then at least to convince Kaylin than Enzo is not boyfriend material."
"Will Enzo be there?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah," Elena answered. "I can easily uninvite him. I'd rather you come."
"No, no," Stefan told her. "Don't worry about it." He thought for a moment. "Yeah. Maybe I'll stop by."
Elena looked happy. "Great."
(Song:) The Stars On Your Way - Brock Tyler
Kaylin and Enzo were sitting at a table together.
"Do you understand the rules?" Kaylin asked.
"Yes," Enzo answered. "Rule One, don't mention Elena was madly in love with Damon, or you'll kill me."
Kaylin nodded. "Mm-hmm."
"Rule Two, don't really reference Damon at all, or you'll kill me," Enzo went on.
"Yep," Kaylin answered.
"Rule Three, wear sunscreen and--" Enzo started.
Kaylin picked up a few french fries, throwing them at Enzo.
Enzo smiled at the reaction.
"Rule 4, don't make fun of me, or--" Kaylin started.
"Or you'll kill me," Enzo finished. "Got it." Kaylin smirked, taking a drink of her chocolate milk shake. "You seem way too eager to agree to something that you would normally be against, especially toward someone whom you hate."
"Alex and Elena are the ones that got my brothers to the point where they were ready to kill each other, or died for them," Kaylin told him. "I intend to make it my life's mission to get my brother back, and Bonnie and Kacie, but if Alex and Elena are no longer the center of the love triangle, then that means that they are safe from the danger that is the Gilbert Girls, which nearly had them killed repeatedly. Minus Little Liv. She's innocent when it comes to my brothers unless you're counting her hate/love frenemy relationship with Damon."
"Now, tell me, is that interesting or sadistic?" Enzo asked, standing up.
"I don't know," Kaylin told him, noticing what looked to be blood on the collar of his shirt. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Now, tell me, is that blood or pie?"
"Hmm..." Enzo trailed off, dabbing his finger onto the stain, tasting it. "That would be... Shirley. A special off the menu item. This little diner is surprisingly well stocked."
Kaylin sat back, crossing her arms over her chest. "Tell me that you snatched, ate, erased."
"Funny thing about that," Enzo told her. "You do the first two properly. The third isn't necessary."
Kaylin nodded sarcastically, looking away. "You killed her."
"Why do you care so much?" Enzo asked.
"Maybe because the towns around this area are really good at being conspiring vampire hunters, and they are good at what they do," Kaylin answered.
"Oh, I'm terrified," Enzo told her sarcastically.
"You will be if they have 100-year-old mystical torture devices," Kaylin told him.
"Well, that doesn't seem to be likely," Enzo told her, turning away.
"Mm, okay, maybe I'm wrong," Kaylin told him. Enzo stopped walking. "But if you get attacked by one of these hunters, and they capture you, I will find you, I will save you, and then I will say, 'I told you so' right before I--"
Enzo looked at Kaylin with amusement, finishing with her. "You kill me. Don't underestimate my abilities, gorgeous. I'm sticking around for the long run."
Enzo turned around, walking out of the diner.
Kaylin smirked, shaking her head, rolling her eyes.
(Song Ends)
Other World
Small Store - Outside
Damon, Kacie and Bonnie were talking.
Damon opened the switch box of the horse carousel. "It's gotta be a short, faulty wiring, something."
"Or someone put a quarter in it and turned it on," Kacie told him.
"You know, I'm a little confused with all this misplaced faith," Damon told them. "All right, let's just say there's someone here. How do you know we're gonna get out?"
"Well, you say that this is your hell, right?" Bonnie asked. "If there's someone else here, that means it's not your hell, and if it's not your hell, that means Grams put us here, and if Grams put us here, there's a way out."
"That's a hell of a logic knot you've tied for yourself," Kacie told her. She smiled. "I like it."
"Thank you," Bonnie told her.
"So now that we have properly placed our faith, let's play a game," Damon told them. He looked at Kacie. "When we get out, what's the first thing you're gonna tell Elena?"
Kacie thought for a moment. "Sorry I killed Damon. But he was the most annoying person in the world. " She walked toward the parking lot. "He wouldn't have any faith that we would find our way back to you and Matt, and all of our friends and siblings. His negativity, self-absorption and bitterness was overwhelming."
"Hey, at least I'm not agitating and useless," Damon told her, following after her.
Bonnie followed, but stopped when she noticed something. "Damon."
"What?" Damon asked in annoyance.
"I don't know, you still think we're useless?" Bonnie asked, pointing at Damon's car.
Damon looked at the car and licence plate in shock. "That's my car." He walked toward it excitedly. "That's my car!"
On the Road - Elena's Car
Elena drove the car toward the swimming hole.
Stefan was in the passenger seat.
Liam was in the backseat.
"She's determined but sweet, eternal optimist, never forgets a birthday," Elena told him. "What else?"
"Never gives up on her friends," Stefan added.
"Yes," Elena agreed. "True. She's completely loyal."
"This is good," Liam told them. "Build her up. I'm sure she'll live up to these ridiculously high expectations."
"That's another one," Elena told him. "Great at surpassing expectations."
"So she's perfect," Liam told them.
"Totally," Elena answered.
"Pretty much," Stefan agreed.
"So how long have you two been together?" Liam asked.
"Us?" Elena asked. "I'm... we're... We're not. But, I mean, we did at one point..."
"Not anymore," Stefan told him.
"Was that recent?" Liam asked. "Because you two seem weirdly functional."
"Has it already been two years?" Elena asked.
Stefan forced a smile. "Time flies."
Other World
Small Store - Parking Lot
Damon, Kacie and Bonnie were talking.
Damon was sitting in his car, pretending like he was driving the car. "Vrrmm, vrrmm!"
"How much longer are we gonna listen--" Bonnie started.
"Shh, shh, shh, shh," Damon told them. "This sound is the opposite sound of your voices, and I so enjoy it."
Kacie gave him a sarcastic look. "How did it even get here, Damon? Did you leave it here in 1992?"
"I don't know, Kacie," Damon told her. "It was 20 years ago. Had a lot going on that day."
"Okay," Kacie told him. "So you admit that it's pretty unlikely that you did."
"Very unlikely," Damon answered.
"Which would stand to reason that..." Bonnie trailed off.
"Someone may have put it here, Bonnie," Damon told her. "Yes, I admit that." Bonnie and Kacie exchanged a winning smirk. Damon hesitated. "I'm gonna tell Elena how much I love her. And then, I'm gonna apologize for killing the two of you."
"You can try," Kacie told him.
"Well, your brother killed you," Damon told her. "How hard can it be?"
"Julian was not Tyler," Kacie told him. "Two completely different people sharing the same body, thank you very much. And it wouldn't have even happened if he hadn't had a bomb."
"What is it with you Lockwoods either being bombs or bombed?" Damon asked.
Bonnie noticed something they didn't. "Wait. Did you just see that?"
Damon and Kacie turned to see something passing behind a parked car.
"I did that time," Damon told them, getting out of the car.
Kacie led the way toward it. "Let's go meet our little friend."
Swimming Hole
(Song:) Bad Habit - The Kooks
Liv stood next to the tree with the swinging rope over the lake, bored.
Cristian stood next to her, handing her one of the cups in his hands. "You don't seem to be enjoying this as much as I thought you would."
"No, I'm just thinking," Liv told him, looking over the lake with a smile. "Hey, do you remember the last time we were here?"
Cristian looked up as if he was trying to remember, sighing, shaking his head. "Nope."
Liv looked at him, narrowing her eyes. "Oh, really?"
"Really," Cristian told her. "Especially not throwing you into the lake and coming in after you because you wouldn't apologize."
Liv smiled, laughing quietly.
Cristian smiled.
"What was I even supposed to apologize for?" Liv asked.
"I... don't remember," Cristian told her.
"Well, yeah, see, this time, you're not gonna have to throw me in," Liv told him, handing Cristian the drink in her hand, pulling her shirt over her head to reveal a blue bikini top, pushing it to his chest. "But you're still gonna have to come in after me."
Cristian looked at Liv in slight confusion.
Liv smiled, turning around, climbing up the steps on the tree to get to the swinging rope, grabbing on tight, letting go of the tree, swinging over the lake as everyone cheered her on, letting go of the rope, flipping in the air, diving into the water below. When she had gotten too low, she swam back up to the surface, breaking through, looking toward the sky, gasping for breath. She turned around in the water, looking toward the tree where they had just been standing.
Cristian wasn't there now.
Liv looked around in confusion, turning around.
Cristian appeared in the water in front of her. "Show off."
Liv smiled. "What's the point of being a vampire without investing into its perks?"
Cristian smirked.
Liv wrapped her arms around Cristian's neck, kissing him passionately for a long moment. They continued to kiss in the water.
Cristian pulled away. "Deja voodoo."
Liv smiled, holding him close.
(Song Ends)
(Song:) Supersonic - Vava Voom feat. Sean Kingston
Luke, Matt, Jeremy and Ryan were talking at the swim hole, next to Matt's truck.
"So where's Tory and Lindsey?" Matt asked.
Ryan looked toward the lake, where Tory, Liv and Lindsey were swimming, smiling, splashing each other with the water. "Having fun for once."
Matt followed his gaze. "Luke? Ryan? I wanna thank you guys."
"For what?" Luke asked, taking a drink of beer.
"For taking care of them," Matt answered. "Tory's like a sister, and because she and Lindsey are best friends, we're pretty close, too. So, thanks, just for being there for them."
Luke nodded. "It's not like we can leave them to fend for themselves. Who would drag them away from futile endeavors?"
"Drop it, Luke," Ryan told him. "Where's Eliza?"
"Who knows?" Jeremy asked.
Luke took a drink.
Sarah walked by in a bikini.
"What's she doing here?" Luke asked.
"Eliza invited her," Jeremy answered.
Luke, Matt and Ryan looked at Jeremy in confused surprise.
"Eliza invited the girl that Elena attacked?" Luke asked.
"No, she invited the girl that Cristian compelled to forget that Elena attacked," Jeremy told them. "She's trying to make an effort here. I'm not gonna stop any of that."
Jay was walking toward them, looking at Sarah, watching Sarah as she walked past him, taking a drink.
Matt looked at Jay. "Yeah, I may be driving, but if you puke in my truck, I'm gonna kill you."
"You know, dog bite girl's kind of hot," Jay told them. "In, like, a trashy way, though."
"Why do you keep calling her that?" Matt asked. "Dog bite girl?"
"Because it's ridiculous," Jay answered. "What kind of dog bites you in the neck?"
Tyler walked up to them. "I don't know, man. I've seen some pretty vicious dogs."
"What's up, Ty?" Ryan asked.
"I just got a text from Alex," Tyler told them. "She wants to see us."
"Hold on," Jay told him. "Are you telling me that you think a girl with two puncture wounds in her neck got bit by a dog?"
"I think if that's what she said, then that's what happened," Luke told him.
"Then you're both idiots," Jay told them.
"And you're a wasted douchebag," Tyler told him. "We all have faults."
Jay stepped closer to him. "You want to say that a little louder?"
"Jay, back off," Matt told him.
"No, no, no," Jay told them. "I think he just called me a douchebag. I just want to make sure."
Jay pushed Tyler back.
Ryan stepped in between them. "Whoa, Jay. Jay, what you're doing right now, definition of a douchebag."
Jay calmed down, smiling. "Heh. Simmer. I'm just playing. You guys want beers?"
"Yeah," Matt answered. He turned around to face Tyler. "Sorry."
(Song Ends)
Elena, Caroline, Eliza, Alex, Liv, Lindsey and Tory were gathered around the woods.
Elena was trying to call someone.
Stefan: (voicemail) "Hey, it's Stefan. Leave a message."
"Yeah," Alex told her. "Not answering is one of his new things."
"He said he was here to apologize," Elena told her.
"Lying," Alex told her. "Also one of his new things. Stefan has a lot of new things."
Tyler, Luke, Ryan, Matt and Jeremy walked toward them.
"Hey," Tory told them. "Have you guys seen Stefan, Kaylin or Nicola?"
"I didn't even know Stefan and Kaylin were back," Luke told them. "Didn't know that Nicola was showing up here."
"So you want to fill us in on what we're doing here?" Ryan asked.
Elena looked at Tyler, Matt, Eliza, Jeremy, Caroline and Alex. "Well, we used to sneak out here and get wasted while our parents were outside grilling. Granted, we all have a few less parents, but we can still have fun." She looked at Tory, Lindsey, Liv, Ryan and Luke. "And I invited you guys here, because most of you are seniors in high school while the other is a ghost come back from the dead, and we could all need a release."
Eliza, Elena, Alex and Caroline offered everyone shots.
"Actually, I can't," Tyler told them. "I'm working on my rage issues, and this wouldn't help."
"My buddy's wasted, and I've got to train in the morning, so..." Matt trailed off.
"Okay," Eliza told them. "Well, I don't want to sound like an alcoholic, but I do want a shot, so will someone do one with me?"
"Done," Liv told her. "Come on, guys."
Eliza, Elena, Alex, and Caroline handed out shots to everyone but Matt and Tyler, all of them taking them.
"Bottoms up," Ryan told them.
"Mm," Lindsey hummed sarcastically. "Well... Here we are, having fun. I'm having fun. Aren't we having fun? This is really fun."
"Okay," Elena told them. "Clearly, this was a mistake. I just wanted to spend one afternoon where we pretend for just one second like we're not all drifting apart."
Elena sat down between Eliza and Caroline.
"Well, that's the problem, Elena," Tory told her. "Not all of us are okay with pretending. Some of us prefer to face our problems head-on."
There was a moment of weird silence.
"I think we should go," Jeremy told them.
"Yeah," Liv agreed.
Everyone but Caroline, Eliza, Alex and Elena walked away.
"What's going on?" Elena asked.
"We're all just lonely, okay?" Caroline asked. "And Bonnie's gone, Kacie's gone."
"I'm still here," Elena told them. "For all three of you."
"Yeah," Eliza agreed. "You're still here."
Alex stood.
"Here," Elena told her. "Take another shot and..."
Alex walked away, leaving them.
Eliza sighed, sitting back down.
Caroline looked at her sister. "Eliza? Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Eliza told them. "I mean, no... But I will be. I--I just need to talk to Jeremy."
Elena and Caroline nodded.
Eliza stood, walking away, leaving.
Other World
Small Store - Outside
Kacie, Bonnie and Damon looked around the parking lot.
"It was behind the pick up," Bonnie told them.
"No," Damon told them. "It was in the front."
"Are you sure?" Kacie asked.
"Yes," Damon told them. "Absolutely I'm sure. It was right here." They noticed a tarp flying in the wind. "It was a tarp. We saw a tarp." The horse carousel turned on, music starting to play. "And that, that is on a timer. That turned on by itself."
"But your car," Bonnie told him.
"I left it here in '92," Damon told them.
"And the crossword?" Bonnie asked.
"You filled it out, Bonnie," Damon told her. "Which means we're alone in my own hell with no Grams escape hatch. We're never getting out."
"Give me your ring," Kacie told him.
"What?" Damon asked.
"Give me your ring," Kacie told him. "All I've heard you say is that you have no hope, and that this is your hell, so if it's so bad, why don't you just end it? Or hell, I can bite you, you die of wolf venom, you're dead all the same. Hope is the only thing keeping me going, Damon, so if you're really done, if you have none, then be done, because this isn't helping."
"Kacie," Bonnie told her, chastising, warning, her tone accusing.
Kacie looked from Bonnie to Damon, pushing past Damon, walking past him, and into the store again.
(Song:) Run - The Maine
Kacie went to the wine selection, picking up a bottle. She heard a sound near, like someone munching on food, putting the bottle down, walking closer in confused suspicion.
A man was lounged in a chair, eating pork rinds. "Rough day, huh, Kacie? Sorry. Manners. I'm Kai. Nice to meet you. Pork ring?"
Kacie looked at him, shocked.
(Song Ends)
Real World
Swimming Hole
Liam and Elena were walking toward their car.
"So you're sure you're okay to find your way back home?" Elena asked. "Sorry. My friend Caroline's having a bit of a crisis. It's been a rough couple of months for her. She's normally really sweet."
"Actually, I'm glad I didn't meet her, because then it would have been awkward when I did this," Liam told her, kissing Elena.
Elena was taken aback, but she did not resist. "Heh. Kissing a girl whose trying to set you up with her best friend? Red flag."
"Maybe," Liam told her. "I have a sneaking suspicion that's your type."
Liam walked away.
Elena stood there, confused for a moment. She smiled.
Enzo was carrying ice bags, walking alone. He sensed someone following him, lifting one of the bags of ice to avoid a wood piece, making it lodge into the bag, tearing it.
"That was Kaylin's ice," Enzo told him.
Stefan walked closer. "Yeah, well, you'll be dead, so I think she'll let you off the hook. Believe me, death is a lot better. My sister knows how to hold a grudge."
Enzo smashed the ice bag onto Stefan's head, making him fall to the ground. Stefan stood.
"I don't want to kill you, Stefan," Enzo told him, taking the wood stick out of the ice bag, throwing it at Jay behind Stefan, who held a gun aimed at them. The wood stick impaled his neck, killing him. His dead body fell to the ground. "But it looks like he did."
Swimming Hole
(Song:) Like You Like That - The Silverman Brothers
Kaylin and Nicola were standing together at the drink table.
Another girl stood next to them.
Kaylin looked at Nicola. "You okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" Nicola asked.
"Well, considering the last time I saw you, you punched a tree and made it fall," Kaylin told her with honest sarcasm.
The girl next to Kaylin scoffed. "Must've been a small tree."
"Not really," Nicola told her.
Kaylin sighed, opening the ice box to see that it was empty. "I thought I told Enzo to go get more ice."
"Did you do it in that tone?" the girl asked. "Because I think I know why he didn't."
"Congratulations," Kaylin told her sarcastically. 'Now it's your job." She compelled the girl. "Go get ice."
The girl walked away.
Cristian walked up to them. "Who invited you?"
Kaylin smiled excitedly, wrapping her arms around Cristian. "Cris!"
Cristian smiled, wrapping his arms around her. "Long time, no see, Kaylin."
Kaylin pulled away. "Way too long." She looked at Cristian teasingly. "There is something definitely different about you. Did you get taller?" Cristian gave her an amused look. Kaylin shook her head. "Mm, no, that's not it. Is it..." She shook head. "No, that's not it, either."
"You done?" Cristian asked.
"Yeah, I'm done," Kaylin answered.
Kaylin's phone vibrated. She looked at the text from Enzo.
We have a problem.
(Song Ends)
Enzo turned to face Stefan. "Right. Cavalry's on their way, so why don't we put a pin in our little spat till this all gets sorted, eh?"
Stefan walked toward where Jay's body laid, picking up his gun, aiming it at Enzo. "No, thanks."
"You've got to bloody kidding me," Enzo told him. "I just saved your life."
"So you can give me a lifetime full of misery," Stefan told him. "Well, that's fine. I'm just gonna shorten the lifetime."
Kaylin rushed to stand in between them, facing her brother. "Stefan."
"Good news, Kaylin," Enzo told her. "I thwarted a vampire hunter. Bad news... your brother has become a vampire hunter."
Kaylin looked between them. "What are you two doing?"
"Why don't you ask your murderous boyfriend?" Stefan asked, turned around, walking away.
Kaylin turned to face Enzo. "What the hell did you do now?"
Other World
Small Store
(Song:) I Swear - All-4-One
Kai was munching loudly on pork rinds purposely.
Kacie flinched, irritated. "That is gonna have to stop."
"Oh, you think this is annoying?" Kai asked. "Hmm. Try listening to you, Bonnie and Damon bicker every five minutes,"
"So you've been following us," Kacie told him.
"Of course I have," Kai told her. "You three are the closest thing I have to a TV. I mean, you're no 'Baywatch,' but... Remember 'Baywatch'?"
"No, I do not," Kacie answered.
"Oh," Kai told her. "Oh, man, you got to watch it. You like lifeguards, like, hot ones?"
"This has been a monumentally bad day in a sea of bad days, so I'm gonna need to know who you are, what you're doing here, and how it relates to me, my friend, and my enemy, or I'm gonna rip your throat out," Kacie told him.
"I know you're a hybrid, so you kinda can't help it, but that temper's gonna get you in trouble, Kacie," Kai told her. "It's already driven Bonnie and Damon away how many times? Oh, oh, oh, wait. I know. Thirteen."
"You think my temper's bad with Damon?" Kacie asked. "I like him. Bonnie's my best friend, so I kinda love her. You? Not so much."
Kacie rushed toward Kai, grabbing his collar, pulling him up.
"Okay, okay," Kai told her. "Sorry. Seriously. I'm just kind of rusty on the face-to-face type human interactions."
Kacie let Kai go. "I'm in a really bad mood, otherwise I'd at least try to be nice, but answers, now."
"Maybe you should have a drink," Kai told her. "That usually calms you down."
"Thanks," Kacie told him, turning toward the alcohol shelf.
Kai walked closer, grabbing an umbrella, messing around with it. "Then it makes you angry, then sad, then calm again. It's a weird cycle."
Kacie opened the bottle, acting like she was going to take a drink, but poured it over her hand instead, her skin burning on contact, groaning, dropping the bourbon.
Kai smirked.
Kacie looked at Kai. "Vervain and wolfsbane in my bourbon. Who didn't see that one coming? Did you really think I'd fall for that?"
"Actually no," Kai answered. "But, look, as if you don't already know, the reason I'm following you, it's because I want to kill you."
Kacie glared at him.
Kai smirked.
(Song Ends)
Kai and Kacie faced off.
"Who buys patio furniture from a grocery store?" Kai asked, twirling the umbrella in his grip. "I mean, somebody must. Otherwise, it wouldn't be here." He broke the umbrella in two. "But, now, I'm a little unfamiliar with vampires, but from what I've gathered, a stake in the heart should do it, right?"
"Too bad I'm not a normal vampire," Kacie told him.
"Heart extraction or head decapitation, right?" Kai asked. Kacie rushed toward Kai. Kai drove the broken stake into her heart, making her groan. "You can always fight dirty, Kacie. Like that time you, Damon and Bonnie played Monopoly and you stole from the bank. Not cool."
Kacie pushed herself off the stake, glaring at Kai. "I'm gonna rip your head off."
"No, you're not," Kai told her, swinging the broken stake at the shelf, smashing all of the bottles on the shelf, making all of the contents spray on and around her, making her skin burn violently. Kacie fell to the floor, screaming, gasping. "I didn't know which bottle you'd take, or if you would fall for it at all, which you didn't, so I vervained and wolfsbaned them all."
Kai pulled out a meat cleaver from the shelf.
Damon appeared behind Kacie. "Stay away from her."
Kai smirked, raising the cleaver over Kacie's head.
Damon rushed toward Kai, pushing him against the shelf.
Kai took a bottle from the shelf, smashing it over Damon's head.
Damon's head burned from the vervain, groaning a scream, falling to the floor.
"Don't," Bonnie told him.
"The useless one is here," Kai told her. "Thank God. I've watched you try to do magic for months now. What are you gonna do, fail at me? It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you."
Bonnie looked at Damon and Kacie.
Damon and Kacie looked at her weakly.
Bonnie looked at a candle on a side shelf, using magic to ignite it.
Damon was relieved.
Kacie smiled in shock and relief.
Bonnie was happily surprised.
"Uh-oh," Kai told them, dropping the cleaver.
Bonnie looked at Damon and Kacie. "Run."
Damon and Kacie rushed out of the way of the alcohol.
Kacie fell back on the chair Kai had been sitting in weakly, still healing.
"Phesmatos incendia," Bonnie chanted, using magic to turn the alcohol surrounding Kai into flames.
Kai held his hands up in defeat. "Okay. Okay. Okay."
"Giving up so soon?" Bonnie asked smugly. "I'm embarrassed for you."
Damon hit Kai from behind hard enough to make him fall unconscious. He turned to Kacie, helping her stand. "You okay?"
"Yeah," Kacie answered. "Sorry I called you the most annoying person in the world. I hadn't met him yet."
Damon smirked.
Kacie smiled, looking toward Bonnie.
Bonnie smiled.
Real World
Night - Swimming Hole - Woods
Stefan walked through the woods, the gun still in his hand.
Kaylin followed Stefan. "Stefan!"
Stefan didn't stop. "I don't want to hear about it."
Stefan started to rush away.
Kaylin rushed in front of Stefan to stop him. "Just stop, okay? I didn't know that Enzo killed Ivy, I swear."
"What did you expect, Kaylin?" Stefan asked. "He hates me, I hate him, and you're stuck in the middle. You're always stuck in the middle."
"Yeah, I think I know," Kaylin told him. "I'm the one that's there each and every time. And don't you think that killing him would make me very pissed at you?"
"Just like you killing Andy when you were trying to convince us that you were really gone for good made Damon very pissed at you?" Stefan asked. Kaylin didn't answer. "See? We all have our flaws."
Stefan started to walk past her.
Kaylin pushed Stefan back. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Is that what this is? You think that if you kill Enzo, I will hate you, and never, ever speak to you again, so you can just leave and go start over like you want? Is that what you think?" Stefan didn't answer. "No. No! You cannot be serious."
"Enzo promised me an eternity of misery, just like Damon did, and if I kill him, then I lose you, and Nikki, and it sets me free so I can move on," Stefan told her. Kaylin looked at him incredulously. "Unless you can tame your unofficial boyfriend and you and Nikki leave me alone, this is the way it's gonna be."
Kaylin punched Stefan in the face, making him stagger back.
Stefan looked back at Kaylin, looking as if he had expected that.
Kaylin looked at Stefan in disbelief, shaking her head, walking away.
Tyler, Matt, Ryan and Luke were loading kegs onto the truck.
Enzo walked up with Jay's dead body on his shoulder, putting it into the back of the truck. "Actually, if you don't mind if I barrow this... I'm in desperate need of an empty truck bed."
Tyler looked from the dead body to Matt. "Isn't that your friend Jay?"
Ryan looked at Enzo. "What the hell did you do?"
"I avoided the stake he planned to fire at Stefan and me," Enzo answered.
"Stake?" Matt repeated.
"Ah," Enzo answered. "You didn't realize your friend was a vampire hunter? Well, you do now."
"No," Matt told him. "No, no. That's not possible."
"Yes, it is, and as much as I'd like to watch you process what I'm sure is a dreadful revelation, I need to bury the body," Enzo told him.
Luke tossed the truck keys to Enzo. "Get out of here."
Alex was in the woods, on the phone, trying to call Stefan when she saw him.
Stefan tried to walk away.
Alex rushed in front of Stefan to stop him. "Stop, okay? I am sorry. I did not know about Ivy, but..."
"But what?" Stefan asked. "What? I was fooling myself, I was using her as an escape? Yeah, I know what you think, Alex."
Alex smirked without humor. "Well, actually, I was gonna say, 'But killing Enzo won't bring her back'."
(Song:) Say Anything - Ashley Nite
"No, but it will stop him from reminding me of my brother, or what I did to Kaylin and Nikki," Stefan told her. "I kill him, I can leave this place, and I can start over again."
"So that's why you left all those messages on my phone, promising apologies?" Alex asked. "That's why you visited Elena, that's why you came to this party, just to kill Enzo and start over?"
Stefan took a moment to respond. "Yep."
"I don't believe you," Alex told him. "I know that a part of you misses this place, and these people, your friends. I know that being back here reminds you how much Kaylin and Nicola need you, how much... I need you. But if I'm wrong, then go ahead. Just go. Start over, but, God, if I'm right, if just a little part of you came back to check on Elena, who's had an unbearable four months, or Alaric or Ryan, both of whom just came back from the dead, or Kaylin, your sister who is doing everything it takes to find answers about Damon, Kacie and Bonnie, or Nicola, who was turned into a vampire five months ago, and is completely miserable, or Tory, your distantly related cousin who did everything she could to bring you back, including killing someone to activate her werewolf curse and bring her months of misery, or me, after all of the crap we went through with Damon and Elena, or Silas, or Rosalita, or anything like that... If even just a small, little part of you came back to check on me... Then stay."
There was a long silence.
Stefan looked like he wanted to stay, but was overcome by guilt by what he had done the first time he had left, walking away without another word.
Alex started to cry. She saw Elena, who had been observing everything from nearby.
They both looked at each other sadly.
Elena walked closer, wrapping her arms around her younger sister as Alex continued to cry.
(Song Ends)
Swimming Hole
(Song:) Something To Believe - Cartel
Cristian needed to get a refill.
The girl that Kaylin had compelled earlier walked up.
"Hey," Cristian told her. "Weren't you getting ice?"
"I was till I realized how mean that girl was to me," the girl told him.
Cristian looked at the girl in confusion. "How?"
"Um, I have self-respect," the girl answered. "It may have taken me till I was halfway to the sip and serve to realize it, but I have it."
"Wait," Cristian told her. "Halfway to the sip and serve? Where is that specifically?"
"I don't know," the girl told him. "Right around Route 13 when you get into Mystic Falls. Sorry about your warm booze."
Cristian looked around, suddenly realizing something.
Further on, Lindsey, Tory and Liv were walking together.
Liv looked at Tory. "You nearly blew Elena's compulsion on the first day."
"I know, I'm sorry," Tory told them. "I just couldn't take it. It was like talking to a robot. She has absolutely no idea how much of a hypocrite she's being."
"Yeah, I know, but we promised, Tory," Lindsey told her.
"No, Lindsey, Liv promised for us," Tory told her. "There's a difference."
There was a beat of silence.
They started laughing.
Cristian walked up to them. "Have you guys seen Sarah? Or Elena?"
"No," Tory answered. "Why?"
"There's no ice," Cristian answered.
(Song Ends)
"I think you'll live, Cristian," Tory told him.
"Kaylin compelled that girl to go get ice," Cristian told them. "She didn't."
"Well, why not?" Liv asked. "Is she on vervain?"
"No," Cristian answered. "She had to go into Mystic Falls to get it. She had to cross the border."
"Compulsion is magic," Lindsey realized.
Cristian looked at Liv. "Which means that every memory I compelled away came back, so Sarah, the girl Elena attacked in front of you, and I compelled, Liv..."
Liv took a deep breath of realization and horror. "Knows what we are."
Other World
Night - Salvatore Boarding House - Living Room
Kai was tied up, slowly regaining consciousness.
Bonnie, Kacie and Damon stood in front of him.
"You're awake," Kacie told him, holding the bag of pork rinds. "Good. Now for the Q&A portion of the evening."
"Let me guess," Kai told them. "I answer right, I get a pork rind. Wrong, I get a poker."
"What?" Kacie asked, looking at the bag. "No, no, no. These are for me."
Damon used the fire place poker to point at Kai. "You just get the poker."
"Yeah," Kai told them. "You don't have to do that."
"No?" Damon asked.
"We're on the same team," Kai told them.
"Really?" Bonnie asked. "Do you always try and kill your team mates?"
"The important thing is that you have your magic," Kai told her. "It worked." Bonnie, Kacie and Damon exchanged a look. "What? You... You didn't really think I'd kill Kacie, did you?" Kai chuckled. "In what universe does that make sense? Who would kill 1/4 of our population? I'm not a monster." He looked at Kacie. "I knew Bonnie and Damon would show up. They always come after you, all thirteen times. And I knew with the right motivation, she'd be able to access her magic. With her best friend in danger? It was a no-brainer. What surprised me was that Damon came to your rescue, too, after all your bickering." Bonnie, Kacie and Damon were unamused. "I guess that's just how you guys show your love."
"So you did all that just to make sure I would have my magic?" Bonnie asked.
"Of course, I did," Kai answered ."Because your magic is the key to getting the hell out of here."
Bonnie, Kacie and Damon looked on, effected by this revelation.
Real World
Swimming Hole - Woods
Matt, Tyler, Luke and Ryan were talking.
Luke looked at Matt. "Maybe this is an isolated thing. Jay could be working alone."
"Yeah," Matt told them sarcastically. "Maybe Jay, who I've known since I was ten, somehow became a vampire hunter on his own. I'm such an idiot. I spent all summer training with a Founding Family member, thinking that he was only worried about protecting old ladies from getting mugged."
Nicola walked into view, looking around.
"There you are," Tyler told her. "Did you get my text?"
"No, phone died," Nicola told them. "No, instead, I'm looking for a magically de-compelled, vampire-attacked girl who could expose all of us, because that is how I wanted to spend my Saturday night."
Ryan looked at Matt and Luke. "Then I should go help look for Sarah. She might be in Mystic Falls, and Matt's one of the only people that can go in there. Luke and I'll check the border. See you, Nicola."
"You do that, Ryan," Nicola told him. "Bye, Luke, Matt."
Tyler nodded. "I got this, guys. I'll see you in a bit." Matt, Luke and Ryan walked away to find Sarah. Tyler looked at Nicola. "Sad jocks are kind of like sad clowns. You know, they're pathetic but kind of hilarious."
Nicola started to walk past him. "Not in the mood, Tyler."
"Uh-oh," Tyler told her. "That sounded like a threat."
"No," Nicola told him, walking past. "Just a request."
(Song:) Can't Be Loved - Elle King
Tyler turned after Nicola. "Look, I already told you that you don't have to feel guilty about Kacie anymore. You and I both know that she would have gone on her own even without your advice."
"Trust me, that is not what this is about," Nicola told him.
"Then did I do something to piss you off?" Tyler asked.
Nicola stopped walking. "You tell me." She turned to face Tyler. "What could you possibly have done to piss off the newbie vamp that her vampire ancestor told you to look after her without actually telling her so that she would think her ancestor that's more like a brother doesn't care so that he can start over and try and fail to create a new life for himself?"
Tyler looked at her surprised understanding. "Stefan told you."
"Clearly," Nicola told him, turning away.
"Look, I didn't help you because Stefan told me to," Tyler told her. "I helped you because I wanted to."
"Right, and when I never really wanted your help in the first place," Nicola told him, starting to walk away.
Tyler shook his head in confusion, grabbing Nicola by the arm to stop her. "Why do you do that? Why do you push people away like that?"
"I always have," Nicola told him.
"But my question is, why?" Tyler asked. "The way you do it, it's like you think that you don't deserve help. Like you don't deserve to even be loved."
Nicola shook her head. "I don't. Least of all by you. Especially after what happened to Kacie. You may not what me to feel guilty about it, but I do. And I don't know how to stop."
There was a long moment of silence. Neither of them spoke, looking at the other.
Nicola broke the silence, sighing, turning around, walking away, leaving him alone in the woods.
(Song Ends)
Whitmore College - The Girls' Dorm Room
Caroline, Alex and Elena walked into the room.
"So, I was just gonna leave my clothes here while we look, if that's okay," Caroline told them.
"Yeah, of course," Elena told her.
"I also was thinking that, you know, if there are vampire hunters on the loose, then living alone right by their home base is probably not a good idea," Caroline told them.
"Is this an official unpack?" Alex asked. "Because your moving method is so confusing."
"Yes, this is an official unpack," Caroline answered. She looked at Elena. "I'm sorry I got mad at you earlier. Sometimes it just seems like you have your secret way to move on." She opened a drawer, pulling out a red shirt. "Is this...?"
"Bonnie's?" Alex finished. She reached into her dresser, pulling out a black shirt. "This is Kacie's. There we go. You just discovered our secret of moving on. Sometimes we don't." She gestured to Elena with her eyes. Caroline nodded in understanding. "I miss Bonnie, I miss Kacie, I miss Mystic Falls, I miss my old life. And I miss..."
"Stefan?" Caroline finished.
"Yeah, I miss Stefan," Alex answered.
"Alex, you and Stefan..." Caroline trailed off. "Are you still in love with him or something?"
Alex hesitated, nodding, looking away. "Yeah. I still am." There was a long moment of silence. "Well, we should go ahead and find that girl before she outs us."
Alex led the way out of the room so she wouldn't have to talk to them anymore.
Tripp and Enzo were the only ones in the diner.
"Rough night?" Tripp asked.
"Yeah," Enzo answered. "I found a problem I can't fix." He snapped his fingers. "Service! Would be lovely though."
"My fault," Tripp told him. "Sorry. I sent her home for the night. Can't have you killing any more of the wait staff." He injected Enzo with vervain. "Consider being more discreet when you feed. You never know whose eyes are watching."
"This normally works, doesn't it?" Enzo asked, slowly losing strength. "Knocks vampires right out. See, I'm a bit different than a normal vampire. I can fight the vervain. Not for long, but..." He rushed toward Tripp, grabbing him. "I will have enough time to take care of you."
Two stakes were shot through Enzo's back, missing his heart.
Enzo let go of Tripp weakly, falling to the floor, unconscious.
Stefan was the one who had shot him, having the gun he had taken from Jay. He looked at Tripp, pointing at the weapon. "Found this on one of your guys. I think he killed him, though."
"Who are you?" Tripp asked.
"Stefan Salvatore," Stefan answered. "You and I have something in common.
"One of the Founding Families," Tripp realized. "Thank you." Stefan went to stake Enzo. "Actually, if you don't mind..." Stefan stopped, looking at him. "I have my own way I like them to die."
Stefan handed Tripp the weapon "Just make sure it's painful."
Stefan walked out of the dinner, leaving them alone.
6.04 "Black Hole Sun" Trailer
(Song:) Go With the Flow - Todd Carlon & Monte Montgomery
From 6.04 "Black Hole Sun", in the other world's boarding house, Damon, Kacie, Bonnie and Kai were talking.
"I gotta get back," Damon told them. "Not just for Elena, but for Stefan, Kaylin and Nikki."
From 6.04 "Black Hole Sun", in a bar, Stefan and Elena were sitting at a table.
"Things change, right?" Stefan asked. "To change."
From 6.04 "Black Hole Sun", in the other world's boarding house, Damon, Bonnie, Kacie and Kai were talking.
Damon looked at Bonnie and Kacie. "Remind me not to kill him."
From 6.04 "Black Hole Sun", just outside Mystic Falls, Lindsey and Ryan were standing at the border. Ryan kissed Lindsey slowly, sweetly, yet passionately.
From 6.04 "Black Hole Sun", in the girls' dorm room, Alex and Elena were talking.
"How was your day with Stefan?" Alex asked half-bitterly.
From 6.04 "Black Hole Sun", just outside Mystic Falls, Kaylin and Nicola were talking.
"Don't make me kick your ass so that you can get your hope back about getting Damon, Kacie and Bonnie back," Kaylin told her.
"No matter what happens, no matter who it is, whoever falls for someone in our family, they always pay for it, or they end up dead," Nicola told her.
From 6.04 "Black Hole Sun", in the living room of the boarding house, Jeremy and Eliza were sitting on the couch, drinking.
"Jer, I am tired of the pain," Eliza told him.
Jeremy wrapped his arms around Eliza, holding her. Eliza cried in his arms, wrapping his arms around him, leaning her head against his chest.
From 6.04 "Black Hole Sun", in the other world's boarding house, Kacie rushed toward Kai, pushing him against the wall.
Elena and Alex were sitting on a bench in black dresses. Kaylin and Nicola were sitting in two chairs on either side of them in black dresses. Stefan and Damon stood behind them, wearing black suits.
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