chapter 20 - Twigs & Twine & Brandon's Time
From 1.01 "Pilot", in Sam and Jessica's apartment, Catty looked at Sam. "Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days."
From 3.09 "Malleus Maleficarum", there were flashes of the Witches.
Dean: (voice over from 3.09 Malleus Maleficarum) "We can take care of a few kitchen Witches."
From 3.09 "Malleus Maleficarum", in the road, Sam looked at Catty and Dean. "They get their powers from Demons."
From 2.22 "All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2", in the Crossroad, Catty summoned her Crossroads Demon.
Sam: (voice over from 3.09 Malleus Maleficarum) "I mean, selling your soul at the crossroads kind of deal?"
From 12.06 "Celebrating the Life of Ariel & Faith", in the Fox House, Ness was introducing Catty, Octavia and Amara to her friends. "This is Max and Alicia Barnes, twins. They were raised by a Witch, but they're hunters."
"Really?" Catty asked in interest, surprised.
Max and Alicia answered together. "Yep."
From 12.18 "The Memory Remains", in the Bunker, the men were going through the Bunker.
Ketch: (voice over from 12.18 The Memory Remains) "Dr. Hess wants to know everything about our 'friends' the Winchesters. Their allies like Levi."
From 12.17 "The British Invasion", in Octavia's cell, Ketch shot Mick in the back of the head, making him fall to the floor in front of Octavia.
Ketch: (voice over from 12.18 The Memory Remains) "Their habits."
They noticed that Mick's phone was sending the voicemail to Brandon.
Hess looked at Ketch. "You stop that voicemail from reaching Brandon. We can't have him knowing what is happening here."
Ketch picked up Mick's phone. "I'll scramble the message so it doesn't reach Brandon. So he'll remain in the dark. The voicemail to Brandon has been deflected. It's lost in the wind."
From 12.19 "The Future", outside the Bunker, Dagon destroyed the Colt with her power. "Time to take this off the board."
Sabrina, Ariel and Faith took each other by the hand. Dagon tried to smite Faith, but Faith caught her wrist easily, blocking her power. Sabrina, Ariel and Faith used way more power than they had to to kill Dagon, starting to make her burn alive, slowly at first, then all at once, making her scream in agony as she burned alive, dying, fading out of existence.
"Cas and I saw something, the second that Kelly said that they chose us," Catty told them.
"We know that we can't kill two innocent kids," Ariel told them. "And we see Aiden right now, in Kelly's arms so close to them."
"Aiden has never been wrong about his sense of evil," Amara told them. "Those kids are not evil."
"We can hide Kelly from everyone," Ariel told them.
"Uncle Cas and Levi could be there to protect them," Faith agreed.
"What about Ava?" Levi asked.
"If we find her, we'll call," Amara answered.
"Catty?" Sam asked. "Cas? What did they tell you?"
"They didn't tell us," Catty answered. "They showed us. The future."
From 12.17, 12.18, 12.19, there were flashes of Octavia being tortured, while they were trying to rewire her brain, having Enochian warded wires in her skull.
Hess: (voice over from 12.17 The British Invasion) "With the spell we're concocting with the Angels' brainwashing of you, we'll be able to rewire your thoughts and feelings, into ours."
"How do you know that Sabrina, Ariel and Faith won't just heal me from the damage that you do to me, once they find me?" Octavia asked.
"Because with this spell, if Sabrina, Ariel and Faith try to heal you, or Castiel and Levi, they'll only damage your mind further than it will already be," Ketch answered. "It will make the brainwashing, the anger, whatever fire you feel inside, all the more worse, and they may never see their precious Ava again."
From 12.18 "The Memory Remains", in Octavia's mind space, Sam was standing behind Octavia, the hallucination taunting her. "The spell that is rewiring your brain, burning your subconscious, making you more angry and more violent than you have ever been. They could heal you bit by bit so that they're not risking damaging you forever. But if you go too long without being healed even a little bit, you'll start to go mad again. You know that you can keep it up for as long as you can. But you know you can't do that forever."
Octavia had trouble controlling herself, picking up the Angel Blade from the table, turning it toward Sam. "You want the anger and rage to consume me? Well, that part is working, I'll grant you that."
Octavia couldn't control it when she stabbed Sam, making the image fade and disappear, breathing heavily in worry and horror, though still consumed with anger, dropping the blade to the floor.
Sam: (voice over from 12.18 The Memory Remains) "Could you handle everything falling apart because of you?"
From 12.19 "The Future", in Octavia's mind space, a hallucination of Amara was taunting Octavia.
Octavia shook her head angrily. "I'm not killing anyone. Least of all my family."
"You won't have a say in who you will and won't kill soon," Amara told her.
"Just because Aiden and Amara might have powers because Ness was pregnant with them when she had the Mark of Cain, doesn't mean that they should die," Octavia told her. "Just because Sam, Dean, Catty and Ness are hunters, doesn't mean that should die. Just because Brandon turned his back on your organization doesn't mean that he should. Just because Cas and Levi would stand in your way of getting to Sabrina, Ariel and Faith doesn't mean they should die."
"We will have complete control over you," Amara told her. "And then you will kill who we want when we want. Even the ones that you love the most."
Octavia was so overcome with anger she sent a burst of her power toward Amara to throw her back through the air, making the hallucination of Amara fade and disappear, holding her head in her hands.
Rock River, Wyoming
Day One
Morning - Boarding House - Living Room
A woman named Tasha Banes walked into the living room of the boarding house, setting down her suitcase, looking around. "Hello?"
An elderly woman named Miss Beverly was standing nearby, knitting. "You have to ring the bell."
Tasha was startled, gasping slightly as she turned to look at who spoke. "You startled me."
Beverly smirked. "What a delicate constitution you must have."
Tasha was somewhat off-put, noticing that Beverly was wearing a large ring on her finger. "Uh, that is a lovely ring."
Beverly glanced at her ring, smiling while she continued to wrap her yard. "Ah. Yes. And if it goes missing, I'll know who to blame."
Tasha looked insulted by the comment. "I could cleanse your aura if you like." She smiled, tilting her head. "Looks a little... muddy."
Beverly looked unimpressed, giving a strained smile. "Mm."
Tasha walked toward the desk, ringing the bell. She turned as she heard someone coming down the stairs behind her, seeing a man named Andy carrying a load of towels hurrying to the counter.
"Oh, coming," Andy told her. "Sorry, hi." He turned behind the counter to put the towels down. "Hi. Sorry for the wait." He picked up a pen to mark down information. "Are you Tasha?"
"Tasha Banes, yes," Tasha answered. "I called and--"
"Yes, right," Andy told her. "I'm Andy. we've got you set up at the top of the stairs."
Tasha smiled. "Fantastic."
Andy reached down, grabbing the keys for Tasha. "So what brings you Rock River? Business or pleasure?"
Tasha took the keys. "Little bit of both."
Tasha reached down to get her suitcase, walking toward the stairs. Andy watched her go.
Night - Boarding House - Tasha's Room
Tasha was performing a spell. She received a message on her phone from Alicia, but the phone was on the desk, and Tasha did not see it. She was swinging a crystal pendant over symbols on the floor. "Reveal. Now. Reveal. Now. Reveal."
Tasha's eyes flashed purple, and the crystal pendant lit up purple as well, moving on its chain to show where Tasha needed to go. Tasha stood, following the crystal to where it led her.
Tasha followed the crystal's direction to the cellar outside, putting the crystal away, opening the cellar entrance, cautiously walking downstairs.
Tasha walked downstairs, noticing plants growing everywhere and an unpleasant smell. "Ugh. Oh, God."
Tasha turned to look at something, suddenly stabbed from behind. The weapon was removed, and Tasha collapsed to the ground.
§ Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) §
Day Two
Morning - The Bunker - Library
Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness, Amara and Aiden were in the library of the Bunker, talking.
"Okay, so everything that happened with Kelly and her kids last night..." Dean trailed off. "Catty, I hope to hell that you, Levi, Cas, Sow, Ariel and Faith are right about this one."
"Dean, Amara's the one that proved that the kids aren't evil because of Aiden's ability," Catty replied.
"Yeah, but you and Cas said you had faith in Lucifer Jrs?" Sam asked. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know," Catty admitted. "I mean, look, I didn't know what Cas and I were gonna do either, Sam. But I just... felt protective over them."
"And clearly Cas felt the same way, Catty," Ness told her. "Because of you two with Sabrina? I mean, Kelly herself said that you two helped Sow stay good and saved her."
"So Kelly thinks that you and Uncle Cas can do the same with her kids?" Amara asked. "And not just you, but us, too?"
Catty sighed, shrugging. "I don't know, Amara. I mean, I wish I could explain this. But I don't know."
Ness turned away, reaching for a bundle of brown leather, opening it to reveal the Colt inside. It was melted and broken from Dagon.
Amara put her hands on the table to lean forward, taking a closer look at the destroyed Colt. "Can you fix it?"
Ness picked up a part of the Colt.
"Amara, if anyone can fix it, it's Nessie," Dean told her.
"Sow, Ariel and Faith are setting up a safe house for Cas and Levi to protect Kelly until we figure out how to help her and the kids," Sam told them. "But Brandon's out there trying to be on the lookout for Ava, like we are. And we all need to try to be focused on the job, too. How the hell are we supposed to do all of this?"
No one had an answer.
Ness' phone rang. She pulled it out, seeing that Alicia Banes was calling, answering, putting it on speaker. "Alicia, hey. What's going on?"
"Like Max and Alicia?" Amara asked.
"Yeah," Ness answered.
Alicia was on the road with Max,standing by their car. "Yeah, sorry to bother you, Ness, but we thought--"
Max loudly interrupted Alicia to make a point that this was not his idea. "No. No. Mm-mm."
Alicia looked exasperated. "I thought you would be down to help. Uh, be our backup on this, um..."
"You sound crazy," Max told her.
"Hey, guys," Amara told them. "It's Amara. Uh, you okay?"
"Yeah, depends who you ask," Alicia told them. "Um, our mom was hunting this Witch who's killed people all over Wyoming. Uh, anyway, Mom usually checks in with us, but she's sort of disappeared."
"Oh, my God," Max told them. "She did not disappear. She's busy."
"Wait, so your mom is missing?" Dean asked.
"Where are you guys?" Sam asked.
"We're on our way to Rock River, Wyoming," Alicia answered. "But Max thinks I'm overreacting, but I--"
"Because you're being dramatic," Max told her. "Mom's fine. Stop bothering them."
"Fine," Alicia told them. "Okay. Hey, we'll be okay. Uh, never mind."
Ness spoke quickly to stop her from hanging up. "No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Um, hey. Why don't you text me your address? I'll meet you."
"You will?" Alicia asked.
"She will what?" Max asked.
"I'll see you soon," Ness told them, hanging up, standing.
"Nessie, what are you doing?" Dean asked. "What about everything else?"
"Guys, Sabrina, Ariel, Faith, Cas and Levi got the Kelly and babies situation under control," Ness told them. "Look, Brandon's still using his sources to look for Ava. Levi spent months up in Heaven trying to find Ava. Until someone shakes something loose or we get some other break, all we're doing is--is sitting here, banging our heads against a brick wall. You all can keep working, but Max and Alicia are my friends and have been for years, and so has their mom, Tasha. So if there's even a hint that there could be something wrong, I'm going."
Amara nodded in understanding. "Fine. We'll go with you."
"You guys don't have to come," Ness told them.
Dean gave her a look. "Ness, we're going with you."
"Their mom's on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a week," Catty told them. "We've been there before."
"Yeah," Sam agreed. "And until we find a new lead on Ava..."
Ness sighed, nodding, walking out of the room to get ready to go.
London, England
Men of Letters Compound - Octavia's Cell
Octavia was still chained up with Enochian chains, Enochian warded wires embedded into her skull, bolts as well. An Angel was brainwashing her while a BMOL was chanting the spell to continue to break her down, but Ava was still fighting, but getting weaker. Ketch and Hess were watching.
"Hello, Octavia," Ketch told her. "Ready for more torment today?"
Octavia glared at them tiredly in rage that she hadn't been able to stop feeling. "I suppose it amuses you to watch this. Torture of a fallen Angel. Once possessed by the Devil, tortured by the Darkness, given birth to two Nephilims fathered by an American hunter. You want me to kill the hunters, Lucifer's children, take Sabrina, Ariel and Faith, who you think would listen to me while I'm in this state. You said they could heal me bit by bit without causing permanent damage to me. Without losing me to whatever you're trying to turn me into forever. What happens if they try to heal me all at once?"
"Then you turn into a monster that they will never see their precious mother slash 'Aunt Ava' in again," Ketch answered. "Give in, Octavia. It'll be over sooner than you think."
"Your eye twitches when you lie," Octavia told him.
Ketch shrugged. "My eye twitches all the time."
"What about Aiden and Amara?" Octavia asked. "You told me that if they have a near death experience at the exact same moment, that they will be linked, Aiden will grow up to be Amara's age, and they'll both unleash their full power from being effected by the Mark of Cain that Ness had while she was pregnant with them. You said you wanted me to kill Aiden and Amara before they're linked. But wouldn't they be linked if you forced me to kill them?"
"Not if you killed them thoroughly one at a time," Hess answered. "Aiden and Amara would have to have the near death experience at the same exact second for the link to go through. And it wouldn't be a 'near death experience' if you actually killed them and not almost killed them, would it?"
Octavia struggled. "I'm not going to kill them."
"You will," Ketch disagreed. "If you want the truth, if you don't give in, this is the very beginning of what is left to come. But still, you're you. And you are protecting your family, after all. Fighting what we want to keep them safe. You can't stand the thought of giving in and hurting them. If you gave in, to kill Sam, Dean, Catty and Ness, Amara and Aiden, Castiel and Levi, to take Sabrina, Ariel and Faith, even Brandon... well, wouldn't want them to think Ava doesn't love them."
"Go to Hell," Octavia told him angrily.
Hess nodded to Ketch. Ketch smirked, continuing the brainwashing torture that sent electricity through the bolts in Octavia's head to her brain as the other man continued the spell, making Ava groan a scream of pain as it burned so far into her mind by now.
Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness and Amara met up with Max and Alicia roadside by a lake, parking next to their Jeep, getting out of the Impala with Aiden, walking toward them.
"Hey, guys," Catty told them.
Alicia and Max walked toward them.
"Hey," Alicia told them.
"All right, well, we're here," Dean told them. "What do you got?"
"Our mom was after a borrower Witch," Alicia explained.
"So Witch that gets their power from a Demon deal," Ness told them.
"Mm-hmm," Alicia answered.
"Okay, so you tracked your mom here?" Amara asked.
"And now we tracked her to the only vegan restaurant in town," Alicia answered. "They told us where she was staying."
"Anything else?" Sam asked.
Max looked quite pleased with himself. "I got the bartender's phone number."
Alicia looked fed up with her brother. "Ignore him."
Amara smiled in amusement.
Max looked over to the parking lot to see the Impala. "Dean..." Dean turned to follow Max's gaze. "That car is still major."
Dean turned back to Max. "You want the tour?"
"Definitely," Max answered.
"Come on," Dean told him, taking Aiden back to the car.
Sam and Max followed Dean and Aiden, leaving Ness, Catty, Amara and Alicia to talk. They turned to look out over the lake.
"Yeah, Max isn't really feeling this," Alicia told them.
"Yeah, I hadn't noticed," Catty told her sarcastically.
"He always thinks he knows Mom better, but it's 'cause they're both natural Witches," Alicia told them. "It's who they are."
Dean put Aiden into the car so that he and Sam could show Max the arsenal in the trunk.
Max was really impressed. "Whoa."
"Right?" Dean asked.
"Nice," Max told them.
Sam chuckled. "Yeah."
"Is that a grenade launcher?" Max asked.
"Yes, she is," Dean answered.
Sam reached in past the grenade launcher, pulling out a box. He opened it to show rows of bullets inside. "Yeah, but, uh, this is what we need right now. Witch killing bullets."
Alicia, Ness, Amara and Catty looked away from the boys to keep talking.
Amara looked at Alicia. "And what about you? Uh, with magic?"
"Nah, I don't have it," Alicia answered. "It's just kind of a lot of noise to me. Magic is definitely their thing, you know?"
"Yeah," Catty answered. "Well, we're all kind of hunters over here in our family."
"We're hoping that Aiden doesn't get the bug, though, and if he does..." Ness trailed off.
"Then Aiden's a Winchester and Singer that wants to do the family business on both sides," Amara finished.
Alicia chuckled. "Yeah. What about Sabrina, Ariel and Faith? Cas and Ava?"
"Uh, Sabrina, Ariel, Faith, Cas and Sow's boyfriend Levi are dealing with something pretty damn big right now," Catty answered. "Ava's missing. And Amara's new crush Brandon is trying to help us find Ava."
"Brandon is not my--" Amara started, sighing in exasperation. "You know what, Aunt Catty?"
The other girls smiled, chuckling in amusement.
"Sorry to hear about Ava," Alicia told them. "I hope you find her soon."
Amara sighed worriedly. "Yeah, so do we."
"What about Mary?" Alicia asked.
"I mean, she, uh, she gets into a case and just sort of vanishes," Catty answered.
Alicia nodded. "Yeah. No, Mary's a great hunter."
"Yeah," Amara agreed.
"Uh, she doesn't seem like much of a hugger," Alicia told them.
Ness smiled a small smile, nodding. "Yeah."
Dean called out to them from the Impala. "Hey."
"Girl talk time's over, girls," Sam told them teasingly.
Max chuckled.
Amara smirked, turning to Alicia. "Let's go find your mom."
The girls walked toward the boys.
Boarding House - Outside
The two cars arrived to the boarding house, with everyone getting out of the cars.
"Well, her car's here," Alicia told them.
"Well, no one's trying to hide it," Dean told them. "That's good news."
"Yeah," Sam agreed.
They heard a noise and turned to see a man named Rick that appeared to have just exited the cellar and closed the doors. Rick stared at them creepily.
"Not weird at all," Amara told them sarcastically.
Ness waved to Rick. Rick continued staring and then turned and walked away. Ness put her hand down somewhat awkwardly.
"All right, look, anything happens, you guys stay behind us," Catty told them.
Alicia pulled out a knife with runes on it. "Yeah, sure."
Alicia turned and headed toward the front door.
Max sighed. "Alicia..."
They walked toward the building.
Inside - Living Room
The group walked inside.
Andy turned with some flowers in his hands to look at them. "Uh, hi."
"Hey," Sam told him awkwardly.
"Can I help you?" Andy asked.
"Yes, please," Sam answered. "We're, uh, we're looking for, uh--"
They heard Tasha's voice behind them. "Max? Alicia?" They turned to see Tasha standing there. "What are you two doing here?"
Sam, Dean, Amara and Catty looked at Ness. Max and Alicia were happy to see Tasha.
Alicia ran to hug Tasha. "Mom!"
They pulled away.
Tasha was more surprised to see who was behind them. "Ness?"
Ness chuckled in relief that she appeared to be okay. "Hey. Aiden, Amara, Sam, Dean and Catty Winchester, meet the great Tasha Banes."
Tasha smiled. "The kids have told me very nice things."
"Alicia basically made them come just in case you were in peril," Max told her.
"Well, that was unnecessary, but very nice of you all the same," Tasha told them. "Andy, can we get a couple of rooms for my children and their friends?"
Andy, who had come out from behind the counter, walked back there with flowers still in hand. "Sure. It'll just be a minute."
"Great," Tasha told them. "You can wait in my room." She half turned to Alicia. "I have wine."
Alicia laughed.
"Great," Max told them.
"Wine?" Dean repeated.
They smiled, walking off.
Tasha's Room
They were all sitting in Tasha's room.
Tasha was opening a bottle of wine for all to drink. "So Rock River's a dead end. No Witches here, unfortunately." Alicia walked over to Tasha with glasses. "Thought this was the place--"
"Well, then why didn't you call us?" Alicia asked. "I mean we--" Max cleared his throat. "I called and texted a lot."
"I'm sorry, baby," Tasha told her. "My phone hasn't been charging all day." Alicia rolled her eyes, walking over to a chair to sit down. "Oh, but I did find a fantastic acupuncturist."
Max and Alicia spoke at the same time. "Of course you did."
Ness smiled, chuckling. Tasha appeared to be having trouble opening the bottle of wine.
"You want me to help with that?" Catty asked.
"Oh, I've got it," Tasha told them.
"No, but you always call on the fourth day of a hunt, no matter what," Alicia told her.
"Honestly, baby, it just slipped my--" Tasha started.
There was a cracking noise as the cork finally came free from the wine bottle. Tasha hastily put her hand behind her back.
"Mom?" Max asked. "You okay?"
Tasha smiled. "I'm fine." She handed the bottle of wine to Ness. "Ness, you do the honors."
Ness took the bottle. "Of course."
Ness stood to pour the wine.
"Amara, put some music on," Tasha told her.
Amara stood, walking toward the radio to turn it on.
(Song:) A Real One - Raphael Lake, Aaron Levy and Durni Maraire
Tasha turned away, looking at her broken finger, grabbing a hold of it, straightening it out with a few cracking sounds. With her finger repaired, she turned back to the group. "Oh, I ordered food from that vegan place, but no deliveries."
"Oh, I can get it," Alicia told them.
"Oh, I'll grab it," Sam told them. "Uh, you guys stay, hang out, catch up."
Dean stood, taking Aiden from Amara. "Yeah, it looks like Aiden here is getting sleepy, so I'm gonna take him to our room so he can pass out. Nessie, Catty, you drink. Maybe it'll make you pass out, too. Since Ness has neglected sleep for research." Ness gave him a sarcastic look. "And Amara, don't drink."
"Okay, not letting me drink vodka, beer or bourbon I get," Amara told them. She tilted her head skeptically. "But are you really gonna band me from drinking wine?" They all chuckled. Sam and Dean left with Aiden. Amara took Dean's glass of wine so she could drink it instead. Ness reached out to take it from her. Amara sighed. "Mom..."
Catty smirked. "Gotta get used to Ness' rules, Amara."
"All of you were drinking when you were 10," Amara replied.
Ness and Catty chuckled.
"Mar's got a point, Nessie," Catty told her.
"Shut up, Catty," Ness told her.
Amara smirked smugly. The Banes smiled at this.
(Song Ends)
Motel Room
Brandon was looking for ways to track Octavia down, on his computer, seeing that a voicemail had been deleted from his history when he hadn't done it, frowning in confusion, while also on the phone with Ketch.
Ketch was in the compound in London. "You wouldn't happen be to still working with the Winchesters, would you, Brandon?"
"I'm not answering to you anymore, Ketch," Brandon told him.
"You do remember that the only way out of the British Men of Letters is death, do you not?" Ketch asked.
"Yeah, take that up with the Winchesters," Brandon replied. "I'm helping them look for Ava, and they won't let me die easy if I can help them find her."
"Ava?" Ketch repeated. "Since when do you call Octavia 'Ava'?"
"I have called her Ava for a while now," Brandon answered. "So?"
"So, you've gotten way too close to the Winchesters," Ketch answered. "Mostly Amara Winchester."
"You know nothing of Amara," Brandon told him.
"I know one thing about her that you don't," Ketch told him. "I know that we will find you and kill you, Brandon."
"Good luck," Brandon told him sarcastically. "Sabrina, Ariel and Faith are hiding me with their powers because they knew that you all would be looking for me to bring me back. I left because--"
"You couldn't take the heat anymore, or ever?" Ketch asked. "Yes, well, Brandon, I'm sad to say that you won't become the Jiminy Cricket of the British Men of Letters. We don't need a conscience. Such a trite idea, but we firmly believe the ends do justify the means."
"They don't," Brandon told him. "I know you're trying to keep me on the phone long enough to run a trace to try to find me, but Sabrina, Ariel and Faith's power even helps me stay hidden from that way as well. So good luck trying to find me."
Ketch was very angry. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because I haven't been able to get ahold of my father for a while now, other than texts and emails, and my father would have picked up a bloody phone call by now," Brandon answered. "You mind telling me what the hell happened to my father, Ketch?"
"I believe you already know the answer to that, Brandon," Ketch told him.
"Of course I do," Brandon answered, completely angry and despaired. "And believe me when I say that I'm going to make you pay."
"Good luck with that," Ketch replied.
"I'm in the process of bringing back a voicemail that was deflected away from me a while ago," Brandon told him. "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Ketch looked worried because he knew that Brandon could bring that message back and knew that Brandon would soon find out that they had Octavia. "I'm taking that silence as a yes. And I guess I'm just going to have to see for myself. Amara once promised me that if our men ever hurt anyone else again for the wrong reasons, that she and her family would burn this organization to the ground. Since I know now that you're behind the death of my father, I'm going to help them bring all of you down to your own. See you soon."
Brandon hung up, bringing up the voicemail to listen to it, but it was very staticky due to Ketch deflecting it from him the first time, taking time to make it more clear so he could understand it.
Mick: (on voicemail) "Dr. Hess, if you could just listen..."
Hess: (on voicemail) "To what? More excuses? No. I don't think I will. Hunters are dogs, Octavia. You give them an order, and they obey. That's how it works."
Octavia: (on voicemail, scoffed) "You clearly don't know hunters."
Brandon was stunned and worried. "Ava."
Ketch: (on voicemail) "Well, I know that American hunters don't obey us. But other hunters around the world do."
Hess: (on voicemail) "So, once Octavia is ready to be used to control Sabrina, Ariel and Faith Winchester, Amara Winchester will be killed in accordance with the Code."
Brandon pulled out his phone to make a call. "Come on. Come on, Amara, pick up."
Amara: (on voicemail) "This is Amara Winchester. You know what to do."
Brandon sighed, hanging up, listening to the voicemail he recovered from Mick.
Octavia: (on voicemail) "No. I'm not good at following orders, though I'm supposed to be, for being created as an Angel, so I won't control Sabrina, Ariel, and Faith, and so you can't kill Amara."
Hess: (on voicemail) "Mick and Brandon Davies should have killed Amara Winchester, but they didn't. They released her, disobeying their call."
Octavia: (on voicemail) "Well, good for you and Brandon, Mick. Thank you for letting Amara go."
Ketch: (on voicemail) "Yes, it seems that Mick and Brandon have been compromised."
Mick: (on voicemail) "Why are you doing this? To use Octavia to control Sabrina, Ariel and Faith Winchester will not work."
Brandon looked deeply effected to hear Mick's voice like this, as he continued to try to call Amara.
Amara's voicemail: "This is Amara Winchester. You know what to do."
Hess: (on voicemail) "Octavia will be forced to obey with this spell and the rewiring of her brain, her Grace. Amara Winchester will be killed once Octavia takes Sabrina, Ariel and Faith. As for Sam, Dean and Catty Winchester, Ness Singer-Winchester like any rebellious hunter, they will be investigated. And if found guilty, executed."
Octavia: (on voicemail) "If they're found guilty? Sounds to me like you find all hunters guilty. Are you monsters really going to leave Aiden without his entire family?"
Hess: (on voicemail) "Be careful, Octavia."
Octavia: (on voicemail) "No."
Boarding House - Tasha's Room
Amara was looking at her phone, but it had died, the reason why she hadn't been able to answer Brandon's call. Catty, Ness and the Banes were mildly drinking wine.
"Alicia, let's say later, I... hypothetically might need your Jeep to take it out for maybe a little cruise," Max told her.
"Mm, let's not," Alicia told him.
Catty smiled, looking at Tasha. "You know, I gotta say, you did a bang up job with those two."
"You must be drunk," Tasha told her.
"Off of wine?" Amara asked skeptically.
They chuckled.
Max looked at Alicia. "Not fair."
Tasha looked at Amara, Ness and Catty. "Yeah. I did the best I could for Max and Alicia. I got lucky."
"I see how you are with them, all right?" Ness asked. "It's good. You know, they're--they're happy."
"Ness, you said that you grew up in the life," Tasha told her.
Ness nodded. "Yeah, a Demon possessed my mom, tortured me and my dad, nearly killed us. A hunter saved us and taught us what he knew. We built on that and so much more."
"You helped Dad, Aunt Catty and Uncle Sammy a lot before you got married to Dad," Amara told her.
"Hell, yeah, she did," Catty agreed. "We all lost a lot. But I can honestly say that every time we lost each other, we always came back. It's complicated."
Tasha laughed. "Yeah. Family's always complicated. Parents always seem smart and strong and perfect. It's only when you grow up that you realize that they're just people."
"You saying this because you know that I'm somewhat a new kid but has the knowledge of a million souls?" Amara asked. "And because of my relationship with my parents?"
Tasha chuckled, patting Amara on the arm. "You are one smart girl, Amara. That's for sure."
They chuckled. Tasha stood.
Max looked at Alicia, mid-sentence. " your brother?"
Motel Room
Brandon was still listening to Mick's voicemail on his computer while he was trying to call. "Amara, come on, answer."
Amara's voicemail: "This is Amara Winchester. You know what to do."
Mick: (on voicemail) "My entire life with the Men of Letters, I never broke a rule. And yes, at first I was shocked at how the Winchesters operate. So was Brandon. But what Lady Bevell doesn't mention is the lives they've saved, monsters destroyed, and outcomes made better not because of the Code, but because of their sense of what's right."
Hess: (on voicemail) "And that is the crux of the matter. The Code is not a suggestion. It's an absolute. The Code is what separates us from the monsters. It is the order by which we all live."
Mick: (on voicemail) "No. The Code is what made Brandon's best friend try to kill him when he was ten, making Brandon kill Timothy just to survive."
Brandon tried not to let the voicemail effect him, but he was clearly devastated with his father's death and hearing his last words over a voicemail.
Mick: (on voicemail) "When I was a child, I had nothing. I owed you everything, and I obeyed. But Brandon showed me there is a better way with the Winchesters, Dr. Hess. And I can see the choices. And I choose to do the right thing."
Brandon fought back tears, sighing.
Mick: (on voicemail) "I'm releasing Octavia."
Octavia: (on voicemail) "Mick!" Brandon flinched at the sound of the gunshot that killed his father. "No..."
Brandon didn't mean to let a tear fall but it did anyway. He wiped it away, getting more and more angry with each moment, standing, throwing a chair across the room into the wall, making it shatter and fall to the floor, breathing heavily, holding his head in his hands.
Boarding House - Tasha's Room
Ness, Catty, Amara and the Banes were all laughing when Sam and Dean came back with food.
"Hey," Sam told them.
Max smiled. "Food."
"Ooh!" Alicia said.
"Oh, who's hungry?" Tasha asked.
"Me," Alicia answered.
The Banes all grouped together to get food.
"Oh, my goodness," Tasha told them. "Thank you."
"All right," Max told them.
Dean gave Catty, Ness and Amara a look, nodding for them to follow him and Sam.
"Ooh, it smells so good," Alicia told them.
"All right, let's see what we've got," Tasha told them.
"Here, I can set up over here," Alicia told her.
"Okay," Tasha told her.
Catty, Ness and Amara stood, walking toward Sam and Dean.
"Hey," Max told them.
"We'll be right back," Dean told them.
"Sure," Alicia told them.
Tasha looked at Max and Alicia. "Ah, you two. Get it--get it down. Grab some napkins."
Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness and Amara walked out into the hallway.
Ness turned to Dean. "I know that look, Dean. What's up?"
Sam pulled out a missing persons flyer, showing it to the girls. "This was posted outside the restaurant. That guy we saw earlier coming out of the cellar? He's been missing for a month."
"Okay, that's weird," Amara told them.
"Well, maybe Tasha's wrong," Catty told them. "Maybe there is something going on here."
"Yeah," Amara agreed.
Ness started to head back to the room. "Yeah. I'll let them know."
Dean caught Ness' arm. "No, no, no. Let's... we can handle it. Come on."
They walked away. The camera shot panned down the hallway further up the stairs into another room where there were many implements of witchcraft spread out, and Beverly appeared to be conjuring something. There was a large statue/doll made of twigs and branches standing in the room.
Tasha's Room
The Banes were talking.
"She made me get out of the car, to make a phone call in the rain," Max explained.
Tasha smiled. "Oh, my God, Alicia."
Alicia smirked. "He just got out to yell at me."
Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness and Amara picked the lock on the doors, opening them, standing at the threshold looking down with a flashlight. They all immediately groaned at the smell that came from the cellar.
"Smells like death," Sam told them.
"Yeah," Catty agreed.
"Go ahead," Sam told them.
"What?" Amara asked. "You."
Ness gave them a look, walking downstairs. "All right."
They followed.
Tasha's Room
The Banes were talking.
"Alicia, was it that serious?" Max asked.
Alicia smiled. "Oh, man."
They all laughed.
Max stood. "Ladies, I'm gonna leave you alone now to have some girl time."
Max walked around behind the couch to grab his coat.
"Since when are you not a part of girl time?" Alicia asked.
Max pulled on his coat, backing away toward the door. "Since I've got a date with that hot bartender from that vegan restaurant. We're gonna go have some... guy time."
"Hey, don't do anything I wouldn't do," Tasha told him.
Max looked playfully confused. "Right. Right, and what exactly was that?"
Max grabbed the keys to Alicia's Jeep off the desk, quickly running out of the room.
"Max!" Alicia complained, looking at Tasha.
Tasha just shook her head at Max.
Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness and Amara were looking around in the cellar.
Sam saw two bodies covered in plastic. "Guys."
They walked over to look, turning on the light hanging from above. Dean pulled the plastic off of the bodies. It was Andy and Rick's bodies.
Dean saw another covered body on a table. "Guys."
They turned to look.
Ness pulled back the cover to reveal Tasha, completely stunned, backing away out of reflex. "Son of a bitch."
"Her heart's been ripped out," Catty told them.
"So have theirs," Sam told them, gesturing to the other two bodies.
Sam looked from the bodies to Dean, Ness, Amara and Catty. "Wait. This is everybody that's in the house."
Amara took a deep breath. "Okay, well, if this is the real Tasha, then who the hell were Mom, Aunt Catty and I were talking to up there?"
They were all confused. Ness was deeply sad to lose yet another friend.
Dean looked at her in concern. "Nessie?"
Ness compartmentalized for the moment so she could focus on what they needed to do now. "I'm fine, Dean."
Dean knew that she wasn't, but also knew she could handle this for the moment, sighing. "Amara, we need you to get inside. Get Aiden out of this place. While we take care of the rest."
Amara nodded in understanding. "Yeah. I'll get Aiden."
They heard footsteps approaching from outside, all of them drawing their guns, aiming them at the door.
Max started to walk downstairs toward them. "Hey."
They put their guns away.
"Hey, Max," Sam told him. "Uh..."
"I saw the light," Max told them. "You guys find some trouble to get into?"
Catty walked toward Max to try and stop him from coming closer so he didn't have to see his mother like this, but it was too late. "No, no. We--we--we just, uh..."
Max was stunned and confused to see Tasha's body. "I just..." He walked closer, realizing the truth of what he was seeing, starting to break down. "I just..."
Sam, Dean, Ness, Amara and Catty were saddened by his pain, looking down.
Motel Room
Brandon was hacking into British Men of Letters' databases, looking up what they were up to, seeing a list of hunters that they were set to have killed, the ones that the top of the list being Sam, Dean, Catty, Amara and Mary Winchester, Ness Singer-Winchester, Sage Sanders and Garth Fitzgerald. The Winchesters because of how entangled they were with the BMOL. Sage because she didn't have a soul. Garth because he was a Werewolf. He opened a file that said 'Brandon Davies', playing the conversation that Ketch had overheard between Brandon and the Winchesters in 12.18 The Memory Remains.
Amara: (on recording) "What's wrong?"
Brandon: (on recording) "I don't believe him. Sabrina, Amara, did either of you sense if he was lying?"
Sabrina: (on recording) "It's hard to tell from over the phone. Sorry, Brandon."
Catty: (on recording) "So now we're reporting to low rent Christian Bale? Seriously?"
Ariel: (on recording) "I don't like that guy. He creeps me out."
Faith: (on recording) "Yeah."
Brandon tried to call Amara again, only to get her voicemail.
Amara: (on voicemail) "This is Amara Winchester. You know what to do."
"Amara, call me," Brandon told her. "We've got a problem."
London, England
Men of Letters Compound - Octavia's Cell
Octavia was still chained up with Enochian warded chains, Enochian warded wires embedded into her skull, being brainwashed by an Angel, and a Brit chanting the spell.
Octavia's Mind Space
Night - The Bunker - Library
Once again, when they put her back under the spell, Octavia woke up in the Bunker inside her mind, in the library, looking around in confusion.
Ariel and Faith walked in. "Hi, Mom."
Sabrina followed. "Hey, Aunt Ava."
Octavia sighed anxiously, shaking her head. "Not this again."
"What?" Ariel asked.
"What's wrong, Mom?" Faith asked.
"What's wrong is that none of this is real," Octavia answered. "You're not Sabrina, Ariel and Faith. You're just visions of Ariel, Faith and Sow conjured to make me break. After what they made Sam and Amara tell me, no less. After what they told me about Amara and Aiden, the link..."
"Wow," Sabrina told her mockingly. "Aunt Ava, you're never this angry. Maybe you should be this angry more often. At least then it'll hurt less if something bad happens."
"Or if you did something bad that you know you don't want to do," Ariel told her.
Octavia tried to ignore them, more hurt that they kept using visions of her family to torture her than she wanted them to know, turning away, holding her head in pain.
"It's okay if you wanna stop fighting, Mom," Faith told her. "We wouldn't blame you."
"It's not your fault," Sabrina told her. "It's something being done to you."
"But you know if you give in, the pain will stop," Ariel told her. "And you know that you'll be able to see the real versions of us soon."
"Yeah, but that would be because they're trying to use me to hurt all of you," Octavia told them. "And I'm not... I can't."
"Oh, come on," Faith told her. "You know sooner or later, the spell is gonna own you. Because it was designed specially to control Angels."
"To make them go dark," Sabrina agreed. "And you're fighting it. Hell if you're not fighting it. And you think that Ariel, Faith and I can heal you once we reunite."
"And maybe we can," Ariel told her. "We can't heal you all at once because it could destroy you forever, but we can heal you little by little until you're better. Which is better than this."
"Give in, Ava," Sabrina told her.
"Come home to Ariel and me and Dad," Faith told her. "To everyone. We want you to come home."
"Not like this," Octavia told them. "Not when they'll make me kill Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness, Aiden and Amara. Cas and Levi and Brandon. Not when they'll make me manipulate all three of you."
Ariel punched Octavia in the face. "If lovey dovey doesn't work out, always go for violence."
Ariel grabbed Octavia, throwing her into the wall. Octavia stayed standing, her back against the wall, fighting the urge to fight back, hurt by the thought of hurting them even though she knew it wasn't real, though everything the spell and the brainwashing did to her screamed for her to fight back, to break and rage out.
"When will you realize that we will do whatever it takes to rid this world of the things that go bump in the night?" Faith asked, grabbing Octavia, slamming her into another wall. "Something that people like you and your family are incapable of."
Octavia broke free, twisting Faith's arm behind her back forcefully, to where it would be enough to break a Human's arm if this was real. "Don't talk about my family when you're pretending to be my daughters and my niece."
Octavia pushed Faith away into Ariel and Sabrina.
"Why not?" Sabrina asked. Ariel jumped onto the table, stepping over it toward Octavia, jumping down in front of her. Sabrina appeared in front of Octavia. "The British have been cleaning up after Sam, Dean and Catty for months. Ketch killed a Psychic girl they thought was... Human. Honestly, we're sloppy, Ava."
Octavia punched Sabrina in the face, pushing her away, breathing heavily. "I think you mean decent. You're not Sabrina, Ariel and Faith. You don't get to talk like you're them."
"It's the end for the American hunters," Ariel told her. "For Lucifer's kids. Their time has passed."
"But you, Ariel, Sabrina and me?" Faith asked. "We're just getting started. We can be a family again, Mom. If you just play your part. If you play nice."
Octavia scoffed, shaking her head. "I don't play nice. Not when it comes to protecting my family."
Sabrina, Ariel and Faith circled around on all sides of Octavia. Octavia looked between them, breathing heavily in rage. Sabrina, Ariel and Faith punched Octavia from either side, angering her enough to where she couldn't control it when she fought back. Octavia spun to kick Ariel back, punching Sabrina in the face, breaking Faith's arm, pushing her into Ariel and Sabrina.
"Now we're getting somewhere," Sabrina told her. "That felt good, didn't it, Ava? You can't control it, can you? They're finally taking control of you. You never stopped fighting for a moment."
"And it took months to get to this point," Ariel added. "But we're almost there. Go in deeper, Mom."
"If you keep going like this, we can see each other real soon," Faith told her. "You know we can."
"We'll do whatever you say, if it means saving you," Sabrina told her mockingly.
Angered by the fact that they kept talking like they were really Sabrina, Ariel and Faith, Octavia kicked Ariel, punching Faith, pushing Sabrina, breathing heavily, trying to stop the spell and brainwashing from having control over her, but it was the only thing she could think about or see now. Octavia held her head in her hands, trying to push the British and the Angel out of her head, yelling out in anger. "Enough!"
Night - Boarding House - Tasha's Room
Amara was getting Aiden out of the building while Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness and Max went back to 'Tasha's room to find her with Alicia.
Max walked right up to 'Tasha'. "Who are you?"
"Max?" Alicia asked.
Max pushed 'Tasha' against the wall roughly. "What did you do to my mom?"
Alicia tried to run to them, but Sam and Dean held her back. "Max! What are you--"
"Wait, wait, wait," Sam told her.
Max looked at 'Tasha'. "Tell me!"
"What are you doing?" 'Tasha' asked.
"Let her go!" Alicia told him.
"That's not your mom," Catty told her.
"What?" Alicia asked. "What are you talking--Mom?"
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," Sam told her. "It's okay."
"Max, what is wrong, sweetie?" 'Tasha' asked.
"Don't!" Max told her angrily. "Don't. You are not my mom."
"Max--" 'Tasha' started.
"I don't know what kind of thing you are, but you are not my mom," Max told her.
"Max, stop," Alicia told him.
Max's eyes glowed purple as he performed magic on 'Tasha'. "Reveal. Now! Reveal!"
'Tasha's face went blank and she started to shake and make cracking noises. "The... the room, end of the hall. Top of the stairs."
Beverly's Room
Beverly could feel Max's spell. "Magic."
Beverly snapped her fingers, using magic to make Andy and Rick's eyes glow from downstairs.
Tasha's Room
Max ran to follow the directions given by 'Tasha'.
Dean looked at Catty and Ness. "Sam and I got him."
Sam and Dean ran after Max. 'Tasha' collapsed to the floor.
Alicia ran over to her. "Mom!"
Amara was carrying Aiden quickly down the stairs toward the door to get him outside. Rick stood in Amara's way.
Amara sighed in annoyance, tilting her head. "Dude, you really don't wanna do this." She put Aiden down, facing away from them. "Stay there, Aiden. Stay quiet. Do not turn around."
Rick lunged for Amara. Amara ducked, picking up a cane from the floor, using it to hit Rick in the face, punching him in the face, making him spin away. Rick tried to punch her. Amara ducked, using the cane to push Rick against the wall, turning around, pushing him against the wall, using the cane to spin him around, running toward the window to push Rick out of the window, making it shatter and making him fall to the ground below. Amara looked out of the broken window to see that Rick was broken, but the twigs in his body were healing and allowing him to move soon.
Aiden turned around. "Mar? Amara?"
Amara ran toward Aiden to pick him up, holding him close as she quickly carried him outside. "It's okay, Aiden."
Beverly's Room
Max used magic to burst the door open, walking in with Sam and Dean.
"Really?" Beverly asked in annoyance. "People are trying to sleep."
Dean aimed his gun at Beverly. "All right, lady. Craft time's over."
Beverly turned her chair to face them, using magic to make Sam and Dean sit down and drop their guns, pinning them.
Tasha's Room
Alicia was frantically trying to get 'Tasha' to wake up. "Mom! Mom!" 'Tasha' kept twitching and cracking. Alicia pulled back from it, scared. "Ness, Catty, this magic, what is this?"
"I don't know," Ness told her.
Catty tried to pull Alicia away. "We don't know."
Catty and Ness heard something behind them, turning around to see Andy standing right behind them, staring at them.
Amara put Aiden in the backseat of the Impala, buckling him in. "Hey, Aiden, look at me. You stay in the car no matter what, okay? You do not look outside. Aiden." Aiden looked at her. "Okay?"
Aiden nodded. "Okay."
Amara managed a small smile. "Good boy, Aiden."
Rick pulled Amara away from the car, trying to hurt her.
Aiden was worried but listened to what Amara told him and stayed there and didn't look outside. "Mar! Amara!"
Amara broke free, pushing Rick face first against the gate, using the cane she had taken from inside to hit him in the back, pushing him away, swinging the cane at him repeatedly to break the twigs in his body, making him double over and fall to his knees, hitting him in the head with the cane like a baseball bat, so hard she made most of the twigs in his back break, making him fall to the ground. Rick healed pretty quickly, running toward Amara. Amara ducked, hitting him with the cane again and again, spinning to kick Rick in the chest, making him back away, running toward him, using the cane to push Rick against the wall of the boarding house, pushing it against his neck forcefully, nearly taking his head off, turning around to push him to the ground.
Inside - Beverly's Room
Beverly still had Sam and Dean pinned to their chairs, standing, looking at Max with a smile. "Oh, how lucky am I? Such an impressive Witch. Maybe you'll take the deal the last bitch wouldn't."
Max glared at her angrily.
Tasha's Room
Ness and Catty were fighting Andy. Andy pushed Ness into the wall. Ness punched him in the face hard. Even though he was literal twigs and twine that broke easily, he could magically recover quickly from any damages, just like Rick fighting Amara. Catty and Ness continued to punch Andy, each punch stronger and more vicious than the last. Catty nearly broke his head off, but he quickly and magically recovered.
Amara was still protecting Aiden while Rick was coming after them, making sure Aiden wasn't watching from where he was strapped into the car. Amara broke the cane over her knee to use two pieces better in the fight, holding either piece ready in her hand as she faced off with Rick, tilting her head, smirking. Rick ran toward Amara. Amara spun out of the way, using both halves of the cane to hit him repeatedly and viciously, grabbing his head with both halves of the cane, pulling at his head to try to take it off, but he magically healed, so Amara used the halves of the cane to slam his head against the gate, turning around to throw him down. Rick tried to stand. Amara used one half of the cane to hit Rick in the face, spinning around to use the other half to hit him in the back of the head, kicking him both in the chest and the back, making him fall.
Inside - Beverly's Room
Beverly still had Sam and Dean pinned to their chairs.
Max glared angrily at Beverly. "My mother... you killed her."
"Did I?" Beverly asked.
"What did you do to those people?" Sam asked.
"Oh, let me show you," Beverly told them, snapping her fingers, making the boys gasp in pain and fall to their knees, showing them a vision of how she killed Tasha and turned one of her creatures into her. "I'm reaching the end of my very long life, and it's a problem 'cause I sold my soul for power. So when I pass, my soul goes to Hell. Unless I can find someone to take the burden, to take my magic."
Tasha's Room
Catty and Ness grabbed Andy, together throwing him into the table, making it break underneath him.
Alicia looked up worriedly from where she was kneeling next to 'Tasha'. "Ness! Catty!" She continued to try and wake 'Tasha'. "Mom. Mom!"
Amara used the halves of the cane to continue to beat Rick, spinning around to kick him, nearly taking his head off, stabbing one half of the cane into his chest to distract him and buy her time while he was healing, kicking him to the ground, spinning the halves of the cane through the air, catching them in her hands.
Inside - Beverly's Room
Beverly still had Sam and Dean pinned, looking at Max. "When your mother found me, and when I realized what she was, I offered to teach her. I offered her my power. But even dying, she was rude. So, I made her into one of my creatures." The boys saw the vision of when Beverly had killed Tasha and taken her heart to make the twig and twine doll, horrified, while Max looked on the brink of crying. "That doll has all of your mother's memories. It's her. Mostly." Beverly snapped her fingers, releasing the boys from the vision. "Just like the others. Rick, Andy, they do what I want, when I want." Max stood. "I'm old. I like things a certain way."
Max shook his head in contempt. "No. No!"
Max tried to use magic against Beverly.
Tasha's Room
Catty and Ness lifted Andy from the floor, pushing him onto the couch, beating on him with their fists or weapons around them.
Amara was still beating on Rick with the halves of the cane to defend herself and Aiden, breaking the twigs and twine in his body over and over again at a steady pace because he kept healing, so she had to do it repeatedly.
Inside - Beverly's Room
Beverly was unaffected by Max's magic. "Nice try. If you kill me, well, then all of them just fall apart. So here's the offer. You take my power. You take my burden, and my doll, your mother, will stay with you and your sister forever. Just one big happy family."
"Max, no," Sam told him. "Listen to us."
"Your mother is gone, okay?" Dean asked. 'It's awful and it sucks--"
Beverly snapped her fingers, making Sam and Dean be quiet as the spell caused them pain, taking off her ring, looking at Max. "So, do we have a deal?"
Tasha's Room
Catty and Ness were still holding Andy down, beating him so that he couldn't hurt them or Alicia. Alicia stood to come over to help them hold him down.
"You okay?" Catty asked.
Alicia nodded, turning around to see 'Tasha' standing up in front of her, smiling. "Mom!"
'Tasha' stabbed Alicia in the stomach, making her gasp in pain and fall to the floor.
Ness stood in horror and worry. "No!"
Amara stabbed the halves of the cane into Rick's body to try and keep him pinned down, backing away, breathing heavily.
Aiden was still in the car, worried. "Mar? Amara."
Inside - Beverly's Room
Beverly held the ring toward Max. "Take it, and the deal is done. Take it."
Sam and Dean were struggling to move. Max reached out to take it, but Sam managed to shoot Beverly in the chest, killing her, making her drop the ring.
Tasha's Room
Andy and 'Tasha' cornered Catty and Ness, who were both fighting back very well by punching, kicking and kneeing them, until they suddenly fell into ash. Ness and Catty were confused, but didn't waste a second to run to Alicia's side, looking at the knife with runes in her stomach.
"Alicia, hey," Ness told her. "Hey."
"Hey, hold on," Catty told her. "Just--just take it easy."
"Take it easy," Ness told her. "We're gonna get you some help. Sam! Dean!"
Rick stood, walking toward Amara, who held the halves of the cane up to prepare for another fight, until Rick suddenly fell into ash.
Amara was confused but dropped the halves of the cane, running to check on her little brother. "Aiden? You okay?"
Aiden unbuckled himself to crawl closer and hug Amara. "Mar."
Amara sighed in relief, holding Aiden close. "It's okay, Aiden. I'm okay. You're okay. It's all okay."
Inside - Beverly's Room
Sam and Dean stood.
"Why did you--" Max started.
"Max, listen to me," Sam told him. "Hey, hey."
"We had to, okay?" Dean asked. "That deal wasn't with her. It was with a Demon."
"You even touch that magic, you lose your soul," Sam told him. "You want your mother back? We can call Ariel, Faith, Sabrina. They can bring her back, Max."
Dean walked toward the door. "Come on."
Tasha's Room
Catty and Ness were trying to help Alicia. Alicia was struggling, which made it worse.
"Don't fight," Catty told her. "Don't. Shh, shh. Just take it easy, okay?" Alicia was shaking, starting to fade. Ness and Catty tried to keep her awake, alive. "Alicia?" Sam and Dean walked in to see this. Ness looked up, tears in her eyes, shaking her head. Catty sighed, looking down. "She, uh..."
Sam and Dean walked closer to help Catty and Ness stand.
Max walked in, completely in shock and denial. "Alicia?" He was immediately devastated, kneeling next to his dead sister, crying, breaking down. "What? Please. No, no, no. Hey, hey. Hey! Please, no. No, no, no!"
Max was standing outside alone.
Ness walked toward him. "Hey, Max, um, Sabrina's inside, healing Alicia and your mom."
Max looked completely relieved, sighing. "I could've prevented all of this. If I had just... taken Alicia seriously."
Ness looked at him sympathetically, shaking her head. "Come on, Max, you don't have to think like that. Sow's bringing them back. You don't have to lose them."
"Thank you, Ness," Max told her. "Saves me... from having to take the Demon deal."
Ness nodded. "Yeah. They might be in shock for a couple days, but... they'll be fine."
Max nodded thankfully.
The Bunker - Library
(Song:) In Peaceful Dreams - Seasick Steve
Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness, Amara, Aiden and Sabrina were home.
"Thanks for coming when we called, Sow," Amara told her.
Catty nodded. "I know you had your hands full with, uh, Cas, Ariel, Faith and Levi. Kelly and her kids. Looking for Ava."
"Yeah," Sabrina agreed. "But they've got it handled for right now. And you needed me. I got to save Alicia and Tasha, but how long before one of them or Max is in danger again?"
"Like Aunt Ava, you mean?" Amara asked.
"Yeah," Sabrina answered sadly.
None of them answered, sighing.
"We'll find Ava," Sam told them. "I have to believe that."
Amara took out her phone. "My phone died at the boarding house and I had to charge it. I got a few missed calls from Brandon. He left a message."
Amara played the message aloud for all of them to hear.
Brandon: (on voicemail) "Amara, call me. We've got a problem."
They all looked at each other worriedly in concern after hearing this.
London, England
Men of Letters Compound - Octavia's Cell
Octavia slowly woke up in her warded chains with the warded wires and bolts embedded into her skull, in extreme pain. She had very little will left, exhausted from fighting it, but still trying to persevere.
Ketch was waiting. "Good of you to rejoin me."
Octavia glared at the Brit that was still casting the spell over her. "When I get free of here, you're the first person that I'll kill." She looked at Ketch. "I would love to kill you myself, but I'm thinking it'd be more poetic if Brandon killed you. After all, you did kill Mick. Brandon's father. I'll happily help Brandon kill you."
Ketch smirked. "Keep that anger, Octavia. You'll need all you've got. You'll be as ruthless as we hope. This can work out. Remember, Octavia, what we've told you."
"Just kill me," Octavia told them.
Toni Bevell walked in, smirking. "Don't be silly. You're an asset. Our other plans won't work if you're dead. And I know you would like it very much more if we killed you so you won't be forced to hurt your family. But soon, you won't feel anything but the need to obey what we say."
Octavia glared at her angrily in recognition. "You."
Toni smirked. "Me." She sat in front of Octavia, uncapping her pen, opening her notebook of spellwork. "Now, Octavia. Let's begin again. You're close to a breaking point. I believe that we'll reach our destination soon."
Octavia glared at them weakly in rage.
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