(The adults are listed first, even the ones only with two chapters worth of cameos, since these are the characters that we've known the longest from WCTVD and WCTO.)
Name: Kaylin Salvatore-Mikaelson
Nickname: Kay
Eye Color: Bright blue
Hair color: Blonde
Biological: Salvatore
By Marriage: Mikaelson (married to Klaus)
Giuseppe and Lily Salvatore - Parents
Stefan and Damon Salvatore - Brothers
Nicola Salvatore-Mikaelson - Great-great-great-great niece
Rae Salvatore-Mikaelson - Daughter
Hope Mikaelson - Stepdaughter
Madison Fell-Mikaelson - Adoptive niece
Kassandra, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, Finn and Freya Mikaelson - Sisters and brothers in law through the Mikaelson side
Lucien Castle (Kassandra's husband), Eliza Forbes-Mikaelson (Kol's wife), Keelin Mikaelson (Freya's wife) - In laws through the Mikaelson side
Alex and Elena Gilbert/Salvatore and Liv Gilbert/Hunter and Cristian Hunter - Sisters and brother in law through the Salvatore side
Stefan/Alex, Damon/Elena, Liv/Cristian's kids - Nieces and nephews
Distantly related to Tory and Lyla Thompson and Maia due to being descendants of Silas and Rosalita (brother and sister)
Species: Vampire (Klaus's sireline)
Fanfiction Books: Satisfy Series
1 - Satisfy
2 - Amists
3 - Insatiable
4 - Recondite
5 - Chaos
6 - Coalesce
7 - Apocalyptic
8 - Detached
9 - Resurrection
10 - Loathe Goodbyes
Character Creator: TVDlover97
Name: Nicola Salvatore-Mikaelson
Nickname: Nikki
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brunette
Biological: Salvatore
By marriage: Mikaelson (married to Elijah)
Giuseppe and Lily Salvatore - Great-great-great-great-great grandparents
Stefan & Damon Salvatore and Kaylin Salvatore-Mikaelson - Great-great-great-great uncles and aunt
Rae Salvatore-Mikaelson (Kaylin's daughter), Sarah and Stephanie Salvatore {Stefan/Alex and Damon/Elena's daughters) - Great-great-great aunts / Nieces
Zach and Monica Salvatore - Parents
Alex and Elena Gilbert/Salvatore and Liv Gilbert/Hunter and Cristian Hunter - In laws through the Salvatore side
Kassandra, Rebekah, Klaus, Kol, Finn & Freya Mikaelson - Sisters and brothers in law through the Mikaelson side
Lucien Castle (Kassandra's husband), Eliza Forbes-Mikaelson (Kol's wife), Keelin Mikaelson (Freya's wife) - In laws through the Mikaelson side
Hope Mikaelson - Step niece
Madison Fell-Mikaelson - Adoptive niece
Anna, Isaac and Isaiah Hunter (Liv and Cristian's kids) - Step niece and nephews
Distantly related to Tory and Lyla Thompson and Maia due to being descendants of Silas and Rosalita (Brother and sister)
Species: Vampire / Huntress
Fanfiction Books: Zach's Daughter Series
1 - Zach's Daughter
2 - Trouble
3 - Reverse Psychology
4 - Potential
5 - Bad Feelings
6 - Visitation
7 - My Return
8 - Never Let Me Go
9 - Huntress in New Orleans
10 - Fighting Fate
Character Creator: PLLTWTVD1997
Name: Lindsey Davis-Thompson
Nickname: Linds
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brunette
Biologically: Davis
By Marriage: Thompson (married to Ryan)
Ovisona (Qetsiyah's sister) - Ancestor/Lindsey is the Doppelganger of Ovisona
Qetsiyah - Ancestral Aunt
Mercy Davis - Ancestor/Lindsey and Mercy are the Doppelgangers of Ovisona
Courtney and Daniel Davis - Parents
Ryan Thompson - Husband
Luke Thompson - Brother in law
Tory Thompson and Kacie Lockwood - Sisters in law
Emma and Danny Davis-Thompson - Daughter and son
* Note: Due to the fact that Lindsey and Ryan helped Freya and Keelin have their son Nick, Nick is also genetically their son, and half brother to Emma and Danny*
Mikayla Labonair-Lockwood - In law through Kacie
Ariara Nata - Adoptive niece in law
Distantly related to the Bennetts through being descendants of Ovisona and Qetsiyah
Species: Doppelganger of the Davis line, Witch
Character Creator: heartofice97
Name: Tory Thompson
Nickname: Tor, Tor-Tor
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Rosalita - The originator of the Luna Doppelgangers, Ancestor
Silas - Rosalita's brother, distant uncle
Luna - The second known Luna Doppelganger (the line named after her)
Amelia Donovan and Richard Lockwood - Parents
Carol Lockwood - Stepmother
Kelly Donovan - Maternal aunt
Mason Lockwood - Paternal uncle
Kacie and Tyler Lockwood - Half siblings
Ash and Michael Donovan - Dead brothers
Matt and Vicki Donovan - Cousins
Luke Thompson - Husband
Lyla Thompson - Daughter
Ryan Thompson and Lindsey Davis-Thompson - Brother and sister in law through Luke
Emma and Danny Davis-Thompson - Niece and nephew
Mikayla Labonair-Lockwood - Sister in law through Kacie
Ariara Nata - Adoptive niece
* Note: Due to the fact that Lindsey and Ryan helped Freya and Keelin have their son Nick, Nick is also genetically their son, and half brother to Emma and Danny, making him the nephew to Tory and Luke*
Distantly related to the Salvatores and Maia due to being descendants of Silas and Rosalita (brother and sister)
Species: Tribrid, Psychic
Character creator: heartofice97
Name: Lucas Thompson
Nickname: Luke (goes by)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Family: Thompson
Emma and Malik Thompson - Parents
Tory Thompson - Wife
Lyla Thompson - Daughter
Ryan Thompson - Brother
Lindsey Davis-Thompson and Kacie Lockwood - Sisters in law
Emma and Danny Davis-Thompson - Niece and Nephew
* Note: Due to the fact that Lindsey and Ryan helped Freya and Keelin have their son Nick, Nick is also genetically their son, and half brother to Emma and Danny, making him the nephew to Tory and Luke*
Mikayla Labonair-Lockwood - In law through Kacie
Ariara Nata - Step adoptive niece
Species: Hybrid
Character Creator: heartofice97
Name: Ryan Thompson
Nickname: Ry
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Family: Thompson
Emma and Malik Thompson - Parents
Luke Thompson - Brother
Lindsey Davis-Thompson - Wife
Tory Thompson and Kacie Lockwood - Sisters in law
Emma and Danny Davis-Thompson - Daughter and son
Mikayla Labonair-Lockwood - In law through Kacie
Ariara Nata - Step adoptive niece
* Note: Due to the fact that Lindsey and Ryan helped Freya and Keelin have their son Nick, Nick is also genetically their son, and half brother to Emma and Danny*
Species: Werewolf
Character Creator: heartofice97
* Kacie is not in every chapter
Name: Kacie Lockwood
Nickname: Kace
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brunette
Biologically: Lockwood
By marriage to Mikayla: Labonair
Carol and Richard Lockwood - Parents
Mason Lockwood - Uncle
Tyler Lockwood - Brother
Tory Thompson - Half sister
Ash and Michael Donovan - Dead half brothers
Luke and Ryan Thompson - Brother in laws
Lindsey Davis-Thompson - Sister in law
Emma and Danny Davis-Thompson and Nick Mikaelson - Niece and nephews
Mikayla Labonair-Lockwood - Wife
Hayley Marshall - Dead sister in law
Hope Mikaelson - Step niece
Ariara Nata - Adoptive daughter
Species: Hybrid
Character Creator: heartofice97
* Mikayla is not in every chapter
Name: Mikayla Labonair-Lockwood (formerly Mikayla Labonair-Kenner)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Biological: Labonair
Adoptive: Waters
New Marriage: Lockwood (to Kacie)
Hayley Marshall - Dead sister
Hope Mikaelson - Niece
The Mikaelsons - Extended Family
Riley Grey - Dead brother in law
Kacie Lockwood - Wife
Tory Thompson and Lindsey Davis-Thompson - Sisters in law
Luke and Ryan Thompson - Brothers in law
Emma & Danny Davis-Thompson, Lyla Thompson and Nick Mikaelson - Step nieces and nephews
Ariara Nata - Adoptive daughter
Species: Hybrid
Character Creator: heartofice97
* Eliza is not in every chapter
Name: Eliza Forbes-Mikaelson
Nickname: Liza
Eye Color: Hazel
Biological: Forbes
By Marriage: Mikaelson (married to Kol)
Liz and Bill Forbes - Parents
Caroline Forbes-Saltzman - Sister
Alaric Saltzman- Brother in law through the Forbes side
Hope Mikaelson, Rae Salvatore-Mikaelson, Lizzie and Josie Saltzman - Step nieces
Nick Mikaelson - Step nephew
Kol Mikaelson - Husband
Madison Fell-Mikaelson - Adoptive daughter
Kassandra, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Finn & Freya Mikaelson - Sisters and brothers in law through the Mikaelson side
Lucien Castle (Kassandra's husband), Kaylin Salvatore-Mikaelson (Klaus's wife), Nicola Salvatore-Mikaelson (Elijah's wife), Keelin Mikaelson (Freya's wife) - In laws through the Mikaelson side
Species: Vampire (Klaus's sireline)
Character Creator: mysticfalls1997 (originally), heartofice97
Name: Rosalita
Nickname: Rosa
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Red / Strawberry Blonde
Silas - Brother
Tory Thompson and Luna - Descendants/Doppelgangers
Lyla Thompson and Maia - Descendants
Amelia, Ash and Michael Donovan - Dead Descendants
Stefan & Damon Salvatore, Kaylin, Nicola & Rae Salvatore-Mikaelson (plus Stefan/Alex & Damon/Elena daughters Sarah and Stephanie) - Distantly related nephews and nieces
Species: Psychic Witch/Ghost / The Devil
Character Creator: heartofice97
(There are other surprise one chapter cameos from WCTVD/WCTO characters)
The Teens/Kids:
Name: Rae Salvatore-Mikaelson
Nickname: Rae-Rae
Eye Color: Blue/Hazel
Hair Color: Blonde
Family: Salvatore/Mikaelson
Kaylin Salvatore Mikaelson - Mother
Stefan and Damon Salvatore - Uncles
Nicola Salvatore-Mikaelson - Great-great-great niece / Aunt
Klaus Mikaelson - Stepfather
Hope Mikaelson - Stepsister
Madison Fell-Mikaelson - Step adoptive cousin
Kassandra, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, Finn & Freya Mikaelson - Step aunts and uncles through the Mikaelson side
Lucien Castle (Kassandra's husband), Eliza Forbes-Mikaelson (Kol's wife), Keelin Mikaelson (Freya's wife) - Step aunt and uncle in laws through the Mikaelson side
Alex and Elena Gilbert/Salvatore, Liv Gilbert/Hunter and Cristian Hunter - Step aunts and uncle through the Salvatore side
Stefan/Alex, Damon/Elena, Cristian/Liv's kids - Cousins (Sarah for Stefan and Alex's daughter, Stephanie for Damon and Elena's daughter, and Anna, Isaiah and Isaac for Cristian and Liv's kids)
Distantly related to Tory and Lyla Thompson and Maia through being descendants of Silas and Rosalita (Brother and sister)
Species: Psychic Immortal
Age: 17 (due to Hollow linking her age to Hope's)
Fanfiction Books: Satisfy Series
1 (7) - Apocalyptic (introduced in theory and dreams)
2 (8) - Detached (brought back by Cade)
3 (9) - Resurrection
4 (10) - Loathe Goodbyes
Character Creator: TVDlover97
* Note: Rae still has Rosalita locked away inside her to keep the spirit from causing any havoc, but sometimes Rosalita can reach through and still use her magic to torment others or just to play games with everyone sadistically. Klaus, Elijah, Eliza and Kol are mostly gone looking for ways to rid Rae of Rosalita without releasing her and starting a war with her all over again, while also looking for a cure to Nicola's Huntress, and Kassandra's sketchy madness.
Name: Emma Davis-Thompson
Nickname: Em
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Family: Davis-Thompson
Ovisona (Qetsiyah's sister) and Mercy Davis - Ancestors
Qetsiyah - Ancestral Aunt
Courtney and Daniel Davis - Maternal grandparents
Emma and Malik Thompson - Paternal grandparents
Lindsey Davis-Thompson and Ryan Thompson - Parents
Luke Thompson - Uncle
Tory Thompson and Kacie Lockwood - Aunts
Danny Davis-Thompson - Twin brother
Lyla Thompson - Cousin
Mikayla Labonair-Lockwood - Step Aunt
Hope Mikaelson - Step Cousin
Ariara Nata - Adoptive Cousin
* Note: Due to the fact that Lindsey and Ryan helped Freya and Keelin have their son Nick, Nick is also genetically their son, and half brother to Emma and Danny, making him the nephew to Tory and Luke*
Distantly related to the Bennetts through being descendants of Ovisona and Qetsiyah
Species: Witch, werewolf
Age: 17 (due to Hollow linking her age to Hope's)
Character creator: heartofice97
Name: Daniel Davis-Thompson
Nickname: Danny (goes by)
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Family: Davis-Thompson
Ovisona (Qetsiyah's sister) and Mercy Davis - Ancestors
Qetsiyah - Ancestral Aunt
Courtney and Daniel Davis - Maternal grandparents
Emma and Malik Thompson - Paternal grandparents
Lindsey Davis-Thompson and Ryan Thompson - Parents
Luke Thompson - Uncle
Tory Thompson and Kacie Lockwood - Aunts
Emma Davis-Thompson - Twin sister
Lyla Thompson - Cousin
* Note: Due to the fact that Lindsey and Ryan helped Freya and Keelin have their son Nick, Nick is also genetically their son, and half brother to Emma and Danny, making him the nephew to Tory and Luke*
Distantly related to the Bennetts through being descendants of Ovisona and Qetsiyah
Species: witch, werewolf
Age: 17 (due to Hollow linking his age to Hope's)
Character Creator: heartofice97
Name: Madison Fell-Mikaelson
Nickname: Maddie / Mads
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Family: Fell (by birth), Mikaelson (adopted)
Kol Mikaelson and Eliza Forbes-Mikaelson - Adoptive parents
Kassandra, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Finn & Freya Mikaelson - Adoptive aunts and uncles through the Mikaelson side
Caroline Forbes-Saltzman - Adoptive aunt through the Forbes side
Lucien Castle (Kassandra's husband), Kaylin Salvatore-Mikaelson (Klaus's wife), Nicola Salvatore-Mikaelson (Elijah's wife), Keelin Mikaelson (Freya's wife) - Step adoptive aunts and uncle through the Mikaelson side
Hope and Nick Mikaelson - Adoptive cousins
Rae Salvatore-Mikaelson - Step adoptive cousin through the Mikaelson side
Lizzie and Josie Saltzman - Step adoptive cousins through the Forbes/Saltzman side
Species: Banshee
Age: 17
Character Creator: heartofice97 (plus ideas for this character come from FanOfTV, and idea for Kol and Eliza to have an adoptive child comes from MakiSakura)
Name: Ariara Nata
Nickname: Ari / Ara
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Queen Acquilina Nata - Mother (Dead)
King Ahish Nata - Father (Dead)
Prince Acilino Nata - Older Brother (Dead)
Princess Arlette Nata - Younger Sister (Dead)
After her family and kingdom was wiped out, Kacie and Mikayla found her in recruitment for the boarding school, and took her in as their own.
Kacie Lockwood and Mikayla Labonair-Lockwood - Adoptive mothers
Tory, Luke & Ryan Thompson and Lindsey Davis-Thompson - Adoptive aunts and uncles
Hope & Nick Mikaelson, Emma & Danny Davis-Thompson, and Lyla Thompson - Adoptive cousins
Species: Animal Shapeshifter
Age: 17
Character Creators: heartofice97/FanOfTV
Name: Owen Church
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brunette
Family: (was a foster child bouncing from home to home. Last name is Church due to foster care. Foster brother to Landon and Rafael. His real family (both sides) will be revealed during this book)
Species: To Be Revealed
Age: 17
Character Creators: heartofice97/FanOfTV
Name: Lyla Thompson
Eye Color: Blue/Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Rosalita - Ancestor
Silas - Ancestral uncle
Amelia Donovan and Richard Lockwood - Maternal grandparents
Emma and Malik Thompson - Paternal grandparents
Kelly Donovan - Maternal great-aunt
Mason Lockwood - Paternal great-uncle
Tory and Luke Thompson - Parents
Kacie Lockwood - Maternal Aunt
Tyler Lockwood & Ash and Michael Donovan - Maternal Uncles
Ryan Thompson - Paternal Uncle
Lindsey Davis-Thompson and Mikayla Labonair-Lockwood - Step aunts
Emma & Danny Davis Thompson and Nick Mikaelson - Cousins
Hope Mikaelson - Step cousin
Ariara Nata - Adoptive Cousin
Distantly related to the Salvatores and Maia due to being descendants of Silas and Rosalita (brother and sister).
Species: Tribrid Psychic (siphoner with psychic abilities like Tory)
Age: 9
Character Creator: heartofice97
Cast: (listed as pictures and profiles were shown, adults first, teens/kids last)
Ashley Benson - Kaylin Salvatore-Mikaelson
Zoey Deutch - Nicola Salvatore-Mikaelson
Jessica Parker Kennedy - Lindsey Davis-Thompson
Maia Mitchell - Tory Thompson / Rosalita
Tyler Posey - Luke Thompson
Tyler Hoechlin - Ryan Thompson
Lucy Hale - Kacie Lockwood
Emeraude Toubia - Mikayla Labonair-Lockwood
Dianna Agron - Eliza Forbes-Mikaelson
Jordyn Jones - Rae Salvatore-Mikaelson
Amanda Hummer - Emma Davis-Thompson
Aramis Knight - Danny Davis-Thompson
Peyton List - Madison Fell-Mikaelson
Sofia Carson - Ariara Nata
Cody Christian - Owen Church
Willow Morgan - Lyla Thomspon
From WCTVD and WCTO relevant to Legacies:
Tory + Luke - Lory
Lindsey + Ryan - Lyan
Mikayla + Kacie - Mikacie
Klaus + Kaylin - Klaylin
Elijah + Nicola - Nicolijah
Eliza + Kol - Koliza
Teen Couples/For Legacies
Rae + Danny - Dae
Emma + Rafael - Rafemma
Madison Fell-Mikaelson + Owen Church - Mowen or Fell Church
Ariara + Josie - Jariara / Ariara + Penelope = Peniara / all three = Posiara
Hope + Landon - Handon
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