Chapter 7 - Admin Troubles
Chapter 7 - Admin Troubles
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(This was started while the next chapter was being written because it was also in my head for so damn long...Also- ANGST AHEAD- -Pleb)
Dream SMP
A young blond six year old boy. Happy and laughing. Who would ever think that this child would live a very traumatic life? And that he already had one?
"CLAY!!" Screamed a woman from the boy's house's front porch.
The boy stopped laughing and looked up.
"I have to go Nick," Clay said, turning away from his best friend.
"Okay," the ravenet said. "See you tomorrow?"
"Maybe," Clay told his friend.
"CLAY!! NOW!!" The woman said.
Clay hurried over.
"There you are," the woman said, glaring at her son.
"Hey mom. Need something?"
No. I don't want to see this.
"Get in," she said sharply.
Clay stepped into his home and was engulfed in the smell of alcohol. A smell that he hated.
"Why were you hanging out with HIM?"
"Because he's my FRIEND!!" As soon as Clay said that, he immediately regretted it. He knew he shouldn't have said that.
"He won't be forever you idiot!!" His mother snapped. "He'll soon find someone to replace you. And when he becomes old enough, he'll find a girlfriend and leave you behind. Soon all of your friends will. You'll be all alone. Without any friends.
"You don't know that for sure!!" Clay said.
"Yes I do Clay."
Clay panicked. "Sorry!!"
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?!" The blonde woman commanded.
"I'M SORRY!!" Clay cried out.
"I'M SORRY!!" Clay said.
Within an hour, all Clay could feel was numbness. He felt numb. The pain was at first unbearable but he had gotten use to it.
"You better not speak back to me again," his mom said.
. . .
Eight years old. A traumatic life. But his life was soon going to get worse.
Clay was just doing his homework in his backyard one day when something caught his eye. It was a small red plant. It appeared to look pretty to Clay.
The blond boy gently picked up the plant, carrying some dirt with it. He brought it inside and put it in a small container and placed it near his bed. He dashed back outside and gathered his things, going back in to be able to work while admiring the plant.
Stop! I said STOP!!
That night, the boy had an unusual dream...
"Who are you?" Clay asked.
"Yea! Don't worry. I'm not actually scary though!"
"You look like me..."
"I know! Anyways, I can help you deal with your mother!"
"But how?" Clay was confused on how this person could help him.
"Just let me take over your body for a day and you'll see!"
"Alright," Clay said reluctantly. He was rather wary of this unknown person...
. . .
"BRAT!!" The blonde woman swung her glass bottle at her son. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! I TOLD YOU NOT TO HANG OUT WITH HIM ANYMORE!!"
"Yes and DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM ABOUT IT?" Clay said, stopping the bottle from being swung at him with his hand.
Clay snatched the bottle out of his mother's hand. Without warning, he threw it against the wall with amazing aim, narrowly missing the blonde woman's head. Clay's mother was genuinely scared of her own son now.
. . .
"Well?" Nightmare asked that night in Clay's dreams.
"That was so cool!!" Clay said, excitedly.
"I knew you would like it. If you just let me control you for the rest of your life, you wouldn't have to deal with her anymore."
"Well..." Clay was reluctant. "How about only half of me?"
"Three fourths."
"Deal." Clay had made the deal. The deal that would determine the rest of his life...Forever...
Oh, how could he have known that he would regret it...
. . .
No one loves you. You are despised. Everyone hates you.
Shut up...I am NOT going to do this again!!
Its too late...You surrendered to me a long time ago Dream...Or should I say...Clay?
Don't CALL ME THAT!! Its NOT too late! I'm not going to do this again and that is FINAL!!
It is too late...Surrender yourself completely...
Fine...As long as you leave everyone else alone...
No guarantee there...
— — —
Two brothers goofing around in a forest, their family was camping. The older one, 12, had brown hair and purple-blue eyes. The younger one, 8, had white hair and red eyes. They were playing tag among the trees. The older one was climbing up a tree.
"Hey! No fair, you're cheating! Climb down right now!"
"Well then you'll have to climb up and get me!"
A man's voice called to them in the distance.
"Xisuma! Xavier! Come on, we're going to eat dinner and roast marshmallows!"
Both boys, excited, rushed to their father's voice. There was a lovely scent of freshly cooked steak., with the right amount of seasoning.
After eating, they had taken out skewers to roast the marshmallows on.
Xisuma grabbed a skewer and playfully bonked it on his brother's head. His brother Xavier decided to do the same. Soon enough the two boys were sword fighting with the long, metal skewers. It was all in good fun, as they were both laughing and giggling.
Why am I being shown these memories...? He was so innocent back then...
Soon enough, their mother had asked them to stop. Xisuma looked at his mother.
"Sorry, mum."
. . .
Xisuma was now 17 years old, while Xavier was 13. Xisuma was showing Xavier sword fighting skills by using armor stands.
"See, you just have to keep your hand steady and attack."
Xavier knocked down the armor stand.
"Good job!"
No, not that day. Please not that day...
Xisuma had needed to teach his brother in case they were attacked. In case the armies came for innocent people like them...In case they had to fight in war like their father. He didn't like thinking about the war going on. His father was away fighting in it and he could die...
Xisuma shook that thought away from his head. "Don't think about that," he whispered to himself. Softly enough so that Xavier couldn't hear it.
"Hey Xavier, why don't we go inside and get lunch. Okay?"
The boys went inside and heard their mother on the phone, crying. She eventually hung up and looked at Xisuma and Xavier.
"Kids, I don't know how to tell you this, but your father died in the war."
Tears streamed down both their cheeks. Their father was gone.
. . .
A few years later...
There was a knock at the door. Xisuma watched from the stairs as his mother opened the door. There was a man waiting outside.
"Hello, does Xisumavoid live here?"
"Yes, he's my son," she said, cautiously. "Why?"
"May I speak to him?"
"I guess so...Xisuma! Someone wants to see you!" She nervously smiled at the man. "Why don't you come in for a cup of tea?"
Xisuma walked down to the kitchen to see the man sitting at the table. Xisuma sat down across from him.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Generikb, I'm creating a new server, and I'd like you to join."
"What's it called?"
"Hermitcraft. I'll give you as much time as you need to make your decision."
"Just me?"
"Just you. From here anyway. There will be much more members. Think about it. New experiences and new friends!" Generikb smiled.
Xisuma nodded, and went back upstairs. That's when his brother confronted him, tears in his eyes.
"I overheard everything! You can't just leave your family behind!"
Xisuma snapped. "Well unfortunately that's not up to you!"
Xisuma went to his room and started packing some of his most important belongings in a duffel bag.
"You're a terrible brother, Xisuma!"
"Just leave me alone, crybaby. I'm going whether you like it or not!" Xisuma glared at his younger brother. "And you can't do ANYTHING about it."
"I hate you!" The tears, now acting like a waterfall down Xavier's face. "How could you even leave your family like this?! We lost dad and now you want to leave me and mum?! What kind of brother and son are you?!"
I'm sorry my brother...I regret everything...
Xisuma put on a Doomguy-looking helmet that had used to belong to his father, and went back downstairs. He looked at Generikb.
"I'll go."
Generikb smiled.
"Alright, come with me. We'll recruit some more members. Are you ready?"
"I'm ready," Xisuma replied.
Tears were now in his eyes as he left his only family behind.
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This chapter was actually kind of addicting to write if I'm gonna be honest...
I loved this chapter and I wanted to enjoy writing the Hermitcraft section but unfortunately writer's block stopped me from writing it quicker >:(
I live for angst <3 Even tho a fanmade video of Lander angst got me crying for over 30 minutes... (For those of u that don't know Lander is a ship of Luke x Zander from a gacha series called 'The Music Freaks' made by RosyClozy)
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