Chapter 4 - The Meeting
Chapter 4 - The Meeting
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Dream SMP
Xisuma had sent the coordinates to everyone in the Dream SMP. Dream and George traveled to the mountain together, of course, Dream making flirtious jokes on the way. Drista who was traveling with them kept punching him in the arm, playfully. Tubbo, Ranboo and Michael enderpearled. So did Karl, Sapnap, Tommy and Quackity. Techno, Phil, Kristin and Niki all used horses. Sam and Puffy had also used horses. Tina and Alyssa used a boat together while Bad and Skeppy used a boat together. So did Wilbur and Sally. Jschlatt had also hiked to the mountain, but not with Dream, Drista and George.
By the time that everyone from Hermitcraft and the Dream SMP had reached meeting location, it was midday.
"We have to address an issue," Xisuma said, talking to the Hermits more than the SMP members.
"Yea, no shit," Tommy said. "Apparently all of you are having hallucinations."
"LANGUAGE!!" Bad said.
"We aren't having hallucinations!!" Grian said. "How common is it for multiple people to hallucinate the same thing at the same time?"
"Well, maybe it is PTSD from something that happened!" Tommy said.
"Enough arguing!" Xisuma said. "Hallucinations or not, it is a problem!"
"Have any of you guys from the Dream SMP notice anything changing about the moon lately?" Iskall asked.
"Maybe the lunar phases," Dream scoffed.
"Okay, fine," Iskall said. "Anything unusual?"
"Not that I know of," Quackity said.
One by one, the SMP members declined that they saw anything. Until they got to George.
"You're the only one who didn't answer George," Pearl said.
"Well," the British began. "I've been noticing that the moon seemed to be getting...Closer?"
"I told you!" Grian said. "You didn't believe us when we told you that the moon was acting unusual!"
"Okay!!" Tommy gave in. "I give up!"
"How is the moon getting closer? It isn't the season for that," Tubbo said. "Its Spring!"
"Yea, we know," Gem said. "This happened in..." She hesitated. "Our server too..."
"If history from your server is repeating itself," Karl said. "Then what is to stop the history from our server to repeat too?"
"We can stop the wars of course," Techno said.
"But we won't be able to stop the things that naturally happened," Skeppy said. "Like the egg."
"Egg?" Mumbo asked, confused. "What's that?" No one from the Dream SMP responded.
"Wait," Sapnap suddenly said. "If Dream is here then..." He glanced at Dream. "Is XD here?"
"XD?" Xisuma asked. "Who or what is that?"
"A god," Techno said. "On our server."
. . .
By the end of the meeting, it was night. Now that the moon problem had been addressed, everyone seemed to notice the moon's unusual changes...
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The meeting was over, and Bdubs had left early to be the first to go to sleep, as usual. More and more Hermits were getting concerned. It wasn't just a hallucination, the meeting had proved it! George had proved it!
Xisuma was getting more and more worried by the minute. How do we stop this? Why is this happening? What will happen to the server? He had many questions but zero answers.
He didn't think he needed sleep, either. He couldn't sleep with all the problems that were going on. Not to mention that the Hermits didn't know what this "Egg" was. The one that Karl had theorized might appear.
He was sick of constant problems, over and over again. They had just gotten out of the wrath of the moon getting closer, and now it was again. The Hermits really didn't need to lose any more members. He just hoped that it was only the growing moon that would repeat, and not more issues.
Xisuma looked through his belongings, and found a picture frame. He quickly put it away, as he didn't want to see it.
Grian, meanwhile, wanted to ask around if anyone had spoons.
He asked to meet up with some Hermits and Dream SMP members through his communicator. Just a few, for now. For now...
<Grian> Hey Iskall, Tango, Zedaph, Phil and Techno wanna meet up?
<Ph1LzA> Uh, sure...what for?
<Grian> I need to ask you guys something.
<Technoblade> Ok but where do we meet up?
<Grian> Uhhhh meet me at Oakland Castle and then follow me.
<Ph1LzA> Oakland Castle?
<Grian> Iskall, Mumbo, Pearl and I's base in Hermitstead
<Iskall85> This better be good.
<Grian> It will be, I promise!
Grian was planning some shenanigans.
Once they had met up, Grian led all of them to secret coordinates.
"Alright, don't tell anyone where this is. I've been busy building when I couldn't sleep."
Tango, Iskall, and Zedaph playfully rolled their eyes. They knew when Grian was plotting something. Grian led them to a secret base. A dug out area with a giant spoon in the center. Yes...A spoon. Built out of iron blocks.
"Welcome to Spoon HQ, where we worship spoons!"
Iskall smirked. "So basically we worship Mumbo?"
"Is this a cult?" Techno asked.
"Maybe..." Grian guiltily shrugged.
Tango smiled. "I knew something like this would happen. This won't become like the Mycelium Resistance, right?"
"No promises but I mean I just planned on placing spoons everywhere. We collect them and then we weaponize them."
"Spooning peoples' eyes out?" Techno asked. "Like how Tommy once tried getting Drista to fork Dream's eyes?"
The Hermits went silent. They knew Grian meant weaponize the spoons as in use them as prank material.
"Techno. NO-" Phil stared at him with wide eyes.
"What did I do that was so bad?"
Phil pointed at Grian, Tango, Iskall, and Zedaph. Grian nervously smiled.
"Um Techno, that's not really what we do on Hermitcraft," Grian said. "Its just for fun."
"What goes on in your server that makes you say things like this?" Zedaph asked.
Techno and Phil looked at each other and didn't answer.
Grian sighed.
"Well, feel free to recruit members!"
"Tommy?" Techno suggested. "The gremlin?"
"Sure," Grian said.
"Mumbo?" Tango asked. "After all, he is a spoon so he deserves to be in this cult. Right?"
Grian clicked his tongue and shook his head.
"No, the whole point of this is that Mumbo doesn't know."
Iskall sighed, then chuckled. "You really love doing things behind Mumbo's back, don't you? I mean you did run him for mayor without him knowing..."
At least this cult would keep their minds off of the moon. But then, keeping their minds off of it would only lead to not doing anything about it. Could they even do anything about it?
That's what Cub was trying to figure out.
He wanted to get Tango to help him since Tango has been to the moon in Season 8, but Tango was busy with whatever Grian wanted. Cub figured Doc would be a good help. He really didn't know who else to call. He didn't even want to get Xisuma involved in this. Yes, X was the admin, but Cub knew he was already worried enough as it is. He really didn't want to put more stress on top of that.
Stress...He didn't like thinking of that word. It was also the name of one of the Hermits that unfortunately perished due to the moon.
He needed more help than just Doc though...Maybe he could get some of the Dream SMP members to help? It was worth a shot, the Hermits were just panicking. The SMP members weren't panicking about the moon as much as the Hermits were.
<Cubfan135> Hey Doc, I need your help trying to figure out how to stop the moon
<Docm77> Sure, but why me?
<Cubfan135> You're always finding new ways to break the Hermitcraft server, so I figured you might be able to help fix this one? You're a technical guy
<Docm77> Ok
<Cubfan135> Speaking of which, does anyone else think they'd be able to help a fair amount? Excluding the Hermits
<awesamdude> I'd say I'm technical enough to help!
<Xisuma> A lot of the Hermits are technical people, why can't we help?
<Cubfan135> Because you guys are already panicking. How stressed would you feel if the fate of this server was up to you? Wouldn't it just be added to the stress you already have?
<Xisuma> Point taken...I guess...
<Docm77> Cub we're Hermits.
<Cubfan135> What I'm saying is that we don't need more Hermits stressed about this.
<MumboJumbo> Can I help?
<Cubfan135> Mumbo didn't I just explain this?
<MumboJumbo> plz.
<Cubfan135> Mumbo come on...
<MumboJumbo> plz.
<Grian> L O L.
<Cubfan135> Mumbo I said we don't need more Hermits involved.
<MumboJumbo> Mate, I'll just keep spamming ya until you let me help.
<Cubfan135> Fine.
<MumboJumbo> Nice, you let me help after me only asking once!
<Cubfan135> But you literally asked multiple times-
<MumboJumbo> Shhh Cub, nobody has to know :)
<Cubfan135> The whole server knows though, this was in chat.
<MumboJumbo> Shhhhhhhhhhh
<Grian> I find this quite entertaining.
<Docm77> Why me though? You said I'm technical, but Xisuma is right. A lot of the Hermits are technical people. There has to be more to it! Tell us Cub!
<Cubfan135> Well, not only are you technical, but you really know your stuff about the Hermatrix.
<Docm77> But so does Ren! Now I won't help unless you let him join too >:(
<Renthedog> I appreciate it my dude
<Cubfan135> Fine, whatever
<Grian> The fact that you didn't want more Hermits helping but you were easily convinced to let Mumbo and Ren join is just outstanding
<Cubfan135> And what are you contributing to this conversation?
<Grian> What this conversation needs. A British guy with a pristine waffle for the back of his head.
<GoodTimeWithScar> Cub can I help?
<Cubfan135> No.
<GoodTimeWithScar> But we're Convex. :(
<Cubfan135> Scar I said no.
<GoodTimeWithScar> I'll give you all my diamonds.
<Cubfan135> You don't have any.
<Xisuma> Grian don't.
<GoodTimeWithScar> Worth a shot.
<Grian> LOLLLL.
<Cubfan135> Ok let's stop now I feel like we're just spamming the chat. Not to mention, well probably building a chaotic reputation for our server. Cause, well, y'know...The Dream SMP members can also see this.
<Technoblade> Oh no! Please do go on! I was about to get some potatoes as a snack and this would be my entertainment!
<Grian> The fact that Mumbo was a potato in our most recent season makes that message even funnier.
<MumboJumbo> Grian don't-
<Grian> If Mumbo is a potato, and Mumbo eats potato, is Mumbo a cannibal?
<MumboJumbo> Mate...Let's not go into that again...
<Grian> But now the real question here...
<MumboJumbo> Mate if you say it-
<Grian> Does Techno eat Mumbo?
<Cubfan135> Shower thought of the century. Bravo.
<Technoblade> I farm potatoes too. Do I now have the ability to farm Mumbo?
<MumboJumbo> Oh dearie me! Grian what have you started?
<Iskall85> And farming is basically getting a large quantity of a resource. So does farming Mumbo mean we now get clones of him?
<MumboJumbo> ...
<Ranboo> Oh my!
<Welsknight> Oh lord! I cloned myself in Season 7 and only got Helsknight, my evil clone! Evil Mumbo canon?
<FalseSymmetry> :0
<Xisuma> Great chat everyone.
<MumboJumbo> Grian I'll kill you.
<ZombieCleo> Murder! Murder! Murder!
<Technoblade> Let the blood pour out! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!
<Xisuma> Guys let's all behave please.
<Dream> This suddenly got very violent.
<Grian> WELS IS RIGHT! EVIL MUMBO IS BECOMING CANON! Wanting to kill me? He's turning into the villain already! :0
<BdoubleO100> The prophecy is true!
<PearlescentMoon> Wels is a fortune teller? Oh my! Teach us your ways!
<Jschlatt> Are you all okay?
<Xisuma> I mean the Hermitcraft server is never okay, usually. Guys calm down!
<Welsknight> Just like a magician, a fortune teller never tells his secrets. ;)
<Grian> You could profit from this!
<Welsknight> I could! :0
<Xisuma> And they ignored me...
<Dream> Your server needs to take a chill pill. I'll tell you that right now.
<Xisuma> Yeah, no kidding!
<Quackity> Chill pill? Chill PILL? DRUGS!!! LAS DROGAS!!
<TommyInnit> I agree with Big Q. DRUGS!
<TommyInnit> HELL YEA!!!
<Xisuma> Oh dear...Drug Van? This won't end well, will it?
<Grian> X, what could possibly go wrong?
<Xisuma> I give up.
<Dream> Drista is still a minor.
<TommyInnit> So am I.
<Dream> Okay. She's not even college age yet.
<Drista> I have access to here too idiots.
<Xisuma> Why don't we all CALM DOWN? LIKE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO SAY FOR THE PAST- How long has it been?
<GeminiTay> X, I don't think you'll ever get them to stop.
<impulseSV> Y'all seem real HIGH right now.
By then, Cub had left the chat. Well that took a turn. He sighed and just decided to get some rest for the night.
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Foreshadowing? Grian planning shenanigans is me when I'm bored as hell- Only at home though- Sometimes- The fact that the Hermitcraft section is three times longer than the Dream SMP section but I was quite enjoying the plot- Especially the longer messaging part-
LMAO I just realized how long this is...IT WAS VERY ADDICTING TO WRITE. VERY. SO VERY ADDICTING. What can I say? Can you blame me? I mean just look at how darn funny it is. LUCKILY Pleb wrote "By then, Cub had left the chat." If Pleb hadn't written that then I don't think I would have ever stopped to be honest...
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