Chapter 12 - Escape
Chapter 12 - Escape
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Dream SMP
Tina was the one who suggested that George might be with the Red Egg. Philza was the one who formed the search party.
Tina, Phil and Drista were the ones who went to save George. Drista left Michael with Techno. Although Michael was somewhat of an orphan, thankfully, he and Techno got along. Mainly because they were both part pig. Though Drista knew that Techno would probably teach Michael how to use weapons...
Tina, Phil and Drista followed the blood vines to the source...The Red Egg...
Phil went in first with Drista behind him and Tina behind her.
"George?" Drista called out once the trio had entered a strange looking room.
"Drista?! Is that you?!" Called out a British voice.
"George!" Tina said. "Where are you?!
"Above the egg!" George called out.
"Egg..." Philza muttered.
"There!" Tina said, pointing to an egg shaped object.
The three went over while watching their surroundings. Tina climbed the egg but it wasn't long before she gasped in shock and fell to the ground. She groaned in pain as she tried to get up.
"What happened Tina?!" Drista asked.
"Some sort of voice," Tina said. "Is in my head."
"Voice?" Drista asked, confused.
"Drista," Phil said. "I have the voice too, but it seems that you are completely immune to the egg."
"Its probably because she doesn't exactly have an account on the Dream SMP," George said from the cage above the egg.
"I'll do it then," Drista said. She pulled out a water bucket and dumped it on the floor. She took out her 'Fork' and used it to get on top of the egg. She began mining the cage until she got mining fatigue. She pulled out a milk bucket and drank it, erasing the effects and started mining again. This time she managed to get rid of the block on top before getting mining fatigue from a guardian that was hidden somewhere but George still couldn't get out since he couldn't jump that high.
"DRISTA!" Tina's voice was filled with panic. "BEHIND YOU!"
Drista turned around to see Philza coming at her with a sword. Drista, in panic, raised her shield as Phil's sword came down.
The only problem was that Philza didn't look like himself. His usual green and white striped hat was replaced with a red and black one. His outfit was replaced with matching robes. His usual comforting gray-blue eyes were replaced with malicious red ones. His usual feathered crow wings were replaced with bat wings.
"Phil?" George said from behind Drista.
"Its Redza now," he said. He raised the sword again but before he could do any damage to Drista, an arrow came out of nowhere and hit Redza's wing.
"WHAT THE-" Drista, Redza and George looked down to see Tina holding a bow. Another arrow was already loaded.
"Where is PHIL?!" Tina demanded.
"No where," Redza said, taking out a trident. Before Tina could fire her arrow, Redza threw the trident at her. The loyalty enchanted trident came back and Redza threw it again.
TeanaKitten was slain by PhilzA using [Zapza]
<WilburSoot> Phil? Why did you kill Tina? That isn't like you
WilburSoot was shot by Dream using [Nightmare]
Now everyone was confused as heck. Why would Phil kill Tina? And why was Dream killing people who also insulted Phil? And Wilbur was the only revived one that was spared for some reason.
"What the fuck," George whispered.
"Any last words?" Redza said, turning to Drista. And just as he did so, Drista kicked her legs underneath him and Redza lost his balance and fell off the egg.
"C'mon," Drista muttered as she drank another bucket of milk and mined the block in the center at the bottom as George moved aside.
Just as she finished, she got mining fatigue again and Redza had managed flew to the top of the egg with the arrow still in his wing. But George had escaped and punched Redza off the egg.
Redza tried flying back up but fell again as he nearly made it to the top.
Ph1lzA fell from a high place
<Technoblade> PHIL!!
<Kristin> PHIL!
"Holy shit," Drista muttered as Redza's body turned back into Phil and dissolved.
"Drista," George began "We have to find Dream."
"We're getting out first," Drista said reluctantly. "I know he is my brother and I love him as much as I hate him but we need more people."
"More people for what?" George asked.
"If its just the two of us, then we can get killed easily," Drista said as she pulled George's arm, leading him to the exit.
"I am NOT leaving without Dream!" George withdrew his hand.
"COME ON GEORGE!" Drista cried out, pulling his arm again.
"You should really learn to shut up," said a voice.
"Dream?" Drista said in shock.
"How many times do I have to say this," Nightmare said, clearly annoyed with continuously repeating himself. "I'm Nightmare, NOT Dream!" Nightmare paused for a moment. "I'm Dream's opposite."
"Drista," George said "Leave."
"WHAT?!" Drista exclaimed. "And leave you alone with 'Nightmare' and that egg?!"
"JUST LEAVE!" George said. "GO!!" Drista obliged.
"Bad choice George," Nightmare said, walking around the British. "You're such an idiot," Nightmare said, rolling his eyes. Nightmare gave a malicious smile. "Oh George," he said. "You better hope that I'll have enough sympathy for you to live and give you another chace to surrender to the egg." Nightmare waled around George again.
And just as Nightmare walked in front of George, the brunet pulled the admin in by the collar.
— — —
The Hermits had no idea where the rest of the Dream SMP members were. However, they were making significant progress on the moon. Mumbo and Ren displayed the plan they were working on with Doc, Cub, and Sam. The Hermits talked it over and greatly improved it.
They would need the plan too, as the moon was really close at this point. Just like on their own server, blocks were starting to rip out of the ground. They would also levitate at random times.
But they almost had the machine built. A machine that could push and pull gravity around.
False was a bit suspicious of Helsknight. Before Wels had died, he mentioned how Hels was his evil counterpart. Back on the Hermitcraft server, he warned everyone about Helsknight and how he wanted to destroy the server. However, Hels wasn't trying to destroy this one. In fact, he wanted to help the Hermits get back to their server.
Everyone's communicator dinged again.
<Helsknight_> Where are you guys?
<FalseSymmetry> Why?
<Helsknight_> I want to help
<Xisuma> How do we know we can trust you? You want to burn our server and I don't want anyone else dead
<Helsknight_> Hey, Evil X was my friend. You think I'm happy either?
<FalseSymmetry> Hels please leave us alone
<Helsknight_> I just want to get back to where we're all from. I have friends too
<Renthedog> And who would those be?
<Helsknight_> TrueSymmetry, NPC Grian, BadTimesWithScar, and Evil Xisuma before he died
<Tango> We're working on it Hels. Please stop messaging. We're trying to focus and notifications can't be silenced
<Helsknight_> Fine. My evening plans are officially ruined
<Xisuma> Evening plans?
<Helsknight_> Spamming the chat to annoy everyone
<Drista> Just shut it, will you?
<Technoblade> Quiet before I make you an orphan
<Helsknight_> Jokes on you, I'm Wels's clone. I have no parents
<Technoblade> So you're already an orphan? Petition to obliterate him?
<Drista> Signed
<MumboJumbo> Signed
<Helsknight_> Wha-
<Xisuma> Not signed
<Helsknight_> Thank you Xisuma
<FalseSymmetry> Why, X?
<Xisuma> We've already lost so many people. It wouldn't be fair to kill Helsknight simply because he was spamming chat. Especially not because he was an orphan
<Technoblade> I'M DOING IT
Helsknight_ was slain by Technoblade using [Orphan Obliterator]
<MumboJumbo> Too late X
<Drista> Aw man! You could've let me help with my Fork!
<Georgenotfound> Its a trident Drista
<Drista> I call it a Fork. If I say it is a Fork, than it is a Fork
<Georgenotfound> Techno kills orphans
<Xisuma> Well Hels had a life, like the rest of us. It's just not fair.
<Drista> Techno doesn't give a damn if they're orphans
<Technoblade> That is true
<Xisuma> So is everyone on your SMP monsters then? Dream certainly is, and apparently you are too.
<Technoblade> Does Phil count as one? He definitely isn't one. He's the opposite of what you consider a 'monster'
<Georgenotfound> I don't think you want to call Dream a monster...
<Xisuma> And why not? He killed the members of my server. MY FRIENDS.
<Drista> He's right Xisuma. Remember what happened to the others?
<Dre@m> You're lucky I'm in a good mood today
<Xisuma> You killed so many of my friends. I have a right to be angry at you. And I'm more than angry
<Dre@m> Don't make me tempted to kill you
<Xisuma> Who says you'll be able to? I'm the other admin, remember? I can hide so easily
<Dre@m> I'm the owner of the revival book idiot. And I have a god counterpart
<Technoblade> You still have the revival book?
<Dre@m> Yes. Got it from Schlatt. I don't know how he got it though
<MumboJumbo> What is a revival book?
<Dre@m> Use your brain idiot. REVIVAL book
<Xisuma> Dream, if anyone else dies, it'll be you
<FalseSymmetry> Yeah Dream, you made a mistake. They were innocent. And X doesn't normally act like this. You really hurt him, and the rest of us
<Dre@m> Idiots, I also have the Death Book
<Georgenotfound> Where did you get a Death Book??
<Dre@m> XD. More like he gave it to Sapnap and I took it from him after I killed him
<impulseSV> Guys, everytime someone says something in chat, everyone starts acting so high-
<Georgenotfound> Shut up- We're not gonna talk about that...
<impulseSV> But I'm not wrong am I?
Everyone had left the chat after a few more minutes of arguing.
A few hours later, the machine was finished. They were now ready to push the moon back into place.
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You can probably guess what happened between Nightmare and George...Or rather, more preferably, Dream and George. AND- Dunno why but the texting parts are always the best parts-
Deadza. Also if you're confused, Hels's username is different from when I wrote "Helsknight joined the game." But that doesn't mean anything. When I wrote that Hels joined the game I didn't know if Hels was a separate account or not. However, I learned that Hels is indeed a different account like Evil X so in this chapter I changed it to the username. If you wanna know how I learned that Hels was a separate account I was scrolling through r/hermitchat (WHICH IS A SUPER FUNNY HERMITCRAFT SUBREDDIT)
"Use your brain" he says to Mumbo. Little does he know Mumbo is a spoon.
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