She sat there alone in the diner in the middle row with her hands covering her crying eyes she felt alone in this world she had for many years because her mother was a drunk and she had become the mother figure in her family from a young age.
But now she had ran away hoping this would force her mother to finally act and look after her siblings like she would have been all of these years instead drinking every night or going out to meet strange men and leaving her 12 year old daughter to stay home and look after her younger siblings however this had gone wrong and now the government had been forced to act taking them away into the foster care system and it was all her fault.
She wished she had just stayed home and put up with it until she could afford to get her own home and take her siblings with her but she had acted out of haste and now they were gone and she might never see them again as the latest tear hit the table she heard footsteps approach the table this made her look up from her misery to see the smiling face of Seth Gold.
"Hey" he said as he sat down in the booth in front of her "you alright" he said questionably which annoyed her because she clearly wasn't ok she was in tears which showed that she was sad "yeah I'm totally fine" she said sarcastically which worried Seth "it's gonna be ok you know" he said still in a calm voice "how is it
Gonna be ok I have no one now" she said burying her head back into her hands. "Because I'm here to help" he said she could feel the warmth of his smile without even looking at him.
This did make her feel better because Seth was persistent and if he was offering to help her then maybe she would get to see them again so she looked back up at him "really" she said questionably and sounding maybe a little happy to see him "of course I'd do anything for you" he said which made her heart flutter a little.
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