Worlds Apart
Emma's POV
I looked at Crystal and said, "Never trust men. Ever. They will build up your trust then abandon you. Never trust men."
"Just because he hasn't picked up, doesn't mean he's ignoring you," said my younger sister Crystal. "Besides, you've been trying to call him for two years. Sounds a bit suspicious, doesn't it?"
I frowned at her. "What do you mean?"
"Looove," sang Crystal, dancing around the console. "Emma's in looove, Emma's in looove..."
I caught her by the collar of her shirt. "I'm not. Tell that lie, I'll cut off your tongue."
She stuck her tongue at me. I let go.
For most of her life, some nine hundred years, she had been possessed by a demon in the form of a scythe called the Child, and most of that time, trapped in a stone statue. Then one of the Doctor's friends accidentally freed her, and we had to track her down and remove the scythe, destroying most of future Manhattan in the process. During the time, I drowned, came back and removed the scythe. The Child had taken over me, and it was excruciatingly painful. I'm amazed I survived, that's how bad it was the pain. Heck, I was amazed that Crystal survived so many years. Really, Crystal was nine hundred eleven, but she looked and felt ten. We both agreed not to count the years with the Child.
Sparks flew out of the console. I ran over and looked at the screen. We were hurtling so fast through space, I knew there was something wrong. It must've showed on my face, because Crystal asked, "What-what's wrong, Emma?"
"We're accelerating!" I answered. "Nine, ten- we aren't able to go this fast!"
More sparks flew out of the console. Crystal screamed and ducked her head as sparks showered over her. I raced around the console, trying to stop the out of control TARDIS. It was hard, because more sparks were flying all over the place. Crystal suddenly pointed at the screen. "Emma, look!"
Dodging sparks, I joined her side, clutching the console for support, as the TARDIS was wobbling. I saw it and felt a surge of relief, then anger, but I knew what to do. I grabbed the phone and punched in the numbers.
"Hello?" said the voice on the other side.
"Hello Doctor, my TARDIS is currently in self-destruct and you're kinda heading to us!" I shouted over the alarm that had started.
"Is this a joke?" he asked.
"Bloody hell this isn't a joke!" I screamed. "It's been this way for weeks, rooms disappearing into this black void, and now is the console room! I don't know what's happening, but I know we're going to die!"
"Crystal and I, you dummy!"
"Hang on a second," he muttered. Then he said, "You're going to have to hang up!"
"Why?" I asked.
"Listen to me before you do that, though," he said. "Hang up, go to your door. My TARDIS is right next to yours, her doors facing yours. You're going to have to jump."
"Well, you kinda have to!" he snapped.
I hesitated, then snapped back, "Fine!" Fine!" I'm hanging up now, just as an FYI, just get yourself rea-" then I realized he had hung up. Swearing angrily, I slammed the receiver down, swept Athena, my backpack, into my arms, and grabbed Crystal. "We're jumping," I told her.
"Are you mad?!" she shrieked. Her reaction was almost the same as mine when I found out.
"Not my idea," I told her.
"Then who-"
"The Doctor's," I said quickly, then threw open the door. "Why do I have to jump?" I snapped at the Doctor, who was hanging out of the police box straining to keep up.
"Because the TARDIS isn't going to be able to keep up much longer if you don't!" he replied. "Now jump!"
I chucked Athena at the Doctor. He caught it and set it aside. I told Crystal, "You're going first."
She nodded, then asked, "Can't you bring your TARDIS closer? I'm not in the mood to fall in space."
He disappeared for a moment, but the TARDIS came much closer. Then the Doctor came back, and Crystal jumped. He caught her, then motioned for me to jump. I was scared, but I bent my legs and jumped.
I jumped a little too hard, and sent the Doctor and I sprawling on the floor of his TARDIS. It had changed a lot, but I liked this design better. "Hello!" I said cheerfully, then rolled off of him. He stood up, shut the door, while Crystal stared around. I gathered Athena and joined her side. She seemed oblivious to the fact there was another person in the room, who bounded up to the Doctor. I nudged Crystal and pointed. She nodded.
I said to the Doctor, "You got a new companion! How sweet."
"Um, yeah," he mumbled. "Clara, this is Emma. Emma, this is Clara."
"Nice to meet you," I said cheerfully. "Crystal, stop staring like a goon and say hello, like we always do." I said this last bit with gritted teeth. Crystal quickly replied, "Oh, right!" and rushed to my side, then looked down. "She's shy," I explained to Clara. Crystal nodded, eyes still on the floor. I rubbed her shoulder. She looked at me. I led her away to the Doctor.
"You remodeled," I commented. He nodded. "I like this one better. Simple," I looked at his outfit. "And... you've changed your outfit, too."
"I feel like I'm being ignored," said Clara. She smiled at Crystal, who edged towards me. I could feel her elbow digging into my ribs. "She wasn't like this when we met the Doctor."
"Yeah, she was about to kill anyone who got in her way," said the Doctor, fixing his bow tie.
"I'm going to rip off that bow tie if you fix it one more time. I wasn't talking about the Child, you idiot," I corrected.
"She was trying to kill anyone who got in the way of you?" he guessed.
"I don't remember anything but pain from that, so you tell me," I said.
"Pain?" asked Clara.
"Long story for another time," I said.
Clara's POV
"You have a TARDIS?" I asked Emma as we paced the inside of the TARDIS. She nodded.
"How?" I asked.
"It was my parents, believe it or not. When Galifrey was destroyed-" but I cut her off. "Galifrey? You mean, you're a Time Lord, too?"
She nodded again. "I'm older than the Doctor by-"
"Four years," the Doctor snapped. "I don't know why you're proud of it."
"Why do you think bow ties are cool?" she shot back. "Just how our brains work, Doctor."
He rolled his eyes. Emma continued. "I fled with their TARDIS. I had Crystal and Athena, the bag- oh! I need to introduce you to someone." She grabbed her bag and dug through it. She pulled out bottles, empty ones and ones filled with strange liquids, many of them, too many to fit in the one bag. I asked her, "How can you fit so many bottles in one bag?"
"It was made with Time Lord technology," Emma explained. "If I could fit it in the entrance, I could fit Earth in here."
She continued digging, pulling out bottles, a make-your-own slime kit, a book, then finally, around it's belly-"
"Meet Dragon," said Emma, pulling out the ferret out of the bag, except the ferret had horns like miniature ram's and smoke pouring out of its mouth, which was wide open, revealing pointy teeth. I fell back. "Is that what I think it is?" asked the Doctor nervously, but joined us nevertheless.
"A tarragon?" Emma nodded. "Yup."
"But- Emma, you realize how dangerous those things are?"
"Well, their teeth are filled with poison and they breathe fire. How dangerous can they be?" she asked.
"Emma's a bit like Hagrid. Dangerous=cute," explained Crystal. I stiffled my laughs.
"It's the perfect pet for Emma," the Doctor rolled his eyes. "Completly dangerous, with poisonous teeth. Then there's Emma, who had a padded room on her TARDIS and has anger issues."
Emma grinned and stroked the tarragon. He purred and curled up in a ball. "I bought him at a pet store in a different galaxy. They remove the venom from their teeth and the fire guts from their inside, so they make it harmless."
"'Cause in Emma's mind, those teeth are as soft as pillows," said Crystal sarcastically.
"No, I know they're sharper than knives," said Emma.
"Butter knives, maybe," Crystal sniggered.
"Yeah, those too," snapped Emma. Dragon opened and closed his mouth sleeply. Crystal petted him. I reached out my hand hesitantly, but Emma said, "You can pet him; he's sleepy, so he won't bite."
I gently stroked him. He purred and nudged my hand, begging for more.
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