Chapter 6
Doctor's POV
I woke up on cold ground. Emma was lying right next to me, passed out. She stirred in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. Once she was aware that whoever dumped us here had obviously took much care of putting us extremely close together, to the point that Emma was halfway on top of me, she scooted quickly away. It didn't take a genius to figure out who thought of the setup.
"Where the hell are we?" she mumbled.
I looked up at the green walls reaching towards the heavens. "The maze, obviously."
"And any guesses why we're together?" Emma asked.
"Mortivia wants to kiss the Mind Changer?"
"Exactly." Emma sighed. "Her mother must've been depressed to give Mortivia such a name fit for witches. It's not even a real name."
I nodded and got up. Unfortunately, I didn't realize who else was with us, and I nearly hit my head on a metal pole.
"You are awake."
"And Mortivia the genius put a Dalek with Time Lords," I noted.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you."
"Shut up. We need to get out of the maze," I said.
"Simple we just..." Emma trailed off as she spun around. "...Turn around and come the way we came."
"Brilliant idea."
"Oh, I hate Mortivia." Emma turned to me. "What are we supposed to do?"
"I guess just find the exit and hope that we don't get exterminated," I suggested.
"I cannot exterminate," the Dalek said.
"This just made my life much better," Emma said.
"I'll hazard a guess it's not because you won't lose me to a Dalek," I said.
"Well, lets go."
Emma's POV
"I found this bag with you," said the Dalek, using the suction cup pole to hold it up.
"Great. Hours into the stupid thing, and now you mention it?" I was getting grouchy and tired and wishing Mortivia wasn't so twisted-minded.
"Did you go through it?" asked the Doctor.
"Of course not, Daleks don't have arms," I said, snatching the bag from it and peering inside. Inside was the Doctor's screwdriver, which I gave to him, some dried fruit, marshmallows, and beef jerky. I hoped the Dalek didn't eat, and if it did, if it liked dried fruit. There was a couple blankets and two pillows. There was even my stuffed animal, which I rolled in the blanket labeled Emma, which I found funny, because both blankets were the same, and I didn't care if I didn't use the same blanket as the night before.
"What's in it?" the Doctor asked eagerly.
"Blankets, pillows, and food," I said, pulling out some dried pineapple and making a face.
"What kind of food?" he asked.
"Dried fruit, marshmallows- I'll let you have some if you behave- and stuff."
"Gimme." He snatched the bag out of my bewildered hands and searched through. "You are not eating this bag of marshmallows by yourself."
"Nor are you," I said.
"It's sharing, Emma." He pulled out on of the blankets. Imediatly, a red, black and white stuffed bear came rolling out. "What the bloody hell is this?"
"Oi! Don't touch Sirius." I grabbed him and hugged him to my chest.
"Are you questioning me?" I snapped.
"Well, no, it's um, well, normal for someone to uh- it's just, I would never expect that from you." The last part came in a rush.
"Rule number one: expect the unexpected when around Emma," I said.
"I thought rule number one was don't get Emma angry. You wouldn't like her when she's angry."
"That too. Geez, I watch too much Marvels," I shouldered the bag and continued.
"We're lost," I said as we trudged through the maze.
"I know. Shut up, I need to concentrate," the Doctor said. He had his screwdriver out and was spinning in a circle.
"What ever." I rolled my eyes and moved next to the Dalek. It had been real quiet since the bag incident. We walked (or rolled) in more silence until I said, "Why did they remove your ability to exterminate?"
"I didn't want to fight in the Time War," it replied.
"Well, that's not...normal. For a Dalek," I said slowly.
"I am not normal," the Dalek agreed.
"Well, this must suck, being stuck with not one but two Time Lords in a maze and not able to exterminate. You must be depressed," I noted.
"Daleks have no concept of depressed," it said.
"Lucky you," I muttered.
The Doctor slapped the palm of his hand with his screwdriver. "I don't get it. The direction of the maze changes with each turn. North, west, south, now east, I'm not getting it!"
"North west south east," I repeated. "North west- Doctor, they've blocked the exit with hedges! We've walked in a circle!"
"Oh, but of course..." His face brightened as he walked closer to a hedge. "It's in here, I know it." Then he looked at me. "Emma, do you have any explosives on you?"
"Doctor, do you asked stupid questions? Of course!" I looked around. "We're surrounded by flammable stuff. If it spreads..."
"Then we get out of this maze as fast as possible," the Doctor finished firmly. "Emma, do it!"
"Alright!" I pulled out two most unlikely things- a match and a tiny bottle of nail polish remover. I dumped the remover on the branches, told the others to run, and lit a match. I dropped the match and sprinted.
I was always a fast runner. The only one faster than me was Crystal. But even from the distance, I could still see the hedge go boom. I stayed down for a while until the smoke cleared, then stood up, eyes watering and coughing.
The hedge had a huge hole in it. I turned and saw the Dalek and the Doctor approaching. "That was... efficient," the Doctor said, coughing. I nodded and saw that around the hole, it was in flames and rapidly spreading. But in the middle of the hole, there was a hole. I threw it open, looked at the Doctor, and said, "Geronimo?"
"Geronimo," he agreed, and together, we stepped through the door.
Little did we know that was only the beginning.
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