Chapter 16
Doctor's POV
I could hear the men jeering and laughing at me, but it was like hearing them from a distance. I forced my arms out of the two men's grips and walked away. Tears burned at my eyes and I rubbed them furiously. I needed to get back to the TARDIS. I heard Jacob calling after me, "Oh, but what's pretty little Doctor gonna do without his girlfriend?"
I spun around and snapped, "One, she's not my girlfriend, and two, you got what you wanted. The Lairs are dead. Happy? Now you can just-just leave!" Hot tears spilled down my cheeks, but I kept walking. However, I stopped when I heard one of the men call, "You're alone, Doctor. Not even that half Time Lord- Lily or whatever-is alive. You're right. All the Lairs are dead. And so is your friend Janie. Are you happy now!"
I forced myself to walk forward. It was only a few steps towards the TARDIS. For six glorious months I wasn't alone-and now I was. I slammed the TARDIS door and leaned over the railing. Clara came over. "Doctor, what's wrong?"
I looked over at her. "Emma, her daughter, Crystal-they're dead. All of them. And so's Jenna," I whispered.
"Oh, oh-oh,no, Doctor, I'm sorry," Clara said, leaning her head on my shoulder. I rubbed her shoulder and we stayed that way for a while until we heard a knock on the door. I went over to open it.
Anna rose stood there, holding Rosetta. "Why are you here?" I asked.
"Doctor, I heard about the Lairs. I'm sorry," Anna rose bowed her head.
"Your mother the reason of their deaths," I snapped. Anna rose nodded her head. "Doctor, I was not a part of this. In fact, I tried to stop her. Mother was trying to kill you two. I found out when you were in the maze and sent Rosetta after you. Mother made the flesh. Rosetta realized this and ran to kill the flesh. She told me Mother's plans. Mother, however, fell into the hole. Her back was broken.
"The men fled when she fell," she continued. "After ten minutes, they removed the bodies. They found a note on Emma's body, Doctor. It's addressed to you, but that's all we could read; it was the only that was in English."
She handed me the note. On the front, Emma had scrawled in her messy handwriting, Doctor. But when I opened it, it was all in Galifreyan. I read it slowly, then looked at Clara and Anna rose. "I need to make a journey, alone. Is that alright?"
Clara nodded and grabbed the eight-year old's hand. They left the TARDIS, and I reread the letter. It said:
Doctor, I'm going to be dead by the time you get this, but that's alright. I'm going to die soon anyway. I'll make this quick.
Remember when I had to check something in the Vault of Lost Souls? Well, I had heard whispers about my death from the ghosts and I went to talk to the High Ghost. She is the ghost of a fortune-teller and will tell people when they're gonna die. Unfortunately, she doesn't tell many people because they'll try to prevent it if possible. She knew that I wouldn't, however, and told me I'd die in the next hour. I thought about you and asked if I could make a reservation. I'll explain everything at the Vault. Follow these co-ordinates; you should end up by me. Unfortunately, it's in the Hall of Lost Loved Ones.
Coordinates followed this bit of the letter, then a room number. I knew what was going to happen.
I was going to go see Emma's ghost.
The first time we went to the Vault of Lost Souls, the TARDIS seemed scared to go near it. Now she was eager. Maybe it was because of the anticipation of seeing Emma one last time. I never really knew what went on inside the TARDIS.
We landed at the end of the hallway of the Lost Loved Ones. I ran down it, ignoring the whispers callingto me. The Hall of Lost Loved Ones was long, and Emma's room was at the end. I was out of breath when I found it. Room 192345. I was going to see Emma one last time. I pushed open the door slowly.
The room Emma was staying in was light enough for me to see that all her room had was dirty brown stone walls and floors, nothing else. It reminded me of a cell. I could see a light figure at the end of the room. I walked slowly towards it. "Emma?"
She turned quickly. It was Emma, but her neck was discoloured and slightly crooked. Her eyes were nothing but white. "Doctor?" she whimpered.
"I'm here," I told her, taking a step forward. She glided back. "I'm so sorry, Doctor. I led them there. Mortivia and I were always enemies. I hadn't known she had moved to the asteroid. I put your lives in danger."
"It's fine," I said.
"I made this reservation so that when I die, you could still see me. The death must be very hard on you." Emma's ghost reached out and touched my face. The hand felt surprisingly solid, but when I touched it, it was no more than mist.
"I wanted to see you one last time, wanted to tell you something," Emma whispered. Then she did something surprising: she leaned down and kissed me. Like her hand, her lips felt solid against mine, but I knew better. Instead, I closed my eyes to instant reflex. I felt the hand leave my face and the lips. Emma whispered, "I love you."
But when I opened my eyes she was gone.
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