part22 The First Time...
(Warning! This part contains sexual content)
The sun glowed with hues of orange and red as it set over the horizon. Bunker Fanelia was quiet and dull, the hum of power generators could be heard through the halls. Soldiers sat in a large meeting room as generals walked down the
rows to make sure everyone was somewhat attentive, especially the new recruits. Techno yawned and looked at Shadow who was in her own little world, her royal blue eyes played with her sliver puilpls. He leaned close to her ear and she leaned in too, thinking he was telling her something. But instead he nibbled on her ear, Shadow blushed and covered her mouth, she pushed Techno away and covered her face. BayaDane stood behind Techno and put his sword on his neck, all color washed away from Techno's face as he waved at BayaDane. His red eyes burned with anger as his face held an evil smirk, Shadow grabbed the sword and pushed it towards her neck, BayaDane chuckled, "Listen lover boy. Why don't you wait till you're in your room next time."
He walked back down the rows and Shadow looked at Techno very pissed, "What the hell?!" "I was bored." "This is an important meeting and you do that!" "It's only important for the newbies, we hear this meeting every year. The least it does for the veterans is let them collect themselves."
Selon held BayaDane's sword to both of their necks, her grey blue eyes glittered with insanity, Shadow stared angrily and Techno smiled as he mouthed the word sorry. After a few moments of silence Selon gave BayaDane back his sword that he didn't even know was gone and walked back down the rows of soldiers. The meeting was over after hours pasted midnight, everyone was in the Mess Hall releasing their energy and finally eating too. Shadow and Techno sat with Clyde and Connor, after what Techno did Shadow didn't really want to be alone with him. The couples both ignored each other and Connor kept flirting with Clyde in their Martian language. Techno laid his head down on the table and stared at Shadow who secretly watched Connor as he made Clyde blush and even leave. Connor shortly followed after, leaving Shadow alone, with Techno, she blushed as she noticed he was watching her, "How long were you..." "I lost count of time. I got lost in your beauty."
Shadow flashed her moonbleached fangs and growled, "I really hate it when you flirt." "I know you still love it!"
He got close to her, rubbing his nose against hers, Shadow blushed even more and hid her face in her arms. "You're so cute when you're flustered!" "SHUT UP!"
Techno laughed as Shadow punched him in the throat. Once he collected himself he pulled Shadow to him and kissed her neck, Shadow tried to pull away but Techno was stronger and she soon gave up. He kept kissing her neck and even lightly bitting it, making Shadow softly moan with delight. He soon stoped as some soldiers walked out of the mess hall, Shadow stood up and walked out as well sensing this was her time for freedom. Techno followed silently, warping his arms around Shadow's waist, she froze in her tracks and took his arms off her. Techno pressed her against the wall, she sighed, "Why are you being so annoying." "Because you keep walking away from me."
He kissed her cheek and put his nose on hers and stared her in the eyes with energetic sky blue eyes. "Why won't you leave me alone." Shadow whined, Techno chuckled and kissed her neck in between his words, "Because... you're... too... sexy. I can't control myself, well... I don't want to actually. Come on! I know you like it!"
Shadow ducked making Techno kiss the wall, he let go of her to wipe his lips off and she ran down the hall. Her pace slowed down as she neared hers and Techno's room, she leaned on the wall and hid herself from most people's view. She hoped Techno wouldn't see her, she watched as Clyde and Connor walked into their room, BayaDane and Selon walked pasted but BayaDane stoped and stood over Shadow, "What the hell are you doin girl?!" "Sshh! I don't want Techno to find me!" "Ah Ha haha! To late for that sweetheart."
Selon pointed at Shadow as she stared at Techno who ran towards them. The two parents walked away and Shadow sat there wide eyed, Techno placed his arms around her shoulder and rested his head by her neck, he couldn't help but laugh. "Why do you keep running away from me?" "Cause you're being annoying." "That's normally me though."
Shadow sighed and places her hands on the ground, she looked up and Techno placed his head on hers, his sky blue eyes shined and played with the silvers reflecting from Shadow's puilpls. He picked up Shadow, walking to their room he closed the door behind them, he placed Shadow on the bed and got on top of her. Techno kissed her lips and roughly grabbed Shadow's hips, placing one hand by her chest for balance. Shadow bit his lower lip then continued to kiss him, wrapping her hands around his neck and back. He sat up and took his shirt off, Shadow stood up as well, she kissed his neck as her hands went from Techno's abbs to his pants to take them off. Techno took Shadow's shirt off and rubbed her back a little before taking her bra off. They took the rest of their clothes off and laid back down, Techno stared at Shadow nervously, both of them were blushing a deep rosey red. "Are... you sure... we should... I don't... think this a... good idea... Shadow..."
Shadow giggled, she wrapped her hands back around Techno's neck and kissed his lips, she could feel his heartbeat as it beats faster. Techno pressed his hips against Shadow's... He went inside her, Shadow whimpered a little, she dug her fingers into Techno's back. He looked at her scared, "I don't think we should do this... I don't want to hurt you..." "I'm fine now, so what if it hurt a little. My body isn't use to you yet."
Techno blushed even harder now, making Shadow blush at her words too. Techno began to argue again but Shadow kissed and lightly bit his neck making his hands shake with enjoyment. He began to kiss Shadow up and down, she wrapped her legs around his hips and moaned softly. After a while Techno put his metal arm under Shadow's shoulder blades to give himself more balance, the coldth from his arm sent goosebumps across Shadow body and she pressed against him even more. He put his other hand on her chest "Techno!" Shadow moaned, she let go of his neck and let her arms lay on the bed. He pressed her head against his, their paints were heavy as they stared at each others eyes. Techno could see Shadow smiling and it made him smile as well, he began to slow down, Shadow threw her head back as he finished. She twitched a little bit and collected her breath, then kissed Techno before he laid beside her. She looked at him with a sweet smile and laid on his chest, Techno wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. They soon fell asleep.
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