part21 Unexpected Greetings
The night grew cold and windless. Dark grey clouds covered the pale cresant moon as tree branches waved goodbyes. Techno flew low nearly touching the needles from pine trees with his wings, he kept his focus as much as he could on the surroundings but looked at his arms, which held Shadow, every once and a short while. Shadow was horribly wounded from a surprise attack on a fort near the river, now she was on the verge of death. With each numbed beat of his wings Techno could feel his energy draining along with his blood, he was slowly plummeting to the ground. He landed on the ground but soon collapsed, his legs were numb from the cold and ached from sword wounds, his vision grew blurry as the clouds began to disappear.
The sun shined brightly in the pale blue sky. Shadows from leaves kept Shadow's and Techno's bodies cold, a warm hand held Techno frimly as it poured warm water on his face and dirty wounds. A tiny shock from Techno's left metal arm woke him up. A woman's sky blue eye and greyed eye stared him coldly in the face, her white blonde hair swayed in the breeze, her voice was rich with a Russian accent, "Ah, zis one is awake. Here. Some wadka vill vash the pain away."
She poured some vodka into Techno's mouth, the heat from the alcohol burned his throat and warmed up his body. She laughed as he coughed from his throat burning, "Drink slower next-time. Zis pure wodka. Now, tell me vhy you so far from camp? Vho are you two?" "Our fort was attacked and we were heading for our main base." "But vho are you two?" "I'm Techno and she's-" "I know vho little demon is. Vait! Techno? Vhat kind of parent names zhere child after machine?" "No one named me that but myself."
The woman looked Techno up and down with slit eyes, she froze when she saw his metal arm. She stared him in the eyes and moved his face around, he looked at her uncomfortably. "My..." her voice cracked as she held back tears, "How did I not notice at first... my little Analiea." "What?!" "Do you not recognize your mother? Or vas it because you saw me dead, killed by your own sister. Zhat vas a horrible day..."
Techno stared at her with his mouth open in shock. She stared at him with a soft look, the whites of her eyes now a glossy yellow, her grey eye turned a slight shade of blue. She smiled and hugged Techno as tears fell from both of their eyes. "Is... dad..." "no... not anymore. But he lived zhrough Zina's slaughter, he vas in hospital for a long vhile. Zhey had zo pull zhe plug cause he vas vorsening." "You're not fighting anymore right? Right, Anastasiya?"
Anastasiya pulled herself away from her son and looked down at the ground. She stared at him crying even harder, "If I don't fight I die. If I die I vill be brought back. I have no choice vhat to do anymore. Ve need zo get you back to safe area, Galiea doesn't let me vander far." "Galiea!" "Analiea! Ssh! Don't do anything! I hear him."
Bushes shook as Anastasiya turned around, BayaDane appeared from the bushes. He accidentally stepped on Shadow's arm and made her instinkively flinch in pain. He quickly lifted her up slightly from the ground unaware of Anastasiya who stared with dead eyes. BayaDane looked her with a tired stare as he place Shadow back down gently. He wiped his arm and his sword formed from appearing shards. Anastasiya stood up and unsheeved her sword, BayaDane spoke, his voice thunderous yet tired, "We don't have to fight my dear. If you surrender you could be free from this dam war." "I don't vant to be away from var I vant to be dead vith my husband." "" "I'm sorry Analiea, you have your own life. I have none I lost years ago, I cheated death and he vants, your father vants me back."
BayaDane looked at Techno with greyed red eyes then looked at the ground. Anastasiya walked towards him and placed his sword on her neck, he pressed it hardly against her and slit her throat. Anastasiya's body fell to the ground, a smile on her face and tears like rivers on her checks. Techno looked at his mother and kissed her on the cheek before curling up against a tree crying. BayaDane put his hand on Techno's shoulder, "If she isn't lucky we'll see her again, come on. Let's put her somewhere Galiea won't find her."
Techno only cried harder and left BayaDane to hide Anastasiya's body. When he was done he picked up Shadow and motioned Techno to follow. They walked in silence till BayaDane needed a short break, Techno still stood behind BayaDane as he repositioned Shadow in his arms. "You're awfully quite boy."
He looked at Techno who shivered, he looked at the ground still and sighed. Techno walked up to BayaDane and huged his back, BayaDane chuckled.
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