part17 The Uncontrollable Insanity
"Galiea is alive! But you just killed him, for the second time!" "Techno my boy, please calm down. You just got your jaw fixed, I don't need you in a medical bed again I need you out in the battle. Yes Galiea is alive, we can't kill him that's his power, given to him by our parents. The only way he can die is by natural causes." "So we're fighting a war against an insane killer who we can't even kill!"
BayaDane looked at Techno with tired eyes, those red flames nearly burned their last. His face still holding five long claw marks that still bleed, the marks were from Selon, his wife, after hearing what had happened to Shadow. He put his hand on his jaw and stared at a metal wall as he talked, "Doesn't matter if we kill him. If Galiea loses his army he'll crumble to dust. Fighting him only gives us time, besides I don't think I could ever kill my brother. There's no way Shadow would hurt her only uncle ether, both us and Galiea have too much to lose if he's killed." "How do you still have love for this man! He almost killed Shadow, he raped her for god's sake!" "But her feelings towards him still hasn't changed, she's the only reason why I still care for him. As crazy as he may be now it's only a side effect, he'll be back to his old self someday. But still his old self doesn't last ether."
Techno threw himself down on his bed, he stared at the metal ceiling and listened for the smooth hum of the power generators. BayaDane patted his leg and walked out of the room, as he opened the door Shadow walked in. She gently laid herself on the bed, half of her torso was wrapped in bandages, it was visable through her tank top. Techno wrapped his arms around her, she looked at him with greyed blue eyes and an expressionless smile. They laid there in silence for a long time until Shadow was willing to talk, "Techno, do you think that someone who has their mind completely shattered can be their normal self someday?" "Well I guess that depends on if they're willing to get help or not." "How can you get help if you don't even know how to control your thoughts and body? *sigh* I know it sounds crazy but, I feel bad for Galiea-" "How!? He's the reason why you have five broken ribs, and... he..." "That wasn't Galiea, that couldn't have been my uncle. The man would never even stand two feet next to me, that thing that did this... it maybe Galiea's body but that wasn't Galiea." "Are you even listening to yourself?!" "Techno... please... stop... and just... listen."
Techno stood up in bed, he stared at Shadow with angry blue eyes until he saw her face.Her blue eyes were glossed over, tears were about to fall like rivers from her eyes, she never looked at Techno and now he felt horrible for saying anything. He laid his head back down on her chest and spoke calmly as he moved Shadow's hair to see her face, his metal arm laying on her chest and caused goosebumps to run up Shadow's body. "Sorry sweetheart. I just... I don't understand. I don't understand how you still love Galiea." "I don't love him, not like an uncle, not like family, not even like an enemy. Not anymore. But I know his pain and seeing him unable to control himself is sickening. The man's mind is shattered, but I think he is still able to put it back together." "How do you know?" "Because... well... it's hard to explain. Let's put it this way. You know about life among towns and people right?" "Yea. My parents tried to keep me from experiencing war." "You know the rights and freedoms of a normal person. I don't, I was born in this bunker and raised in this bunker. I know nothing but war and death, I've known no other joy then seeing the blood from the enemy drench my clothes. I only know how to be a soldier and what a soldier feels, I only know the feeling of the sun drying the blood of fallen brothers and sisters on to my skin. Since you're in the air force you've never seen me in battle or even out in the streets protecting people." "Why should that matter? We have friends that know life without war, they've helped us experience that." "Experience doesn't help me stop acting like a soldier, it only separates me more from the world, from our friends. I can't stand it. The first time I've seen a life without war showed me how shattered my own mind was. I never knew how I was fighting or my tactics, I never knew that I fought like an insane person." "So your fighting style is different." "Ripping your enemy's throat out with your own teeth isn't insane?" "Ok ya got me there... but that still doesn't make you insane... just on the battlefield."
Shadow moved away from Techno then sat on top of him, her hand on his chest. Techno laid there motionless, Shadow's emotionless blue eyes sent a chill down his spine. Techno slightly chuckled and tried to sit up to break the awkward silence and erie feeling, Shadow put a knife to Techno's throat and forced him back down on the bed. Although the blade wasn't touching him, Tachno could feel the cold metal blade, Shadow leaned closer to his face, her eyes glimmered with joy, her face lost all color and feeling, her voice and breath grew cold, colder then ice. "I love you more than anything in the world, but just because I love you doesn't mean that I can stop myself from killing you." "...Shadow!" "The urge and joy I get from holding this knife makes any other feeling I could get in the world NOTHING but grains of sand floating in an endless ocean. Cause at the end of the day you are NOTHING but another blood stain I'll have to scrub off my clothes. You understand now right? That you and our friends are the only things able to control my insanity. It's the exact same way with Galiea, even BayaDane."
Shadow threw the knife at the metal wall, it stayed there with a loud Screech right in between some bolts that held the walls together. She laid back down on her side and Techno stared at the ceiling in fear, his heart rate elevated and his breathing became small paints. He instinctively wrapped his arms around Shadow and kissed her neck, Techno saw the hairs on her neck raise. Shadow stared at Techno astonished, after showing her dark side she didn't think Techno would still love her. "I'm sorry," Techno's voice shook as he spoke, "I'm sorry I didn't know how you felt. But I don't have to be the only thing able to control your insanity, but...with a little time away from blood and fights I bet we'll be able to get you to control yourself."
Shadow smiled and began to cry, she hugged Techno tightly, never wanting to let go. She wished for the night to end, to forget all that happened, but at the same time she wished for the night to stay, she wanted to keep this new joy, this joy that she finally found that normal people have. The joy of knowing someone cared no matter what.
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