(part15)Air Force ECHO M.I.A (part2)
The sun rose high, winter birds chirped happily. The ground wasn't covered in frost but still was colder then ice. Flowers were surprisingly growing in the wild grassy ground, even in stone walls surrounding the garden. Techno woke up, his wings hurt, he looked at himself. His wings, arms, and legs were loosely chained. His metal arm was torn to shreds but the rest of him was healing fine and nothing else was broken. Techno stood up, the chains rattled and clang, in front of him was some stone stairs that lead up to a crumbling throne. On the throne was Galiea sitting with his feet on one of the arm rests, he tossed Techno an apple while he ate a piece of a chicken. "Thought you'd never get up boy. Now I'm thinking about whether I want your head on a silver platter or you become useful to me. All it takes is some talking."
Techno sat on the ground and stared at Galiea, his hair was long and wild, the black hair turned red at the tips. Galiae's eyes burned red just like BayaDane's, Galiae looked exactly like BayaDane despite the scars, same face, same body shape, even the same crazed fangy smile. He laughed at Techno's silence and waited for him to talk, at this point he didn't really care what Techno asked the silence was killing him. "Why do you want me?" "Isn't it obvious? I can't get anywhere near Shadow and of I did she would rip my throat out, and BayaDane killed me once on his own battlefield now I need to kill him on MY battlefield. I can't get BayaDane to come to my battlefield with just any soldier I need someone from his blood or close to it." "Like BayaDane would waste his time!" "No he wouldn't now would he? But, I still have someone I can count on, BayaDane's little Shadow. Hehee! Do you think she would let a soldier die if she could stop it from happening? Let alone your her husband."
Techno looked away from Galiea and down at the apple by his knees. Techno picked up the apple and tossed it around a little bit before throwing it a Galiea. Galiea grabbed the apple mid air and bit into it. "Seems you're not ready to listen yet. Well, I'll give you some time to yourself. Maybe Shadow will come then. And we can have some fun!"
Galiea walked behind his throne were a door was hidden from sight and left. Techno sighed and looked at the sky, his wings blocked most of his view but he couldn't move them. Techno's wings ached from being in the odd half closed half spread position but every time he moved his wings the chains would get tighter. winter birds flew freely across the sky riding the windless air as he sat on the cold ground chained like an untamable animal. The silence was unbearable, he missed hearing the bangs of hammers against metal, the deep voices of commanders, the gorgeous voices of singing soldiers, the sweet rhythmic hum from the power generators coursing through the whole underground base, he even missed hearing Shadow yell at him when he didn't pay attention or when he was arguing over something stupid. Silence was too much for a soldier to bare, it was too much for him to bare. Countless hours past before the silence was broken. A soft thud echoed across the ground. Techno looked at the noise's direction, it was Shadow. She kept low to the ground and to the small shadows as she ran torawrds Techno. She stayed crouched behind his wings and examined his chains, there was no way of cuting through them. Galiea came back, his footsteps echoing loudly, he tossed Techno another apple as he sat on his throne. A few stones crumble off of the stone seat and Galiea sighs. "Guess my men really thought I was dead, ain't seen stones in such bad shape. Now... still no Shadow huh. Hmm. Well doesn't hurt a hunter to wait. Well boy these will probably be one of your last moments anything ya wanna ask?" "*sigh* Alright then... What's your relationship with BayaDane? This clearly ain't no war related hate." "Thought you'd ask that. Let's try to make this easy, imagine me without the scars, hard I know. I look exactly like BayaDane right? It's cause I'm his twin, but that's all we got in common. That's all you need to know." "Sure. Fine."
Techno was growing impatient, his wings felt like they were going to collapse any minute and the heat from Shadow's back was making his heart race. He grew still, Techno was afraid that any movement would reveal Shadow, it was their only chance of fleeing. Galiea grew suspicious of the normally energetic boy, the only thing normal about Techno was his cold stare. Galiea grabbed Techno by the throat, he stared past the false fear in Techno's eyes, he stared right down to Techno's soul. Galiea let go of Techno's throat harshly, he walked around him only to find Shadow ready to attack. She aimed her knife for his throat but Galiea grabbed both of her hands and pushed Shadow to the wall. His hands now crushing her ribs and her sinking into his throat, many of Shadow's ribs broke before she could do any damage to Galiea. He pushed against her even harder sending a broken rib right through Shadow's lung. She gasped in pain but Galiea covered her face, blood ozed through his hand.
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