EXTRA!! Wedding Day
((AmandaSephrina you wanted this so here you go! Enjoy!) Sorry this is very late...This is an extra it doesn't really go with the story so... Enjoy!)
The sun rose high in the cloudless sky casting gentle warmth in the cool breeze. Shadow was in her room sitting at her desk working on some battle plans. Clyde and Connor were also in her room, Clyde was sitting on her bed sewing up Connor's uniform shirt while Connor sat on the floor next to him. Connor rested his head on Clyde's knee only for Clyde to shove it off, "I am not in the mood to be loved on!" "I'm just trying to calm you down Clyde. There's no need to be this angry over a ripped shirt." "This is the third time, this day! that you ripped your shirt! Honestly, if this medic meeting is this important then you should just stay in one spot. I'm not fixing this shirt again!" "You know you will Clyde." "Connor!"
Shadow put her head in her hand and rubbed her temple with her thumb. The two men began to fight in their martinian language completely unaware of her growing rage. Her other hand griped the edge of the desk, the metal began bending almost to its breaking point. A knock on the door to Shadow's room went unheard due to Clyde yelling at poor, defenseless Connor who tried to pay no attention and stared worriedly at the ever so angry Shadow. The door to the room swung open although not purposefully since there was a loud oops, Clyde finally clamped his mouth shut. Techno walked into the room scratching his head nervously, he first saw Clyde and Connor who cocked their heads questioningly at his nervous actions before waving a hello. Techno only grew more uneasy, he looked at the floor while rubbing a hand on the back of his neck and putting the other in his pants pocket. Before Connor could ask why he was so out of character Techno ignored them and walked towards Shadow, resting his slightly shaking hands on the back of the chair. He rested his nose on the back of Shadow's head, he was curious about what she was doing especially since she wasn't out training or with general BayaDane. Techno then moved to the back of her ear, his warm breath sent shivers of delight through Shadow causing her to slightly lean her head into his, Techno brushed his lips on her ear then lightly nibbled. He placed his hands on Shadow's shoulder blades resting his head by her neck, the actions sent a chill down Shadow's spine, he wasn't acting like his normal hyper self. "Is something wrong my little marshmallow? You're not acting like your normal self."
Techno buried his face into Shadow's collarbone as he tried to hide his blush making her gasp at the sudden movement, he didn't mind her nickname for him but he never liked others knowing it. Once he felt his blush die down he slowly kissed up Shadow's neck, "I'm fine sweetie." "Fine isn't how you normally tell me nothings wrong."
Techno paused for a moment, looking at Shadow's neck he found he was close to the curve of her jaw, he kissed her neck even slower as he neared the curve. "It's nothing that's... Worrisome. I'm fine."
Shadow sighed and moved her head to the side giving Techno more access of her neck. She didn't want to make him feel worse by pressuring him to tell her what's wrong and she didn't want to ruin the moment by doing something stupid. Shadow wasn't really good at expressing her love, often putting herself in embarrassing situations. Techno kissed the skin under the curve of Shadow's jaw, faltering a little before kissing the same spot for a little longer, grazing his teeth against her skin. A shiver ran down Shadow's spine, both Clyde and Connor jumped to their feet and rushed over, Clyde placing his hands on Shadow's shoulders nearly knocking her off her chair while Connor did the same to Techno pulling him roughly away. "M-master Techno! You can't... um I mean... uh I think there's some matters um, outside the base that require your assistants!"
Connor shifted nervously, his words coming out fast and jumbled. Techno sighed, forcing himself out of Connor's grip he headed out the door not exactly sure why he was being pushed away. He stared at the worn hall floor and sighed, the door next to him opened the metal screeching a little from being force to open and shut quickly making him jump and grow a little pale. The shrill voice of Selon could be faintly heard yelling out at BayaDane, who leaned on the door breathlessly, even he paled at her voice, his hands clawed at the smooth metal door trying to find something to grab. His uniform was a complete mess, there was even a rip on his shoulder revealing long bloody claw marks, he stood there for a while sighing when he felt he was out of the clear and rubbed his neck and jaw which held countless love bites, the stiff air started to reek of pine trees. Techno awkwardly coughed causing BayaDane to stiffen, he covered his mouth with a hand mumbling his words, Techno could've sworn he saw BayaDane blush. "Uh, don't um, don't worry about... what just happened. Selon can be a bit um... *coughs* We don't talk about what just happened ya hear!..."
BayaDane threw his fist down to his sides, his face redder than his burning eyes as he stormed off, adjusting his uniform along the way. Techno shook his head trying to get the moment out of his head, the door opened again this time it was Selon, a surgeon's blade in her bloody fingered hand. She stared at Techno causing him to shiver in fear, her grey eyes softened seeing as he wasn't BayaDane, she walked over to him and smiled a creepy, childlike smile while putting her hands behind her neck unlatching something. "Techno!" Selon eerily chimed at him sweetly, "I have something that I've been meaning to give to Shadow for a long time, but I think it would be better if you gave it to her instead. She isn't exactly fond of me plus I noticed how you've been behaving strangely ever since the harvest dance. I must say I think this is a little early in your relationship, but you two did meet as kids, I guess not much has changed since then huh."
Selon pulled a black locket out from under her medics dress and handed it to Techno, Techno blushed as he understood what she had done making her giggle. "I figured you needed some help. I must tell you now though, Shadow isn't exactly the type of woman that expresses her feelings so I hope you don't want a lot out of her too quickly. Now to keep from rambling at you, I believe it'd be best not to tell BayaDane about this and that you find a spot where both of you are alone, it'd be bad if he found you. Good luck, hope I don't see your head on a mantle in my room!"
Techno stared wide eyed as Selon walked away then stared at the black, slightly rusty locket in his hands, the little black heart shaped locket held a wolf with dragon wings as an emblem with the words Staliler Fanelia faintly written below it. He griped the locket tightly, putting it in his pocket and walking off to head outside of the bunker. With one foot out of a large bunker door, that was open for tanks and air crafts to be moved in and out of the bunker, he looked around at the soldiers that bunched themselves up in groups, their guns lazily swung around in their arms as they talked. a brown, black spotted wing smacked Techno in the face, he stared dumbfounded at Zina. Her black eyes stared at him through slits, "Where has little Analiea been, you missed training. Not only is Zina mad but wolf man is too, he hasn't once got off Zina's back about being late for training, let alone missing the fastest flyer." "Uh, wolf man?" "Zina doesn't know his name! Dane whatever you cave dwellers call him, Zina finds wolf man easier. Have you not been listening to Zina?! ZIna has been calling him wolf man for so long, you are an idiot Analiea." "Stop calling me that!"
Techno groaned and Zina just rolled her eyes, she patted Techno on the back and walked with him into the forest to meet the rest of the air force to guard the medics during their meeting. The day was already long but it seemed it was going to be even longer for Techno.
Shadow walked into the forest most of the medics had returned to the bunker already but to her surprise Techno didn't return yet. Normally after sitting still for so long and finally being able to move, he'd be one of the first ones darting back to his room and bug Shadow for the rest of the day, seeing as he had nothing better to do. The setting rose sun cast the grass in blankets of gold, the leafless trees in faded pinks and ebony. It didn't take her too long of a walk till she heard rather deep laughs and female mumbles. Many males and some females surrounded a tree, their wings blocking who they were talking to. The males wrapped arms around most of the girls or showed different types of jewelry that represented their marriage saying different types of proposals most of them seemed very awkward, they all looked back at Shadow as she walked towards them, they said all sorts of goodbyes or excuses before walking off, leaving Techno leaning on the birch tree. He looked down at the ground before looking at a rusty locket in his metal hand, most of the rust was rubbed off over years of use making most of the odd black metal visible. He opened the locket with his thumb to find a little music box inside, it's tune wasn't loud but could be heard a few feet away, its music was still as bold as ever, full of a wintery life, its crystal chimes were bold and happy yet still held onto a sadder meaning. Shadow put her hand on top of Techno's metal one, closing the locket with a click, she put her other hand on his cheek only for it to be taken by Techno's hand down to their side. Techno didn't look at her, anything except Shadow, his face began to turn a rosy pink as he grabbed Shadow by the hips and hugged her tightly. Shadow stiffened a little, "Techno you're still not fine, you're acting worse actually. What's going on with you, you've never been like this before."
Techno still said nothing and spun Shadow around so that her back was against the tree, he still didn't look her in the face but was trying to, he began to stamper over words before they could ever come out. Shadow cocked her head questionly to the side as he closed his eyes and sighed, resting his forehead against hers, "S-shadow, I-I've been wanting to tell you something ever since the Harvest Dance. I know w-we've only really been in a relationship for a season b-but I've known you since we were kids, although those memories are pretty faded we both haven't really changed. I didn't want to waste anytime, but I also don't want to rush you into anything you don't want." "Techno... Where are you going with this?" "Shadow I l-love you, I-I want to give you my love." "Aww. I love you too Techno!"
Shadow smiled and placed her hand on Techno's cheek but soon felt awkward as he stared at her with confused, puppy like eyes. "Does that mean you'll marry me?" "Woah woah! When was this about marriage!?" "S-shadow do you not know how Domnaes marry?"
Shadow smiled awkwardly, "My father is a general, the last thing on his mind during a war is letting his daughter marry..."
Techno coughed a little and did his best at explaining, hoping he didn't sound stupid or like he was talking to a child, "Well... When I said 'I wanted to give you my love' that was my p-posesal a-and if you accept it I take on your scent. Plus we both get something more psychical to represent our marriage, normally those are called infinity charms..." "Take on m-my scent?..." "Uh, there's a nerve under the curve of your jaw curve that trigers your scent glands." "And why is it my scent not yours?"
Both Techno and Shadow blushed, "I, I'd prefer our scent over mine, I like your honey dew scent..."
Shadow coughed and wrapped her arms around Techno's neck, pecking at his lips a little, "Well, I want to give my love to you as well."
Techno's sky blue eyes brightened, he immediately latched his mouth to the curve of Shadow's jaw. Shadow laced her hands in Techno's hair as his hands wrapped the little black locket around her neck, Shadow bit her lip to stifle her moans as the air began to reek of honey dew.
The moon began to rise in the black starlit sky, BayaDane was sitting at his desk work on plans as Selon sat on their bed reading classic piano pieces. The door to their room opened, BayaDane furrowed his brow and Selon happily smiled, "Shadow?"
BayaDane looked up from his work expecting to see his daughter since he smelled her scent, it was odd how she came instead of Techno since he asked him to come to discuss some problems he was having. He looked up to find Techno looking at the ground blushing madly. "What the hell did you do to my daughter?!"
BayaDane grabbed his sword but Selon grabbed at his wrist, her nails cutting deep into his skin, "You lay one hand on our new son and I'll be using your skin as a new rug honey bear..."
She growled at BayaDane who grew pale at her words.
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