EXTRA! Jealous? So was I!
( This is an extra, it doesn't really go with the story so... enjoy!)
The bunker was lively, soldiers ran up and down with all sorts of papers and ammo for all sorts of weapons. Most soldiers were eating in the Mess hall and getting work done quickly. BayaDane walked in with Shadow, they both held a five pound stack of papers and documents that they set on a table. Sitting down now they discussed new plans as they worked and ate. A newbie gerneral walked up to BayaDane to ask him some questions, BayaDane handed Shadow his bottle of some sort of health tonic as he talked to the gerneral. Shadow kept working until she heard a squeal, she looked up to find multiple women soldiers surrounding Techno's table. He stated off into the distance annoyed by the girls, they talked so loud that they couldn't hear his threats or pleas to leave him alone. Shadow grew angry as the girls, who clearly were new to the bunker, began to touch and fight over who sat with him. Her body shook and the glass she held in her hand shattered to a million shards, BayaDane jumped and looked at Shadow then quickly looked back at the gerneral trying to ingore his kid's hate. The room grew silent but the girls continued to squeal and scream, everyone watched Shadow as she walked over to Techno's table. Many veterans who had scars from Shadow laughed as they watched her slam her bloody hand on the table breaking it in three pieces. Techno stared at her with tired eyes and a smile that seemed to say thank you, the girls stopped talking and stared in fear. Shadow painted with anger, her moon bleached fangs dripped with foaming saliva, her voice was deep and shook everyone's hearts making them beat their last. "GET the fuck away from my man you WHINEY ASS SONS OF BITCHES!"
The women huddled around themselves and moved far from Techno. Techno hugged Shadow and tried to kiss her but she pushed him away and walked out of the mess hall, Clyde and Connor waited for her by the doors, they heard her yelling and knew they had to come, they began to take care of her hand as she walked down to BayaDane's room. Techno sat down near BayaDane and looked at him, BayaDane half heartedly let out a laughed as he said, "Heh. I can't help ya here boy! I've never seen Shadow that mad before, not even on the battlefield. Guess she just got sick of something and finally cracked."
Techno laid his head down and the mess hall went back to its normal self. The day turned to night and Techno couldn't find Shadow anywhere, she had to be somewhere but that somewhere seemed to be nowhere. Techno sighed and leaned against a wall as most soldiers went to their barracks for the night. Shadow was heading back for hers and Techno's room until a male soldier yelled, "Hey sexay! It looks like you can't seem to find your barrack but, ya could find a bare Rick if ya like where I'm goin?"
He was clearly another newbie and Shadow cringed in disgust. She turned her head and was about to walk away until she saw Techno leaning on a wall, this is a perfect chance for revenge! But he's so gross though... Screw it! Shadow tried to smile at the soldier but couldn't, making her look crazy but he didn't seem to notice and leaned her against the wall, he reaked of alcohol but he was completely sober. Shadow put her arms around his neck and spoke through gritted teeth as Techno walked towards her, "Oh! Do tell me more. What would... happen?"
The soldier leaned closer for a kiss when Techno grabbed him by the collar and began to beat him up making his face bloody. "That's it! Stay the fuck away from her you! And YOU," he turned to Shadow with a bloody fist, dropping the soldier who fell to the ground, she smiled a fangy smile, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH SOME GUY?!" "It's pay back for being with other women! Now you know how the fuck I feel!" "I'm not some guy!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
Techno made a fist at the soldier and he began to crawl away in fear. Shadow hugged Techno and kissed him, he was shocked at first then grew calm wrapping his arms around her. She stopped kissing him and placed her head on his chest, "I should do more stuff like this. You're so hot when you're mad!" "Never EVER do something like or close to this again!" "*sigh* I won't." "Shadow!" "I won't." "SHADOW!" "I wont! I promise!"
Techno sighed in relief, he walked down to their room with Shadow still in his arms, when they got in their room Techno pinned Shadow to the wall, they began to make out. "You owe me big time for this Shadow!"
Shadow giggled and nodded her head as she closed the door to the room.
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