Secrets Revealed
Hyrule Castle, morning
After Zelda's answers over the Triforce and her own retelling of events of Link's knowledge to many things, Alm was able to sleep much more comfortably with his better understanding of things. Therefore, when the guards came to unlock his door, he was seated at the bed in full armor and with his sword on his lap, ready to begin another day of restoration of the land. Though unneeded, Alm allows the guards to lead him to the castle entrance where he would await for Sheik to meet him to continue their journey. From the path, a carriage arrives and Alm smiles as Zelda steps out, but his mood sours as Daltus steps out as well; he was still bitter over his argument with the king the day before.
"Good morning King Alm." Zelda kindly greets.
"Ah, good morning Princess Zelda." Alm returns the greeting.
"I trust you've slept well, King Alm?" Daltus asks, not even bothering to give the same amiable greeting.
"Like a log, King Daltus..." Alm answers quietly, hiding his frustration with Daltus.
"Ah, our talk hasn't affected your mood, I hope?"
"Not at all...Where is Sheik? We were supposed to meet here in the morning."
"Oh, that's my doing, I'm afraid." Zelda cuts in, also to ease the tension between Alm and Daltus. "We had an unexpected turn of events."
"How so?"
"A Gerudo from the desert has found her way here. She was injured, so Sheik brought her inside to treat her wounds. But, we're having some trouble with her."
"The woman says that she wants to speak with the bearer of the Triforce of Courage, or rather Link." Daltus adds. "She refuses to speak with anyone else on the matter."
"Why not?" Alm asks, now intrigued.
"Your guess is as good as mine; the Gerudo didn't want our help before, why would they ask for it now?"
"It sounds like they don't want your help; but rather Link's." Alm corrects as Daltus raises an eyebrow at this.
"A-anyway, I think she might speak to me since I know Link. But, I don't know how we can help her otherwise." Zelda cuts in before any other argument happens.
"Why don't you try vouching for me? I'm not Link, but I did help to restore Lake Hylia." Alm suggests, trying to give himself better reach. "Maybe that could help to convince her."
"Maybe so." Zelda ponders. "Alright, come with me and we can speak to her together."
"As you both desire. Go on, I have other matters to attend to." Daltus comments in a dismissive tone before returning to the castle interior, much to Alm's annoyance.
Castle healing chamber
Reaching the healing chamber, Alm and Zelda spot Sheik standing in front of the door, the latter of which stands up straight at seeing them approach.
"Princess, King Alm, good morning." Sheik greets as he bows his head slightly.
"Good morning Sheik." Zelda returns the greeting. "How is our guest doing?"
"Her injuries were not severe, she will be fine in a matter of hours. However, she wishes to speak with Link only. I told her that he is unavailable at this present time, yet she insists that only he is the one she will speak to."
"That's why I'm here; perhaps she would be willing to hear me out at least." Zelda comments. "King Alm has also agreed to help however he can of She'll permit it."
"If things go well for us, then we have our next destination. " Alm adds.
"I wish you luck then. Go on in." Sheik steps aside to let them through. Once inside, they see a young Gerudo woman (Tanned skin, amber eyes, red hair in a high ponytail, red lipstick, yellow eye shadow, red sleeveless top and pants, yellow belt, broach, gauntlets and grieves and red shoes) staring out the window from her bed towards the direction of the desert.
"Good morning." Zelda decides to be the first to greet the woman, who turns her head to their direction.
"Princess." The Gerudo woman answers. "Where is Link?"
"I'm afraid he truly is not here and won't be for a long while."
"And who is this stranger?"
"Ah yes, this is Alm; King of Valentia."
"Huh, he's very young for a king." The Gerudo woman states, looking at him from top to bottom.
"I get that a lot." Alm answers, hoping to also get a response from her over it.
"Hmm. And what is his purpose for being here?"
"He stated that he wants to help you in Link's place." Zelda answers.
"What?" The Gerudo woman asks in surprise.
"It's true. Link isn't here; he's in my homeland while I'm here in his stead." Alm briefly explains.
"What, are you fixing each others problems?"
"...Something like that."
"Even so, we only trust Link. Send me on my way; I wasted my time coming here."
"Aveil." The Gerudo woman, Aveil, corrects Alm by introducing herself.
"Fine, Aveil, I don't know if you are aware of this; but I went to Lake Hylia with the Sheikah outside this door and we both restored it with the help of the Sage of Water, Princess Ruto."
"The Sage of Water? Princess, is this true?"
"Yes. I sent him and he and Sheik restored the lake to its former glory." Zelda proudly answers. "He may be foreign to these lands, but he can be trusted."
Pondering it through, Aveil thinks carefully before giving any answer. Eventually, she opens her eyes and gives her answer.
"I don't know if this is the right choice, but if you truly managed to awaken the Sage of Water, then I will take the leap and accept your aid."
Alm and Zelda breathe a sigh of relief upon hearing Aveil accepting Alm's help.
"Well, for starters, why did you come after all this time? I mean, forgive me for saying so, but you made it clear that you do not want our help. Why the sudden change?" Zelda asks.
"I understand your confusion, but we didn't want the King's help; we wanted Link's. The reason for this is that...Nabooru has been captured." Aveil explains.
Hearing this, Zelda's blood runs cold. "What?! How did this happen?!"
"Koume and Kotake; they took her away. They said 'if you want her back, tell the princess to come here', here being our fortress."
"What is so special about this Nabooru person? No offense, but how is she important to the princess?" Alm asks.
"Alm...she's the Sage of Spirit." Zelda answers.
Wide eyed, Alm rescinds his words. "Oh, that's a big deal..."
"I'm her second in command, I had to take the risk and make my way here. The bridge connecting the canyon was destroyed by us; in an effort to keep the monsters from possibly crossing over to the rest of Hyrule." Aveil explains. "I'm afraid we took away your only path inside."
"Don't you worry; Hylian horses are some the best. We'll be able to clear the gap with them." Zelda confidently states. "That is, King Alm and Sheik; King Daltus wouldn't risk me going, unfortunately."
"But, they said-"
"I know; But, we're going to sneak into their lair." Alm states, cutting Aveil off. "Consider this, since the sandstorm can cut off our visibility, then so can it affect theirs. I'm not saying it'll be easy or even safe, but it might be the better option than risking Zelda's safety; Let alone Nabooru's. Please understand, we can't hand her over like this."
"King Alm...I am taking a big risk asking you for help." Aveil states, pausing before continuing. "But, if Link and the princess trust you, then so will I."
"Ah, I never said I knew-" Alm speaks before Zelda taps his side with her elbow to have him stop. "I mean, I won't let him down, or the princess."
"Thank you...very much."
"Well, that's all settled then. I will notify the king and you two can head off to the desert. Aveil, please allow another day to pass before we can let you go." Zelda states.
"Very well." Aveil nods in acceptance.
"Now then, King Alm, you should get ready to move out along with Sheik."
"Alright. I'll see if anything is missing that we might need." Alm states before walking out. "Aveil, I'll see you soon."
With everything settled, Zelda leaves Aveil to continue recovering. Outside the room, Zelda and Sheik share a quick glance and a nod before going their separate ways.
Riding through the field, Alm and Sheik reach the entrance to Gerudo Desert, where they are bombarded by a heavy sandstorm. Understanding that the horses are needed, they both ride slowly into the canyon.
"You know, I thought Celica was exaggerating about that trek in the desert back home. I owe her an apology when I get back." Alm states, trying to look past the sandstorm.
"I wouldn't know." Sheik answers, before stopping abruptly and having Alm do the same. "Sir, we aren't alone."
Sure enough, several Gerudo soldiers jump down from the cliffs and surround the duo with their spears.
"Hold!" Sheik shouts to the Gerudo before slowly dismounting his horse. "It's alright; Aveil sent us."
"Aveil?" The head Gerudo inquires as she lowers her spear. "Where is she now?"
"Back at the castle, she's being tended to for her injuries." Alm answers as he dismounts his own horse. "Princess Zelda is overseeing her."
"I see. And what of Link? Where is he?"
"I was sent in his place; my name is Alm."
"Then tell us, Alm, are you aware of our current situation" The Gerudo asks, barely hiding her frustration.
"We are aware of Nabooru's predicament." Sheik answers in Alm's stead. "We will infiltrate the Desert Colossus to retrieve her, using this storm to our advantage."
"And how do you plan to cross? We destroyed the bridge."
"Our horses can clear the gap and from there, we'll work on our next step." Sheik comments. "Also, where are the others? I assumed there were more of you."
"They were taken prisoners in our fortress." The Gerudo answers. "What few of us remained fled to this canyon and then we destroyed the bridge. Afterwards, we've been guarding the entrance to make sure no one gets in or out."
"I think our first order of business should be to free the prisoners." Alm declares, looking in the direction of the fortress. "We can't just leave them like that."
"Agreed. As long as we don't draw attention to ourselves, we can sneak in, slay the monsters and free the captives." Sheik adds.
"I...don't know what to say." The head Gerudo comments in bewilderment. "When do you plan to move out?"
"As soon as you allow us to." Alm answers.
"Oh, very well then. Go and be careful." The Gerudo move aside to allow Alm and Sheik through with their horses. Able to just barely see through the storm, Alm decides to go first; backing up a few feet, Alm has the horse charge at full speed and clearing the gap, much to his relief.
"I made it!" Alm shouts from the other side after dismounting his horse. "Come on over!"
Nodding in compliance, Sheik prepares his own horse to jump the gap. Just then, as they're over the gap, a blast of air hits Sheik in the face and he falls off.
"SHEIK!" Alm shouts in alarm as the horse appears without Sheik on its back. Rushing to where the bridge was, Alm looks down to see Sheik climbing up it; using a kunai tied to a chain. "Thanks for the near heart attack!" Alm shouts in relief.
"The wind wasn't exactly part of my plan!" Sheik retorts as he climbs up the chain as he reaches the wooden boards.
"Alright, reach up to me!" Alm extends his hand down to Sheik and unbeknownst to him, a large shadow appears behind him.
"Sir, look out!"
"Huh? Whoa!" Alm moves to the side, just barely avoiding a large axe slamming down on him. However, he doesn't manage to escape a large hand grabbing him by the back of his head and thrown further back. Recovering, Alm looks up to see a large, armored figure holding a hefty double bladed axe walking towards him. "Sheik!"
"I'll be fine! Handle that monster!" Sheik answers, climbing up the boards. "It's an iron knuckle, be careful!"
Conceding, Alm draws his sword and charges at the iron knuckle, expecting it to hit him with its axe so he can dodge it. However, it kicks him in the chest, forcing him back and leaving him open to a downward chop. Dodging that, Alm moves in to slash it and it blocks the sword with its handle. Parrying his slash, the iron knuckle turns around with its axe and Alm just barely manages to use his sword to block the blade, though it sends him back several feet. Shaking, Alm gets back on his feet and charges the iron knuckle again, this time wary of any potential counterattacks. Just as he had hoped, it swings the axe horizontally, allowing Alm to duck under it and climb onto its back. Dropping the axe, the iron knuckle tries to reach for Alm while the latter stabs the sword downward, breaking its armor bit by bit. Angered, the iron knuckle grabs Alm's sword and tosses him over its shoulder. Getting to one knee quickly, Alm prepares to evade an attack, but sees the iron knuckle trying to lift up the Royal Sword, completely unable to do so. From behind, Sheik had managed to get up from the gap and Alm, taking a risk, charges at the dropped axe, lifts it with some difficulty and swings it at the surprised iron knuckle, making it drop the sword and flinging it at several boulders.
"Not bad..." Alm breathlessly states before dropping the axe and picking his sword up. "But, this feels better. Sheik!"
Alm rushes over to overlook Sheik, who brushes off his worries. Before anything else, they're alerted by the sounds of metal scraping; the iron knuckle had emerged from the boulders and recovered its axe, with the top half of its armor damaged and falling apart. With its freer movement, the iron knuckle rushes at them, angered.
"Hang on a minute." Sheik moves Alm aside and throws several kunai at the iron knuckles exposed torso to slow it down before running up to and jumping behind it. Wanting to blindside it, Sheik is forced to duck down as the iron knuckle swings behind it, thanks to its increased mobility. Kicking down, the iron knuckle sweeps Sheik off of his feet and seizes him by the throat, holding him aloft. Instead of attacking him, the iron knuckle observes the struggling Sheik; noticing that for a moment, his eyes shimmered blue. Before it can do anything, Alm stabs it through the back, making it release Sheik and Alm finishes it off with a downward slash. The iron knuckle drops down to its knees and disappears in a cloud of smoke and blue wisps.
"It forgot I was here, dumb monster." Alm states as he sheathes his sword before kneeling down. "Sheik, are you alright?"
"I'll live..." Sheik answers, straining from the discomfort on his neck, and accepts Alm's help to get up. Though, Alm's curious expression doesn't go unnoticed. "What is it?"
"That iron knuckle...why did it stop to look at you?"
"I...I wouldn't know, Sir. Is that important?"
"I thought it was going to go for the kill, but it stopped to look you over. That was...odd."
"Who knows?" Sheik answers dismissively before looking in the direction of the fortress. "It's just past this passage, we should go now." Sheik moves on along with a still skeptical Alm behind him.
Gerudo Fortress
"This is it." Sheik gestures over the stone wall towards the fortress above it.
"Alright then, what should our plan be?"
"I'll check around and see how many guards there are, you wait here until I return." Sheik advises, stating the plan of action. "The sandstorm will hide me and you; just wait here."
Nodding, Alm stands by near the entrance and Sheik climbs the rocky wall, disappearing from what little sight Alm had. Now alone, Alm contemplates the earlier fight with the iron knuckle; why did it stop when it held Sheik? Was there something it saw in him, or something it was looking for? Also, back in Lake Hylia, several things caught his attention about him...Not long after, Sheik returns to Alm.
"What happened? That was fast." Alm asks surprised to see Sheik so soon.
"I took down 5 lizalfos guards. All stationed at one point, I believe that's where the prisoners are." Sheik reports.
"Great. How many more monsters does that leave us?"
"That's the thing; it was just those five."
"What?" Alm asks, clearly shocked by Sheik's answer. "But, it's such a large fortress; why are there not more of them?"
"I couldn't tell you, Sir." Sheik answers, truly at a loss for a better response. "What do you want us to do?"
"We can't really turn back at this point; let's get inside." Alm declares and the two climb up the stairs and look past the storm to see the entrance that Sheik singled out and enter. Once inside, they breathe easier without the sand in their faces and move slowly, anticipating enemy forces.
"I don't sense any monsters..." Sheik whispers. "None at all."
"Where is everyone?" Alm asks, now confused with this turn of events. "Something's not right..."
"Wait..." Sheik halts Alm and arms a kunai before looking around a corner. "Sir, I see the prison cell."
"How many prisoners?"
"Only four. All bound and blindfolded."
The same bewilderment crosses through Alm's mind; why so few prisoners when, according to Aveil, there are several of them? "What the hell is going on here...?"
"Sir, let's go." Sheik decides to go further in to pick the locks. Alm looks around and sees that the room connecting the hallway and the prison cell is large...
"Sheik, wait! I think it's a-"
"A trap!" From behind Alm, Koume, answering for him, appears and rams him with her broom and flies around Sheik. From the floor, Kotake materializes and joins Sheik as they combine into Twinrova. "Hello."
"Twinrova! Where are the others?!" Sheik shouts.
"Never you mind them; worry about him." Using one of her brooms like a wand, Twinrova shoots ice at a rushing Alm, pushing him to the wall and freezing him to it; exposing only his head and left arm holding the sword.
"Tut tut, I wouldn't move if I were you." Twinrova points the other wand with fire at Alm. "Going from cold to hot in an instant is bad news. You have business with us; you know already."
"We would not give the princess to you. You're insane for thinking it." Sheik states in defiance.
"Heheh, do you think we're fools? We know full well about the lengths you're taking and you coming here was nothing short of idiotic." Twinrova comments, looking at Sheik with an indifferent expression. "Now, hand it over."
"Have this!" Sheik answers by throwing several kunai at Twinrova, who teleports away. Taking the brief moment, Sheik throws more kunai at several points on the ice covering Alm to weaken it. Sure enough, Twinrova reappears and seizes Sheik by the neck, who fruitlessly resists.
"Sheik!" Alm shouts, struggling to get the ice off. "Let go of him!"
"Heheh, you'd have gotten away if you didn't think about him, Sheik." Twinrova derisively states. "This was almost too easy, now then; why not hand over the-" Reaching Sheik's right hand, Twinrova looks on in shock as she can't find what she's looking for. "What...? WHERE IS IT?!"
Angered, Twinrova slams Sheik to the wall, causing him pain.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Sheik shouts, feigning ignorance.
"Stop lying! I told you that we know everything!" Twinrova shouts before whispering to Sheik. "We know who you are..."
"...Then you know what my answer already is."
"Insolent child..." Twinrova finally slams Sheik repeatedly against the wall. "GIVE IT TO US! GIVE IT TO US! GIVE IT TO US! GIVE IT TO US!" Stopping, they stare at a dazed Sheik.
"...No." Sheik answers, visibly pained.
Frustrated, Twinrova aims the fire wand at the captive Gerudo. To everyone's surprise, Alm redirects the wand downward and the flames hit the ground, having released himself from the broken ice. Releasing Sheik, Twinrova struggles to get Alm off her arm. "Sheik, get the prisoners, now!"
"Right away...!" Sheik, still weary from the hits, answers as he moves to open the prison cell.
"Let us go!" Twinrova angrily shouts as Alm moves from her arm to her back, wrapping his arms around her neck. In response, she slams her back on the wall in an effort to loosen his grip.
"I don't know how long I can hold her! You need to hurry!"
"I'm going as fast as I can!" Sheik answers while picking the lock. A few seconds later, the door opens. "It's done- Ahh!" A blast of fire hits Sheik's right side, burning him terribly.
"SHEIK!" Alm shouts in horror at witnessing Twinrova make her attack. Sheik falls to the ground unconscious, leaving Alm to handle Twinrova. "YOU MONSTER!"
"Oh, this is boring!" Twinrova briefly separates back into Koume and Kotake to free themselves from Alm before reuniting. Alm draws his sword brings a downward slash to her. Twinrova blocks it by crossing her wands, just barely keeping it at bay. "What a heavy sword, and yet you swing it effortlessly."
"I'm not letting you get away!" Alm declares as he slowly forces Twinrova back. "We will stop you!"
"Bold words. You and your 'partner', we assume?" Twinrova asks.
"Can you name another? He's the best the Sheikah have to offer, chosen specifically by Princess Zelda. I'll get him help, after I finish you!" Alm states and Twinrova laughs at this.
"Is that what he told you? You really don't know anything, do you? Foolish boy." Twinrova asks, witnessing Alm's conviction fade slightly. "Nothing seemed odd as of late? A slip of his reserved personality? A reaction to particular people...a shimmer of his red eyes?"
"What are you getting at?"
"Ask him." Twinrova answers as she blasts fire and ice on opposite ends, forcing Alm to retreat. Laughing, Twinrova decides to leave by phasing through the floor. Now alone, Alm runs over to a still unconscious Sheik.
"Sheik! Come on, I don't know what she was talking about, but you can't go out like this!" Alm says as he cradles Sheik, hoping that he would wake up. At that moment, Sheik opens his eyes slightly and this time, Alm is not mistaken; Sheik's red eyes have turned blue. "Sheik?"
"...Link?" Sheik weakly says before losing consciousness again, glimpsing Alm as Link for a moment. Shaking off that comment, Alm remembered the captive Gerudo in the now open prison cell and goes off to cut their binds. Once freed, the Gerudo stare at their savior; a man.
"Wait, I know your laws already; Aveil sent us to help you. But, my friend is badly hurt; before I can do anything, I ask you all to help him. Please." Alm asks in a supplicating tone. For a moment, the Gerudo continue staring at him and, grateful for his and Sheik's help, carry the latter away and lead Alm to another area, much to his relief.
Three hours later
In the mess hall of the fortress, three of the Gerudo sit in silence while Alm paced nervously back and forth. Waiting to hear that Sheik would be fine ended up seeming like an eternity and it tore him up inside, not even bothering to eat the stew that they had prepared for him. Moments later, the fourth Gerudo warrior (Short red hair, white lipstick, yellow eye shadow, red tanktop, white open vest and pants, dark red belt and off white shoes) comes into the room and Alm immediately walks over to her.
"Well? Is he going to be alright?"
"The burns were severe, but our salves have begun the healing process. You will both have to stay the night, I'm afraid." The Gerudo states, giving Alm some much needed relief.
"That's wonderful news. Thank you so very much." Alm happily states. "Can I see him?"
"I don't see why not. But, Sir Alm, did you truly not know about this?"
"What? Not know about what?" Alm asks, genuinely confused. The Gerudo decides to whisper the answer, leaving Alm in complete shock. "We will keep this a secret if need be. The room is just past the top left exit, you may go."
With that, Alm takes his leave outside in the sandstorm and through the next room where "Sheik" is recuperating. The Gerudo's words kept going through his head. Surely she had to be mistaken; there is just no way that could be true. Taking a deep breath, Alm moves the drape aside and sees someone covered up to their neck in a blanket and he comes to the conclusion; the woman was right, leaving Alm in wide eyed shock.
Sensing his presence, Sheik's eyes slowly open and he sits up on his bed, wincing from his still healing burns. "Sir?" Sheik asks, but Alm only looks on. "I apologize for my carelessness, but thank you for your help. I should also talk to the Gerudo in a moment; they don't welcome men into their lands, but we can explain our situation to them." Sheik, unaware that his voice sounds completely different, states and Alm walks over to a nearby counter and picks up a hand mirror. "Sir, what is the matter?"
Alm stands at the foot of the bed, much to Sheik's confusion, and he holds up the mirror to his face. In the reflection, Sheik becomes stunned at seeing 'his' face; paler complexion, long blonde hair with two bangs framing the face, deep blue eyes and most of all, a feminine face. Unable to find the words, this person stays mouth agape. Ultimately, Alm says the words he can't believe were true.
"Princess Zelda..."
Biting her lower lip and briefly closing her eyes, Zelda looks at Alm with guilty eyes. "Please...I can explain everything."
"How long have you been posing as Sheik?" Alm quietly asks.
"...Since the beginning."
"Then, who is the real Sheik?"
" no Sheik. I made up that disguise with my magic." Zelda answers in shame. "Please forgive me, Alm; there was no other way for me to leave the castle."
"But why? Why would you risk the Triforce of Wisdom by coming with me?" Alm asks, partially disappointed by her recklessness.
"The Triforce of Wisdom is still in the castle; with my doppelganger. I created it to be a perfect replica of myself so that no one would suspect a thing."
"But that doesn't answer my question; why are you here?"
"Because..." Zelda begins to answer, but stops herself.
"Because what?" Alm presses further.
"..." Zelda remains quiet, shutting her eyes.
"Tell me!" Alm shouts in frustration.
Finally, Zelda answers. "Because it's all my fault!"
Alm's angry expression softens upon hearing Zelda. "What do you mean?"
Zelda hangs her head in sadness before continuing. "I don't mean what happened to you, but the day Link was taken...I told him to go away."
"Why would you do that? What did he do?"
"That's just it; he didn't do anything." Zelda says in a shaky voice. "I was just trying to protect him. I didn't think that he..." Zelda's eyes begin tearing up. "I thought he was gone...I hated myself for letting that be the last thing between us. What did I do...?" Unable to stand it, Zelda covers her face and cries. Alm, seeing her in clear distress, drops the mirror on the bed and sits beside her. "Please, don't think I'm using you to figure out everything, I promise that I want to help you get home. I just don't know how."
"Hey. It's ok, it's ok." Alm says in a comforting tone, slowly wrapping his arms around Zelda to calm her down. "Calm yourself now. Remember that I said he was fine when I saw him, that means he's fine now." Zelda calms down slightly and looks up at Alm. "I understand your frustration; you want him back and you want to be the one to find him. I was just a little overwhelmed by all of this, but it's fine. I won't tell anyone about this, not even the king."
"...Really?" Zelda asks with hopeful eyes.
"I mean it. This isn't just about me, remember? Link has to come back as well; I can't let the Triforce fall into the hands of the Duma Faithful. But, as it stands, we have an advantage. Listen; only one part of the Triforce is in Valentia, while the other two are secured here in Hyrule. Therefore, there is no active threat of them making a wish unless all three are in place."
"That's true."
"That being said, you know everything that Link knew about this land; I'm more than happy to have you accompany me." Alm finishes and extends his hand out to Zelda. Drying her tears, Zelda finally smiles and takes Alm's hand.
"Thank you."
"But, I think we should keep the status quo when out and about. Can't have word spreading that the princess is wandering around." Alm says with a smile.
"Of course not, sir." Zelda jokingly states and they both share in a laugh. With everything in order, Alm helps Zelda get back on her feet and the latter realizes at last that she is wearing a simple white dress, no doubt offered by the Gerudo. The right side had been cut away in order for the salve and bandages on her burns. Alm offers her his arm to use to keep her stable and they walk off to talk to the Gerudo about all of these unexpected events.
To be continued
Author's note: Finally, this is the chapter I wanted to get out of the way for a while now; Sheik's secret identity. While I'm very aware that everyone was aware of it, you wouldn't believe my surprise when I heard there were a select few that had no idea. Then again, some of us weren't born in the nineties, heheh. Alright guys/girls, take care. :)
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