Hyrule Castle, 6 months after Ganondorf's attack
It was past noon in Hyrule Castle and Zelda was seated on a bench near its entrance; with a book in her hands and a flat object wrapped in brown paper next to her. Moments later, the guard addresses her; Link had arrived as she had requested. Smiling, Zelda closes her book and goes over to greet him as he walks up the steps.
"Hi Zelda." Link greets with a smile.
"Link, welcome back to the castle." Zelda happily returns the greeting.
"I didn't keep you waiting, right?"
"No, of course not; I did say noon, after all." Zelda answers before looking at the sword behind Link's right shoulder. "Did you get a new sword?"
"Oh no, it's the same one; but with an upgrade." Link answers before he draws the Kokiri Sword; now with a slightly longer blade, a yellow guard and a blue handle. "The Kokiri gave me the sword for helping find the Deku Tree's killer, so I had it reforged to give it a little more kick. I wanted you to see it."
"Wow." Zelda looks on at the sword; even seeing her own reflection in the blade. "It'll look good with what I have for you."
"For me?" Link asks before sheathing his sword. "What is it?"
"Heheh, well, you know how you lost your old wooden shield?" Zelda asks before picking up the flat object from the bench "Well, Hylian Shields are too big for you to hold, so I had one made especially for you."
Zelda hands the object to Link and he unwraps it; it was a shield. It had a midnight blue background with intricate shapes plastered on the surface. In the center was a red symbol that looked almost identical to an owl and in the groove between where its wings were set on either side, the triforce symbol rested in a bold yellow, standing out against the blue. Below the triforce, was another pattern in red. This one did not have such a distinguished shape. The outside of the shield was fixed with a silver border made out of metal and held on tightly by bolts in every groove. Amazed, Link holds it in his right arm and checks the weight of it.
"What do you think?" Zelda expectantly asks.
"It feels so light, I barely feel any restraint when I bring it up." Link comments before putting it on his back. "Zelda, thanks."
"I'm glad you like it." Zelda answers with a shy smile and her hands behind her.
"This is what you wanted to show me, right?"
"Actually, there's something else I wanted you to see. My father is in a meeting; so we have a little over an hour to show you something...that might be important to you." Zelda retorts. "Come with me, please."
Though very curious, Link silently follows Zelda down the halls of the castle.
Castle catacombs
"What is this place?" Link asks, looking down the torch lit, stone halls.
"This is where we keep many of our old records, including artifacts." Zelda explains, bringing Link to a locked door. "This is it; one moment." Picking up an iron key next to the door, Zelda unlocks it and they both bear witness to the chambers contents; many burnt Hylian banners, several damaged and even bloodied armors, completely destroyed ramparts, all manner of weapons haphazardly piled in a corner and many other items used in a battle. Link is the first to walk in and inspect it all.
"What...is all this?"
"This...is all that remains of the civil war, before the land was unified. Link, this is the war the Deku Tree Sprout told you about." Zelda explains, recalling the future that Link informed her of.
"Why did you bring me here?' Link asks, visibly uncomfortable being around such an historic event that he unknowingly survived.
"Because there's a portrait that may seem familiar to you." Zelda answers before leading Link past several of the artifacts until they reach the back wall with several damaged portrait, either through time or combat. One portrait in particular stands out from the rest; it had a damaged wooden frame and in the picture was a man on the right side in slivery gray armor with the Hylian insignia on the front, blonde hair, brown eyes and a sword pointed down in his right hand. To the left was a woman seated in a dark blue dress with a white sash around her shoulders, long brown hair, deep blue eyes and in her arms is a baby wrapped in a green blanket with delicate facial features, blonde hair covering the top of his head and blue eyes. Link walks up to the portrait and slowly caresses it so as not to damage it further.
"Does it, possibly, remind you of anything?" Zelda cautiously asks.
Before answering, Link's hand floats over to the baby on the portrait. "Is this me?" Link asks before turning his attention to the man and woman, both of whom have expressions that indicate protection and nurturing. "Then, this is my father and...my mother." Shutting his eyes, Link breathes deeply before asking further. "Do you know what happened to them?"
Zelda crosses her arms and explains. "Well, from what Impa told me from the Sheikah records; the man, Eric, stayed behind to give his wife, Cassandra, time to escape with their baby. The civil war was unrelenting and he wanted to keep them safe from it...at the cost of his life." Zelda pauses to see Link's reaction before continuing. "As for Cassandra, they never found her or their baby."
Upon hearing this, Link comes to the tragic realization; it was them. After discovering that he is a Hylian instead of a Kokiri, Link had wanted to know about his parents and Zelda had, in a sense, introduced them to him. What should've been a moment of closure for him only left another hole in his heart; he understood that they had passed away, but the realization that he can never touch them hits him surprisingly hard. "So, it's just me now..."
Seeing Link's somberness, Zelda walks up behind him and places a hand on his shoulder. "Link, I'm sorry. I...I shouldn't have brought you here. I just thought maybe you should know a little more about who I thought were your parents; I didn't expect that I'd be that accurate."
"No, I'm glad you did." Link retorts as he turns around to face Zelda. "I wanted to know about them and you gave me what I asked for. Thank you, Zelda."
"If it's any consolation, there is one bright thing about your story." Zelda shyly comments and Link gives her his full attention. "It brought me to you."
At these words, Link slowly but surely smiles once again. She was right; Link had helped to save Zelda and her kingdom from a terrible fate and it was all because his parents saved him from an untimely death, even if it cost them greatly. Though he cannot meet the parents he's never known, all that he needs is ahead of him now; with his new friends, his new life and of course, Zelda. "Yeah, that is the brightest I can think of."
Giving a consoling smile, Zelda offers her hand to Link so that they can both leave and he takes it. Taking one last look at his parents portrait, Link nods in respect before turning back to the exit. As they both walk out, Link hears someone running down the stone halls, calling out to him.
Startled by who would be calling out to him, Link has Zelda stand back inside the chamber while he goes out to check. To his shock, Faye comes into view and calls out to him again.
"Link, wake up!"
Waking up with a start, Link immediately sits up and sees Faye next to his bedside.
"Faye? What's going on?" Link asks, rubbing his eyes.
"Please! We need your help; there's trouble outside with one of the villagers!" Faye answers in a panicked tone. "Hurry!"
"Ok, ok. Let me get ready, go try and talk to them; I'll be there in a minute." Link says and Faye nods before running off. Now alone, Link puts his tunic, boots and silver gauntlets back on along with his equipment before racing out from the room the villagers offered him and towards the entrance to Mycen Village. What he sees is nothing less than a hostage situation; one of the villagers had taken a sword and seized Clair while holding it up to her throat. Around the two, Celica and the others are trying to diffuse the situation.
"Please, don't do this!' Celica pleads to the villager, holding her hands forward.
"Stay back! Don't come any closer!" The villager shouts in a mix of panic and frustration.
"Gray..." A fearful Clair calls out.
"I'm right here, just look at me." Gray answers in an attempt to console Clair, before turning his attention to the villager. "Let her go or I'll make sure you regret stealing my sword!"
"Gray, he's moved Clair in my sight; I can't get a shot without hitting her." Tobin reports, aiming an arrow at the villager.
"We're not moving until the stranger gets here! Now where is he?!"
"Wait!" Faye calls out. "He's here!"
Everyone looks back and they see Link running up to assess the situation.
"Hey Link." Kliff greets, though his expression is less than calm.
"I got the message; what's going on?" Link asks.
"One of the villagers took Clair hostage, he said he wouldn't talk to any of us; except you."
"Me?" Though curious, Link decides to step forward and meet the villager. "Hello, I heard you wanted to see me."
"You, why didn't you say that they were looking for you?"
"The Duma Faithful!" The villager shouts before whispering to Clair. "Toss it at him. Carefully."
Complying, Clair throws a ball of paper at Link's feet, who unfurls it and is surprised by its contents; a poster with his face drawn on it and a large number below it.
"What is this?"
"It's a wanted poster, the Duma Faithful brought them here early on." The villager explains. "They want you and are offering a hefty reward for your capture."
"You're giving him up for coin?!" Celica asks, appalled by this information.
"No, I don't care about the reward; I care about the village! I know the Duma Faithful sent those monsters to attack other settlements and our own. So, we'll just give the stranger to them, and they'll leave us alone."
"What are you thinking; you can't trust the Duma Faithful!" Gray shouts in anger.
"Why?! You saw the poster; he's the one they want!"
"Everyone, settle down!" Celica shouts in an effort to diffuse the tension. "Please, let's just think this through and not cause a panic."
"NO!" The villager brings the sword closer to Clair's neck, making her flinch. "We've suffered through enough war, we can stop it all if we just give them what they're looking for! Now, surrender yourself! Please..."
Now understanding the situation, Link thinks things through very carefully as Celica, her friends and the other villagers look at him in uncertainty.
"...If I turn myself in, will you let her go?" Link asks, earning shock from everyone present.
"Yeah, that's right. I don't want to hurt anyone, I just want to keep everyone safe. You can understand that, right?" The villager answers, still fidgeting.
"...I'll do it."
"No Link, no!" Celica moves to protest, understanding what giving Link up to the Duma Faithful would mean given what's in his left hand.
"Stand back!" Link shouts, holding up his arm to halt Celica. "This was going to happen sooner or later, it's not your fault." Link then turns around to face her. "You brought me as far as you could, thank you."
"Guy, don't do this." Gray adds, not wanting Link to be apprehended.
"I'm the only one that has to fall; you guys don't have to fall with me." Link explains and at the same time, he mouths the words "Tobin, tree" while balling up his right fist quickly. Celica sees this before he turns back around and walks over to the villager and Clair. "I'm ready."
"Wait a minute!" The villager shouts, making Link stop abruptly. "Drop your weapons."
"Fine." Link complies and unbuckles the strap across his chest, dropping his sword and shield. Next, he removes his sliver gauntlets and takes off his hookshot, dropping them on the ground as well. "Now what?"
"Is that all?" The villager asks and Link nods. "Ok, now put your hands up and walk towards me, slowly."
Complying, Link brings his hands up and begins walking towards the two. As he gets closer, the villager walks backwards with his hostage towards the entrance.
"Link..." Clair calls out, only for the villager to hush her.
"It's ok Clair, everything is going to be just fine." Link says in a consoling tone, waving his right hand slightly. Seeing that, Celica slowly walks over to Tobin, ordering her soldiers to stand down, and she whispers something to him. Though confused, Tobin complies and lowers his bow until "something" happens. A few, tense moments later, they all reach the entrance and Link breathes deeply, telling himself that he only has one shot at this; so failure is not an option. Link raises his right hand slightly and, with a deep exhale, he clenches it tightly.
"Now." Celica whispers audibly enough for Tobin to hear and he quickly shoots an arrow at the tree next to the entrance. The impact of the arrow shocks the villager and Link makes his gambit; running quickly towards them, Link grabs the villagers sword arm in his right hand and hits his face with his left elbow, knocking him to the ground and freeing Clair. The villager shakes his head in discomfort, looking up in fear to see Link pointing the sword at him.
"Celica!" Link calls out and Celica immediately orders her knights to apprehend the villager. As they move in, Link steps back and lowers the sword, relaxing from the situation and relieved that it's over.
"Clair!" Gray shouts as he runs over to Clair, holding her tightly. "Are you ok?"
"I will be." Clair answers, still shaking from the ordeal. "I should've been more careful, he just blindsided me."
"It's my fault; I shouldn't have left my sword lying around in the house." Gray retorts, bringing his hand up to Clair's hair and stroking it. "I thought he was really going to..."
"Gray..." Clair speaks in a comforting tone, wanting to ease Gray's fear. From the side, Link observes the pairs affection for each other and can't help but smile, though it begins to lower as he's reminded of...
"Link?" Gray addresses him, knocking Link out of his thoughts.
"Thanks." Gray extends his hand out to Link. "I owe you big time for this."
Link looks down at his hand before taking it. "You're welcome."
"Yes, the young man in green clothes shall receive his gratitude for his quick wits and sharp reflexes." Clair says in her usual mannerisms and superior expression.
Link's smile changes into one of confusion, however. "I...what?"
Clair's expression softens and she hugs Link. "I said thank you."
Though still shocked by this gesture, Link nevertheless accepts it gladly. However, the apprehended villager shouts in frustration.
"Why are you all thanking him?! It's because of him that those monsters came; The Duma Faithful won't stop until they have him!"
"Oh, you have got some nerve to think you can still talk!" Angered, Gray moves to confront the villager, though he is stopped by Link.
"Gray; he's finished. Let Celica take it from here."
"But, he-"
"I know. If I were in your place, I'd probably lose it too. But, he's just a villager, not one of the enemy. He only did this out of fear."
Taking this into account, Gray looks at Link and Clair before stepping back. "Fine."
"Now, you're listening to him...you're going to get us all killed, idiots!" The villager shouts once again as the soldiers restrain him.
"Silence!" Celica shouts in authority. "This is over; escort him to Zofia Castle. Notify Sir Lukas of what transpired in Mycen Village."
"Yes, Your Highness." One of the knights answers before he and another three escort the villager to the carriage. "Come on you; get moving."
With all that settled, Gray, Clair and the others move the rest of the villagers back inside to hopefully quell their fears of what was stated about Link. Sighing, Link goes over to pick up his equipment, but Celica had already beat him to it.
"Thanks." Link says as he takes the silver gauntlets from Celica's outstretched arms.
"You're welcome." Celica warmly states. "You know, that was a noble gesture of yours; stopping Gray from attacking that villager.
"I just didn't want to cause a greater uproar; he was just scared and thought that doing this would fix everything." Link answers, fastening the gauntlets before hanging the hookshot from his belt. "Besides, I don't think he really wanted to hurt Clair. Also, his form was bad."
"Heheh, well at least no one got hurt; that's the most important thing. Also, am I to assume that Impa taught you that move?"
"Yes she did." Link proudly states as he buckles the sword and shield onto his back before pulling out the wanted poster from his pocket. "Now, how many rupees are on this wanted poster?"
"Rupees?" Celica takes the poster from Link and stares In wide eyed shock. "Oh my."
"What is it?"
"I don't know about 'rupees', but this reward is for 100,000 silver and 100 gold marks. They're serious about getting their hands on you."
"Marks? Uh anyway, I take it that's quite a hefty sum for me. Isn't it?"
"That is certainly one way of putting it." Celica states, using a fire spell to burn the poster before crossing her arms. "What do you think we should do?"
Thinking it through, Link looks over to the crowd of villagers listening to Gray and the others over the recent events. "First off, I don't think we should spend another day in Mycen Village; this kind of thing could attract unwanted attention. Besides, I don't doubt that someone would want that reward."
"I agree." Celica states before looking sadly at Mycen Village. "I had hoped to stay one more day at my old home, but I can't let my friends and these people stand in harm's way. Very well, we will go."
"Alright then, we should say our goodbyes first and then-"
"Oh, wait a minute!" Celica exclaims in surprise, interrupting Link. "I almost forgot; Clair wanted to teach you how to mount a Pegasus. With one of those, reaching Fear Mountain should be much simpler. You've already ridden horses, this is the same basic concept; only this horse has wings."
"Ah, right." Link hits his palm in realization. "Would this take long though?"
"I'd say we should give it at least 40 minutes to get the basics down."
"Then, what are we waiting for?" Link says with a smile.
Moments later, after the commotion died down in Mycen Village, Clair and Link have taken the formers Pegasus to the front of Mycen's house, along with Celica and the others as the spectators.
"Alright then, welcome to Lady Clair's School of Pegasus Riding." Clair announces in her usual fashion. "Now then, I trust you're familiar with the basics of horse riding at the very least?"
"Yes." Link answers directly, wanting to be professional with Clair and the others. "I've ridden them since I was a boy. I've even fought will riding a horse."
"Hmm, then this should be easier to teach. Horses and Pegasi are mostly similar, though the latter requires a bit more training; a Pegasus is more than a simple mount. They are equal parts delicate and strong, just like yours truly."
"Do they also like long winded speeches too?" Tobin says under his breath while trying not to laugh, earning an elbow nudge from Kliff and Faye. "Seriously?"
"AS I WAS SAYING." Clair shouts in annoyance, having heard Tobin's remark. "The Pegasus demands your respect if you want its cooperation. That being said, show me how you approach mine as if she were a horse. Are you up to it?"
"Alright, I think I can handle it." Link answers in confidence.
"Good. Then allow me to introduce you to my Pegasus." Clair snaps her fingers and her Pegasus (a white horse like creature with feathered wings, blonde mane and tail, a dark blue saddle and a silver, helmet like apparatus on its head) trots over to them both. "Come and meet Odette."
Backing away, Clair joins the others to watch the scene unfold. Now alone, Link slowly approaches Odette, who sputters at him and flaps her wings in an almost threatening manner.
"Shh, easy girl." Link quietly tries to relax Odette, who is clearly not interested in anyone other than her rider. "You're ok; I'm not going to hurt you. Easy now..." Link slows his steps as he inches closer to Odette, who slowly lowers her wings while being alert of him.
"Do you think he'll be alright?" A concerned Celica asks, not taking her eyes off of the two.
"Odette is a might difficult when it comes to other people, but there shouldn't be any problems." Clair answers with her arms crossed.
"A 'might' difficult? She kicked me!" Gray moves to protest.
"Well, maybe if you didn't smack her hind and called her an 'old girl' then perhaps your posterior could've been spared." Clair retorts, much to the others amusement and Gray's sulking.
"Ooh, look at this." Faye points to Link so that the others witness what comes next.
"Ok, Clair said we'd be introducing each other; so I brought you a little something." Link slowly reaches into his belt pouch and pulls out an apple, much to Odette's curiosity. "That's right; your 'cousins' like these and I bet you do too." At this, Odette stretches out her neck and opens her mouth to receive the apple, only for Link to hastily take it back. "Ah ah ah, I moved in half of the way; if you want the apple, you come to me for the other half." Link states, much to Odette's annoyance. "Come on."
"Hmm, this is interesting; he's using food to coax her into cooperating with him. All the while not demanding outright that she obey him, rather giving an incentive that she trust him." Clair describes Link's methods, clearly fascinated by them.
"Question is; will she go for it?" Kliff adds.
Sure enough, Odette cautiously walks over to Link, stopping every so often to observe him. Finally, they are both standing in front of each other. "Very good; here you go, girl." Link happily holds the apple under Odette's mouth, who takes it after hesitating a moment. At that moment, Link begins petting the upper section of her snout and caressing the underside of it as well. "Yeah, you're not so bad, are you? You're just a big, strong girl." To his surprise and joy, Odette happily whinnies before rubbing her head on Link, who continues to caress her.
"Positive reinforcement for your mount as well, I am very impressed." Clair walks up, clapping her hands and smiling. "You really have done this before."
"The only wild one was a mare back home, now we've been buddies ever since." Link answers, remembering Epona fondly. "So, what's next?"
"Well, next comes actually riding the Pegasus. Take a look at Odette's saddle." Clair brings Link around so that he's beside Odette. "A Pegasus saddle is specially made to make sure the rider doesn't fall off when in flight. You see, the footholds grip onto your feet and there is a ring for a belt chain to keep you on it. This is also due to the fact that ascending to the sky involves the force of the wind on your face and that can throw you off if you're not properly secured. Any questions so far?"
"No, none. Except for the belt chain, I don't actually have one of those." Link adds.
"Not to worry; I came prepared." Clair walks over to Gray and pulls out a brown belt with a small chain dangling from it that was in a bag he was holding before going back to Link. "After we mentioned the idea of having a Pegasus take you to Fear Mountain, we decided to have a riding belt made for you. This is it."
Taking the belt from Clair, Link quickly puts it on. "Huh, perfect fit."
"I should hope so; getting your measurements was easy when you were asleep."
"Ah right, thank- what do you mean while I was asleep?"
"Tut tut, focus." Clair immediately dismisses Link's question. "Now then, the lady awaits your flight."
Ignoring the question as well, Link shakes his head and strokes Odette's mane before sitting on her saddle, the former of which knickers in acceptance. "Alright, I'm really doing this."
"That you are. Now, remember all that we talked about and use it. Show us all what you can do." Clair moves back to join the others, leaving Link and Odette to themselves.
Taking a deep breath, Link puts his feet into the footholds and hooks his chain to the saddle. "Ok, here we go..." With Link shouting and clicking his heels on both sides, Odette neighs proudly and gallops off, before spreading her wings and taking to the sky. "Whoa!" Link exclaims as he uses one hand to grab the reigns and the other to keep his hat from falling off before Odette keeps herself leveled in the sky, flying horizontally. Now relaxed, Link looks over the land, enraptured by everything that he can see. "Wow, this is something else. But, it feels a little...familiar." Link comments to himself, almost sure that this wasn't the first time he rode a winged creature in the sky. Before anything else, Odette brings them both down slightly before ascending again, only this time, Link was ready and ducked down with her. Wanting to see more, Link decides to direct Odette upwards and she complies; taking him up towards the clouds and allowing him to see far away, much to his excitement. Understanding that he has control of the reigns, Link directs Odette into flying lower and picking up speed; marveling at the speed she's capable of and hearing her neigh in glee. The flight culminates in the two flying over a lake several kilometers away; with Odette stroking the water with her hooves and Link pumping his fist in the air and shouting in triumph. Satisfied with this test run, Link and Odette fly back to Mycen Village, with the latter hovering above the corral before touching down on the ground. Dismounting, Link proudly caresses Odette's mane while everyone present cheers for the both of them.
"Amazing!" Faye exclaims, clapping in excitement.
"Heh, not half bad." Kliff congratulates Link with his arms crossed.
"I guess we were worried for nothing." Tobin comments while clapping.
"I'll...take notes." Gray quietly comments, though content that Link is able to properly ride a Pegasus.
"Link, you have surprised me." Celica proudly comments, observing Link caressing Odette's muzzle.
"Spectacular! Positively impressive!" Clair happily exclaims, clapping her hands while approaching the two. "I think I've seen all I need; you are more than capable of riding a Pegasus."
"You think so?" Link asks, pleased with himself.
"Most definitely. Now then, what comes next is your own Pegasus." Clair pulls out a folded up paper from her pocket. "Celica dear, come on over please."
At Clair's request, Celica walks over to the corral center and stands next to Link. "Yes?"
Clair unfolds the paper and shows it to them, revealed to be a map. "Alright, you see this area marked with the red circle? That is where we breed the Pegasi; just talk to the handler there and tell him that Clair and Gray sent you. Besides, you're going with Celica, there should be no reason for him to disbelieve you."
"Great, how far is this place exactly?" Link, looking at the map, inquires.
"It's about a five hour walk from here." Gray adds, walking up to the group. "It's about an hour left to midday, you should reach it before the afternoons end."
"That's perfect." Celica claps her hands contentedly. "Clair, Gray; thank you so much for helping us with this."
"Nah, I should be the one thanking you; I...better be more careful next time." Gray states with a repentant tone.
"It's alright Gray, that was just an accident. At least no one got hurt." Link comments in a consoling tone. "I know you won't let it happen again."
"Thanks." Gray smiles at Link's words.
"Well then, when do you two plan to leave?" Clair asks.
"I was thinking now." Link answers.
"Very well, and who will be accompanying you?" Link and Celica look at each other before looking back at a surprised Clair. "...Just the two of you?"
Outside the entrance to Mycen Village
After getting ready, Link and Celica leave the village with the villagers waving them goodbye (Celica's friends telling her to come back soon) and the soldiers saluting the pair as they walk off. Taking the map into consideration, the deviate from the main road and take a forest path to the left of it.
"You think you can manage this five hour walk?" Link asks to his partner.
"I've trudged through a swamp for almost half a day, this shouldn't be too much trouble." Celica retorts. "Besides, I know how to pass the time, if you don't mind."
"Mind what?"
"Well, there's a question I've had for a while now. But, I don't know if you would answer it."
"Oh don't worry so much; you told me something big yesterday. I think I can manage your questions." Link states, waving off Celica's apprehension.
"Really? Alright then..." Celica inhales deeply before asking her question. "Link, why do they call you the Hero of Time?"
Though initially shocked, Link decides to keep his word and smiles. "Alright, listen carefully; there is a lot to take in from that."
To be continued.
Author's Note: Alrighty, it's coming along now. I wanted to include more in this chapter, but I felt that doing so would affect its flow, so everything else will come in the next chapter. I had fun making the interactions in this chapter and felt that Link riding a Pegasus would be the next logical step, since he rode a Loftwing in a past life. Alright guys/girls, take care. :)
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